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Pokémon Crystal/Unused Graphics

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This is a sub-page of Pokémon Crystal.

Leftover Content

The following were used in Gold and Silver, but remain in Crystal as unused leftovers:

  • The palettes for the original intro's Shellder, Magikarp, and Lapras sprites.
  • The background and foreground palettes for the original intro's environments.
  • The palette used for the original Mystery Gift screen.
  • The border tileset used in the original Link Cable trade screen.

Moreover, the following Super Game Boy-mode assets also go completely unused, due to Crystal only being compatible with the Game Boy Color:

Unused Mail Tiles

For some reason, Crystal added a redundant tileset file among the graphics for the Mail backgrounds. The file in question is a copy of the Sentret silhouette used for the Blusky Mail, except cropped as to only include the bottom of the sprite.

Unused Number Tiles

Pokémon Crystal Unused Number Tiles.png

These unused tiles are present within the tileset for Suicune's close-up during the intro cutscene. Likely used as visual references for when this screen was still being drawn.

Unused Mobile Tiles

Early Tileset (Raw) Early Tileset (Assembled)
Pokémon Crystal Early Mobile Phone Raw Tileset.png Pokémon Crystal Early Mobile Phone Assembled Tileset.png
Final Tileset (Raw) Final Tileset (Assembled)
Pokémon Crystal Final Mobile Phone Raw Tileset.png Pokémon Crystal Final Mobile Phone Assembled Tileset.png

Found among the graphics linked to the Mobile System GB-exclusive content is an early version of the animation used when connecting to the mobile system. Most notably, this tileset looks quite a fair bit rougher, with a more primitive sprite for the GBC and the mobile adapter. The cellphone sprite also wider, shinier, and with a shorter dialing animation. Also included is a smaller cellphone sprite, which appears to fit right in with the early linking animation. Meanwhile, the final game simply reuses the same phone sprite for both linking and dialing. The original cellphone sprite can actually be seen in a prerelease screenshot, revealing that it also once used a red palette, instead of a blue one.

Unused Mobile Adapter Palettes

In the Japanese version, when using the Mobile System GB, it is possible to access a special trade animation which depicts your Pokémon "traveling" through the adapter cable and into your cellphone. The color of the adapter actually changes depending on which model used, with three colors/models available:

  • If using a PDC adapter, the cable will be blue.
  • If using a cdmaOne adapter, the cable will be yellow.
  • If using a DDI adapter, the cable will be red.

Pokémon Crystal Unused Green Mobile Adapter.png

However, there exist a fourth, unused color, which would have rendered the cable in green. This is likely the color once tied to the NTT DoCoMo/Astel adapter, a model which ultimately went unreleased. It would have also nicely completed the color combo of the originally planned four adapters, with one for each color of the Generation I games.

Color Palette Data Visual
Purple 0x90F878 0xE629FF 0x8C008C 0x000000 Pokémon Crystal Unused Purple Mobile Adapter.png
Black 0x90F878 0x4B4B4B 0x212121 0x000000 Pokémon Crystal Unused Black Mobile Adapter.png
Pink 0x90F878 0xFF6BAD 0xDE3B63 0x000000 Pokémon Crystal Unused Pink Mobile Adapter.png
Gray 0x90F878 0xA9A0A0 0x7070F8 0x000000 Pokémon Crystal Unused Gray Mobile Adapter.png

Not only that, but there are also four additional unused palettes, though they don't appear to correspond to any known adapter model, released or not. These include purple, black, pink, and a gray one with blue accents. Due to being the last one in the list, the gray palette is seemingly used as the default if a mobile trade is triggered without any adapters actually being plugged in, which can most notably be seen when using the game's debug menu.

(Source: Pokémon Crystal Disassembly and Torchickens)

Unused Ice Path Palettes

New to Crystal are palettes exclusive to certain tilesets, allowing for more visual variety for a handful of locations, as opposed to them simply reusing the standard interior palette. Out of all of them, only the one assigned to the Ice Path contains unused shades. These match the regular "Night" overworld colors, suggesting that this is what the Ice Path's palette was edited off of. Worth noting is that while all but red are used for the Hall of Fame graphics, the game is actually coded in such a way that this area loads the default interior palette.

