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Pokémon Gold and Silver/Version Differences

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This is a sub-page of Pokémon Gold and Silver/Version Differences.

Revisional Differences

Introduction Cutscene

The screen which precedes the opening cutscene had its copyright dates updated, with the company names readjusted appropriately.

Japan International Korea
PokémonGS JP Copyright Screen.png PokémonGS US Copyright Screen.png PokémonGS KO Copyright Screen.png

Title Screen

The title screen had its logo changed to the international equivalent, with the Korean versions instead using a logo which is much closer to the original Japanese one. The copyright dates were updated accordingly for all three main releases.

Japan International Korea
Pokegs-title-japan.png Pokegs-title.png Pokegs-title-korea.png

Super Game Boy Borders

The SGB borders unsurprisingly had their title changed from "POCKET MONSTERS" to "POKéMON", and the "M" tile was widened by one pixel. The Korean versions lack an SGB border, due to them only being playable in GBC mode. However, if modified to run in SGB mode, it is revealed that they simply reuse the International border.

Japan International
PokémonGS JP SGB Border.png PokémonGS US SGB Border.png

Name Entry Screen

Every one of these versions has a peculiar difference compared to the other versions:

  • The Japanese version writes the name one tile higher and one tile more to the right.
  • The international versions allow up to seven characters to be entered.
  • The Korean version does not have an option to change the character set, unlike the Japanese and international versions, due to the fact that Korea uses a single set of characters for its writing system, Hangul, whereas written Japanese uses several character sets and English uses two variations of one alphabet.
Japan International Korea
PGS-J-name.png PGS-E-name.png PGS-K-name.png


As per the layout of the dex entries themselves, the International versions added the "Page" option, which lets you view both half of the entries, something which was added due to three lines of text not being enough for the localized entries. The Pokémon's stats are also displayed using the imperial system, as opposed to the Japanese and Korean versions' metric system. As for the Korean versions, the "Print" option was simply removed, otherwise being identical to the Japanese versions.

Japan International Korea
PokémonGS JP Pokédex Screen.png PokémonGS US Pokédex Screen.png PokémonGS KO Pokédex Screen.png
PokémonGS JP Entry Screen.png PokémonGS US Entry Screen.png PokémonGS KO Entry Screen.png

Region Map

The international versions tweaked the region's map slightly by actually making the gray border go all the way around it in both the Town Map and Pokégear, which also caused the header text to be shifted upwards. This was done as to leave more space for the longer localized area names. A similar layout change was also done to the Pokédex area screen.

Japanese/Korean International
PokémonGS JP World Map.png PokémonGS US World Map.png
PokémonGS JP Pokégear Map.png PokémonGS US Pokégear Map.png
PokémonGS JP Pokédex Map.png PokémonGS US Pokédex Map.png

Battle Interface

The changes done to the battle screen are the same ones from Generation I, most notably the "PACK" and "PKMN" options having switched place.

Japanese/Korean International
PokémonGS JP Battle Screen1.png PokémonGS US Battle Screen1.png
PokémonGS JP Battle Screen2.png PokémonGS US Battle Screen2.png

Menu Options

Once again, the options which can be accessed in the overworld were changed, just like in Gen I. New here is the Bag interface, where the banner on top is twice as thin in the International versions, with the window on the left side of the screen also taking up less space.

Japanese/Korean International
PokémonGS JP Menu Screen OW.png PokémonGS US Menu Screen OW.png
PokémonGS JP Pokémon Screen.png PokémonGS US Pokémon Screen.png
PokémonGS JP Move Screen.png PokémonGS US Move Screen.png
PokémonGS JP Bag Interface.png PokémonGS US Bag Interface.png
PokémonGS JP Save Screen.png PokémonGS US Save Screen.png

Summary Screen

In the Japanese and Korean versions, the summary screens are aligned vertically, but in the international releases they were reverted to the horizontally aligned screens of Gen I.

