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Plants vs. Zombies (Adobe Flash)

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Title Screen

Plants vs. Zombies

Developer: PopCap Games
Publisher: PopCap Games
Platform: Adobe Flash
Released internationally: August 2010

CodeIcon.png This game has unused code.
EnemyIcon.png This game has unused enemies.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

To do:
Add discoveries found by decompiling the game, which also may be worth adding to the Plants vs. Zombies (Windows, Mac OS X) article.

This version of Plants vs. Zombies is a stripped down version for web users intended to entice them to buy the full version on Windows or Mac. It's also great to play if you don't want to install it on a computer that isn't yours.

Unused Text

To do:
  • Get the rest of the unused Almanac strings.
  • Find more unused strings.
  • externalStrings.txt contains used and unused text. There is more of the latter, unsurprisingly.

Unused Plants

Some of the unused text details information about plants that aren't accessible in this version but can be accessed in the full version.

String ID String Text
HYPNO_SHROOM Hypno-shroom
HYPNO_SHROOM_TOOLTIP Makes a zombie fight for you
SCAREDY_SHROOM Scaredy-shroom
SCAREDY_SHROOM_TOOLTIP Long-ranged shooter that hides when enemies get near it
ICE_SHROOM Ice-shroom
ICE_SHROOM_TOOLTIP Temporarily immobilizes all zombies on the screen
DOOM_SHROOM Doom-shroom
DOOM_SHROOM_TOOLTIP Destroys a large area, leaving a crater in its wake
LILY_PAD_TOOLTIP Lets you plant non-aquatic plants on top of it
THREEPEATER_TOOLTIP Shoots peas in three lanes
TANGLE_KELP_TOOLTIP Aquatic plant that pulls a zombie underwater
JALAPENO_TOOLTIP Destroys an entire lane of zombies
SPIKEWEED_TOOLTIP Pops tires and hurts zombies that step on it
TORCHWOOD_TOOLTIP Peas that pass through it turn into fireballs
TALL_NUT Tall-nut
TALL_NUT_TOOLTIP Heavy-duty wall that can't be vaulted over
SEA_SHROOM Sea-shroom
SEA_SHROOM_TOOLTIP Aquatic plant that shoots short-ranged spores
PLANTERN_TOOLTIP Lights up an area, letting you see through fog
CACTUS_TOOLTIP Shoots spikes that can pop balloons
BLOVER_TOOLTIP Blows away all balloon zombies and fog
SPLIT_PEA_TOOLTIP Shoots peas forward and backwards
STARFRUIT_TOOLTIP Shoots stars in 5 directions
PUMPKIN_TOOLTIP Protects plants that are within its shell
MAGNET_SHROOM Magnet-shroom
MAGNET_SHROOM_TOOLTIP Removes helmets and other metal objects from zombies
CABBAGE_PULT Cabbage-pult
CABBAGE_PULT_TOOLTIP Hurls cabbages at the enemy
FLOWER_POT_TOOLTIP Lets you plant on the roof
KERNEL_PULT Kernel-pult
KERNEL_PULT_TOOLTIP Flings corn kernels and butter at zombies
GARLIC_TOOLTIP Diverts zombies into other lanes
UMBRELLA_LEAF_TOOLTIP Protects nearby plants from bungees and catapults
MARIGOLD_TOOLTIP Gives you silver and gold coins
MELON_PULT Melon-pult
MELON_PULT_TOOLTIP Does heavy damage to groups of zombies
GATLING_PEA_TOOLTIP Shoots four peas at a time

(requires repeater)

TWIN_SUNFLOWER_TOOLTIP Gives twice as much sun as a sunflower

(requires sunflower)

GLOOM_SHROOM_TOOLTIP Releases heavy fumes in an area around itself

(requires fume-shroom)

CATTAIL_TOOLTIP Attacks any lane and shoots down balloon zombies

(requires lily pad)

WINTER_MELON_TOOLTIP Does heavy damage and slows groups of zombies

(requires melon-pult)

GOLD_MAGNET_TOOLTIP Collects coins and diamonds for you

(requires magnet-shroom)

SPIKEROCK_TOOLTIP Pops multiple tires and damages zombies that walk over it

(requires spikeweed)

COB_CANNON_TOOLTIP Click to launch deadly cobs of corn

(requires 2 kernel-pults)

IMITATER_TOOLTIP Lets you have two of the same plant
COFFEE_BEAN_TOOLTIP Plant it on a mushroom to wake it up
GIANT_WALLNUT Giant Wall-nut

Unused Zombies

There are entries for the zombies that are not present in this version of the game. Oddly enough, the unused zombie strings that are in the PC version (such as the Dog Zombie) are also present.

