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Prerelease:Silent Hill: Shattered Memories

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This page details pre-release information and/or media for Silent Hill: Shattered Memories.

To do:
research about Comic Con 2009 event and Gametrailers.com footage

Despite of the weird development where the game concept was changed three times, the initial announcement in April 6, 2009 up to it final release in December 8, 2009 the game didn't change too much.

Pre-release Material and Leaks Timeline

April 2009

In the official announcement of the game, the initial game's logo was revealed, it lasted until August 10, 2009.

Initial Announcement Logo Final logo

Konami's Gamers Night

Konami's Gamers Night Previews

The only difference commented in all of the previews is in the IGN Preview where one paragraph says:

...Hold Z and he'll run. C button will cue a quick 180-turn...

In the final release, press C button doesn't perform this action, however it can be performed if player holds Z and then moves the analog stick from the Nunchuck backward.

Konami's Gamers Night Previews Screenshots

To do:
Get the missing screenshot, it requires to use a cam hack, but the only one available for the moment is for the PS2 version
First therapy session
Preview Final release (Wii) (Camhack) Final release (PS2) (Camhack)
Differences: table is different, a chunk of the floor (down the table) is partially wood while in the final Wii release the whole floor is ceramic (interestingly the PS2 and PSP versions still having this differences), the desk has many things among them there are early version of the images intended to be used in the last therapy session
Missing image
Inside of Theresa's
Preview Final release (Wii) Final release (PSP)
Differences: different poster although in PSP seems to be using an earlier version of the poster
Staff Room from Theresa's
Preview Final release (Wii) Final release (PSP)
Differences: wall's paint is different (although in PSP final release have the wall's paint from preview screenshot), markers are yellow instead of white, the button to return to the home screen of the phone is tagged as "Exit" while in final release is "Back", the saved pictures quantity has a dialogue that only can read "(no" instead of numbers, and the saved pictures icon is white instead of cyan
Leaving Diner 52
Preview Final release (Wii)
Difference: different camera angle
Preview Final release (Wii)
Differences: different road texture, a different car, Clear Picture open sign is in different position and a sign from Clear Picture was removed
Staff Room from Clear Picture
Preview Final release (Wii)
Difference: sticky note was moved
Meeting Cybil at Diner 52 (Sexy and Hard Ass variation)
Preview Final release (Wii)
Differences: three paints were changed and Cybil doesn't brings her arm

May 2009

Nintendo Power Issue 241

While some information and screenshots were leaked on April, the few differences can be notice are from screenshots that were not shown on the leak.

Preview Final release (Wii)
Differences: inconsistency between phone UI as in the in-game screenshot shows an early UI, however a render aside of the screenshot shows the phone with the final UI (without the stadistic icon), early map and the player pull out his phone on a section that is impossible to do it.
Staff Room from Clear Picture
Preview Final release (Wii)
Differences: different wall texture, different post it position and the TV aside shows an early graphic that can be better seen in one of the E3 2009 gameplays
Unknown cutscene, maybe could be Harry doing the call animation from a free angle
Difference: The screenshot shows an early version of Harry.

Pre-E3 2009 screenshots and teaser trailer

In May 28, 2009 a few screenshots and a teaser trailer named as "Lost in Snow" were released.

Pre-E3 Screenshots

Preview Final release (Wii)
Differences: miss-aligned UI, slightly different camera angle and the mini-trailer was fully closed
Inside of Diner 52, Cybil Hard/Proffesional and Kind variations
Preview Final release (Wii)
Differences: a different painting and the entrance door has stickers that are abscent in final release
First nightmare, Pool
Preview Final release (Wii)
Difference: missing exit sign texture over the door

Teaser trailer "Lost in Snow"

  • Lens-flares where more propense to appear and more intense than in final game
  • Different camera angles in the first cutscene
  • In both Diner 52 variations there is one painting different
  • Many buggy transition effects when the world is turning into nightmare world
  • An alternative early logo is shown at the end of the trailer
Initial Announcement Logo Alternative Final logo

June 2009

E3 2009

E3 Conference

During the conference the game was the penultimate to be presented, it was presented entirely by Sam Barlow (Game writter). First a new trailer, then Sam Barlow presents the game while showing more in-game footage and lastly it's shown an early version of the PSP version.

