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Pizza Tower/Unused Graphics/Unused Vigilante Graphics

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This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.
To do:
Add missing sprites if needed

Introduced in the Western build in 2020, the Vigilante, as a playable character, functioned differently from Peppino and Noise, as his moveset emphasized traversal with projectiles rather than speed. Unfortunately, he was scrapped around the time of the Eggplant build in 2022 for requiring too much work, and he will not get any Noise Update-like treatment.

The Vigilante is now just a boss and will stay that way, but his sprites from when he was playable remain in the files. A chunk of his animations were recycled in his boss fight; those that were thus won't be listed here.


Graphic Name Replaced Description
PTvigiidle1.gif spr_playerV_idle1 No The Vigilante getting angry and shaking his fist.
PTvigiidle2.gif spr_playerV_idle2 The Vigilante squinting his eyes and looking up.
PTvigiidle3.gif spr_playerV_idle3 The Vigilante lookin' cool.
PTvigiidle4.gif spr_playerV_idle4 Vigilante spitting out some cheese. Wait a second...
PTvigiidle6.gif spr_playerV_idle6 Vigilante looking back carefully.

Combo Walk

Graphic Name Replaced Description
PTvigicombowalk.gif spr_playerV_angrymove No The Vigilante's walking animation when he gets a combo of 35 or higher. No animation for a 50 or higher combo exists, however.


Graphic Name Replaced Description
PTvigilongfall.gif spr_playerV_bigfall1 No Vigi's long falling animation.
PTvigilongerfall.gif spr_playerV_bigfall2 The Vigilante freefalling.
PTvigiwallfall.gif spr_playerV_freefall Vigilante falling after bumping into a ceiling.


Graphic Name Replaced Description
PTvigienemybounce.gif spr_playerV_stompprep No Unlike Peppino and the Noise who use their feet when bouncing on enemies, the Vigilante uses his hands (or gloves, rather) to jump off them.
PTvigipostenemybounce.gif spr_playerV_stomp
PTvigidynamitejump.gif spr_playerV_superjump In the Western build, The Vigilante had the ability to preform a jump with a stick of dynamite he could use by pressing up and the grab button together, then jumping before the dynamite's explosion occurs.


Graphic Name Replaced Description
PTvigicrouchidle.gif spr_playerV_crouch No The Vigilante staying still while crouched down.
PTvigicrouchjump.gif spr_playerV_crouchjumpstart The Vigilante preforming a crouch jump.
PTvigicrouchfall.gif spr_playerV_crouchjump Vigilante falling after a crouch jump.
PTvigicrouchland.gif spr_playerV_crouchland Vigilante landing after a crouch fall.

Wall Jumping and Climbing

Graphic Name Replaced Description
PTvigiwallclimb.gif spr_playerV_wallclimb No The Vigilante climbing a wall.
PTvigiwallclimbjump.gif spr_playerV_walljump Vigilante jumping off a wall.
PTvigiwallclimbjumpair.gif spr_playerV_walljumpend Vigilante mid-air after jumping off a wall.


Graphic Name Replaced Description
PTvigimach3.gif spr_playerV_mach3 No The Vigilante running at Mach 3.
PTvigimach3jump.gif spr_playerV_mach3jump The Vigilante jumping at Mach 3.
PTvigimach3hit.gif spr_playerV_mach3hit The Vigilante hitting an enemy at Mach 3.
PTvigimach3turn.gif spr_playerV_mach3boost Vigilante turning around.
PTvigimach2boost.gif spr_playerV_mach2boost The Vigilante turning around at Mach 2.
PTvigicrazyrun.gif spr_playerV_crazyrun Vigilante running at Mach 4.

Mach Sliding

Graphic Name Replaced Description
PTvigimachslide.gif spr_playerV_machslide No The Vigilante sliding to a stop.
PTvigimachslideend.gif spr_playerV_machslideend The Vigilante finally stopping.

Mach Hit

Graphic Name Replaced Description
PTvigimachhit.gif spr_playerV_machhit1 No The Vigilante hitting blocks and enemies in a Mach 1/2 state.
PTvigimachhit2.gif spr_playerV_machhit2


Graphic Name Replaced Description
PTvigidive.gif spr_playerV_dive No The Vigilante doing a dive.