String ID String Text
JACK_IN_THE_BOX_ZOMBIE Jack-in-the-Box Zombie
BOSS Dr. Zomboss

Unused Almanac Entries

There are also entries for the Almanac, which is not present in this version of the game.

String ID String Text
Peashooters are your first line of defense. They shoot peas at attacking zombies.
{KEYWORD}Damage:{STAT} normal
{FLAVOR}How can a single plant grow and shoot so many peas so quickly? Peashooter says, 
"Hard work, commitment, and a healthy, well-balanced breakfast of sunlight and high-fiber 
carbon dioxide make it all possible."
Sunflowers are essential for you to produce extra sun. Try planting as many as you can!
{KEYWORD}Sun production:{STAT} normal
{FLAVOR}Sunflower can't resist bouncing to the beat. Which beat is that? Why, the 
life-giving jazzy rhythm of the Earth itself, thumping at a frequency only Sunflower can hear.
Wall-nuts have hard shells which you can use to protect your other plants.
{KEYWORD}Toughness:{STAT} high
{FLAVOR}"People wonder how I feel about getting constantly chewed on by zombies," says Wall-Nut. 
"What they don't realize is that with my limited senses all I can feel is a kind of tingling, like a relaxing back rub."
Cherry Bombs can blow up all zombies in an area. They have a short fuse so plant them near zombies.
{KEYWORD}Damage:{STAT} massive
{KEYWORD}Range:{STAT} all zombies in a medium area
{KEYWORD}Usage:{STAT} single use, instant
{FLAVOR}"I wanna explode," says Cherry #1. "No, let's detonate instead!" says 
his brother, Cherry #2. After intense consultation they agree to explodonate.
Potato Mines pack a powerful punch, but they need a while to arm themselves. You should plant them ahead of zombies. They will explode on contact.
{KEYWORD}Damage:{STAT} massive
{KEYWORD}Range:{STAT} all zombies in a small area
{KEYWORD}Usage:{STAT} single use, delayed activation
{FLAVOR}Some folks say Potato Mine is lazy, that he leaves everything to the last 
minute. Potato Mine says nothing. He's too busy thinking about his investment strategy.
Repeaters fire two peas at a time.
{KEYWORD}Damage:{STAT} normal (for each pea)
{KEYWORD}Firing speed:{STAT} 2x
{FLAVOR}Repeater is fierce. He's from the streets. He doesn't take attitude from anybody, 
plant or zombie, and he shoots peas to keep people at a distance. Secretly, though, Repeater yearns for love.
Snow Peas shoot frozen peas that damage and slow the enemy.
{KEYWORD}Damage:{STAT} normal, slows zombies
{FLAVOR}Folks often tell Snow Pea how "cool" he is, or exhort him to "chill out." They 
tell him to "stay frosty." Snow Pea just rolls his eyes. He's heard 'em all.
Chompers can devour a zombie whole, but they are vulnerable while chewing.
{KEYWORD}Damage:{STAT} massive
{KEYWORD}Range:{STAT} very short
{KEYWORD}Special:{STAT} long delay between chomps
{FLAVOR}Chomper almost got a gig doing stunts for The Little Shop of Horrors but it fell 
through when his agent demanded too much on the front end. Chomper's not resentful, 
though. He says it's just part of the business.
Puff-shrooms are cheap, but can only fire a short distance.
{KEYWORD}Damage:{STAT} normal
{KEYWORD}Range:{STAT} short
{NOCTURNAL}Sleeps during the day
{FLAVOR}"I only recently became aware of the existence of zombies," says Puff-shroom. "Like many fungi, 
I'd just assumed they were fairy tales or movie monsters. This whole experience has been a huge eye-opener for me."
Sun-shrooms give small sun at first and normal sun later.
{KEYWORD}Sun production:{STAT} low, then normal
{NOCTURNAL}Sleeps during the day
{FLAVOR}Sun-shroom hates sun. He hates it so much that when it builds up in his system, 
he spits it out as fast as he can. He just won't abide it. To him, sun is crass.
Fume-shrooms shoot fumes that can pass through screen doors.
