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Prerelease:Rome: Total War

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This page details pre-release information and/or media for Rome: Total War.

E3 Differences

Ahh E3, one of the any Researchers Best Dream. Besides that, from Select your faction layout, to campaign layout, it would seem around there are HUGE differences during the late development.

GameStar Review

Remember when YT had a little indifferent face when a video went down? TCRF remembers.
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Thanks to this German Reviewer, GameStar, we can see most of the game's beta. Except the video is blurry, darn.

  • (0:18) Upon Entering the Imperial Campaign, players would be agreed on a small background description about the Imperial Campaign. Oh and there's an unused image during that.
  • (0:19) This one has a massive beta UI.

From Top to Bottom at left goes by.

    • The Name of the Faction.
    • The Ranks of that Faction(?)
    • Who is the current leader and its name.
    • What's the current Capital of that faction and its Capital Name.
    • How many Settlements the Faction have(?)
    • How many Family Members this Faction have.
    • How many Armies this Faction have.
    • How many Navies this Faction have.

From Top to Bottom at middle goes by.

    • Different Map Layout.
    • Name of that Faction, and highlighted as blue..?
    • The description of that Faction.

From Top to Bottom at right goes by.

    • Selecting your Faction.
    • Choosing your Campaign and Battle Difficulty.

Besides that, there are different campaign Symbols.

    • Originally players were able to play 21 Factions.
    • SPQR's Symbol is a chick, which can view if no units are at garrison from Rome.
    • Macedon had an extra line, making look like an A, Not Λ
    • Egypt had a curved edge on the bottom.
    • The Seleucid Empire had a bronzish background.
    • Pontus had a different color, it's light green, and white.
    • Unknown Faction at (x3,y4). Possibly the Illyrians?
    • Dacia had a different color, it's brown and white.
    • Numidia had a different color, it's darkish white, black.
    • Scythia had a different color, it's orangeish, black.
    • The Greek Cities had a different color, it's yellow, back.

One change in difficulty name:

    • Instead of Medium, it's called Normal.
  • (0:26) Unused Loading Screen.
  • (0:30) Here's another massive Beta. But since the Reviewer only chose House of Julii and not any other factions, there are differences to that.
    • You start with only one Army, the leader, and a spy.
    • All settlements, from all factions, starts with no garrisons.
    • Maps have different terrains.
    • Seems that only few Rebel settlements are there. Unlike in the final, it increased.
    • Different Ship Model.
    • Given a fort for Julii.

For the Campaign UI:

    • Bottom left: Many Icons such as Building and Army Building have moved to a different location.
    • Still uses the Old Campaign Layout.
    • Bottom Middle: Instead of Names, players were given symbols. Such a nice little feature.
    • Bottom Right: More Buttons at a different location.
    • Instead of Hourglass, it's Something.
  • (0:37) Different battle UI, special effects, and an unused building.
    • Unit Cards are WAY different, such example is the onagers.
    • Different Buttons at bottom right, most are seemed to be Group Formations. Otherwise different artwork on them.
    • Nowhere you can see that fire this big at an unused building.
  • (0:38) Different Swords and Bow and Arrow icons.
  • (0:40 - 0:44) Unused Transformation Camera Angle.
  • (0:49 - 0:59) Unused Running Animation(?)
  • (1:15) Different X cursor and different text layout.
  • (1:33 - 1:38) Again, unused transformation camera angle.
  • (1:39) House of Scriptii have different Unit Model, as well as a bit of different armor coloring.
  • (1:43) Different Firing Rocks.
  • (1:43 - 1:51) Wall Collapse was never that fast.
  • (1:58) Different Gates, Towers, and even Tops on walls. As well as a different Siege Tower Model with a different texture, and a different Battering Ram.

Music Differences

If close enough, some instruments and vocals can be heard playing, ranging from, different tones or notes.

  • TUBA playing at the lower tone, unlike in final, it's higher. (0:51)

  • Instead of vocals saying Bwah!! and continuing the sentences, they instead say Blah!!. And so, Blah keeps repeating, though the rhythm is the same. Nice Try CA. (0:27)