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Persona 5 Royal/Unused Text/Unused Phan-Site Requests

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This is a sub-page of Persona 5 Royal/Unused Text.

quest71 (Shadow Yatagai/Yatani)

He's called Yatagai in battle, but Yatani in chat due to 八谷 being read as both. This quest is unfinished due to the inconsistent name and no aftermath chat ('completed' chat (204) is a duplicate of scriptChat_184).

Quest Name

At Least Give Me Your Heart
Target Name
Atsushi Yatani


せめて、心だけでも の概要

せめて、心だけでも を調査中

Ryuji told me about an unreasonable complainer. We have a name, so let's meet up at the hideout! The Meta-Nav says "Skill Card: Charge."

Let's change the unreasonable complainer's heart in Mementos and save the accessory store in Shibuya. The Meta-Nav says "Skill Card: Charge."

I successfully changed the unreasonable complainer's heart. Let's return to the real world and see what happens.

I successfully changed the unreasonable complainer's heart. It seems that peace has returned to the accessory store in Shibuya.


MSG_000_0_0 [Ryuji]
I found some info on the forum about this unreasonable complainer guy.
Apparently he stormed into an accessory shop and gave them this big speech.
"I gave my girlfriend a gift from this shop and she dumped me!"
...I dunno why he's blaming the shop. Sounds like a personal problem.

An attitude problem.
Hard to say.
You think so?

MSG_002_0_0 [Ryuji]
Actually, this guy is famous for his complaints.
Wait, one of the victim shops is right across from the gym I go to!
I remember one time I was out with the track team, and we went in to check the place out...
They seemed like good people. Wish I could help 'em out.
I got the complainer's name. It's Atsushi Yatani. Let's get this guy, yeah?

MSG_006_0_0 [Morgana]
Ryuji's really keeping an eye out on the forum. We should do our part too!

I've obtained intel on a target. Perhaps I should see what everyone has to say at the hideout...

Hideout Discussion

MSG_azito_quest_71 [Morgana]
This intel is on the "unreasonable complainer".
Apparently he's making a false accusation against the accessory shop in Shibuya.
He's claiming that he got dumped because the goods the shop sells are low quality.

MSG_azito_quest_chk71_01 [Ann]
He's the one who chose to buy them! I feel sorry for the shop owner...

MSG_azito_quest_chk71_02 [Ryuji]
I've been to that shop a few times too... No way I can turn a blind eye when someone I care about is suffering!
Let's change that fool's heart!

Cutscene Dialogue

QUEST_71_BATTLE_PRE_mes0 [Ryuji]
It's the complainer!

QUEST_71_BATTLE_PRE_mes02 [Shadow Yatagai]
Who the hell are you guys! And who're you callin' a complainer!?

QUEST_71_BATTLE_PRE_mes03 [Ryuji]
You! You've been filing all those complaints to that store, right? Knock it off, asshole!

QUEST_71_BATTLE_PRE_mes04 [Shadow Yatagai]
Ah... Did that employee send you? Well, there's no way I'm stopping! I deserve compensation for what they did to me!

QUEST_71_BATTLE_PRE_mes05 [Ryuji]
You seriously think you're blameless?

QUEST_71_BATTLE_PRE_mes06 [Shadow Yatagai]
I got dumped because of their shitty product! I'm not gonna stop until I shut that store down!

QUEST_71_BATTLE_AFTER_me [Shadow Yatagai]
You're right... It's my own fault that I'm not popular with girls.
I'm ugly and awkward... I thought girls'd like me more if I started wearing popular accessories, but...
Accessories can't change the fact that I'm a terrible person. I'll try to be better from now on. I'm sorry...

That's sad...
Save the apology for the store.

SEL_Q71_SEL_A_0_mes01 [Ryuji]
It sucks getting dumped.

SEL_Q71_SEL_A_1_mes01 [Ann]
Yeah, there's someone else who deserves an apology from you.

QUEST_71_BATTLE_AFTER_me2 [Shadow Yatagai]
I'm gonna go apologize. My behavior was completely uncalled for...
And then I'll go back... as a customer.

They'll forgive you if your apology is sincere. The employee there is super nice!

Battle Dialogue

I... I didn't do anything baaad! D-Do you hate me thaaat muuuch!?

quest73 (Shadow Saeki)

Quest Name

Sombre Glory
Target Name
Kaya Saeki


くすんだ栄光 の概要

Ann told me about someone who hates Shiho. Ask around the school courtyard for information.

Ann told me about someone who hates Shiho. Ask around the school courtyard for information.

I've gathered information on the person who hates Shiho. We have a name, so let's meet up at the hideout!

I've gathered information on the person who hates Shiho. Let's change the target's heart in Mementos!

I successfully changed the target's heart. Let's return to the real world and see what happens.

