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Prerelease:Castlevania: Bloodlines

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This page details pre-release information and/or media for Castlevania: Bloodlines.

CES 1993

Player One

A preview screenshot found in French magazine Player One #033, part of their cover of the 1993 CES.

PlayerOne 033 summer1993 Bloodlinesscreenshot.png

  • The area is unknown, a lot of graphic pieces are not present in any known version.
  • The Bonehead enemy looks completely different than in the final version. It also has three heads, in the final version the max is two.


A preview found in French magazine Joypad #022, summer 1993, Castlevania Bloodlines preview, part of their cover of the 1993 CES.

Joypad 022 summer1993 CastlevaniaBloodlines.png

  • Another screenshot of the same area as above, from the same build. Probably an early version of the stage 1 castle, as the stage number on the HUD indicates.
Magazine Translation
Owners of the Megadrive can rejoice with the upcoming release of the mythical Castlevania series (6 episodes on NES, Game Goy and SFC!). Especially considering this one isn't a remake of an older episode in the series, but a new game developed specifically for the Megadrive. However, mechanics remain the same: armed with his whip, Simon is faced against ghouls and zombies in order to vainquish his old enemy the count Dracula. November release.


GamefanCVBloodlines0.png GamefanCVBloodlines1.png

Two screenshots from Gamefan Volume 1 Issue 09, August 1993, as part of their CES cover.
From the same build as the Joypad and Player One previews, this one shows screenshots of an early version of stage 1-3.

Consoles +

Consoles+ 22 Castlevania Bloodlines CES preview.jpg

A screenshot from magazine Console +, issue # 22 summer 1993. Part of their CES coverage. The text only consists of educated guesses as to how the game will be.


Video preview from a French TV channel, showing the early stage 1 design.

Voice Over Translation
Recently Konami has put itself on the Megadrive, after the incredible Tiny Toons they continue with an adaptation of Castlevania on the 16-bit of Sega. Surprising considering the ''Nintendo Image'' that sticks to this game, though sadly this version is far from rivaling with the ones on NES and Super NES.

MEGA Force

MEGA Force 019 - Page 034-035 (1993-07-08) - Castlevania Bloodlines.jpg

From magazine Mega Force, issue # 19 summer 1993. Part of their CES coverage, the screenshot shows the same area as the start of the above Televisator2 video. As usual, the text is made of educated guesses and calls the protagonist Simon Belmont.


Electronic Gaming Monthly Issue 052 November 1993 page 240.jpg Electronic Gaming Monthly Issue 052 November 1993 page 241.jpg
A preview from Electronic Gaming Monthly #052, November 1993. It seems very close to the v0.1 prototype, if not the same version.

CVBloodlines Intro egm 052 1993-11 240.jpg
An earlier version of the intro story screen with different coloring.

The mid boss of stage 1 is the same version as seen in the v0.1 prototype.

Mean Machines Sega

MMSega 14 Dec 1993 0135.png

A preview from Mean Machines Sega #014, December 1993. Again, it seems to be the same version as seen in the v0.1 prototype.

MMSega 18 Apr 1994 0115.png
An ad from magazine Mean Machines Sega #018 and #019. Several screenshots differ from the final version.

Electronic Gaming Monthly 057 - 003.jpg
An ad of the game, found in Electronic Gaming Monthly #057.