Japan International Korea
PokemonGold-Japan Pokemon summary.png PokemonGold-Intl Pokemon summary.png PokemonGold-Korea Pokemon summary.png
Kin Pokemon summary2.png Gold Pokemon summary2.png Geum Pokemon summary2.png
Kin Pokemon summary3.png Gold Pokemon summary3.png Geum Pokemon summary3.png

Trainer Card

In the Japanese and Korean versions, each Gym Leader portrait features the name of the corresponding character above it. Moreover, atop the badge case is a header title, which literally translates to "Leader Badge". The international version, meanwhile, removed the names above the portraits due to a lack of space, and the atop the badge case is a much simpler "BADGES", using a custom font.

Japanese/Korean International
PokémonGS JP Trainer Card.png PokémonGS US Trainer Card.png

Trading Sequence

In the Japanese versions and Korean, the Pokémon trading screen is vertically aligned. Meanwhile, in the international releases, due to the lack of space, it is horizontally aligned. During the actual trade animation, the initial window was made wider, as to allow for the longer Pokémon/Player names.

Japan International Korea
Pokemon-GS-Final-TradingScreen-GBC.png Pokemon-GS-TradeScreen-USA.png Pokemon-GS-TradeScreen-KOR.png
PokémonGS JP Trade Initial.png PokémonGS US Trade Initial.png PokémonGS KO Trade Initial.png

PC Boxes

The amount of PC boxes in the Pokémon Storage System was changed from 9 to 14 in the localizations (including the Korean one, which is based on the localized ROM) due to the maximum number of Pokémon per box being decreased from 30 to 20. The Japanese text box frames here are also positioned one pixel higher than those in the other versions.

Japan International Korea
PGS-J-box.png PGS-E-box.png PGS-K-box.png

Storage System Layout

In the Japanese and Korean versions, the Pokémon in the Pokémon Storage System's layout is enclosed in a text box frame and the Pokémon list appears in the background. In the other localizations, there is no frame surrounding the Pokémon, but the Pokémon list appears in a text box frame.

Japan International Korea
PGS-J-deposit.png PGS-E-deposit.png PGS-K-deposit.png

Overworld Tileset

In the Japanese and Korean versions, the Pokémon Centers signs in Johto have a Poké Ball drawing with the letters "PC" next to it. In the localizations, the sign was changed back to the one used in the Generation I games, due to "PC" being more commonly used in the west as an abbreviation of "personal computer".

Japanese/Korean English French/Spanish German/Italian
PGS-JK-sign.png PGS-E-sign.png PGS-FrEs-sign.png PGS-GrIt-sign.png

The Gym sign was also changed between localization, with the Italian version having it changed to "Gim" (lifted from the Italian Generation I games), and the French and German versions being changed to "Arn." (with this one actually being redrawn from the respective localized Gen I games).

French/German Spanish/Italian
PokémonGS TileGym.png PokémonGS TileArn.png PokémonGS TileGim.png

Trainer Sprites

Graphical changes were made to a small handful of Trainer sprite due to Nintendo's censorship policies. None of these changes apply to the Korean versions.

Trainer Class Original Sprite Localized Sprite Notes
Beauty Pokemon Gold and Silver (J) Beauty.png Pokemon Gold and Silver (U) Beauty.png Beauties have longer skirts, and no longer wink.
Sage Pokemon Gold and Silver (J) Sage.png Pokemon Gold and Silver (U) Sage.png Sages now cross their arms, rather than praying.
Medium Pokemon Gold and Silver (J) Medium.png Pokemon Gold and Silver (U) Medium.png Mediums no longer carry beads.
Swimmer♀ Pokemon Gold and Silver (J) Swimmer F.png Pokemon Gold and Silver (U) Swimmer F.png Female Swimmers no longer wink.
Fisher Pokemon Gold and Silver (J) Fisher.png Pokemon Gold and Silver (U) Fisher.png Fishers no longer smoke.