{KEYWORD}Damage:{STAT} normal, penetrates screen doors
{KEYWORD}Range:{STAT} all zombies in the fume cloud
{NOCTURNAL}Sleeps during the day
{FLAVOR}"I was in a dead-end job producing yeast spores for a bakery," says Fume-shroom. 
"Then Puff-shroom, bless 'im, told me about this great opportunity blasting zombies. Now I really feel like I'm making a difference."
Plant Grave Busters on graves to remove the graves.
{KEYWORD}Usage:{STAT} single use, must be planted on graves
{KEYWORD}Special:{STAT} removes graves
{FLAVOR}Despite Grave Buster's fearsome appearance, he wants everyone to know that he loves 
kittens and spends his off hours volunteering at a local zombie rehabilitation center. "It's just the right thing to do," he says.
When eaten, Hypno-shrooms will make a zombie turn around and fight for you.
{KEYWORD}Usage:{STAT} single use, on contact
{KEYWORD}Special:{STAT} makes a zombie fight for you
{NOCTURNAL}Sleeps during the day
{FLAVOR}"Zombies are our friends," asserts Hypno-shroom. "They're badly misunderstood creatures 
who play a valuable role in our ecology. We can and should do more to bring them round to our way of thinking."
Scaredy-shrooms are long-ranged shooters that hide when enemies get near them.
{KEYWORD}Damage:{STAT} normal
{KEYWORD}Special:{STAT} stops shooting when enemy is close
{NOCTURNAL}Sleeps during the day
{FLAVOR}"Who's there?" whispers Scaredy-shroom, voice barely audible. "Go away. I don't want to see anybody. Unless it's the man from the circus."
Ice-shrooms temporarily immobilize all zombies on the screen.
{KEYWORD}Damage:{STAT} very light, immobilizes zombies
{KEYWORD}Range:{STAT} all zombies on the screen
{KEYWORD}Usage:{STAT} single use, instant
{NOCTURNAL}Sleeps during the day
{FLAVOR}Ice-shroom frowns, not because he's unhappy or because he disapproves, but because of a childhood injury that left his facial nerves paralyzed.
Doom-shrooms destroy everything in a large area and leave a crater that can't be planted on.
{KEYWORD}Damage:{STAT} massive
{KEYWORD}Range:{STAT} all zombies in a huge area
{KEYWORD}Usage:{STAT} single use, instant
{KEYWORD}Special:{STAT} leaves a crater
{NOCTURNAL}Sleeps during the day
{FLAVOR}"You're lucky I'm on your side," says Doom-shroom. "I could destroy everything you hold dear. It wouldn't be hard."
Lily pads let you plant non-aquatic plants on top of them.
{KEYWORD}Special:{STAT} non-aquatic plants can be planted on top of it
{AQUATIC}Must be planted in water
{FLAVOR}Lily Pad never complains. Lily Pad never wants to know what's going on. Put a plant on top of Lily Pad, 
he won't say a thing. Does he have startling opinions or shocking secrets? Nobody knows. Lily Pad keeps it all inside.
Squashes will smash the first zombie that gets close to it.
{KEYWORD}Damage:{STAT} massive
{KEYWORD}Range:{STAT} short range, hits all zombies that it lands on
{KEYWORD}Usage:{STAT} single use
{FLAVOR}"I'm ready!" yells Squash. "Let's do it! Put me in! There's nobody better! I'm your guy! C'mon! Whaddya waiting for? I need this!"
Threepeaters shoot peas in three lanes.
{KEYWORD}Damage:{STAT} normal (for each pea)
{KEYWORD}Range:{STAT} three lanes
{FLAVOR}Threepeater likes reading, backgammon and long periods of immobility in the park. Threepeater enjoys 
going to shows, particularly modern jazz. "I'm just looking for that special someone," he says. Threepeater's favorite number is 5.
Tangle Kelp are aquatic plants that pull the first zombie that nears them underwater.
{KEYWORD}Damage:{STAT} massive
{KEYWORD}Usage:{STAT} single use, on contact
{AQUATIC}Must be planted in water
{FLAVOR}"I'm totally invisible," Tangle Kelp thinks to himself. "I'll hide here just below the surface and 
nobody will see me." His friends tell him they can see him perfectly well, but he'll never change.

