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Platoon (Windows)/Transcript for Level 10

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This is a sub-page of Platoon (Windows).

The Transcript of the lost Level 10, according to the file "text/english/messages.txt":

Lt. Lionsdale here, 5th Platoon of the 1st Cavalry. We still cannot see the panzers, where are they?
It was pretty crazy on the way here, Sir. We were attacked by some T54s, we've lost two tanks and several men. Another one broke down further on its way. So, the only tank that is still rolling, is at about 10kms from LZ Bong III. We strongly suggest that you scout around the area before its arrival!
You're telling me that only one tank will be used on this mission???
Yes, Lieutenant. But believe me, it is still better than nothing. Now you know your orders, it is the time you execute them!
Boys, we must move out towards the village. But make it quick and remain quiet as we're on our own!
This is seriousl. We cannot afford to loose anybody!
Soldiers, we'll take the dirt road. The stream looks ok but we'll drown in 5 minutes going through that swamp. At least using the road we should be able to take advantage of our full firepower.
Did you hear what Lt. Lionsdale's orders? Good.
So, what do we have here? A Vietnamese peasant with a cart. Don't you find that strange, Officer?
Yeh, the way I heard it, the villagers ran for their lives from here almost ten days ago...I think there's more to this man than meets the eye.
Let's bring down this guy's mask, he's obviously not armed. When I was in the academy, the boys taught ma a trick to expose undercover military agents. I suggest your men form a row, everybody hold their weapons visible. Then, we just walk at him, slowy. I think that'll get a reaction.
Oh, the bastard. He hit me. I'm wounded! Medic!
Get after him, now!
Ok, then, but we must get back to Lt. Lionsdale. Charlie could still be close...
Damn! He disappeared! I'm sure he was a scout. We'd better get ready for a VC onslaught!
Lt. Willis here, madde it to the LZ.
Jolly good, I'll send some troops to pick you up. Hold tight!
Now, then: I want my scout team to move out and search for enemy installations. We've got an airstrike available too and I want to use it as effectively as possible!
Roger that. We're flying over the target. Just sit tight, the napalm is on its way!
Now then, in we go: let Willis do the dirty work and stay under the cover of his tank. Shoot until Charlie moves!
Damn it! They've got a tank too! They attacked from behind. Requesting backup!
That's just great! Tanks were'nt mentioned in the reports...hope they don't have any more.
I think that was the last of'em. Let's check this place out, see if we can't pick up something of interest.
Perfect! We discover a tunnel and we don't even have a specialist like Mitchells around to check it out inside.<br/>
If I may, Lt., I've received some training in this area, in Fontana, how to investigate this sorta thing.
Your suggesting I let you down there? Our Platoon can't afford that. You're our only medical officer?
You have any better ideas, Lt?
No, not really, but I can't let you go down there. I'll go.
But  Lt., you can't! What if a trap explodes and you...
Then you'll lead the men back to the camp! This debate is over, I'm going in. You wait outside!
No, I can't believe it. I'm going in to look for him. Everybody else stay out!
Don't disturb me!
He's breathing, thank God he wore his helmet. I cannot see any injuries to the body. The blast must have knocked him out. Lieutenant, wake up!
Oh. Where am I? Oooh. My hand.
I found a desk with some documents in it. I took them out then shut the drawer. It gave a loud click. I got outta there quick. Phew! We need to get back to the LZ, men!
No, no. He'll be alright, it's just the after-effect from the blast!
That was first class yet again, Lieutenant Willis. Glad to having you fighting on our side. God bless you!
Thanks, Lt., it was my duty to help you out, but I did it for the commitment I saw you in your eyes back at the Lake Tra-O! Take care of yourself.
One of your principal characters died. Game Over