Pokémon Sprites

Most of the sprite changes listed below (e.g. Lanturn, Slowpoke, Feraligatr) were done to make the Pokémon's sprite more accurate to its official artwork; others were just minor touch-ups (Pichu, Sneasel, Girafarig). All these changes were taken into account for the Japanese and Western Crystal as well, although with new sprites in most cases.

Jynx's skin color was changed from black to purple outside of Japan as a result of public backlash following the publication of an article by African-American scholar Carol Boston Weatherford that drew comparisons between Jynx's appearance and blackface. Due to consequent palette issues, the change in hue of Jynx's skin also necessitated the bleaching of her hair and the changing of her dress from red and gold to magenta and white. From Generation III onwards, all games, both in and outside Japan, would depict Jynx with purple skin, though her hair and dress reverted to their original colours.

In the Japanese Virtual Console releases, Jynx's sprites were updated to match the localizations.

Gold (Old front) Gold (New front) Silver (Old front) Silver (New front) Back sprite (Old) Back sprite (New)
Lanturn Pokemon Gold (J) Lanturn.png Pokemon Gold (U) Lanturn.png Pokemon Silver (J) Lanturn.png Pokemon Silver (U) Lanturn.png Pokemon Gold and Silver (J) Lanturn back.png Pokemon Gold and Silver (U) Lanturn back.png
Pichu Pokemon Gold (J) Pichu.png Pokemon Gold (U) Pichu.png Pokemon Silver (J) Pichu.png Pokemon Silver (U) Pichu.png Pokemon Gold and Silver (J) Pichu back.png Pokemon Gold and Silver (U) Pichu back.png
Sneasel Pokemon Gold (J) Sneasel.png Pokemon Silver (U) Sneasel.png Pokemon Gold (J) Sneasel.png Pokemon Silver (U) Sneasel.png Pokemon Gold and Silver (J) Sneasel back.png Pokemon Gold and Silver (U) Sneasel back.png
Jynx Pokemon Gold (J) (SGB, GBC) Jynx.png Pokemon Gold Jynx edit front.png Pokemon Silver (J) (SGB, GBC) Jynx.png Pokemon Silver Jynx edit front.png Pokemon GSC (J) (SGB, GBC) Jynx back.png Pokemon GSC Jynx edit back.png
Feraligatr Pokemon Gold (J) Feraligatr.png Pokemon Gold (U) Feraligatr.png Pokemon Silver (J) Feraligatr.png Pokemon Silver (U) Feraligatr.png / /
Aipom Pokemon Gold (J) Aipom.png Pokemon Gold (U) Aipom.png Pokemon Silver (J) Aipom.png Pokemon Silver (U) Aipom.png / /
Stantler Pokemon Gold (J) Stantler.png Pokemon Gold (U) Stantler.png Pokemon Silver (J) Stantler.png Pokemon Silver (U) Stantler.png / /
Slowpoke / / Pokemon Silver (J) Slowpoke.png Pokemon Silver (U) Slowpoke.png / /
Teddiursa / / Pokemon Silver (J) Teddiursa.png Pokemon Silver (U) Teddiursa.png / /
Donphan / / Pokemon Silver (J) Donphan.png Pokemon Silver (U) Donphan.png / /
Blissey / / Pokemon Silver (J) Blissey.png Pokemon Silver (U) Blissey.png / /
Pinsir / / / / Pokemon Gold and Silver (J) Pinsir back.png Pokemon Gold and Silver (U) Pinsir back.png
Flaaffy / / / / Pokemon Gold and Silver (J) Flaaffy back.png Pokemon Gold and Silver (U) Flaaffy back.png
Sunkern / / / / Pokemon Gold and Silver (J) Sunkern back.png Pokemon Gold and Silver (U) Sunkern back.png
Wooper / / / / Pokemon Gold and Silver (J) Wooper back.png Pokemon Gold and Silver (U) Wooper back.png
Girafarig / / / / Pokemon Gold and Silver (J) Girafarig back.png Pokemon Gold and Silver (U) Girafarig back.png
Qwilfish / / / / Pokemon Gold and Silver (J) Qwilfish back.png Pokemon Gold and Silver (U) Qwilfish back.png
Slugma / / / / Pokemon Gold and Silver (J) Slugma back.png Pokemon Gold and Silver (U) Slugma.png
Politoed / / / / Pokemon Gold and Silver (J) Politoed back.png Pokemon Gold and Silver (U) Politoed back.png
Pupitar / / / / Pokemon Gold and Silver (J) Pupitar back.png Pokemon Gold and Silver (U) Pupitar back.png
(Source: IIMarckus)
(Source: Glitch City Laboratories Forums, Serebii (Virtual Console differences))


