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Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time & Darkness/Unused Dungeons

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This is a sub-page of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time & Darkness.

This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.

There's quite a few unused dungeons in these games, from debugging dungeons, to unused concepts, to seemingly garbage data. There are 140 unused dungeons in total, meaning that they actually outnumber the used dungeons! Most of these dungeons can be found using an "Unlock All Dungeons" Action Replay Code (for US versions, Darkness only):

C0000000 00000007
122A261A 0000FFFF
DC000000 00000002
D2000000 00000000

The code makes your dungeon list pretty messy, so be sure to avoid saving with this code on unless you want your list to look like that for all eternity.

Test Dungeon


With an ID of 0x00, Test Dungeon is the very first dungeon in the game's list, even going before Beach Cave. it's actually a really pretty place, made of blue boxes with yellow running down them, all computer-like. It has a lot of similarities with Beach Cave, with the same room generation (though it's still semi-random), the same number of floors, and the same item spawns. It has 4 floors and a roster of high-leveled Pidgey, Sunkern, Wurmple, and Chimchar. Notably, this is the same roster used in Rescue Team's Tiny Woods, except the latter was originally Exeggcute. When you complete the dungeon, it sends you back out into the Crossroads.

Despite being fully unused, it's a fully functional and stable dungeon, so this was likely used for testing throughout the game's development. It would have been nice if they had left it in, for testing your own stuff in dungeons and... stuff, but sadly no. Did I mention it also looks very nice?

Deep Concealed Ruins


A strange dungeon, this one takes up ID 0x47 in the game's list. While Concealed Ruins is a used dungeon, there's an unused second section to it that seems to have been unfortunately cleared out. You can access it by going to the second "Concealed Ruins" in the dungeon list, and it takes you to a copy of the Test Dungeon with only one floor and no items other than Poke (the game's currency). When you complete it, it sends you into the Crossroads.

The existence of this dungeon could mean that Concealed Ruins was meant to be much bigger, or have a greater plot importance.

Dummy Dungeons

To do:
Document Dummy dungeons in Explorers of Time. They are very different from the dungeons in Explorers of Darkness.

Time and Darkness have 23 'Dummy' Dungeons from indexes 0x67 to 0x7D, most of which can be accessed through the above code. All but two of these dungeons have 50 floors, and they range from fully functional to wildly unstable. These dungeons are completely different between Time and Darkness, so much so that they need to be split into different sub-pages.

Dummy Dungeons in Explorers of Time
Dummy Dungeons in Explorers of Darkness
I hope you like Apple Woods!

Dojo Dungeons

Dojo Dungeons
That's a LOT of Dojos...

Other Dungeons

Other Dungeons
They had to fill these extra slots somehow, I guess.