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Prerelease:Super Mario Sunshine/Pre-E3 2002

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This is a sub-page of Prerelease:Super Mario Sunshine.

Only one build seemingly was shown off during the nine months between Spaceworld 2001 and E3 2002. Since the skinny FLUDD model in addition to the unused sky from the Spaceworld 2001 trailer build and the Life Meter from the E3 2002 trailer build are both present, this suggests that this version is in between those two versions. There's no known footage of this build, existing only in screenshots and artist depections of what was seen in a private trailer.


NGC Magazine Issue 066 Coverage

A clip of Super Mario Sunshine was exclusively presented to Mark of NGC Magazine in February 2002 from Shigeru Miyamato. Mark drew some sketches based on what he saw in the trailer;

(NGC Issue 066 - April 2002: https://archive.org/details/NGC-066-2002-04/page/n15/mode/2up)


Bianco Hills

Bianco Hills had a vastly different level layout, graffiti texture, and graffiti map. Unlike Bianco Hills from the Spaceworld 2001 trailer, this iteration is somewhat similar to the E3 2002 and final version designs.

  • The palm trees had a thinner design.
  • The Piranhabons are not covered in goop, have black lips, and have mostly black variants of Petey Piranha's head petals.
  • The "bridge" or path to the Big Windmill is a 90 degree cliff.
  • The small Piranha Plants are not covered in goop and there seems to be washable goop on the water.
  • The Pokeys have white flowers and there are unused reddish-brown Pokeys. Interestingly, Super Mario Galaxy has a red Pokey that is mobile.
  • The small windmills are birdhouses with yellow and red turbines, and with pyramid bases.
  • The buildings have different designs and textures.
  • The square platforms have green leaves at the sides with four yellow beehive-like cones at the bottom.
Ricco Harbor

Ricco Harbor is very similar to the final build, save for a few key differences.

  • Gooper Blooper is bluish-grey and has yellow eyes. He is also on the girders rather on the helipad or in the marketplace.
  • There is some vertical grating near downtown's vertical lift crane. The crane's cargo lift is solid metal with no grating.
  • The red metallic grating structure next to the vertical lift crane except with a flipping panel and there is an early horizontal lift crane with a solid cargo lift.
  • The drydocks and warehouse seem to be not present, in addition to the crane cargo ship being positioned more forward than in the final.
  • The freight boxes where Gooper Blooper is hiding are in the spot where there is a construction site in the final game. It's possible this was an old location for the first fight.
  • The early graffiti texture and map is seen once again.
  • The main boat is oriented in another direction.