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Title Screen


Also known as: Going Postal (EU), Super POSTAL (JP), Going Over The Edge (DE/NL)
Developer: Running With Scissors
Publishers: Ripcord Games (Orig. Retail), MicroMouse (JP), Whiptail Interactive (UK), Take-Two Interactive (DE/NL), Running With Scissors (Digital)
Platforms: Windows, Mac OS Classic, Mac OS X, Linux, Android
Released internationally: 2002 (Classic and Uncut), 2009 (GoodOld Games), 2013 (Steam), 2015 (Android)
Released in JP: 1997
Released in US: November 14, 1997, 1998 (Special Delivery)

AnimationsIcon.png This game has unused animations.
AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ItemsIcon.png This game has unused items.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.
PiracyIcon.png This game has anti-piracy features.

The Earth is hungry. Its heart throbs and demands cleansing. The Earth is also thirsty. Thirsty for TCRF articles.

This game was made open-source at the end of 2016, and was made free (except for the Android port) at the end of 2019. This source code allows other people to make custom ports and mods of the game, including a port to the Dreamcast in 2022.

To do:
  • Check the animation files since there are unused animations.
  • Document the early Postal demo.
  • Document the prerelease videos and stuff.
  • Document the source code release since the game files and source code mentions a remote mine.
  • Everything else.

Unused Weapons

These weapons are hidden in the source code, and function when coded back into the game.

Death Wad

By using the DAWHOLEENCHILADA cheat, the Postal Dude will highlight every weapon in the inventory. When shooting, he will shoot a rocket that penetrates and burns through NPCs for a while before exploding. This costs 5 grenades, 2 normal rockets, 1 napalm canister, and 20 fuel.

Remote Mine

There is no cheat code for this particular mine. It was going to be a mine that can be detonated at any time by pressing a certain key.

Unused Animations

Postal Dude

The Postal Dude has animations of him jumping and falling while standing or walking. A feature removed from the final release. He also has animations of him "taunting" and picking up an item from the ground. The latter still works in the final release when coded in.

Test Level

Please elaborate.
Having more detail is always a good thing.
Specifically: Where is this located and what is the level called?

There's a test level that can only be accessed in the level editor. It seems to be a level for testing out background of the level there is also some collisions.

Demo Leftovers





Regional Differences

Released later in 1997, Super POSTAL (also known as POSTAL Power-Up Kit) was a Japanese-localized version of the game with the following changes:

  • All character voices were re-dubbed in Japanese.
  • All blood was removed.
  • The final "level" (the Elementary School cutscene) was removed.
  • Two new levels, Tokyo and Osaka, were added.

The Japanese dub and the exclusive levels were later added in the 20th Anniversary Community Update.

The game was also censored in Germany and Netherlands in the same year with the following changes:

  • You cannot execute anyone in-game, though the controls settings still mention the ability to.
  • The "Parade of Disasters", the most infamous/iconic level, lacks the parade.
  • The Elementary School cutscene was also removed like in the Japanese version.

After a while, RWS released the violence patch that restores the three censored features. It was also rereleased on GOG, referred to as the "Classic and Uncut" version, being completely uncensored.


In the initial release, if the game detects that it's running without the CD inserted, everyone, including the Postal Dude, is set on fire after a while.