Color Palette Data
Gray 0x7B73C6 0x5A5A9C 0x393963 0x000000
Red 0x7B73C6 0x73398C 0x6B0042 0x000000
Blue 0x7B73C6 0x29298C 0x181852 0x000000
Brown 0x7B73C6 0x634A7B 0x422129 0x000000

(Source: Pokémon Crystal Disassembly)

Unused Overworld Sprites

While Crystal actually made use of a few unused overworld sprites, there is actually one character where the opposite happened. Indeed, the player's mother had her one and only movement script changed, with her now only moving left and right. This rendered her "walk north" and "walk south" animation frames unused.

Unused Tiles

Tileset 01

The leftover pagoda tiles remain here, but unique to Crystal is this rather odd tile, found alongside the newly added Burned Tower graphics. Its right side matches with right-facing ledges, but otherwise it doesn’t really fit anywhere. These tiles do not appear in any block.

Tileset Unused Tiles
Pokémon Crystal Tileset 01.png Pokémon Crystal Tileset 01 Unused Tiles.png

Tileset 02

The leftover pier tile remains here, but unique to Crystal is what's in the second half of the tileset. Indeed, it turns out that the graphics for the Battle Tower are present, despite it having its own tileset, which sits at ID 04. It's then likely that the devs intended for the exterior of the Battle Tower to share a tileset with Goldenrod City, but ultimately decided against it, perhaps due to it bloating the size of the blockset, due to all the newly needed blocks. Moreover, this chunk of the tileset (aside from the flower shop and PCC tiles) actually lacks a proper palette, instead reusing the first half's data. Only the pier tile appears in a block.

Tileset Unused Tiles Related Block
Pokémon Crystal Tileset 02.png Pokémon Crystal Tileset 02 Unused Tiles.png Pokémon GS Tileset 02 Unused Blocks.png

Tileset 03

The leftover ground tile remains here, alongside its corresponding unused blocks.

Tileset Unused Tiles Related Block
Pokémon GS Tileset 03.png Pokémon GS Tileset 03 Unused Tiles.png Pokémon GS Tileset 03 Unused Blocks.png

Tileset 04

The tileset for the outside of the Battle Tower, as mentioned earlier, contains the entirety of tileset 02, a majority of it going completely unused. Interestingly, this half is assigned the palette data for tileset 01, which causes some tiles to be miscolored. As for the Battle Tower graphics, only one tile goes unused, with it being a bit of window. Only the tall grass and flower tiles appear in a block, here 03 and 04.

Tileset Unused Tiles Related Block
Pokémon Crystal Tileset 04.png Pokémon Crystal Tileset 04 Unused Tiles.png Pokémon Crystal Tileset 04 Unused Blocks.png
Original Mockup
Pokémon Crystal Battle Tower original.png Pokémon Crystal Battle Tower mock up.png

Tileset 05

The leftover chalkboard tiles remain here, alongside their corresponding unused blocks.

Tileset Unused Tiles Related Block
Pokémon Crystal Tileset 05.png Pokémon GS Tileset 04 Unused Tiles.png Pokémon GS Tileset 04 Unused Blocks.png

Tileset 06

The leftover tiles remain here, alongside their corresponding unused blocks.

Tileset Unused Tiles Related Block
Pokémon GS Tileset 05.png Pokémon GS Tileset 05 Unused Tiles.png Pokémon GS Tileset 05 Unused Blocks.png

Tileset 07

The leftover tiles remain here, alongside their corresponding unused blocks.

Tileset Unused Tiles Related Block
Pokémon GS Tileset 06.png Pokémon GS Tileset 06 Unused Tiles.png Pokémon GS Tileset 06 Unused Blocks.png

Tileset 08

The leftover tiles remain here, alongside their corresponding unused blocks.

Tileset Unused Tiles Related Block
Pokémon GS Tileset 07.png Pokémon GS Tileset 07 Unused Tiles.png Pokémon GS Tileset 07 Unused Blocks.png

Tileset 09

The leftover tiles remain here, alongside their corresponding unused blocks.

Tileset Unused Tiles Related Block
Pokémon GS Tileset 08.png Pokémon GS Tileset 08 Unused Tiles.png Pokémon GS Tileset 08 Unused Blocks.png

Tileset 0A

In the laboratory tileset, the stair tiles were actually updated, despite still being unused.