In the localizations, the space above where the player's name goes in the Portraitmail was expanded by two tiles.

Japanese/Korean International
PokémonGS JP Portraitmail.png PokémonGS US Portraitmail.png

Nidoran Gender Symbol

In the localizations, the gender symbol for the Nidoran is shown twice during battles due to the gender symbol being placed next to the level indicator, instead of next to the Pokémon's name as in the Japanese and Korean versions.

Japanese/Korean International
PGS-GenderSymbolJ.png PGS-GenderSymbolU.png

SonicBoom Animation

In the Japanese and Korean versions, SonicBoom's animation is a shock wave hitting the opponent. For unknown reasons, it was changed to use Gust's animation.

Japan/Korea International
PokemonGS-Sonicboom-Japan.png PokemonGS-Sonicboom-World.png

Bike Shop

Localization-wise, the bike shop's name, "Miracle Cycle", was removed outside Japan in both Johto and Kanto. It was only retained in the French versions, retaining its new localized name from Generation I, where the bike shop was known as "Cycles à Gogo".


Pokéfan Alex, a trainer found on Route 13, has a team made of Pokémon whose names end in "king" (キング). However, due to Magikarp not sharing this trait in the English versions (its Japanese name is "Koiking", コイキング), it was replaced by Seaking in order to stay true to the theme. Unlike Magikarp, which is at the absurdly high level 58, this Seaking is level 29, just like the rest of his team. In the Korean versions, meanwhile, Alex's team wasn't changed, given how Magikarp has the word "king" (킹) in its Korean name.

Oddly enough, this change was not replicated in HeartGold and SoulSilver, where Alex still has a Magikarp in the localized versions. Not only that, but it was even buffed some more, now being at the even more absurdly high level 65, something all the more shocking for a meager Magikarp.

Exclusive Pokémon

In the Japanese and Korean versions, the Phanpy line is only found in the wild in Gold, whereas the Teddiursa line is only found in Silver. In the rest of the world, these were switched, likely due to the general color schemes of the two better fitting their versions of choice. Indeed, Phanpy and Donphan are blue and gray, which are cool colors like silver, all the while Teddiursa and Ursaring are orange and brown, which are warm colors like gold).

Interestingly, this localization change was once again not taken into account for the international versions of HeartGold and SoulSilver, where Phanpy and Donphan are found in HeartGold, and Teddiursa and Ursaring are found in SoulSilver, regardless of region.

Korean Versions

Compatibility Changes

이 카트리지는 게임보이 컬러 전용입니다. 게임보이 컬러에서 사용을 부탁드리겠습니다.
(This cartridge is designed for the Game Boy Color. Please run it with a Game Boy Color.)

The Korean versions of Gold and Silver are unique in that they are only compatible with the Game Boy Color. This is due to the fact that these localized builds use the Game Boy Color's second VRAM bank for printing its text, rendering them incompatible with the regular Game Boy. Namely, this is the reason why they displays random tiles in lieu of text when force-booted into running in GB mode. During normal gameplay, if the player attempts to run the game on an original Game Boy, they will receive a message stating that the game is only compatible with the Game Boy Color. This message, when compared to the one found in Crystal, is rather bland, not even loading any borders. Interestingly enough however, the localized borders do actually still exist in the games's data, but they go completely unused.