Unused "Mini-Games"

If you obsessively played Adobe Flash games, you've probably wanted a little more out of them. You wish.

String ID String Text
WALL_NUT_BOWLING Wall-nut Bowling
WHACK_A_ZOMBIE Whack a Zombie
LITTLE_TROUBLE Big Trouble Little Zombie
ITS_RAINING_SEEDS It's Raining Seeds
INVISIGHOUL Invisi-ghoul
COLUMN_AS_YOU_SEE_EM Column Like You See 'Em
FINAL_BOSS Dr. Zomboss's Revenge
ART_CHALLENGE_WALL_NUT Art Challenge Wall-nut
ZOMBIES_ON_SPEED Zombie Nimble Zombie Quick
WAR_AND_PEAS_2 ZomBotany 2

Unused Tree of Wisdom Text

The Tree of Wisdom, like most of the other in-game features, isn't available in this version of the game.

String ID String Text
TREE_OF_WISDOM_1 Thank you for feeding me! Keep giving me food and I'll give you valuable information!
TREE_OF_WISDOM_2 Chompers and wall-nuts work exceedingly well together. It's no surprise, considering they were roommates in college.
TREE_OF_WISDOM_3 If you ever listen to anything I say, listen to this: you want two columns of sunflowers. I'm dead serious here.
TREE_OF_WISDOM_4 Snorkel zombies. I hate 'em. How do I deal? Wall-nuts on lily pads, that's how.
TREE_OF_WISDOM_5 Pssst! Try typing 'future' while playing to experience zombies... from the FUTURE!
TREE_OF_WISDOM_6 How many cherry bombs does it take to take down a Gargantuar? Here's a hint: more than one, fewer than three. Here's a more explicit hint: Two.
TREE_OF_WISDOM_7 If you're looking for mushroom plants for your Zen Garden, you'll have better luck playing on levels where it's nighttime.
TREE_OF_WISDOM_8 I wouldn't worry about permanently damaging your lawn with Doom-shrooms. In time the earth heals itself.
TREE_OF_WISDOM_9 Have you tried clicking on the flowers on the main menu? Give it a shot! I'll wait here.
TREE_OF_WISDOM_10 Legend has it that frozen zombies eat slower. I'm here to tell that legend has its facts straight.
TREE_OF_WISDOM_11 Have you heard of the elusive Yeti Zombie? Some say he likes hiding where it's pitch black.
TREE_OF_WISDOM_12 What's cheaper than free? Nothing! That's why Puff-shrooms are essential on all night levels!
TREE_OF_WISDOM_13 Are you hoping to find water plants for your Zen Garden? I bet my phloem you'll have the most luck searching in pool levels.
TREE_OF_WISDOM_14 Have you noticed that Gargantuars sometimes use OTHER ZOMBIES to bash your plants? Whatever works, I guess.
TREE_OF_WISDOM_15 Stinky the Snail sure loves his chocolate. Maybe loves it a little too much, you know? He won't sit still for an hour after he's had some.
TREE_OF_WISDOM_16 If you think playing survival 'endless' mode only drops pool-style plants for your Zen Garden, think again! It drops everything-style.
TREE_OF_WISDOM_17 Often the question is asked: where do you find chocolate? A better question would be: where DON'T you find chocolate? It drops in every game mode!
TREE_OF_WISDOM_18 Grave Busters, eh? Pick 'em only when you can see graves on the right side of the screen along with the zombies. That's what I do.
TREE_OF_WISDOM_19 I've heard that Buckethead zombies take five times as many hits as regular ones.
TREE_OF_WISDOM_20 I hear that typing 'mustache' brings about a terrifying transformation in the undead!
TREE_OF_WISDOM_21 Do multiple Snow-peas in a row slow zombies down more than just one? The sad but truthful answer is 'Nay.'
TREE_OF_WISDOM_22 You know that zombies emerge from gravestones, right? So what's stopping you from using grave busters to get rid of them in Survival night? Is it pride?
TREE_OF_WISDOM_23 If you're looking for the inside info on how long a level's going to be, count the flags on the level meter. That'll set you up real nice.
TREE_OF_WISDOM_24 Roof cleaners. Classic items. Can't recommend them highly enough. Best thing about them? They give you a shot at beating Pogo Party.
TREE_OF_WISDOM_25 If you're wondering if feeding a Hypno-shroom to a dancer zombie compels him to summon backup dancers for you, bet it all on 'Yes.'
TREE_OF_WISDOM_26 Make Money Fast! By Playing Survival Endless! Then E-mail Me Your Bank Account Number!
TREE_OF_WISDOM_27 You'd think Torchwoods would douse snow peas. And you'd be correct, because you, my friend, are one smart cookie.
TREE_OF_WISDOM_28 Those hateful ZomBotany zombies! Who do they think they are, shooting at your plants? It's a good thing Wall-nuts stop 'em cold.
TREE_OF_WISDOM_29 The Pogo Party and Bobsled Bonanza mini-games are really, really, really difficult. Wanna drop one of the 'reallys' off that description? Use the Squash.
TREE_OF_WISDOM_30 Just when you thought jalapenos couldn't be any more useful, a Tree of Wisdom lets you know that they also destroy the Zomboni's ice trails! BAM!
TREE_OF_WISDOM_31 Once you buy the Imitater, try clicking the little drawing in the upper left corner of your Almanac to access the entry on that sucker.
TREE_OF_WISDOM_32 The number of coins you receive in Wall-nut bowling is proportional to how cool you are as measured by how many ricochets per nut you can pull off.