E3 Trailer

  • Differences during the first therapy session:
    • Glitched black door
    • Minibar objects are different
    • Objects over the desk from previous screenshots can be spotted
    • Two scenes can be seen for brief moments:
      • The scene where Harry wash his face at the The Balkan there is little bug in mirror's reflection, and the effect of cleaning the steam from the mirror does not match the position of the Harry's hand
      • The scene where Harry and Michelle brokes into the principal's there is a different camera angle, and oddly, the pointer can be seem in the right corner
  • The sky has a different color
  • A TV and the grating in the entrance of Clear Picture are different
  • In Diner 52, some objects from the walls are different in both "Sexy" and "Professional" variations
  • When hiding during the nightmare section the player still have the flashlight on while in final game it always turns off
  • For a brief moment, close to the end of the trailer, an untextured exit sign can be seen
  • Early Phone UI
  • When taking the Echo Photo in the playground neither the static or shape of the person can be seen, this is probably a bug
  • The new message promt is in the right while final game has it on the left

E3 Conference Gameplay

More differences can be spotted in the exclusive gameplays presented during E3 Conference.

  • The wrecking yard has a different texture which shows a road and many minor objects are absent
  • In the cutscene before the first nightmare sequence, the planks of wood and the dumpster switches places and the planks are replaced with a trash can
  • During the nightmare section when Harry crawl under a table, while not running and not being chased plays an cut animation
  • When Harry is being grab by an Rawshock while climbing and the player is unable to do the QTE on time the Rawshock jump off from him to then jump again over him
  • Early Phone's map
  • The hole in the pool is absent


  • Silent Hill's map and the calendary photo inside of the garage are different
  • A noticiable jitter occurs when Harry noves

E3 Gameplays

IGN released a three part gameplay of the E3 demo, in the video more differences can be spotted:

  • Music triggers or the music handler is buggy throughout the whole gameplay
  • Tutorial promts are different:
    • All of them misses the background static and they are a bit more down
    • The first one has a different image
    • In the second and third tutorial promts the phone in the images has a shining outlining
  • Different main menu and Psychological warning screen
    • The menu uses the song "A Father's Touch" from Silent Hill: Origins
  • The first therapy session contains many of the previously mentioned differences and now including an early track that can be found inside the game files.
  • The icons that indicate to move the head to say "Yes" or "No" during the first therapy sessions are different
  • Zooming do not position the camera over Harry's shoulder like final release
  • When opening the garage door the icon to move foward is a bit different and the indicator says "Open Door" while in final release is just "Open"
  • The map of Silent Hill, the photo of the calendar and the family photo (this last one only fully visible in a footage from a different event) inside the garage are different
    A screenshot from a video of the event "Konami's Gamer Night Brazil (2009)"
    • The final release PSP version has the early texture of the map
  • Harry's comment on the 911 advertisement is different, in the demo says "911. Nah! The phone's out." while in final release he says "911. The phone's out."
  • Both Clear Picture interior and staff's room are a bit different
    • The final release PSP version is similar to the early version
    • The televisions that can be seen on the grating on the entrance, one on the floor of interior and the one in the staff room that shows a photos of a marriage on the final release shows a blue screen with a letter saying "01" on the right corner
      • The texture can be found inside the files of the map from the PS2/PSP versions
E3 Demo Gameplay Screenshot 1 (Wii) E3 Demo Gameplay Screenshot 2 (Wii) Game texture (PS2)
SHSM-PS2-EN IT ES television02 PS2.png
  • The climbing animation seems a bit buggy
  • In the playground there is a sign of prohibited things to do in it, in final release it has the no drugs, alcohol and smoking it is marked, in this version is unmarked and the sign is a bit more up
  • In the playground the sign for a Dance School seems to be different
  • The door that goes from the playground to the street where Diner 52 and Good Old Days are has a graffiti that says "Dead Dog"
  • While meeting Cybil the position of the static camera that let the player freely look their environement it's a bit different
  • When Harry goes outside of the Diner 52 the cutscene has a few different angles, in one of them it focus on Harry looking at the map in his phone
  • The prompt that shows when receiving a message or a call is positioned in the right while final game is in the left, they don't fade in and out and the icon of the phone when receiving calls does not shake
  • Transition between first and third person camera is a bit buggy and when the player is listening a call or audio movement seems janky
  • The transition sound to the first nightmare world section is different
  • The transition animation from the alleyway cutscene to the first nightmare section is missing, instead after finishing the cutscene the game fade in to a black screen to then fade out and spawn the player in the first nightmare section
  • A bug ocurrs one the player is grab for third time in the nightmare section that causes Harry to grunts continuously throughout the rest of the section
  • Throwing object originally required only to move the nunchuck while in final release the player has to move both nunchuck and wiimote
  • Activating a light flare originally needed to move the nunchuck and press C, in the final release you only need to press C
  • The final scene of the demo uses a different song
  • The ending of the demo shows an image that says "To be continue..."

