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Powermonger (Genesis)

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Title Screen


Developer: Sprytes
Publishers: Electronic Arts Victor (JP), Electronic Arts (US/EU)
Platform: Genesis
Released in JP: June 18, 1993
Released in US: 1993
Released in EU: 1993

DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

Debug Display


This unreferenced display shows build information and several game state variables.

The password SHOW VERSION INFORMATION should display this in-game. Each password is stored along with a handler function address, which is executed when the password is activated. However, the handler corresponding to this password is a no-op, since it points to a rts instruction:

000654e4    4e 75           rts
; ...
000a4708    00 06 54 e4     addr       FUN_000653ee::handler_show_version_info
000a470c    53 48 4f        ds         "SHOW VERSION INFORMATION"
            57 20 56
            45 52 53

The function that loads the display is still present at address 0006D0E8. We can force it to be loaded by replacing the address operand of calls to the function that loads the in-game status text (i.e. "[...] is in camp and fit with [...]"). Use one of the following codes:

Game Genie Patch

If the above patch is applied directly to the ROM, then a checksum comparison must also be bypassed:
