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Plants vs. Zombies Heroes/Unused Card Content

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This is a sub-page of Plants vs. Zombies Heroes.

To do:
There is more.
  • Buddy System card's animation.
  • Add original filenames and where these are located.

Unused Graphics

Buddy System textures


Textures for the unused Buddy System card. Also comes equipped with a full animation alongside it.

Early Three-Nut


An earlier design for the Three-Nut plant, being much simpler in design.

Old Teleportation Zombie

To do:
Replace with his actual sprites

PVZH Tpzombieconcept.png

An earlier version of the Teleportation Zombie, looking far more Star Trek-inspired. May have been changed to avoid legal issues.

Unused Animations


Early Shamrocket


An earlier animation for the Shamrocket card, using a completely different design. (click to animate if frozen)

Go-Nuts Animation


An earlier animation for Go-Nuts, complete with some confetti! (click to animate if frozen)

Sunflower Seed Death


An unused death animation for the Sunflower Seed. (click to animate if frozen)


Old Area 22


An earlier version of Area 22 being played on the field, with a different design. (click to animate if frozen)

Unwanted Gifts


An early animation for the Unexpected Gifts, back when it was called Unwanted Gifts. (click to animate if frozen)

Overshoot Animations

To do:
Add all of the Overshoot animations individually

Via the use of the Disco Dance Floor and Moon Base Z cards, the player is capable of giving every zombie in the game the Overshoot trait. These can make zombies use animations that are found nowhere else.

Strangely, a few Plants also have Overshoot animations, despite the Overshoot trait being exclusive to zombies.

Unused Tribes

There are references to an Onion tribe in the game, likely intended for the plant Onion Rings. Likely scrapped due to how few plants based on onions are in the game.

Unused Cards

There are several unused cards in the game, with some being more complete than others.


Name Card text Notes
Resistant Radish None A 6-cost 4/6 that gives all plants on the field +2 attack
Whack-a-Zombie None A 5-cost Kabloom Trick that deals five damage to a zombie selected. A card with the same name managed to get into the final game, though with different mechanics. Shares ability with Sun Strike.
Hypnotize Deal 3 damage to a Plant or the Plant Hero Despite what the card text says, it actually does 3 damage to a Zombie or Zombie Hero. According to the files, it was considered a Superpower card.
Health-Nut None 5-cost 6/6 with no ability. A card also named Health-Nut did make it to the final game as an event card, but was completely different.
Gloom-Shroom CHARACTER REMOVED 8-cost 8/8 which did 3 damage to all zombies when played. Was later changed into a 5-cost 5/4 with "When played: Do 1 damage to Zombies here. Mushroom Evolution: Deal 3 damage instead." Gloom-shroom did appear in the final game via an update, though again, was slightly different.
Gatling Pea When played: Destroy a Plant. 3-cost 6/6. Once again shares a name with a plant who did appear in the final game, though much different.
Imitator When played: Draw two cards. 2-cost 0/2. Card text used to be "When played: Gain two Plants." in older versions due to the wording of abilities back then. Yet again shares the name with a card in the final game who is completely different.
Body-Gourd When played: Your Block Meter goes up by a Double Charge. 5-cost 3/6. And of course, it shares the name with a completely different card in the final game.
Mega-heal Heal a Plant to full, It gets +5 health Finally, a card that doesn't share it's name with an existing card! It was Wall-Knight's original signature superpower, before getting replaced (due to it being incredibly unbalanced) with Uncrackable.
Blank Plant None N/A
Pea Pod Planet None 2-cost Environmental card, appears to give all plants in the lane it was played +1/+1 on beginning of each turn.
Bouncy Toy None 3-cost trick, bounces all Plants and Zombies in the lane it is played.
Buddy System None 1-cost Solar trick. It has animations and visuals, and it uses gloves pretty similar to Gardening Gloves, but they're redrawn to be animated to handshake.
Veloci-Radish Packmate Team-Up. Dino-Roar: This gets +1 Strength. A token card originally made when Veloci-Radish (now known as Veloci-Radish Hunter) was played.


