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Prerelease:Dynamite Headdy (Genesis)

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...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.

This page details prerelease information and/or media for Dynamite Headdy (Genesis).

To do:
Magazine Source There's probably a bit more to document about this one, and after that it's best to try and search for other magazines.

Beep! Megadrive (March 1994)

Title Screen

Prerelease April 1994 Proto Final (Japan)
DHMarchProtoTitleScreen.jpg Dynamiteheaddybetatitle.png Dynamiteheaddytitlescreen.png

Very similar to the April proto, with the minor difference of the "Treasure" text being a shade of blue instead of grey.

Escape Hero

Prerelease Final (Japan)
DHMarchProtoEscapeHero.jpg DHJPFinalEscapeHero.png
  • The running puppets are blue. They were likely changed to pink due to blending in with the wave background.
  • The health meter is slightly different even compared to April proto as it appears to lack a black outline for some parts of it and the top part was redrawn slightly for the April proto.

Unincorporated Information