I successfully changed the target's heart. Ann will be relieved.


Clues (Overworld)
MSG_Q73_HINT_NPC_000_00 [Scared Volleyball Player]
When I was cleaning the clubroom, I saw that someone had destroyed Shiho's stuff...

MSG_Q73_HINT_NPC_010_00 [Surprised Volleyball Player]
No way... Shiho was so kind to everyone. She wouldn't have given anyone a reason to do that, right?

MSG_Q73_HINT_NPC_020_00 [Scared Volleyball Player]
Yeah, but... It was in the club room, so I think it might've been someone on the volleyball team.
Maybe someone's upset about Mr. Kamoshida.

MSG_Q73_HINT_NPC_030_00 [Surprised Volleyball Player]
But that's Mr. Kamoshida's fault, not Shiho's...

MSG_Q73_HINT_NPC_040_00 [Morgana]
Hm. So someone on the volleyball team destroyed Shiho's stuff, huh...

MSG_Q73_HINT_NPC_000_00 [Easygoing Basketball Player]
I heard that Kaya stopped showing up to practice after Mr. Kamoshida left.

MSG_Q73_HINT_NPC_010_00 [Intense Soccer Player]
She's not even coming to school, is she?

MSG_Q73_HINT_NPC_020_00 [Easygoing Basketball Player]
Kaya really respected Mr. Kamoshida, so maybe she's just really shocked...

MSG_Q73_HINT_NPC_030_00 [Morgana]
Hmm, a volleyball team member named Kaya, who respected Kamoshida, has been skipping school...

MSG_Q73_HINT_NPC_000_00 [Gossipy Volleyball Player]
The other day, Kaya said some nasty things about Shiho... Said it was her fault that Mr. Kamoshida ended up that way.
She looked super pissed. It was kind of scary...

MSG_Q73_HINT_NPC_010_00 [Tired Volleyball Player]
Really!? Were Shiho and Kaya not on good terms or something?

MSG_Q73_HINT_NPC_020_00 [Gossipy Volleyball Player]
Seems like it. The two of them worked harder than anyone else. And things got really ugly after that incident...

MSG_Q73_HINT_NPC_030_00 [Morgana]
I see... So this Kaya girl on the volleyball team hated Shiho...

MSG_CHK_Q73_HINT_001_00 [Morgana]
Looks like we have enough information now. Let's head to the hideout and discuss a plan!

Hideout Discussion

MSG_azito_quest_73_01 [Morgana]
Lady Ann's friend, Shiho, received a threatening letter.

MSG_azito_quest_73_02 [Morgana]
The culprit is Kaya Saeki, who's also "on the volleyball team". Looks like she resents Shiho for Kamoshida's disappearance.

MSG_azito_quest_chk73_01 [Ann]
I can't believe she's taking it out on Shiho when it's Kamoshida's fault...
But she's still a victim of Kamoshida's actions, just like the rest of us.
That's why I want to try persuading her with words instead of using force.

MSG_azito_quest_chk73_03 [Ryuji]
Changing Kamoshida's heart was the right thing to do for sure!
But if someone was negatively affected by what we did, then we gotta save her too.

MSG_azito_quest_chk73_04 [Morgana]
Yeah, this isn't a case where we can just punish the person and call it a day.
We'll have to try and understand what the target's thinking too.

Cutscene Dialogue

MSG_QST_073_01 [Morgana]
There! That's Saeki Kaya!
She apparently used to be close with Shiho, but now she hates her so much that she destroys her belongings!
Let's change her heart before any harm comes to Shiho herself.

MSG_QST_073_02 [高巻 杏]
You're the one who left a threat in Shiho's drawer!

MSG_QST_073_03 [Saeki]
Who are you guys!? You can't understand what I'm going through, so stay out of my way!

MSG_QST_073_04 [Ryuji]
I know how hard it can be when stuff falls apart in your club. But your volleyball team's still around, ain't it?

MSG_QST_073_05 [Shadow Saeki]
But the volleyball team...

MSG_QST_073_06 [Ryuji]
Just listen! Your love of volleyball's obvious.
I know you've got just as much passion for it as Kamoshida and Suzui do.

MSG_QST_073_07 [Shadow Saeki]
My passion... for volleyball...

MSG_QST_073_08 [Ann]
Your volleyball team went through a lot... but it still exists.
So why not play again?
If anyone can make the team thrive again, I'm sure it's you.
It's something only you can do. That's what Shiho would want too...

MSG_QST_073_09 [Shadow Saeki]
Something only I can do...
I love volleyball...
Kamoshida-sensei and Shiho are both gone but... I still love volleyball with all my heart.
I can't quit here, for both their sakes.
I'm so sorry, Shiho...