Name Card text Notes
TEST Zombie Aquatic None Probably used for testing the behavior of the Amphibious trait.
TEST Zombie Destroy Target Plant Fighter Burst None Burst is a keyword used in PvZH Code for tricks, so this was likely a card made to test how tricks that destroy would behave.
TEST Zombie Buff Fighter Burst None Probably used for testing the behavior of Tricks that buff Zombies.
0 Plant Board Clear Cheat 0 Destroy all fighters This Superpower trick is a developer cheat. Possible to be seen in older versions via a glitch in The Smash's hero quest.
Skydiver Training Move a Zombie from Heights. It gets +1 Strength/+1 Health. This was a Superpower Trick.
Rubo's Master None 5-cost 3/5 with no ability.
Zomboss's Gargantuar When played: This does a Bonus Attack. 10-cost 10/10. Maybe replaced by the Trickster?
Screen Door Zombie Armored 1 2-cost 2/3. A similar zombie with the same name does appear in the final game, though slightly different.
Minelayer Zombie Gravestone 3-cost 2/1 that destroys a plant when revealed
Imposter When destroyed: Make a 3/1 Imp here. 3-cost 1/3. This was originally a Galactic Gardens card. Another Imposter did manage to appear in the final game as an event card, though is much different.
Other Imposter None 3-cost 3/1. Summoned by Imposter after destroying him.
Finale Dancer When destroyed: Do 3 damage to the Plant Hero. 5-cost 6/3.
Zombie Mob When played: Destroy a Zombie. 6-cost 6/6.
Zomboss Lab None 3-cost Environment card. Zombies that are on this lane gets +2/+2 on the beginning of each turn.
Wilting Away Deal 3 3-cost Trick that deals 3 damage to a plant
Stoneworker None 2-cost 2/1.
Jetpack Zombie None 1-cost 3/1. Would've been in the Crazy class
Brains in a Jar When played: Gain 3 Brains this turn. 2-cost Trick. Likely an early Cryo-Brain.
The Blocker None 5-cost 3/5.
Toughen Up! All Zombies get +2 Health 2-cost Trick. Likely an early Camel Crossing.
Duplicate None 4-cost Trick with no ability.
Regenerating Zombie None 3-cost, has 2/4 and heals himself for 20 at the beginning of each turn.
Double Trouble None 3-cost Trick with no ability.
Bionic Zombie None None
Blank Zombie None It costs 99 Brains and cannot be played. Possible to be seen in update 1.14.10 by Mad Chemist or Eureka. This card is used to deflate AI difficulty by putting an unplayable (Even if they have 99 brains) card in their hand.
Cheating Zombie Draw 5 cards. Heal your Hero for 20. Gain 30 Sun. Then this dies. Now get to work! Developer Cheat
Zombie Nurse Start of Tricks: Heal all Zombies and the Zombie Hero for 2. 3-cost 2/4 Professional Zombie in the Hearty class. She was made during the early betas of Colossal Fossils, but was scrapped for Sneezing Zombie.
Raptor Grounds When a Zombie enters this lane, it does a Bonus Attack. 3-cost Rare Environment in the Brainy class. Sprites are reused for Teleportation Station.

Earlier Card Stats

Several cards that were added into the final game were changed up a bit before they were added.