TREE_OF_WISDOM_33 Please do not tap on the glass! Or actually, go ahead; right-click on your Aquarium Garden or during Zombiquarium to deafen your underwater creatures.
TREE_OF_WISDOM_34 When I was just an acorn my grampa told me, 'Son, Vasebreaker puzzles are much easier if you break the vases on the right side first.'
TREE_OF_WISDOM_35 Dancers in I, Zombie may seem expensive, but in the right situation they're worth every penny.
TREE_OF_WISDOM_36 I had a dream. In it, cattail spikes popped balloons and dropped zombies to the ground. I don't know what it means.
TREE_OF_WISDOM_37 Growing aquatic plants in your Zen Garden is pretty much impossible without the Aquarium Garden. Just saying.
TREE_OF_WISDOM_38 Digger zombies violate the natural order with their subterranean ways. It's only fair to use Magnet-shrooms to steal their mining picks.
TREE_OF_WISDOM_39 Every day brings new challenges and opportunities. Oh, and new Marigolds in Crazy Dave's shop.
TREE_OF_WISDOM_40 Mushroom Garden! Huh! What is it good for? Absolutely nothin'! Except growing mushrooms, that is.
TREE_OF_WISDOM_41 Tired? Depressed? Ladders on Tall-nuts getting you down? A quick Magnet-shroom will whisk your cares away!
TREE_OF_WISDOM_42 The tallness of Tall-nuts earns widespread acclaim due to their effectiveness vs. Dolphin Riders and Pogo Zombies.
TREE_OF_WISDOM_43 The explosive force of a Cherry Bomb or Jalapeno is more than capable of dislodging a ladder from a Wall-nut.
TREE_OF_WISDOM_44 It's tempting to feed all your chocolate to Stinky the Snail. He's such a chocolate hog. But remember: Zen Garden plants like chocolate too!
TREE_OF_WISDOM_45 Torchwood fire is hotter than rage, but Zombonis, screen doors, ladders and catapults can take the heat.
TREE_OF_WISDOM_46 If you rely on upgrade plants in Survival: Endless, be acutely aware that they get more expensive the more you have on your lawn.
TREE_OF_WISDOM_47 The Imps in I, Zombie seem weak. But they're speedy and great for fetching that last brain when you've cleared the rest of the opposition.
TREE_OF_WISDOM_48 If you type 'trickedout,' don't be surprised if you see something wacky happen to your lawnmowers.
TREE_OF_WISDOM_49 Thank you for feeding me! I'm out of new wisdom for now, but I might have more if you grow me tall enough!
TREE_OF_WISDOM_101 Mmmm, I could sure use some yummy fertilizer!
TREE_OF_WISDOM_102 I think I've seen that cloud before.
TREE_OF_WISDOM_103 Don't mind me. I'll just be over here, growing.
TREE_OF_WISDOM_104 I'm metabolizing like crazy!
TREE_OF_WISDOM_105 I'll never get why you animals spend all day moving around like you do.
TREE_OF_WISDOM_106 I experience time at a vastly slower rate than you!
TREE_OF_WISDOM_107 I think I'm perennial!
TREE_OF_WISDOM_108 My xylem is tingling!
TREE_OF_WISDOM_109 You can get a lot of wisdom just by standing around.
TREE_OF_WISDOM_110 So I've heard about this "winter" dealie. Can't say I'm looking forward to it.
TREE_OF_WISDOM_201 Mmmm... sunlight is DELICIOUS!
TREE_OF_WISDOM_202 Oops, sorry... I just gave off some oxygen.
TREE_OF_WISDOM_203 Gosh, I can grow leaves!
TREE_OF_WISDOM_204 I feel a spurt coming on!
TREE_OF_WISDOM_205 At this stage I lack worldly knowledge!
TREE_OF_WISDOM_301 I really appreciate all the cash you're spending on fertilizer!
TREE_OF_WISDOM_302 That cloud looks just like a vast aggregation of water droplets!
TREE_OF_WISDOM_303 Have you met my cousin Yggdrasil? Very big in Sweden. Lots of fans.
TREE_OF_WISDOM_304 I'm taking sociology at an online college. I'm really learning a lot.
TREE_OF_WISDOM_305 After careful observation I've deduced that it is the Earth that revolves around the sun and not the reverse as it appears.
TREE_OF_WISDOM_401 When you've been around as long as I have, you sleep less and hallucinate more.
TREE_OF_WISDOM_402 If you're mistaking the forest for the trees, just remember: A forest is a collection of individual trees and not the other way around.
TREE_OF_WISDOM_403 History repeats itself but it always gets the details wrong.
TREE_OF_WISDOM_404 If the past, present and future all simultaneously exist as "block time", surely the experience of "now" can only be an elaborate illusion?
TREE_OF_WISDOM_405 Courage is easy; dedication costs extra.
TREE_OF_WISDOM_500 Here's some wisdom that bears repeating...
TREE_OF_WISDOM_600 Tree food, please!
TREE_OF_WISDOM_800 Hey, I'm 100 feet tall! Celebrate with me by typing 'daisies' to get the zombies to leave tiny daisies behind when they die.
TREE_OF_WISDOM_900 Whoa! I'm 500 feet tall! This calls for some dancing! Type 'dance' to get the zombies to boogie on down!
TREE_OF_WISDOM_1000 WOW! I'm 1000 feet tall! Celebrate with me by typing 'pinata' to make zombies spit out candy when destroyed!
TREE_OF_WISDOM_1100 Thank you for feeding me! I've given you all my wisdom, but you can still grow me taller!
CANT_USE_CODE You don't have a tall enough Tree of Wisdom for that!

Unused Code

Unused Music

public static const ZENGARDEN:MusicId = new MusicId();

According to this string of code, the music for the Zen Garden was in the game at one point. The .mp3 file itself is nowhere to be found in the files.

Unused Graphics

Unused Demo Sprites


There is an unused fourth upsell screen like the ones that are used. This one is likely a placeholder.

595 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE REANIM SELECTORSCREEN WOODSIGN2 RGB CLASS.png 618 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE REANIM SELECTORSCREEN WOODSIGN2 PRESS RGB CLASS.png

A variant of the "Try the Full Version" button in the Dwarven Stonecraft font instead of Brianne's Hand.

124 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE REANIM SELECTORSCREEN VASEBREAKER BUTTON RGB CLASS.png 592 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE REANIM SELECTORSCREEN VASEBREAKER HIGHLIGHT RGB CLASS.png

An unlocked version of the Mini-Games button. The filenames of said button say "VASEBREAKER", while the Puzzle button, which is the actual Vasebreaker button, has a filename that says "CHALLENGE".

Full Game Leftovers

There are leftover graphics from the full version of the game. Interestingly, most of these are also scaled down to fit with the demo's lower resolution.

99 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE CHALLENGE WINDOW RGB CLASS.png 293 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE CHALLENGE WINDOW HIGHLIGHT RGB CLASS.png 155 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE CHALLENGE BACKGROUND RGB CLASS.jpg 606 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE MINIGAME TROPHY RGB CLASS.png 303 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE TROPHY RGB CLASS.png 302 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE TROPHY HI RES RGB CLASS.png 341 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE LOCK RGB CLASS.png 732 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE LOCK OPEN RGB CLASS.png

Graphics for the Minigames, Puzzle and Survival modes. Includes the trophy reward.

761 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE SURVIVAL THUMBNAILS RGB CLASS.jpg 704 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE SURVIVAL THUMBNAIL RGB CLASS.png 433 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE CHALLENGE THUMBNAIL RGB CLASS.png 397 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE CHALLENGE THUMBNAILS RGB CLASS.jpg

Thumbnails for all other game modes aside from Adventure. The size of the Survival thumbnails are not scaled down, but there is a Survival: Day thumbnail that is.

671 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE REANIM POTATOMINE BODY RGB CLASS.png 296 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE REANIM POTATOMINE EYES RGB CLASS.png 246 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE REANIM POTATOMINE BLINK1 RGB CLASS.png 499 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE REANIM POTATOMINE BLINK2 RGB CLASS.png 285 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE REANIM POTATOMINE STEM RGB CLASS.png 393 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE REANIM POTATOMINE ROCK1 RGB CLASS.png 713 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE REANIM POTATOMINE ROCK2 RGB CLASS.png 207 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE REANIM POTATOMINE ROCK3 RGB CLASS.png 712 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE REANIM POTATOMINE ROCK4 RGB CLASS.png 434 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE REANIM POTATOMINE ROCK5 RGB CLASS.png 612 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE REANIM POTATOMINE ROCK6 RGB CLASS.png 786 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE REANIM POTATOMINE MASHED RGB CLASS.png 256 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE POTATOMINE PARTICLES RGB CLASS.png 788 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE REANIM POTATOMINE LIGHT1 RGB CLASS.png 740 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE REANIM POTATOMINE LIGHT2 RGB CLASS.png 542 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE EXPLOSIONSPUDOW RGB CLASS.png

Potato Mine sprites. These are not used, as Squash replaced Potato Mine in this version. They're also the only unused plant sprites.

537 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE SCARY POT RGB CLASS.png 284 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE VASE CHUNKS RGB CLASS.png

While the question and leaf vases are used, the zombie vase is still here, just like in the full version.

764 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE SHOVEL HI RES RGB CLASS.png

A high quality shovel sprite. Strangely, the used sprites are an earlier version of the shovel graphic instead of this newer one. This was also the case for the iOS and Android versions of the full game.

390 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE SUNBANK RGB CLASS.png 780 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE SEEDCHOOSER IMITATERADDON RGB CLASS.png 681 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE FERTILIZER RGB CLASS.png 796 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE SEEDS RGB CLASS.png

Sprites related to the user interface, such as the sun bank in Slot Machine, the Imitater addon, Zen Garden fertilizer, and several seed packet types, which don't match the size of the seed packet graphic actually used.

790 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE EDITBOX RGB CLASS.png 596 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE SELECTORSCREEN OPTIONS1 RGB CLASS.png 359 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE SELECTORSCREEN OPTIONS2 RGB CLASS.png 283 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE SELECTORSCREEN HELP1 RGB CLASS.png 299 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE SELECTORSCREEN HELP2 RGB CLASS.png 677 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE SELECTORSCREEN QUIT1 RGB CLASS.png 149 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE SELECTORSCREEN QUIT2 RGB CLASS.png 690 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE OPTIONS SLIDERSLOT RGB CLASS.png 334 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE OPTIONS SLIDERKNOB2 RGB CLASS.png

Sprites related to the main menu. There is the text box that would've been used to input your name, an unlocked version of the Minigmes button, "Options" "Help" and "Quit" buttons, and the slider for Music and SFX volume that goes unused, hence them now being a toggle.

204 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE REANIM LEAFBUNCH1 RGB CLASS.png 320 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE REANIM LEAFBUNCH2 RGB CLASS.png 98 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE REANIM LEAFBUNCH3 RGB CLASS.png 152 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE REANIM LEAF1 RGB CLASS.png 605 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE REANIM LEAF2 RGB CLASS.png 339 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE REANIM LEAF3 RGB CLASS.png 551 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE REANIM LEAF4 RGB CLASS.png

Sprites for the Tree of Wisdom.

743 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE ZOMBIENOTE2 RGB CLASS.png 229 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE ZOMBIENOTE3 RGB CLASS.png 666 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE ZOMBIENOTE4 RGB CLASS.png 330 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE ZOMBIEFINALNOTE RGB CLASS.png

Notes from night, pool, fog and roof. The player is only able to see the day note, as the demo ends after beating 2-4.

789 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE ZOMBIE DIGGER DIRT RGB CLASS.png 333 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE REANIM DIGGER RISING DIRT RGB CLASS.png 288 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE REANIM DIGGER RISING DIRT2 RGB CLASS.png 533 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE REANIM DIGGER RISING DIRT3 RGB CLASS.png 521 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE REANIM DIGGER RISING DIRT4 RGB CLASS.png 384 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE REANIM DIGGER RISING DIRT5 RGB CLASS.png 630 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE REANIM DIGGER RISING DIRT6 RGB CLASS.png 421 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE REANIM DIGGER RISING DIRT7 RGB CLASS.png

Sprites for the dirt of Digger Zombie.

163 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE REANIM LAWNMOWER DICE TRICKED RGB CLASS.png 375 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE REANIM LAWNMOWER ENGINE TRICKED RGB CLASS.png 498 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE REANIM LAWNMOWER EXHAUST TRICKED RGB CLASS.png 439 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE REANIM LAWNMOWER BODY TRICKED RGB CLASS.png

Sprites for the lawnmowers that would appear when typing "trickedout" during gameplay.