MSG_QST_073_10 [Ann]
It's all right. I'm sure Shiho will forgive you. In fact, I guarantee it as her best friend!

MSG_QST_073_11 [Shadow Saeki]
Yeah... I'm going to make the volleyball team thrive again.

Battle Dialogue

MSG_BTL_START_000 [Shadow Saeki]
I won't let you get in the way!

Joker, let's try talking to her. Maybe we can calm her down!

By "weakening" the enemy, you will be able to speak to them.
By choosing the correct answers, you will be able to change the target's heart.

MSG_BTL_DIA_BF__000_000 [Shadow Saeki]
I'm gonna make everyone pay!

MSG_BTL_ATTACK_NG__000_0 [Ann]
What!? She just healed herself!

MSG_BTL_ATTACK_NG__000_02 [Ann]
Hey Joker, let's see if we can calm her down! It might be easier to change her heart that way!

Okay! Looks like we can talk to her now! Let's try and get through to her!

We aren't getting anywhere like this...
Looks like we'll have to weaken her a little more!

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP01_000_000 [Shadow Saeki]
What the hell did I ever do to Shiho!?

You spat on her.
You tore apart her things.
You made fun of her.

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP01_001_000 [Shadow Saeki]
It's her fault Mr. Kamoshida can't teach us anymore! She's getting what she deserves!

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP01_002_000 [Shadow Saeki]
See!? You don't know anything!

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP01_002_001 [Ann]
Looks like we couldn't convince her! We might need to think of something else.

Stop complaining.
The volleyball team is done.
You were close with him.

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP02_001_000 [Shadow Saeki]
What the hell are you talking about!? You know nothing about me!

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP02_001_001 [Ann]
But... I do know.

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP02_001_002 [Ann]
Shiho told me that you're the one she trusts the most on the volleyball team.

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP02_002_000 [Shadow Saeki]
You know nothing about me!

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP02_002_001 [Ann]
Looks like we couldn't convince her! We might need to think of something else.

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP03_000_000 [Shadow Saeki]
I trusted Shiho too...

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP03_000_001 [Shadow Saeki]
And when she attempted suicide, I was so upset that I couldn't do anything to help.

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP03_000_002 [Shadow Saeki]
Sure, Mr. Kamoshida did terrible things to her... But that didn't matter to me.

Because you hated him.
You admired him.
You loved him.

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP03_001_000 [Shadow Saeki]
I came to Shujin just because I wanted to be on the volleyball team. Learning under Mr. Kamoshida was a dream come true.

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP03_001_001 [Shadow Saeki]
I became friends with Shiho, and I got to compete alongside teammates I could trust...

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP03_001_002 [Shadow Saeki]
I was starting to believe we could even win the nationals...

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP03_001_003 [Shadow Saeki]
All of this... It's all Shiho's fault!

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP03_002_000 [Shadow Saeki]
That's not true! You don't know anything!

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP03_002_001 [Ann]
Looks like we couldn't convince her! We might need to think of something else.

MSG_BTL_END_000 [Ann]
You were jealous of Shiho, weren't you?

MSG_BTL_END_001 [Shadow Saeki]
Me...? Jealous of Shiho?

MSG_BTL_END_002 [Ann]
You were envious of Shiho because the teacher you admired only ever acknowledged her.

MSG_BTL_END_003 [Shadow Saeki]
Ugh... It is true that Mr. Kamoshida only paid attention to Shiho. He never even tried to coach me...

MSG_BTL_END_004 [Ann]
You were suffering... and so was the person you were jealous of.

MSG_BTL_END_005 [Ann]
You weren't the only person who felt betrayed by someone you admired.

MSG_BTL_END_006 [Ann]
But even despite everything, Shiho is still trying to keep moving forward.

MSG_BTL_END_007 [Shadow Saeki]

MSG_BTL_END_008 [Shadow Saeki]
She was the one who had it rough... and I...

MSG_BTL_TALK_OFF [Shadow Saeki]
Why do I have to talk about anything!?

MSG_BTL_TALK_OFF_2 [Shadow Saeki]
I have nothing to say to you!
Correct Choice Cheat Sheet

You spat on her.

You tore apart her things.

You made fun of her.


Stop complaining.

The volleyball team is done.

You were close with him.


Because you hated him.

You admired him.

You loved him.


MSG_000_0_0 [Ann]
I just got a message from Shiho. It sounds like Kayo suddenly came to her with an apology.
And—get this—she said "I'll take care of the volleyball team.

That's great news.
What a relief.

MSG_002_0_0 [Ann]
I couldn't have done it without all of you. Thanks for helping me.

MSG_003_0_0 [Morgana]
I'm glad to see Lady Ann's feeling better!

quest74 (Shadow Amai)

Quest Name

Fabricated Virtual Currency
Target Name
Yuko Amai
High Pixie


虚構の通貨 の概要

Makoto told me about a woman committing investment frauds. Ask around for info in Shibuya and Shinjuku!

