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Prerelease:Frogger (Mac OS Classic)

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This page details pre-release information and/or media for Frogger (Mac OS Classic).

Macworld, September 1984

Prerelease Final
Frogger (Mac OS Classic) - Macworld 8409 (Pre).png Frogger (Mac OS Classic) - Macworld 8409 (Final).png

Sierra provided this image to Macworld for a feature on current and upcoming games. It's definitely a mockup, and the giveaway isn't that the sets of turtles and vehicles are misaligned, or that the frog homes are haphazardly sized and spaced - it's that the resolution is significantly larger than any 1984 Macintosh's screen. Rather than being 512 pixels wide, it's 576 - the entire width of a MacPaint document.

Strange as it seems, comparison of the preview to the finished game suggests that the graphics were designed without any consideration of screen real estate (including the need for a status bar at the bottom), then crowbarred into a smaller scale, producing artifacts like irregular bricks and asymmetrical car hoods. Other notable alterations include a slimmer and more detailed race car, a much shorter bulldozer, and horizontally- rather than vertically-extended ripples.

In a non-size-related change, the logo on one of the trucks was originally the Sierra mountain instead of a flower.