Tileset Unused Tiles Related Block
Pokémon Crystal Tileset 0A.png Pokémon Crystal Tileset 0A Unused Tiles.png Pokémon Crystal Tileset 0A Unused Blocks.png

Tileset 0B

The leftover door tiles remain here.

Tileset Unused Tiles
Pokémon GS Tileset 10.png Pokémon GS Tileset 10 Unused Tiles.png

Tileset 0C

The tilset used for the Goldenrod Department Store roof contains three unused tile, with the most notable one being an unused bit of counter.

Tileset Unused Tiles
Pokémon Crystal Tileset 0C.png Pokémon Crystal Tileset 0C Unused Tiles.png

Tileset 0D

The leftover tiles remain here, though all the unused blocks they appeared in were overwritten, as to leave space for the mobile trade and colosseum rooms. Besides those, of the newly introduced graphics, only one tile goes unused, with it likely a leftover from an early mobile room design.

Tileset Unused Tiles
Pokémon Crystal Tileset 0D.png Pokémon Crystal Tileset 0D Unused Tiles.png

Tileset 0E

The tileset for the Game Corner has an unused duplicate of one of the Prize Corner booth tiles. This is due to it being a leftover of the original Gold and Silver tileset, where the Prize Booth window only used one tile, which was expanded to two in Crystal, with those found in the second half of the tileset. Thus, the devs simply updated this tile, despite it being made redundant.

Tileset Unused Tiles
Pokémon Crystal Tileset 0E.png Pokémon Crystal Tileset 0E Unused Tiles.png

Tileset 0F

The leftover tiles remain here.

Tileset Unused Tiles
Pokémon GS Tileset 14.png Pokémon GS Tileset 14 Unused Tiles.png

Tileset 10

The leftover table tile remain here.

Tileset Unused Tiles
Pokémon Crystal Tileset 10.png Pokémon GS Tileset 15 Unused Tiles.png

Tileset 11

The leftover tile remains here.

Tileset Unused Tiles
Pokémon Crystal Tileset 11.png Pokémon GS Tileset 16 Unused Tiles.png

Tileset 12

The boulder tile remains unused, but as of Crystal so do a handful of tiles originally used in Lance's room at the Indigo Plateau. These include the door and floor graphics. As for the newly introduced tiles, the only unused one appears to be some sort of ground decoration.

Tileset Unused Tiles
Pokémon Crystal Tileset 12.png Pokémon Crystal Tileset 12 Unused Tiles.png

Tileset 14

The leftover tiles remain here.

Tileset Unused Tiles Related Block
Pokémon GS Tileset 19.png Pokémon GS Tileset 19 Unused Tiles.png Pokémon GS Tileset 19 Unused Blocks.png

Tileset 15

The tileset for the PokéCom Center, unsurprisingly, is never used in the International version, as the Goldenrod Pokémon Center uses its standard design there. In the tileset itself however, a couple of tiles do get unused, such as some sort of grating, red and blue plants, and an odd floor tile. These tiles do not appear in any block.

Tileset Unused Tiles
Pokémon Crystal Tileset 15.png Pokémon Crystal Tileset 15 Unused Tiles.png

Tileset 16

The tileset for the Battle Tower contains a handful of unused tiles, such as pieces of counter, some nondescript gray tiles, and a piece of wall. Only the latter tile appears in a block, with it being block ID 1B.

Tileset Unused Tiles Related Block
Pokémon Crystal Tileset 16.png Pokémon Crystal Tileset 16 Unused Tiles.png Pokémon Crystal Tileset 16 Unused Blocks.png

Tileset 17

The pagoda tileset was expanded in Crystal, but oddly enough all the tiles that appear there go completely unused. These include a cuttable tree, the Kanto grass and bush tiles, a floorboard, a log, and most shocking of all, the Growlithe statue from the Space World '97 iteration of this tileset. It's more than likely that the devs simply pulled old scratchpads to use as references for when this tileset was being updated, which is supported by the fact that the log sprites aligns not with the final floorboard design, but with the one from the Space World '99 demo. These tiles do not appear in any block.