442 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE ICETRAP RGB CLASS.png 354 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE ICETRAP2 RGB CLASS.png 470 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE ICETRAP PARTICLES RGB CLASS.png

Sprites for the ice trap from Ice-Shroom, which is not in this demo.

683 com.popcap.flash.games.pvz.resources.PVZImageLoader IMAGE BRAIN RGB CLASS.png

Sprite for the brain from I, Zombie

Debugging Information & Hidden Cheats

data.xml contains a cheat element. By changing false to true, it will enable the debug functions and hidden cheats. In the multiasset version, cheatsEnabled must be passed to the game.

Cheat name Key Description
globalPause ` "Pauses framework updates, or advances the framework by one update." Completely pauses the game framework while also giving it a black background, no frame advancement commands work when this is on.
toggleDebug F1 Renders the game's FPS and statistics at the bottom of the screen in this format:
v%i.%i [FPS: %i] [Avg. Update Time: %i] [Avg. Render Time: %i] [Avg. Task Time: %i] [Avg. Flash Time: %i]
stepUpdates F3 Pauses the game, if paused advances based off how many steps the game is running at.
resumeUpdates F4 "Resumes framework updates." Unpauses the game from pausing frames. Restores the game's original step count.
slowerUpdates F5 (In MSN Zone version, "7") "Reduces the number of game updates per step by 1 (min. of 1)." Decreases the game's speed in steps.
fasterUpdates F6 (In MSN Zone version, "8") "Increases the number of game updates per step by 1 (max of 30). " Increases the game's speed in steps.
refreshSeedsCheat 4 Automatically recharges the seed packets that you currently have selected.
spawnAwardCheat 5 Spawns an award, if no award is in the level, spawns the next Plant.
freePlantingCheat 6 Gives you unlimited sun and no recharge. This is apparently where the string Free Planting Cheat gets called but fails to be found to as the developers forgot to square bracket the string ID to separate the text and itself apart, such an mistake was carried over in full versions of the game!
previousLevelCheat , Goes to the previous level, if on the first level, restarts it..
nextLevelCheat . Goes to the next level, if on the final level, restarts it.
spawnWaveCheat / Force spawns the next wave of Zombies,, this also affects the current level's progress.
spawnNormalZombieCheat z Spawns a normal Zombie on a random lane.
spawnScreendoorZombieCheat s Spawns a Screen Door Shield Zombie on a random lane.
spawnNewspaperZombieCheat n Spawns a Newspaper Zombie on a random lane.
spawnFootballZombieCheat f Spawns a Football Player Zombie on a random lane.
spawnBucketZombieCheat b Spawns a Buckethead Zombie on a random lane.
spawnConeheadZombieCheat c Spawns a Conehead Zombie on a random lane.
spawnPolevaultZombieCheat p Spawns a Pole-vault zombie on a random lane.
spawnGraveZombieCheat g Spawns random Zombies from existing gravestones.
unlockAllModes u Unlocks the Survival and Puzzle modes. This cannot relock them.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Hidden levels

The game can be hacked with an external program to access levels outside of Adventure mode. The debug keys to skip levels don't work for these.

Level 1-0

This is a level with no plants, one flag and a blank reward, leading to level 1-1 after beating it. Zombies do spawn, but the player can't lose as every zombie ends up being crushed by a lawnmower. Every level before 1-1, including negative levels like 1--1, is a copy of this one.

Beginning of the level

Level 2-5

This level, while disappointingly not being Whack-a-Zombie, it's rather a duplicate of Level 2-4 with no graves. When all zombies are eliminated, no reward is given, not even when using debug keys.

No reward!

Source Compilation Directories

The English game SWFs contains debug compilation info regarding where scripts and assets were compiled. No clue what FGPM means.

C:\work\games\Flash\pvz\src (PopCap.com August 21, 2009)
C:\work\games\depot\Flash\pvz\src (PopCap.com September 15th, 2009)
C:\work\games\Flash\tools\fgpm\working (PopCap.com)
D:\!GAME_REAL\plantsvszombies\SVN\PROJECT\src (GameHouse/RealArcade Multiasset Version)
D:\svnroot\localization\games\plantsvszombies\web\source\tools\working (GameHouse/RealArcade Multiasset Version)

Revisional Differences

September 15th, 2009 (PopCap.com)

  • Removed an extra button hitbox of the completed loading screen that covered the entire game.
  • Removed code for a keypress of 2 to show the upsell screen in the playfield without having cheats enabled.
  • Fixed an issue with the advertising API preventing the restart function from working properly when enabled.
  • A lot of generated particle and reanimation code was removed, mostly residing from the full game.