I've gathered information on the woman committing investment frauds. Let's meet up at the hideout and go to Mementos!

I've gathered information on the woman committing investment frauds. Let's change the target's heart in Mementos!

I successfully changed the heart of the woman who was committing investment frauds. Let's return to the real world and see what happens.

I successfully changed the heart of the woman who was committing investment frauds. The fraud victims have seen justice.


MSG_000_0_0 [Makoto]
This request caught my eye on the Phan-Site.
It's an investment scam. Some kind of virtual currency scheme.
It sounds like they've already hit too many victims to count...

I want in on this.
Virtual currency?

MSG_002_0_0 [Makoto]
Don't say that. It'd be dangerous to profit off of something like this.

MSG_003_0_0 [Makoto]
Very. I can't believe there are people benefiting from this...

MSG_004_0_0 [Makoto]
It's a substitute for physical currency used online.
I'm just mad that it's being used as a tool to exploit people.

MSG_005_0_0 [Makoto]
The only problem is... there's no evidence.
The transactions are in person, so even if the scammer runs off, there's no record of purchase.

The cops can't help, huh?
That's our cue.

MSG_007_0_0 [Makoto]
Right. That's where we come in.

MSG_008_0_0 [Makoto]
Yes. I don't think we can leave this one to the police.

MSG_009_0_0 [Makoto]
The target's name was on the Phan-Site. It's Yuko Amai.
[f 5 15]Let's meet up at the hideout and discuss with everyone else.

MSG_010_0_0 [Morgana]
A scam involving virtual currency, huh?
Let's take action before any more people fall victim.
Clues (Overworld)
MSG_Q74_HINT_NANPASI_000 [Novice Pick-Up Artist]
Oh, that? She's just selling digital points that have no actual value.

MSG_Q74_HINT_NANPASI_010 [Veteran Pick-Up Artist]
...Wait, digital points!? A-Are you serious...!?
I mean... I knew that! I was just testing you! But I also heard they might rise in value in the long run...

MSG_Q74_HINT_NANPASI_020 [Novice Pick-Up Artist]
If you fall for it and agree to purchase them, you end up being responsible. It's scary stuff...

MSG_Q74_HINT_SURETIGAI_0 [Tired Office Worker]
Everyone's talking about the "BillionCoin" online. I wonder if it's any good.

MSG_Q74_HINT_SURETIGAI_02 [Sullen Office Worker]
I hear one coin is sold for ten thousand yen, even though it's not even worth one yen.

MSG_Q74_HINT_SURETIGAI_03 [Tired Office Worker]
People on social media are going on about how if you don't buy some now, it'll grow too expensive later on.

MSG_Q74_HINT_SURETIGAI_04 [Sullen Office Worker]
That's probably the seller pretending to be different people over multiple accounts. It's a scam greedy people would fall for.

Looks like we have enough information now. Let's head to the hideout and discuss a plan!

MSG_Q74_HINT_SURETIGAI_0 [Tired Office Worker]
Everyone's talking about the "BillionCoin" online. I wonder if it's any good.

MSG_Q74_HINT_SURETIGAI_02 [Sullen Office Worker]
I hear one coin is sold for ten thousand yen, even though it's not even worth one yen.

MSG_Q74_HINT_SURETIGAI_03 [Tired Office Worker]
People on social media are going on about how if you don't buy some now, it'll grow too expensive later on.

MSG_Q74_HINT_SURETIGAI_04 [Sullen Office Worker]
That's probably the seller pretending to be different people over multiple accounts. It's a scam greedy people would fall for.

MSG_F006_001_00_Q74_HINT [Busy-Looking Young Man]
Hm? "BillionCoin"?

MSG_F006_001_00_Q74_HINT2 [Busy-Looking Young Man]
A god-like trader won't deal with that kind of shit!

Explain more

MSG_F006_001_00_Q74_HINT3 [Busy-Looking Young Man]
You buy that shit once, it's over! The website is always under construction!
There's no use for it as it is! It's useless! Shit! Shit! Shit...

Quest 74 Hint NPC Got all hints

MSG_CHK_Q74_HINT_QUEST_02 [Morgana]
We got enough information. Let's talk it over with everyone at the hideout.

Hideout Discussion

MSG_azito_quest_74_01 [Morgana]
Our target is Yuko Amai. She commits "investment fraud" through the use of cryptocurrency.

MSG_azito_quest_74_02 [Yusuke]
The police can't make any moves either, correct?

MSG_azito_quest_74_03 [Makoto]
That's right. Since they're all dealings between individuals, there's no purchase history for them to track.

MSG_azito_quest_74_04 [Ryuji]
Aight! Then it's time for the Phantom Thieves to crack the case!

Cutscene Dialogue

MSG_QST_074_01 [Morgana]
There! That's our target, Yuko Amai!

MSG_QST_074_02 [Ann]
Tricking people and stealing their money is unforgivable!

MSG_QST_074_03 [Makoto]
Yes. Let's change her heart and prevent her from deceiving any more people!

MSG_QST_074_04 [Shadow Amai]
Oh? You guys wanna buy "BillionCoin" too?
You won't get another chance, you know?

MSG_QST_074_05 [Makoto]
Your horrible scam ends now.
Exploiting loopholes in the law for your own gain... You should be ashamed of yourself!

MSG_QST_074_06 [Shadow Amai]
Huh!? Scam!? You'd better stop talking shit about my product!

MSG_QST_074_07 [Shadow Amai]
*Sob* It's all my fault!
I'll stop selling it! And I'll give back all the money, too!

You won't get another chance.

MSG_QST_074_09 [Makoto]
That's right. Your crimes can't be forgiven.
That's why you'll have to spend the rest of your life atoning for it... Can you promise us that?

MSG_QST_074_10 [Makoto]
...We changed your heart, so we'll believe you.
That's why you'll have to spend the rest of your life atoning for it... Can you promise us that?

MSG_QST_074_11 [Makoto]
That's right. If you do it again, we'll just change your heart again.
That's why you'll have to spend the rest of your life atoning for it... Can you promise us that?

MSG_QST_074_12 [Shadow Amai]
*Sob* Yes... I promise...

MSG_QST_074_13 [Ryuji]
If you go back on your word, Queen's fist of the phantom star's gonna beat your ass!

MSG_QST_074_14 [Shadow Amai]
O-okay! I'm so sorry!

Battle Dialogue

MSG_BTL_START_000 [Shadow Amai]
I'm going to be a billionaire! And if you're trying to get in my way, then I'll send you to hell!

MSG_BTL_START_001 [Makoto]
Joker, please try talking to her! I'm sure we can calm her down if we talk things over!

By holding up the enemy, you will be able to have a conversation with the target.
By choosing the correct answers, you will be able to change the target's heart.

MSG_BTL_DIA_BF__000_000 [Shadow Amai]
Billionaire power!

MSG_BTL_ATTACK_NG__000_0 [Makoto]
Be careful, she healed!

MSG_BTL_ATTACK_NG__000_02 [Makoto]
Joker, please try talking to her! I'm sure she'll calm down after talking about this!

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP01_000_000 [Makoto]
People who bought coins from you are stating that they're victims of your scam.

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP01_000_001 [Shadow Amai]
Scam? I have no idea what you're talking about!

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP01_000_002 [Shadow Amai]
All I told them is that they'll have money in the future! They're just desperate because they're broke!

How far into the future?
They're just digital points.
How much will it be worth?

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP01_001_000 [Makoto]
You call it "Virtual Currency," but it sounds like it doesn't actually have any monetary value.

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP01_001_001 [Shadow Amai]
Wh-What!? Like you brats would even know how it works!

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP01_001_002 [Shadow Amai]
It's super popular on my social networking account! All the billionaires are even recommending it to others!

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP01_002_000 [Shadow Amai]
Why bother asking!? It's not like you could afford it!

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP01_002_001 [Makoto]
It doesn't sound like that convinced her. Try saying something else.

Those accounts are yours.
They're all working with you.
Just deliver the coins.

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP02_001_000 [Makoto]
It's a trap to make it seem more legitimate, isn't it?

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP02_001_001 [Shadow Amai]
Y-You don't have any proof! Stop accusing me!

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP02_002_000 [Shadow Amai]
Ugh, you're so stupid!

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP02_002_001 [Makoto]
It doesn't sound like that convinced her. Try saying something else.

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP03_000_000 [Shadow Amai]
You can do whatever you want with the coins! Why don't they just sell them if they're so upset! Geez!

There's no way to sell them.
The coins are virtual.
You should buy it off of them.

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP03_001_000 [Makoto]
How are they supposed to sell them if the only site where they can is always under construction?

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP03_001_001 [Shadow Amai]
Well, that's—

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP03_001_002 [Shadow Amai]
I-If they don't need it, then why don't they just use it up!

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP03_002_000 [Shadow Amai]
Now you're just complaining! Get a brain, moron!

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP03_002_001 [Makoto]
It doesn't sound like that convinced her. Try saying something else.

It's not worth anything.
Everything's over priced.
You can't use it for anything.

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP04_001_000 [Makoto]
And where do we buy items with the points you created?

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP04_001_001 [Shadow Amai]
I-It's under construction...

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP04_001_002 [Makoto]
That is enough!