Tileset Unused Tiles
Pokémon Crystal Tileset 17.png Pokémon Crystal Tileset 17 Unused Tiles.png

Tileset 18 & 1E

The leftover tiles remain here, alongside their corresponding unused blocks.

Tileset Unused Tiles Related Block
Pokémon GS Tileset 21.png Pokémon GS Tileset 21 Unused Tiles.png Pokémon GS Tileset 21 Unused Blocks.png
Pokémon GS Tileset 27.png Pokémon GS Tileset 27 Unused Tiles.png Pokémon GS Tileset 27 Unused Blocks.png

Tileset 19

The small fountain/bird bath was touched-up, and actually gets used here. As such, only the ground tiles and the fence post remain.

Tileset Unused Tiles Related Block
Pokémon Crystal Tileset 19.png Pokémon Crystal Tileset 19 Unused Tiles.png Pokémon Crystal Tileset 19 Unused Blocks.png

Tileset 1A

The Hall of Fame floor tile was overwritten, but other than that all the other unused tiles remain untouched.

Tileset Unused Tiles Related Block
Pokémon Crystal Tileset 1A.png Pokémon Crystal Tileset 1A Unused Tiles.png Pokémon GS Tileset 23 Unused Blocks.png

Tileset 1B

The tileset for the Radio Tower still contains the graphics for the original key card terminal. These tiles remain in the unused in block ID 16.

Tileset Unused Tiles Related Block
Pokémon Crystal Tileset 1B.png Pokémon Crystal Tileset 1B Unused Tiles.png Pokémon Crystal Tileset 1B Unused Blocks.png

Tileset 1C

The leftover tiles remain here, alongside their corresponding unused blocks.

Tileset Unused Tiles Related Block
Pokémon GS Tileset 25.png Pokémon GS Tileset 25 Unused Tiles.png Pokémon GS Tileset 25 Unused Blocks.png

Tileset 1D

The leftover tiles remain here, but are now joined by some new ones. Indeed, some of the original rock formation tiles were made redundant when the updated Ice Cave graphics were created, this include the original stair and slippery ice tiles. Once again, only the cave entrance appears in an unused block, with it still ID 13.

Tileset Unused Tiles Related Block
Pokémon Crystal Tileset 1D.png Pokémon Crystal Tileset 1D Unused Tiles.png Pokémon Crystal Tileset 1D Unused Blocks.png

Tileset 1E

On top of the leftover sign tiles, the Crystal version of the forest tileset also contains an unused half. Said half is a copy of the main tileset, and is identical to its used counterpart, aside from the sign being the default overworld one, and two of the foliage tiles being different.

Tileset Unused Tiles
Pokémon Crystal Tileset 28.png Pokémon Crystal Tileset 28 Unused Tiles.png

Unused Blocks

Tileset 01

Pokémon Crystal Tileset Johto Unused Blocks.png

  • Single-story house block (12). Would have allowed to make inaccessible decorative houses, like the ones in Goldenrod City.
  • Traditional house block (2B). Would have allowed for longer houses in Ecruteak City.
  • Halfway gate (33). Ditto.
  • Roof (7B). Would have allowed for longer roofs. Used in the cut SIZUOKA map.
  • Walls (7C and 7D). Would have allowed for taller buildings.

Tileset 02

Pokémon Crystal Tileset Modern Unused Blocks.png

  • Corner house (2B). Only the block with windows 10 is used.
  • Reef formations (30 - 34 and 38 - 3A). Taken from the standard Johto blockset (same ID).
  • Headbutt trees (37 and 3F). Unused decorative block.
  • Gates (43). Taken from the standard Johto blockset (same ID).
  • Ledges formations (4C, 4D, 4F, 50, 51, 53, 74 and 75). Ditto.
  • Shores (54, 58 and 79). Ditto.
  • Mountain corner (6F). Ditto.
  • Gate roof (7B). Ditto.
  • Walls (7C and 7D). Ditto.

Pokémon Crystal Tileset Modern PokéCom Blocks.png

  • The PokéCom Center blocks (20, 24 and 5F) go unused outside of the Japanese version.

Tileset 03

Pokémon GS Tileset 03 Unused Blocks.png

  • Ledges formations (47 and 4B). Leftover from Gen I. Originally used on Route 25.

Tileset 04

Pokémon Crystal Tileset Battle Tower Exterior Unused Blocks.png

  • Tall grass (03). A simple carry-over from the standard overworld blockset.
  • Flowers (04). Ditto.
  • Ground (07). Ditto.
  • Mountain Formations (23 – 29). Oddly doesn't use corner wall tiles.

Tileset 05

Pokémon Crystal Tileset House Unused Blocks.png

  • Wall with window duplicate (08) (used is 05). Leftover from Gen I, where it also went unused.
  • Rightside bookshelf (09). Leftover from Gen I.
  • PC with table (10 and 11). Leftover from Gen I, where it also went unused.
  • Chalkboard (12 and 13). Leftover from Gen I, where it was used in the Viridian City Trainer School.

Tileset 06

Pokémon GS Tileset Player Unused Blocks.png

  • Table leg (0E). Duplicate of 19.
  • Walls (14 and 15).
  • Floor with N64 (17). Originally used in the Space World '97 version of the player's room.
  • Radio with PC (18). Ditto.
  • Radio (1A). Unused decorative block.
  • Bed with carpet (1C). Originally used in the Space World '97 version of the player's room.
  • Floor with carpet (1D). Unused decorative block.
  • Virtual Boy (1E). Unused decorative block.
  • PC with radio (1F). Originally used in the Space World '97 version of the player's room.
  • Blank floor block (21). Ditto.
  • Staircase (24). Only the right facing version (0B) is used.

Tileset 07

Pokémon GS Tileset Pokécenter Unused Blocks.png

  • Wall blocks (09 and 0D). Used in the cut PC_3 map.
  • Generation I blocks (1D - 26). Blocks which mimics the Gen I Pokémon Center layout (leftover from the Space World '97 demo).
  • Corner counter block (30). Features a miscolored tile.

Pokémon Crystal Tileset Pokécenter JP Layout Blocks.png

  • The blocks used in the Japanese version's layout (34 - 3B) go unused in the localizations.

Tileset 08

Pokémon GS Tileset Gate Unused Blocks.png

  • Blank floor blocks (03 and 05 - 07). Originally used in the '97 demo.
  • Counter (0F). Identical to (13), except with an extra shadow tile.
  • Staircases (11 and 12). Only doors are ever used.
  • Potted plants (15). Lacks beginning and end blocks.

Tileset 09

Pokémon GS Tileset Harbor Unused Blocks.png

  • Reef formations (02, 03, 22 - 25).
  • Shores (10, 12, 15 and 16).
  • Docks (28 and 2C). Intended for the Cerulean Gym.
  • Tiled floor (30). Intended for the Cerulean Gym.
  • Blank floor block (21).

Tileset 0A

Pokémon Crystal Tileset Lab Unused Blocks.png

  • Ascending staircase (19).
  • Dragon statue (23). Doesn't fit with the other statue blocks.

Tileset 0B

Pokémon GS Tileset Facility Unused Blocks.png

  • Potted plants against wall (09 and 10). Leftover from Gen I. Used in the cut LABO2 map.
  • Bottom left wall end (2A). Only the version of this block with metal floor (2C) is used.
  • Wall end segment (2B). Only the version of this block with metal floor (1C) is used.
  • Left-facing wall (2F). Only the right-facing version of this block (33) is used.
  • Left table chunk (38). No right facing version of this block exists.

Tileset 0D

Pokémon Crystal Tileset Mansion Unused Blocks.png

  • Unused wall formations (07, 20).

Tileset 0E

Pokémon Crystal Tileset Casino Unused Blocks.png

Tileset 10

Pokémon GS Tileset Traditional Unused Blocks.png

  • Standard table (09 and 0D). Block 09 is a duplicate of 0F.
  • Table with seats (0A and 0B).
  • Table legs (1D). Doesn't fit anywhere. No right-side version exists.
  • Small table corner (16). Only the left facing version of this block, 0C, is used.
  • Table corner (34). Duplicate of 33.

Tileset 11

Pokémon GS Tileset Magnet Unused Blocks.png

  • Concrete block (05). Intended for the loading dock
  • Floor (18). Duplicate of block 03.
  • Potted plant (0E). Only the left facing version of this block, 0C, is used.
  • Wall (30). Doesn't fit anywhere really.
  • "N&B" block formations (0D, 17, 2A, 2B, 2E, 34, and 35). Intended for the Viridian gym.