Name Description Notes
Spike Weed None 3-cost. Mostly the same ability as the final, but dealt the 2 damage at the end of tricks rather than when it is reached in combat.
Plantern When played: Destroy all Zombie Environments. 3-cost 3/3.
Cosmic Nut When played: Conjure a Nut, its Strength becomes 3 4-cost 3/4.
Starch-Lord None 4-cost 2/5. Same ability as final.
Gravitree None 5-cost 4/5 with Armored 1. Same ability as final.
Primal Wall-Nut Team-Up, Untrickable, When played: Draw a card 3-cost 0/7.
Shamrocket Destroy a Zombie that has 4 Strength or more. 4-cost
Corn Dog None 2-cost 2/3 with Amphibious. Ability appeared to be "When a Plant is played here: This moves to a random lane."
Banana Launcher None 3-cost 0/2. Same ability as final.
Flying Banana Bomb !#Flying Banana Bomb_shortDesc#! 0-cost. Could target either the Zombie Hero or a Zombie for 2 damage. Was renamed to just 'Banana Bomb'
Pair Pearadise When you play a Plant here, make a copy of that Plant with Team-Up here. 5-cost.
Fireweed When played on the Ground: Make Hot Lava here. 2-cost 2/4.
Imitater When you play a Plant, this transforms into a copy of that Plant. 3-cost 2/2.
Veloci-Radish Hatchling Dino-Roar: This gets +1 Strength 1-cost 1/3.
Strawberrian When you play a Berry, do 1 damage to a random Zombie. Berry Evolution: Gain a Berry Blast. 3-cost 3/3.
Gloom-Shroom When played: Do 1 damage to Zombies here and next door. Mushroom Evolution: Instead, do 3 damage to them. 5-cost 5/6.
Trans-fig-uration Whenever a Plant becomes hurt, transform it into a random Plant. 4-cost 2/4. Was renamed to Transfiguration without the hyphens.
Sweet Pea None 3-cost 3/3. Same ability as final.
Coffee Grounds Plants here get +1 Strength/+1 Health and do a Bonus Attack after combat. 4-cost. Was Super-Rare. Later was changed to 2-cost and Uncommon but kept the ability.
Moonbean When this does damage, shuffle two Magic Beanstalks into your deck. 3-cost 2/4.
Pod Fighter None 5-cost 3/3. Same ability as final.
Umbrella Leaf Team-Up. Plants here and next door are Untrickable 1-cost 0/3. Was later changed to a 0/2 but kept everything else about it.
Savage Spinach Leafy Evolution: All Plants in your hand get +2 Strength/+2 Health 4-cost 5/3.
Apotatosaurus Untrickable. Dino-Roar: This gets +2 Strength/+2 Health. When played: Gain a Sweet Potato. 6-cost 4/4.
Lily of the Valley When you play a Plant on the Heights, that Plant gets +2 Strength/+2 Health. 2-cost 1/1. Beta nerf, eventually was changed to a 1/2 instead.
Dark Matter Dragonfruit Amphibious. Splash Damage 5. Zombies Trick cost 5 Brains more. 8-cost 5/5.
Pear Pal Team-Up. When played: This becomes a +2 Strength/+2 Health.png if another Plant is here. 1-cost 0/4.
Tricorn Attacks here and next door. Plant Evolution: This gets +2 Strength. 6-cost 2/4.
Lima-Pleurodon Amphibious. When you draw a card: Shuffle two Magic Beanstalks into your deck. 1-cost 2/2.
Lily Pad Amphibious. Fusion: A Plant played on this gets Amphibious. Draw a card. 1-cost 0/1.
Rotobaga Amphibious. This attacks both lanes next door instead of this lane. 2-cost 2/2.
Shrinking Ultraviolet Zombies here and next door get -2 Strength. 4-cost.
Snake Grass Team-Up. Start of turn: Make more Snake Grass next door. 4-cost 2/1. Was in the Mega-Grow class. This was moved to the Smarty class with the same stats and abilities in a later update but before it was complete.
Cosmoss This gets +1 Strength/+1 Health for each Environment. 1-cost 2/2.
Apple Saucer None 4-cost 4/3. Ability appeared to be "When destroyed: Heal the Plant Hero for 4 Health."
Venus Flytraplanet When a Plant here does damage and survives, heal your Hero for that much. 5-cost. Beta nerf, only ability change went through.
Zen Garden None 3 cost. Was mostly the same as the final, but made a Sunflower even if a Zombie was in the lane. Was renamed to Solar Winds.
Astrocado None 6-cost 6/3 with Strikethrough. Created an Astrocado Pit whenever anything on the board was destroyed.
Astro Vera None 8-cost 5/5. Mostly the same ability as the final, but didn't increase the Plant Hero's health by 10.
Cob Cannon When played: Zombies here and next door get -1 Strength/-1 Health. Team-Up Evolution: Destroy all other Plants and Zombies here. 6-cost 6/6.
Green Crosshairs All Plants get Strikethrough this turn. Draw a card. 3-cost. Renamed to Sun Strike
Aloesaurus Dino-Roar: Heal all Plants and the Plant Hero for 2. 5-cost 5/6.


Name Card text Notes
Biodome Botanist None 4-cost 6/6. Same ability as final, but was in the Hearty class. Later was moved to Beastly as a 2-cost 2/4.
Cyborg Zombie None 2-cost 1/1. Same ability as final. Vengeful Cyborg was a 3-cost 4/4 with the same ability.
Vengeful Cyborg Hunt 7-cost 7/7.
Interstellar Bounty Hunter None 4-cost 3/4 with Frenzy. Same ability as final. Was called just Bounty Hunter at a certain point.
Supernova Gargantuar Frenzy

When a Gargantuar destroys a Plant, destroy all copies of that Plant.

5-cost 5/6.
Wilting Away Choose a lane with a Zombie. Destroy all Plants there. 3-cost.
Ancient Vimpire Frenzy

When any Zombie with Frenzy destroys a Plant, that Zombie gets +2 Strength/+2 Health.

4-cost 3/5.
Mondo Bronto Amphibious

Dino-Roar: All Pets get +1 Strength/+1 Health. Later was made to be the only one to get +1/+1 and conjure a History card when played.

4-cost 3/3.
Killer Whale Amphibious

Fusion: A Zombie played on this gets +2 Strength/+2 Health and Amphibious.

2-cost 2/2.
Gargantuar-Throwing Gargantuar When hurt: Make a Random Gargantuar in a random lane. 7-cost 5/5.
Sneezing Zombie Plants and the Plant Hero can't be healed.

When played: All copies of a Plant get -2 Strength/-2 Health.

5-cost 4/4. The description lacks the strength and health icons.
Cosmic Scientist Bullseye

When played: Conjure a Science card, and it gets Bullseye.

2-cost 1/3.
Wormhole Gatekeeper None 3-cost 3/3. Same ability as final.
Interdimensional Zombie Start of turn: This transforms into a random Zombie that costs 1 Brain more. It keeps this ability when it transforms. 1-cost 1/3.
Zomblob Zombie Evolution: You get +5 Brains this turn. 4-cost 4/4. Later turned into a 5-cost who gave 6 Brains instead of 5
Mustache Waxer Start of Tricks: All Mustaches in your hand cost 1 Brain less. 1-cost 1/3. Later made that when the player played a Mustache card, they get +2 Brains
Pot of Silver Draw three cards. 5-cost.
Duckstache When this does damage: Conjure a Mustache

Mustache Evolution: This gets +2 Strength/+2 Health.

3-cost 3/1.
Leprechaun Imp When played: Shuffle two Pots of Gold into your deck. 1-cost 2/1
Space Ninja While in an environment: Before combat here, do 1 damage to each Plant. 2-cost 3/2
Gas Giant None 5-cost 5/5. Was Legendary. Mostly same ability as the final, but also dealt 5 damage to the Zombie Hero when destroyed.
Lizard Zombie Zombie Evolution: Do 2 damage to each Plant. 3-cost 3/2.
Four-Armed Bandit Zombie Evolution: Conjure a Zombie, a Trick, an Environment, and a Superpower. 4-cost 4/4. Was a Party Monster Zombie rather than a Pirate Monster Zombie. Later made to only use the Evolution ability on a zombie who cost 4 Brains or more
Ankylosaurus Rider When you draw a card: Do 2 damage to a random Plant or the Plant Hero. 4-cost 2/5.
Zombie's Best Friend When played: Make a random Zombie that costs 1 Brain. 2-cost 2/1.
Exploding Fruitcake Do 5 damage to a Plant. The Plant Hero Conjures a Fruit. 2-cost.
Captain Deadbeard None 3-cost 3/3 with Overshoot. This was a concept idea for an event version of Captain Deadbeard, this would eventually turn into Captain Flameface.
Cone Zone None 2-cost. Mostly same ability as the final, but only gave +2 Health.
Celestial Custodian When played: Destroy all Plant Environments. 4-cost 4/4.
Regenerating Zombie None 1-cost 2/1 with Armored 1. Mostly the same ability as the final, but got the boost at the start of a turn rather than the start of tricks.
Zombot Battlecruiser None 7-cost 5/5. Same ability as final. Was changed to a 6-cost 7/5 before the final release.
Zombie Middle Manager This gets +1 Strength/+1 Health when you play a Professional.

