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Prerelease:Deus Ex: Invisible War (Windows)

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This page details pre-release information and/or media for Deus Ex: Invisible War (Windows).

The sequel to the hit 2000 classic, Deus Ex: Invisible War released in 2003 and was considered to be a major disappointment compared to the original.

HUD Designs

Multiple designs of the HUD were seen during development screenshots. The following designs are shown in an order that may not be chronological.

Design 1

Possibly the first design shown at e3.

Design 2

A hexagonal design that was shown in many pre-release screenshots. The pips under the health screen possibly represented bio-energy.

Design 3

Unknown. Likely the stepping stone from the Deus Ex 1 kind of design to Invisible War's more circular one. One magazine mentioned this was animated.

Design 4

Stepping stone between the new UI design with the old augmentation icons.

Design 5

Close to the final design, the running figure likely showed regional damage.

Design 6

Almost the final design. Unknown what the long red bar on the right was for, potentially object health. Regional damage is removed at this point.

The Greasel Pit Bar

Early screenshots show The Greasel Pit Bar to be called The Gravel (Pit Bar)? The area was also more detailed and open before being cut back and redesigned for the final release, splitting up the areas with broken walls to act as doorways.

Design 1 Final
DeusExInvisibleWar-GravelPit1.png DeusExInvisibleWar-GravelPit2.png DeusExInvisibleWar-GreaselPitFinal.png
💀 The Gravel (Pit?) The final design.

Cut Enemies

Aquatic Repair Bot

Mentioned in the sound files as "aquatic_bot_repair". No other information is known. It was likely cut from the game due to the lack of water.

Aquatic Security Bot

Aquatic Bot concept art

The aquatic security bot was a very large squid-like security bot. It was likely cut from the game due to the lack of water.

Baby Greasels

Baby greasels were planned to appear but were never featured. The file for the greasel model has the "_Adult" suffix, but a baby version no longer exists. Dialogue for NPCs fighting baby greasels exists in the SchemaMetafile_HardDrive.csc file.

Baby Karkians

Baby karkians were planned to return from the original Deus Ex, but were never featured. Dialogue for NPCs fighting baby karkians exists in the SchemaMetafile_HardDrive.csc file.


Coelacanth concept art

Coeladon are cut fish enemies that would attack the player. They were likely cut along with the aquatic security bot due to the lack of water.


Ruck concept art

The RUCK is an augmented baboon enemy. The RUCK is likely based on the cut nano-augmented mandrill enemy from the first game.

The RUCK is mentioned in the in-game book 'Joan's book of Military Transgenics':

One of the latest developments in military transgenic application, the RUCK has shown great promise in experimental implementation and military testing.

The original head of the problem attempted to use Orangutans as the base unit, but results from the passive ape were disastrous. A new staff of researchers applied a biomodified strain of Papio ursinus, or baboon. The beast has shown tremendous utility as a military unit. It responds well to brutal leadership, works well in a pack, and is a vicious combatant.

The RUCK is about 80 kg unequipped, and is usually armed with a set of varied proxmines. The unit can maneuver in almost total darkness and is equipped to be undetectable to most sensors and listening devices. Its decision making ability is weaker than most field grade AIs, but the affordability of the unit offsets its weakness.

Commanders of units to be deployed with RUCKs are encouraged to issue boltcasters to all personnel. Tranquilizing is often needed prior to transport, and there is a slim chance that the unit could become hostile to allied troops.


Sentinel concept art

Sentinels are mechanically augmented dogs, with their physical and mental abilities having been modified robotically and cybernetically, creating a kind of canine-robot hybrid. Despite mechanical augmentation no longer being used on humans by 2072, it was planned to be used on dogs. Dialogue for NPCs fighting sentinels exists in the SchemaMetafile_HardDrive.csc file.

Old Augmentation Icons


As seen in some older screenshots around the e3 era, some placeholder icons for each location were used for the hexagon style of HUD. Some of these survived in the Xbox files but some like the muscle and light icons didn't.

Aug_Cranial Aug_Eye Aug_Jump_on Aug_Leg Aug_Lung Aug_Skeletal
DeusEx-InvisibleWar-Xbox-PreReleaseAug-Cranial.png DeusEx-InvisibleWar-Xbox-PreReleaseAug-Eye.png DeusEx-InvisibleWar-Xbox-PreReleaseAug-Jump.png DeusEx-InvisibleWar-Xbox-PreReleaseAug-Leg.png DeusEx-InvisibleWar-Xbox-PreReleaseAug-Lung.png DeusEx-InvisibleWar-Xbox-PreReleaseAug-Skeletal.png

A video, dated July 21st, 2003 by a French redub, shows some placeholder augmentation icons from 3:55 to 4:10. Some of these icons survived in the Xbox version's files, including some cut augmentations, but many were replaced with the final textures.

A gallery showing old designs for augmentations:

Example Map - "Poopshow"

A level in the editor that was sometimes featured in magazines about development.

E3 2002

Footage from E3 2002.