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP04_001_003 [Makoto]
You might think you're being clever and getting away with it, but what you're doing is inhuman!

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP04_001_004 [Shadow Amai]

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP04_002_000 [Shadow Amai]
I never said anything like that!

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP04_002_001 [Makoto]
It doesn't sound like that convinced her. Try saying something else.

MSG_BTL_END [Shadow Amai]
...I'm sorry.

MSG_BTL_TALK_OFF [Shadow Amai]
You can't talk to her!
Correct Choice Cheat Sheet

How far into the future?

They're just digital points.

How much will it be worth?


Those accounts are yours.

They're all working with you.

Just deliver the coins.


There's no way to sell them.

The coins are virtual.

You should buy it off of them.


It's not worth anything.

Everything's over priced.

You can't use it for anything.


MSG_000_0_0 [Makoto]
About that virtual currency investment scammer... She's turned herself in.

And the money?
What about the victims?

MSG_002_0_0 [Makoto]
Most of the money she swindled was apparently untouched in her accounts.
So most of it can be returned to the buyers.

That's good.
All thanks to you.

MSG_004_0_0 [Makoto]
It certainly is. And they have you and the rest of the team to thank for it.

MSG_005_0_0 [Makoto]
No, it wasn't just me. You and the rest of the team made this happen.

MSG_006_0_0 [Makoto]
I hope we can keep helping people in need like this.
Let's do just as well next time, too.

MSG_007_0_0 [Morgana]
So that scam really was too good to be true. We'd better not fall for any of those ourselves!

quest75 (Shadow Oi)

Quest Name

Ambivalence of a Boring Otaku
Target Name
Takuya Oi


冴えないオタクのアンビバレンス の概要

Futaba told me about "Tackle," who has been causing problems in Akihabara. Ask around for info in Akihabara and Shinjuku!

I've gathered information on "Tackle," the man who's been causing problems in Akihabara. Let's meet up at the hideout and go to Mementos!

I've gathered information on "Tackle," the man who's been causing problems in Akihabara. Let's change the target's heart in Mementos!

I've successfully changed "Tackle's" heart. Let's return to the real world and see what happens.

I've successfully changed "Tackle's" heart. Peace has returned to Akihabara.


MSG_000_0_0 [Futaba]
Red alert! Emergency directive!
A villainous otaku has been defiling the holy land.

Holy land?
Villainous otaku?

MSG_002_0_0 [Futaba]
Akihabara, duh. Try to keep up.

MSG_003_0_0 [Futaba]
Yes. Reports say this blackguard haunts Akihabara.

MSG_004_0_0 [Makoto]
Do you know who the target is?

MSG_005_0_0 [Futaba]
He's a jerk, is what he is. He cuts in line, he hoards limited-edition merch...
He even beats up passersby and damages the cool stuff they've just bought.
The people have dubbed him... "Tackle."

MSG_006_0_0 [Ryuji]
You don't got his real name?

MSG_007_0_0 [Futaba]
There've been reports from the victims, but not much on the guy himself.
Can I ask all of you to get some more intel?
Clues (Overworld)
MSG_Q75_HINT_OTAKU_000_0 [Skinny Man]
*sigh* That was hella scary. Was that seriously the "Tackle"...?

MSG_Q75_HINT_OTAKU_010_0 [Plump Man]
If he's a fellow otaku, he should at least stand in line just like everyone else.
It makes the rest of us look stupid for following directions.

MSG_Q75_HINT_OTAKU_020_0 [Skinny Man]
That. So much that. And then he buys everything up too! Like it's not totally obvious that he's gonna resell it all.
...I wonder what happened to him.

MSG_Q75_HINT_OTAKU_030_0 [Morgana]
Did they just mention "Tackle"?
That's the name of the guy that Futaba mentioned, the one who was causing trouble in Akihabara!
Let's go ask them about it.

MSG_Q75_HINT_OTAKU_035_0 [Plump Man]
W-W-W-W-What do you want?

An otaku who's been going around causing trouble...?
You're talking about "Tackle"?

MSG_Q75_HINT_OTAKU_050_0 [Skinny Man]
I mean, y-yeah... We know him, but...

MSG_Q75_HINT_OTAKU_060_0 [Plump Man]
Oh, did he get you too? He's pretty open about ruining people's days.
All he did to us was cut in line, but I've heard he randomly beats people up too.

MSG_Q75_HINT_OTAKU_070_0 [Skinny Man]
Y'know... even with all the victims, I still can't really believe he's doing this.
He didn't used to be like that. He was just a regular, fun-loving guy...
And he loves made cafés. We've gone together with him before...
...He was my friend.

MSG_Q75_HINT_OTAKU_080_0 [Plump Man]
Didn't they say he changed after he failed his college entrance exams?
I didn't know him that well, but you're always covering for him.