Graphic Name Replaced Description
PTvigiladderclimb.gif spr_playerV_climb No The Vigilante climbing a ladder.
PTvigiladder.png spr_playerV_ladderstill The Vigilante idle on a ladder. This sprite uses the first frame from spr_playerV_climb
PTvigidownladder.gif spr_playerV_downladder Vigilante going down a ladder.

Vigi's Boots

Graphic Name Replaced Description
PTvigibootsout.gif spr_playerV_bootsout No The Vigilante getting his boots out.
PTvigibootsidle.gif spr_playerV_bootsidle The Vigilante standing with his boots.
PTvigibootsjump.gif spr_playerV_bootsjump Vigilante jumping with his boots. This was also used as his Mach 1 and 2 jump.
PTvigibootsfall.gif spr_playerV_bootsfall Vigilante falling while his boots are out.
PTvigibootsland.gif spr_playerV_bootsland The Vigilante landing while he's got his boots.


Graphic Name Replaced Description
PTvigitaunt1.png PTvigitaunt2.png PTvigitaunt3.png

PTvigitaunt4.png PTvigitaunt5.png PTvigitaunt6.png

spr_playerV_taunt (frames separated) No All of Vigilante's taunts, mostly being generic and simple poses.


Graphic Name Replaced Description
PTvigislipping.gif spr_playerV_slipping No The Vigilante when slipping on a banana peel or sliding on ice. Even a cowboy like him slips from time to time!

Going into a Pizza Box

Graphic Name Replaced Description
PTvigidownbox.gif spr_playerV_downbox No The Vigilante going down a pizza box...
PTvigiupbox.gif spr_playerV_upbox ...and going up a pizza box.


Graphic Name Replaced Description
PTvigikeydoor.gif spr_playerV_keydoor No Vigilante entering an unlocked keydoor.
PTvigidoor.gif spr_playerV_door The Vigilante entering a standard door.

Getting a Treasure

Graphic Name Replaced Description
PTvigitreasure.gif spr_playerV_gottreasure No The Vigilante getting a secret treasure.

Collecting a Key

Graphic Name Replaced Description
PTvigikey.gif spr_playerV_gottreasure No The Vigilante collecting a key, tossing it in the air.


Note that none of the Vigilante's sprites for the updated TV HUD were ever created, so when playing as the Vigilante, the HUD defaults to Peppino's. That being said, his sprites for the old HUD still linger in the files.

Graphic Name Replaced Description
Windows-PizzaTower-spr playerV normalHUD-1.gif spr_playerV_normalHUD No The Vigilante's idle animation.
Windows-PizzaTower-spr playerV machHUD-1.gif spr_playerV_machHUD The Vigilante with any level of mach.
Windows-PizzaTower-spr playerV happyHUD-1.gif spr_playerV_happyHUD The Vigilante lookin' cool after collecting toppings to restore his HP.
Windows-PizzaTower-spr playerV hurtHUD-1.gif spr_playerV_hurtHUD The Vigilante taking damage.
Windows-PizzaTower-spr playerV angryHUD-1.gif spr_playerV_angryHUD The Vigilante while taking out enemies.
Windows-PizzaTower-spr playerV panicHUD-1.gif spr_playerV_panicHUD The Vigilante during Pizza Time.

Peppino's Xmas Break

Graphic Name Replaced Description
PTvigipresentpopout.gif spr_slimepresentup No In the Peppino's Xmas Break demo, various characters, such as Mr. Stick, Noise, Gustavo, Snick, and as featured here on this page, The Vigilante. They would pop out of presents at random in Strongcold's Santa Noise boss fight, making it harder to get defeat the Noise, the main target the player would have to hit.
PTvigipresent.gif spr_slimepresent
PTvigipresentdown.gif spr_slimepresentdown
PTvigipresentdead.png spr_slimepresentdead



Graphic Name Replaced Description
PTvigitumblestart.gif spr_playerV_tumblestart No The Vigilante starting his tumble.
PTvigitumblestart2.gif spr_playerV_tumblestart2 A shorter version of spr_playerV_tumblestart
PTvigitumble.gif spr_playerV_tumble The Vigilante tumbling (or rolling, rather).
PTvigitumbleend.gif spr_playerV_tumbleend Vigilante's tumbling coming to an end, via hitting a wall.


Graphic Name Replaced Description
PTvigisquished.gif spr_playerV_squished No The Vigilante getting squished by something from above.