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Prerelease:Master of Orion (DOS)

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This page details pre-release information and/or media for Master of Orion (DOS).

Manual Screenshots

Ship Design Screen

Page 21 includes a screenshot of the Ship Design screen, showing several differences from the released version of the game.

Manual Final
Master of Orion (DOS) - Ship Design (Manual).jpg Master of Orion (DOS) - Ship Design.png
  • There are 3 slots for weapons rather than 4.
  • There are 2 slots for special devices rather than 3.
  • Titanium Armor on a large ship provides 80 HP rather than 100 HP.
  • Due to expanding the number of slots, there are no longer headings for Special Devices.

The tighter weapon and special device limitations are also present in the Star Lords prototype.

Fuel Ship

Page 24 has a screenshot of the Ship List showing a "Fuel Ship", a large ship equipped with "Refueling Tanks".

Master of Orion (DOS) - Ship List (Manual).png

This is a game mechanic used in the Star Lords prototype, where a large ship equipped with Refueling Tanks acts as a stepping stone to help other ships reach more distant stars on the map. The final game replaced the Refueling Tanks with Reserve Fuel Tanks, which apply to the ship with the device instead.

Other differencesː

  • There is a heading for the weapons list which is not present in the final game due to expanding the number of weapon slots.
  • The large ships have 50 HP, as is the case in the Star Lords prototype. The final ups this to 100 HP.