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Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid

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Title Screen

Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid

Developer: nWay
Publisher: nWay
Platforms: Windows, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Google Stadia
Released internationally: March 26, 2019 (XB1/Switch), September 24, 2019 (Windows), June 20, 2020 (Stadia)
Released in US: April 2, 2019 (PS4)
Released in EU: April 3, 2019 (PS4)
Released in AU: April 3, 2019 (PS4)

AnimationsIcon.png This game has unused animations.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.

A tag-team fighter based on a line of comics, based on a TV show, based on another TV show. With Street Fighter characters.

To do:
  • Document revisional differences, as the game had received them over the years.
  • The PC version has a folder named "BattleForTheGrid_BackUpThisFolder_ButDontShipItWithYourGame", which seems to be an uncompiled version of the game's source code. This needs investigating.

Unused Animations


An early version of the animation for Lauren's "Samurai Dash" special attack. The temporary animation is much shorter and simpler than the final animation.

Temp Final


The first part of Ryu's "EX Shoryuken" animation. The final animation reaches noticeably higher than the temporary one.

Temp Final


Chun-Li has her upper body askew as she akwardly flaps her arms.

Unused Graphics


PRBFTG title image temp.png