E3 Screenshots

Many screenshots were released during this period from both Wii and PSP versions, but the only four of them that showns differences, all of them from the PSP version.

Meeting Cybil at Diner 52 (Unknown variation)
Preview Final release (Proffesional and Kind) (PSP) Final release (Hard Ass variation) (PSP)
Differences: different Harry and Cybil models and while it is not clear which variation is, it appears to be the Proffesional and Kind due the Cybil's hair and the camera angle matching the same position, but in the early screenshot it uses the ambient lightling of the Hard ass variation.
Exiting Garage
Preview Final release (PSP)
Differences: different Harry model and the door is being open despited of being locked
Inside Diner 52 (Unknown variation)
Preview Final release (PSP)
Differences: absent minor details, the marker is yellow, more darker lighting, flashlight with soft shadow and different Harry model
First nightmare, hallway to the locker room
Preview Final release (PSP)
Differences: better quality textures, better baked lighting, better flashlight lighting and different Harry model

July 2009

July Screenshots

In July 31, 2009 Nintendo Everything released 8 screenshots, 2 of them having noticiable differences.[59]

Abandoned dock in the forest
Preview Final release (Wii)
Difference: the dead deer is underwater
Exiting Garage
Preview Final release (Wii)
Differences: the stadistic option is not available and the box is clipping the wall

August 2009

Pre-GamesCom Screenshots

In August 11, 2009 Nintendo Everything released 8 screenshots, 4 of them having noticiable differences.[64]

Meeting Cybil at Levin Street (Hard Ass variation)
Differences: different camera angle and Harry's wallet is clipping inside Cybil's hand
Cybil (Sexy and Hard Ass Variation) car drive section
Preview Final release (Wii)
Differences: car's frontal panel is different, slightly different camera position, the right window is open and the windshield is more opaque
Ranger Station
Preview Final release (Wii)
Differences: completely different map and missing text in phone's map
Water tower in the forest
Preview Final release (Wii)
Differences: the text in the right corner and originally we where going to be able to spin the objects by moving the nunchuck analog

GamesCom 2009

GamesCom Trailer

The only noticiable difference that cannot be seen on the E3 trailer is at the end of the trailer where the hanging person instead of relaying on himself is relaying on the wall, just like how he does in the PSP version.

GamesCom Gameplays

Most differences previously mention are no longer seen in the newest gameplays. Few differences are or very likely to be bugs.

Differences that can be spotted:

  • The variation seen in the games is the "Hard of hear in the Irish Pub"
    • TV audio is not implemented
    • A whiskey bottle behind the bartender is different
    • Another TV controler can be seen
  • The pool still not have the hole
  • The exit sings still untextured
  • When the player opens the phone while Harry is hurt the phone moves more and in case of moving it the hand could clip the camera
  • Early Phone UI
  • When the player hides inside a locker for it doesn't turn off the flashlight
    • This is odd as the trailer for the event shows new footage where the player hides inside a locker and it does turn off the flashlight
  • Almost at the end of one of the videos the game crashes just when finishing the demo
  • At the end of one of the videos a bug ocurrs during the cutscene where Harry is in front of the frozen Levin house, the player was still having an active light flare when the cutscene triggered showing Harry holding the light flare instead of the flashlight as it always does in the final game.

GamesCom Screenshots

In August 26, 2009 IGN released 8 screenshots, 2 of them having noticiable differences.

Outside of Worderland and The Brothel
Preview Final release (Wii)
Difference: differents cartels

Early PAL boxart

Initially spotted in an internal Konami magazine to then being seen in the game pre-orders for Europe went up, the box art was different, instead it shows Harry horrified and frozen face with a big shine in his eyeglass. This early boxart only lasted for a few months after getting replaced by the final one which is just a variation of the NTSC boxart.

Early Final

September 2009

Famitsu's Tokio Game Show Screenshots

At the end of september and thanks the Tokio Game Show Famitsu published a few screenshots of the game from both Wii and PSP versions, but Wii screenshots have nothing new unlike PSP which contain some minor differences.

Inside of Good Old Days
Preview Final release (Irish Pub) (PSP) Final release (Sport Bar) (PSP)
Differences: the Good Old Day bar used different ambient for the Hard of Heard in the Irish Pub instead using the ambient from the Sport Bar variations, the head of the bartender goes through her head and the bartender saves a bottle with from a different mark
Garage exit
Preview Final release (PSP)
Differences: different controler input prompt


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