Tileset 12

Pokémon GS Tileset Champ Unused Blocks.png

  • Bike shop decorative block (09).
  • Blank floor block (33). Originally a tiled floor block in Gold and Silver.

Tileset 13

Pokémon Crystal Tileset Ship Unused Blocks.png

  • Blank floor blocks (10 and 16).
  • Bed on stone floor (18). Likely intended for the summit of the Olivine Lighthouse, which in the final games uses the S.S.Aqua bed (1D).
  • Wall with floor (1D). Doesn't fit anywhere really. Closest fit is the back wall in the corridor leading to the Captain's cabin.
  • Locked cabin (3B). A duplicate of block 19 but with its staircase collision replaced with a wall one.

Tileset 14

Pokémon GS Tileset 19 Unused Blocks.png

  • Dark floor blocks (14 - 16). Unused decoration type.
  • Striped floor blocks (17 - 19). Unused decoration type.
  • Striped floor block (1A). Duplicate of unused block 18.
  • Pikachu Bed (1E). Unobtainable decoration.

Tileset 15

Pokémon Crystal Tileset PokéCom Center Unused Blocks.png

  • Locked door (03). A duplicate of block 02 but with its door collision replaced with a wall one.
  • Counter duplicate (15) (used is 0A).

Tileset 16

Pokémon Crystal Tileset Battle Tower Interior Unused Blocks.png

  • Corner wall (1B). There's never any need for that block.

Tileset 17

Pokémon GS Tileset Tower Unused Blocks.png

  • Upper carpet (27). There's never any need for that block.
  • Blank floor blocks (28 and 29). Originally hole floor blocks in Gold and Silver.

Tileset 18 & 1E

Tileset 15 Tileset 1B
Pokémon GS Tileset Cave Unused Blocks.png Pokémon GS Tileset Dark Cave Unused Blocks.png
  • Tall grass (03). Redundant as caves have a unique random encounter type. Used in the cut KYUHOU_3 map.
  • Cave wall warp (16). Used in the cut CAVE_TES and ID0_01 maps.
  • Corner Cave entrance (17). Used in the cut ID0_01 map.
  • Blank floor block (30).

Tileset 19

Pokémon Crystal Tileset Park Unused Blocks.png

  • Sandy ground (02). Used in the cut Safari Zone map.
  • Flowers (05). Used in the cut Safari Zone map.
  • Water block (07). Originally used in Gold and Silver. Still used in the cut Safari Zone map.
  • Large flower arrangement (1C - 1E, 20 - 22, and 24 - 26).

Tileset 1A

Pokémon GS Tileset Ruins Unused Blocks.png

  • Wall formations (09 and 0C). Duplicates of 14 and 17, but with different Unown patterns.
  • Wall formations (15 - 16 and 22 - 23). Duplicates of 10 and 11.
  • Wall formation (21). Doesn't really fit anywhere.
  • Wall formations (24 and 25). Intended for the inner chamber.

Tileset 1B

Pokémon Crystal Tileset Radio Unused Blocks.png

  • Counter blocks (06, 10, 17, 1B, 21 and 25).
  • Radio booth blocks (18, 1A and 1E).
  • Desk drawers (13).
  • Office desk (16).

Tileset 1C

Pokémon GS Tileset Underground Unused Blocks.png

  • Trapped floor (07). Doesn't fit anywhere really.
  • Wall formations (14, 15, 17, 21, 23, 31, 33, and 35).
  • Sideways carpet (27 and 28). There's never any need for those blocks.
  • Statue (37). Only the left facing version of this block, 36, is used.
  • Table formations (38 - 3C).
  • Floor with chair (3E).

Tileset 1D

Pokémon Crystal Tileset Ice Unused Blocks.png

  • Blank blocks (0F). Originally assigned the "Ice Ladder" collision data in Gold and Silver, but here it uses the wall one.
  • Cave entrance (13). Taken from the regular cave blockset (same ID).
  • Ledge (26 and 27). Also taken from the cave blockset (3A and 3B).