Error Screen (GBC) Error Screen (Gold SGB) Error Screen (Silver SGB)
PokemonGS-Korean DMG incompatibility message.png PokemonGold-Korean-DMG SGB incompatibility message.png PokemonSilver-Korean-DMG SGB incompatibility message.png

Miscellaneous Changes

PokémonGS KO Unique Copyright Message.png

  • The end credits have been updated accordingly, replacing the English translation staff with the Korean one, and adding an extra message right before the copyright dates.
  • When receiving the Togepi Egg from the aide in Violet City, no "received gift" jingle will play. This is clearly a mistake, as in any other version, the jingle is actually heard.
  • Game Boy Printer support has been removed, as the accessory was not released in South Korea. Similar changes were later made to the main Virtual Console re-releases.

International Linking

The international versions of Gold and Silver can be connected to each other, regardless of language. However, letters with diacritics, such as acutes and umlauts (except é, as it even exists in the English versions to print "Pokémon"), may result in mojibake in languages which lack these characters. As for the Japanese versions, they can only connect to Japanese Gen I and II games, as attempting to connect to any other version will result in a crash, given how the positions of data structures and codes differs.

Korean Gold and Silver, meanwhile, can be connected not just to itself, but also to international versions, including the Gen I games and Crystal directly without serious problems. This is due to the Korean versions of Gold and Silver actually being based on the international ones, even though they look superficially similar to the Japanese originals. The Latin alphabet is also present here, as it is used in the credits, and in a few other places. Even the Time Capsule works correctly, even though the Gen I games were never released in South Korea, which means the Pokédex can be fully completed, barring the event-exclusive Mew and Celebi (without using glitches of course).

However, connecting Korean and international versions has several issues: In the Korean games, names longer than 5 characters appear shortened or overflow in places. Moreover, characters with diacritics may cause mojibake in the Korean games, and vice-versa, with the Korean names becoming gibberish (non-Korean games were incapable of displaying them until Black and White). Another side-effect is causing the link to fail, which is due to certain Hangul characters being misinterpreted as control codes.

(Source: Hanzza2)

Stadium 2 Linking

The Korean games are recognized as valid Pokémon games by the Western versions of Stadium 2, but the game is unable to load the save data for it. On the other hand, the Japanese version of Stadium 2 doesn't even recognize the Korean GS games as valid. Transferring Korean Pokémon into Western GSC games allows them to be used in Stadium 2 without issues, aside from them having messed-up names.

Virtual Console Changes

Game Boy Printer

The original game supports the Game Boy Printer. The 3DS doesn't, so the following features needed to be disabled in the Virtual Console release:

  • The "PRNT" option in the Pokédex entry screen, which originally printed the entry on-screen, now does nothing.
  • The photographer in Cianwood City who printed out a Pokémon's "photo" is still there, but it's now impossible to pick "YES" to print the photo.
  • Pokémon storage box lists and mail can no longer be printed from the PC.
  • The Diploma you get for completing the Pokédex can no longer be printed.

Miscellaneous Changes

  • As with other Pokémon games re-released on the Virtual Console, trading is included via the use of a modified emulator that spoofs the Link Cable without affecting the ROM.
  • Using the Poké Transporter, Pokémon can be sent from the Gen II core series games to Pokémon Bank, and then can then be moved to Gen VII core series games.
  • The Mystery Gift can be performed with other VC copies of Gold and Silver, using the 3DS system's own infrared port.
  • During a move animation, the HUD on the user's side is no longer hidden. This behavior matches the Space World '99 demo, and was later reverted in the VC release of Crystal.
  • As the games are locked in Game Boy Color mode, the Super Game Boy borders are thus completely inaccessible.
  • The title screen ends several seconds earlier for some odd reason, which also ends up cutting off parts of the music.
  • In the Japanese versions, the bug which caused the Pokémon catching tutorial to be abnormally delayed was fixed.
  • In the Japanese versions, Jynx's design was altered in order to match the updated one from the international versions.
(Source: Prof.9)