When played: Conjure a Professional.

1-cost 1/1. Had Zombie's sprites.
Primal Yeti Zombie Evolution: All other Zombies get +2 Strength/+2 Health. 4-cost 4/4.
Stegosaurus Rider When you draw a card, all cards in your hand cost 1 Brain less. 5-cost 3/6.
Angry Colosseum Frenzy

Fusion: A Zombie played on this gets +3 Strength/+3 Health and Frenzy.

3-cost 3/3.
Turquoise Skull Zombie Gravestone

Start of turn: The Plant player loses 1 Sun. This gets +1 Strength/+1 Health.

4-cost 2/3. Later turned into a 2/4 card.
Graveyard None 2-cost. Puts a Zombie in a Gravestone when played and at the end of tricks.
Ice Pirate None 2-cost 3/1. Ability appears to have been "When played: Freeze all Plants here."
Dr. Spacetime Cards you Conjure get +1 Strength/+1 Health

When this hurts the Plant Hero, Conjure a Galactic Gardens card.

2-cost 1/5.
Laser Base Alpha Zombies here get +1 Strength and Strikethrough 2 cost.
Cryo Yeti When a Plant does damage, Freeze that Plant. 5-cost 5/6.
Space Cowboy None 4-cost 3/3 with Strikethrough. Same ability as final. Later became a 2/6 with Strikethrough
Blowgun Imp Deadly

Zombie Evolution: This gets +2 Strength}} and Strikethrough.

3-cost 1/5.
Zombot Aerostatic Gondola Amphibious

When this does damage, it moves to a random lane and leaves behind a random Zombie.

6-cost 3/6.
Monkey Trainer Gravestone

When you play a Trick, a steal section from the Plant Hero's Super-Block Meter.

2-cost 2/3. Was Super-Rare rather than Uncommon.
Buried Treasure Springboard: Shuffle four Pots of Gold into your deck. 2-cost 2/3. Springboard was the beta name for Fusion and was just a Pirate Zombie rather than a Pirate Barrel Zombie. Later made to Conjure a Legendary zombie and make it cost 1 Brain less
Excavator Zombie Gravestone

When revealed: Bounce all Plants here.

3-cost 2/2. Was Uncommon rather than Super-Rare.
Raptor Rider Dino-Roar: This gets +1 Strength/+1 Health

When this hurts the Plant Hero, draw a card.

3-cost 3/3. Later made 2/4
Fire Rooster When a Plant is played here, this moves to a random lane. When this enters a lane: Do 1 damage to all Plants here. 2-cost 2/2.

Old Card Names

Several Cards had their names changed during development.

Current name Beta name
Photosynthesizer Gravitational Pull
Spikeweed Sector Spike Weed
Marine Bean Gilly Bean
Force Field Invincible Castle
Blockbuster Master Grave Blaster
Veloci-Radish Hunter Veloci-Radish
Transfiguration Trans-fig-uration
Vegetation Mutation Sprouting Expansion, Plant-etary Proliferation
Planet of the Grapes Tactical Position
Sappy Place Sap
Cool Bean Carbeanite
Bog of Enlightenment Dago-Bog
Shrinking Violet Shrinking Ultraviolet
Lima-Pleurodon Lima-Pleuradon
Banana Bomb Flying Banana Bomb
Dark Matter Dragonfruit Deep Space Dragonfruit
Solar Winds Zen Garden
Sunnier-Shroom Sun-Shroomier
Venus Flytraplanet Flytrapland
Tanklyosaurus Ankylosaurus Rider
Stompadon Brain Stomper/Stegosaurus Rider
Mondo Bronto Brontosaurus Rider
Duckstache Barbarous Barber
Medulla Nebula Brain Silo
Quickdraw Con Man Four-Armed Bandit/Four Armed Zombie
Black Hole Gravity Well
Headhunter Jungle Drummer
Bad Moon Rising Massmorph
Planetary Gladiator Planetary Guard
Raiding Raptor Raptor Rider
Celestial Custodian Space Janitor
Total Eclipse Stinky Mist
Cursed Gargolith Stone Gargantuar