Pizza Tower/Build-Specific Leftovers/Desert Build Leftovers
This is a sub-page of Pizza Tower/Build-Specific Leftovers.
This article is a work in progress. ...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes. |
To do: Add more content like objects and such. |
A small TV seen in old version of Oregano Desert. This TV acts like the obj_junk object in later builds, but will release its contents when broken. When loaded in, however, it crashes due to missing the "thrown" variable.
Unclimbable Wall
This object was was supposed to simply be a wall that the player can't climb. This was initially used during the development of the 2019 Desert build, having been used in a few rooms like inside the Pizzamart, before being scrapped in favor of removing Peppino's wallrun entirely, although that would be reverted shortly after this build's release. This object no longer functions in the final game as the code to prevent the player from climbing it was handled by the player rather than the object itself, and that code has seince been removed.
A simple block, being a desert themed block that could be destroyed like the standard blocks in the final game. It goes unused, but still remains in the old scrapped desert level.
Old Plains Tileset Intended for the Scrapped Mansion Level.