MSG_Q75_HINT_OTAKU_085_0 [Skinny Man]
What do you want from me? I just can't believe it, that's all...
He didn't used to be the type of person who would do this...

Do you know his name?
Give me more details.

MSG_Q75_HINT_OTAKU_100_0 [Skinny Man]
...His name? Why do you want to know?
I'm not gonna just give away his personal information... He's my friend.

MSG_Q75_HINT_OTAKU_110_0 [Skinny Man]

MSG_Q75_HINT_OTAKU_120_0 [Plump Man]
Man, you've sure got a strong sense of right and wrong.

MSG_Q75_HINT_OTAKU_130_0 [Skinny Man]
Wh-What? I'm not that different from anyone else...
...But he's my friend.

MSG_Q75_HINT_OTAKU_140_0 [Morgana]
So he won't talk, huh...
But we did learn that he changed after he failed his exams, and that he had otaku friends.
What other clues were there... He likes maid cafés too, I guess?
Let's try asking around some more.

MSG_Q75_HINT_OTAKU_150_0 [Plump Man]
I wonder if he's gotten into something really bad. Well, I mean, it's already pretty bad, but you know...

MSG_Q75_HINT_OTAKU_160_0 [Skinny Man]
You mean "Tackle," right? He didn't used to be like this...
I wish we could have a nice chat about maids again, like we did in the old days...

What? The shop's right over there. If you want to visit, then go right ahead.

Hey, didn't "Tackle" go to a maid café?
She might know something. Let's ask her.

MSG_Q75_HINT_TUNDEREMEID3 [Beautiful Maid]
Oh, "Tackle"! You mean that violent customer? Yeah, I know him.
He comes in with this excited look in his eyes and nerds out about stuff, but then he always says "I'm not an otaku!"
I think he took a liking to me... It's kind of annoying.

Can you tell me more?
Do you know his name?

MSG_Q75_HINT_TUNDEREMEID4 [Beautiful Maid]
Hmm... I do know his name, since he's kind of a regular here.
I think it was "Takuya Oi."
He's got a real short temper and complains a lot... Sounds like his parents grilled him hard for failing his college entrance exams.
I don't like what he's doing, but I guess I do feel kind of sorry for him.
For better or for worse, what your parents say to you still makes a big impact on you, you know?
...Oh wait, should I really be talking about a customer like this?
Well, let's just leave the conversation at that, okay? Thanks!

...We sure got a lot of info from her.
So he likes to nerd out, but he says he isn't an otaku...
And his parents criticized him for failing his college entrance exams. We heard about the exams earlier too, didn't we?
...It sounds like he wasn't always like this. Maybe that's the reason he changed.
Anyways, we've got the target's name now. Let's discuss this with everyone back at the hideout.

MSG_Q75_HINT_TUNDEREMEID6 [Beautiful Maid]
Uhh, I think I said too much. Keep that a secret from the shop, would you?

Now that you have your target, you need to make sure everyone's on board with the mission. Summon them to the hideout for a vote.

Hideout Discussion

MSG_azito_quest_75_01 [Morgana]
This intel is on the guy who's been causing trouble in Akihabara.
After he failed his entrance exams, he started behaving differently and doing nothing but harming other people.

MSG_azito_quest_75_02 [Ann]
Entrance exams, huh... They're so stressful.
And on top of that, his parents blame him for everything... I feel kinda bad for him.

MSG_azito_quest_75_03 [Futaba]
He said that he quit being an otaku, but he still geeks out about that kinda stuff, right?
Something's off about this...

MSG_azito_quest_75_04 [Ryuji]
But it ain't good that he's swinging at people outta nowhere and causing trouble.
...I bet his friend's worried about him too.

MSG_azito_quest_75_05 [Futaba]
Mona and I already sent out the calling card.
So let's change his heart quickly, for his friend's sake too!

Cutscene Dialogue

MSG_QST_075_01 [Futaba]
There! That's Takuya Oi. Let's punish this jerk for causing trouble at Akiba!

MSG_QST_075_02 [Shadow Oi]
I didn't do anything wrong! Otakus deserve to be hurt!

MSG_QST_075_03 [Futaba]
That doesn't make any sense!
Otaku or not, it's never okay to hurt people!

MSG_QST_075_04 [Shadow Oi]
Would you shut UP! If you're talking back like that, that means you must be an otaku too!
Otakus should be erased from this world!

MSG_QST_075_05 [Shadow Oi]
My parents cried when I failed my entrance exam.
They blamed it on me being an otaku... I took those words to heart.
I was hurt because I was an otaku. If I weren't an otaku, I wouldn't have gotten hurt.
But my friend passed the exams, so I should have known deep down that it wasn't true.
I ignored the truth. I'm such an idiot...

