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This page details pre-release information and/or media for Futurama.


From April 2003, four months before the game's release.

  • The character models seen in the HUD only show the head, while the final game also includes the shoulders.
  • The life counter is very different and in a different position. This can be seen throughout the video.
  • Picking up money flashes on screen as opposed to telling the player how much they have.
  • Fry's gun for the sewer level is completely different and has a different icon from 1:24-1:32.
  • The sewer monster Fry attacks has a health meter at 1:29.
  • At 1:44, Leela's vitamin bottle health pickup is plain white with a V printed on it.
(Source: Aiden Slater)


On the back of the pal version cover, there are 2 screenshots 1 featuring Bender and the other fry both Fry and Bender have a counter for their designated collectibles which is not seen in the final game. Fry's maximum money on the subway level is 14 while there are 75 on the actual level and Bender has 37. in Fry's level, it also shows that there are 0 Nibblers while three actually appear. And Fry also uses an early or placeholder image for the shotgun.

An early screenshot of Fry in the Planet Express level depicts the following differences:

  • The game uses a more cel-shaded look.
  • The HUD icon for the money is a placeholder image consisting solely of the text "PH". This image can still be found in the files of the final game.
  • Nibbler does not appear in the HUD.
  • A Calculon poster can be seen in the background which isn't present in the final game.

Futurama prerelease1.png