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Pokémon RBGY

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Pokémon RBGY can refer to:

  • Pokémon Red and Green (the original, Japan-only versions).
  • Pokémon Blue (a Japan-only updated version of Red and Green)
  • Pokémon Red and Blue (localizations of Red and Green, using the Japanese Blue engine).
  • Pokémon Yellow (a version with elements from the anime, such as Pikachu following you around).

This acronym refers to the first generation of main-line Pokémon games.

The games originally came out in Japan as Red and Green, with an updated version known as Blue coming later with improved graphics, changes to the selection of Pokémon available in the wild, and different in-game trades. When the games were brought over to the west, they were localized as Red and Blue, using the Japanese Blue engine but with its gameplay changes (such as a Kadabra for Graveler trade) reverted to match the original Red and Green, in this case accidentally spawning the infamous translation quirk "Your RAICHU went and evolved!"

Yellow is a special version which, much like Japanese Blue, features different graphics, wild Pokémon, and trades. What makes this version particularly special is that it incorporates certain elements of the Pokémon anime, such as the player's starter being a Pikachu which follows you in the overworld, said Pikachu using its anime voice, and that the anime's Team Rocket trio can be battled at points throughout the game.