MSG_QST_075_06 [Futaba]
But you've realized your mistake now, right?

MSG_QST_075_07 [Shadow Oi]
Yeah. First... I'm gonna go apologize to that friend.
I don't know if I'll be forgiven, but it's worth a try.

MSG_QST_075_08 [Futaba]
Sure, I think that's a good idea!
...Also, you need to atone for the things you did.
You hurt a lot of people.

MSG_QST_075_09 [Shadow Oi]
I know.
My parents are gonna cry again... But that's just the way it has to be.
It wasn't about whether I was an otaku or not. It was about me being an idiot...

Battle Dialogue

MSG_BTL_START_000 [Shadow Oi]
There's no way I'd lose to an otaku! I don't lose 'cause I'm not an otaku!

MSG_BTL_START_001 [Futaba]
This guy's not making any sense... Let's try to calm him down, Joker!

MSG_BTL_DIA_BF__000_000 [Shadow Oi]
I won't lose to an otaku!

MSG_BTL_PRETALK_000_000 [Shadow Oi]
Hold on a sec! Why am I the one getting hurt here!
Let's talk about it, seriously!

MSG_BTL_PRETALK_001_000 [Futaba]
Hey Joker, maybe we're being too nice, but I think we should try talking to him.
So, here's the stuff we know about him.

MSG_BTL_PRETALK_002_000 [Futaba]
"He's got a friend at Akihabara", "He seemed most happy when he was nerding out", and...
"His parents got upset at him for failing his entrance exam"...

MSG_BTL_PRETALK_003_000 [Futaba]
For some reason, I can't just leave him behind.

By choosing the correct answers, you will be able to change the target's heart.
Use the information you have obtained to respond successfully!

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP00_000_000 [Shadow Oi]
All right, first of all... I want you guys to understand that I'm not an otaku.

You're right.
You have a friend in Akiba.

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP01_002_000 [Shadow Oi]
Right!? See? I'm not doing anything wrong!

Crap! Looks like we made it worse! It's prolly best if we chose what you say wisely!

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP01_001_000 [Shadow Oi]
What friend...!?
I've got no friend in Akiba! Like I said, I'm not an otaku!

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP01_001_001 [Futaba]
Even after he found out what you were doing, he insisted that you weren't the type who could do such a thing.
If that isn't a friend, then what is?

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP01_001_002 [Shadow Oi]
He said that...?
But I...

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP02_000_000 [Shadow Oi]
Otakus need to learn their lesson. That's why I did what I did.
'Cause I don't wanna get hurt...

And your entrance exam?
You are in pain right now.

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP02_002_000 [Shadow Oi]
Sh-Shut up! It's not painful at all!
I can keep going!

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP02_001_000 [Shadow Oi]
How the hell do you know about that!?

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP02_001_001 [Futaba]
We did some research on ya.
You went through some rough times after your parents found out about your exams, didn't you?
Don't you think it's wrong to blame that solely on your nerdy hobbies?

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP02_001_002 [Shadow Oi]
Just shut up! There's nothing fun about being an otaku!

Not even getting to nerd out?
What about Maid Cafés?

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP03_001_000 [Shadow Oi]

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP03_001_001 [Futaba]
There must've been a lotta things that were fun when you were an otaku.

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP03_001_002 [Futaba]
C'mon, Joker. Tell him.

Your friend's waiting for you.
Don't betray your friend.

MSG_BTL_END_000 [Shadow Oi]
My... friends...?

You can't talk to him
Correct Choice Cheat Sheet

You're right.

You have a friend in Akiba.


And your entrance exam?

You are in pain right now.


Not even getting to nerd out?

What about Maid Cafés?


Your friend's waiting for you.

Don't betray your friend.


MSG_000_0_0 [Futaba]
It looks like that Tackle guy turned himself in!

That's good news.
Mission complete.

MSG_002_0_0 [Futaba]
Peace returned to the holy land, and there was much rejoicing!
...I don't see any news on his friend, but he's probably okay, right?

Of course.
I'm not sure.

MSG_004_0_0 [Futaba]
Yeah! I gotta trust in the bonds between my fellow otaku!
Thanks, [NAME].

MSG_005_0_0 [Futaba]
Yeah. I guess this is something they gotta work out between themselves.
But I really do hope they can come to some kind of understanding.

MSG_006_0_0 [Morgana]
It's so like Futaba to worry about the target's friend.
They'll find a way to talk through their problems... I'm sure of it.

quest76 (Shadow Chiyo)

Quest Name

Japanese Painting and Doujinshi
Target Name
Chiyo Tsumano


日本画と同人誌 の概要

Yusuke told me about a popular doujin artist who's been suspected of plagiarism. Ask around in Akihabara and gather information!

I've gathered information on the popular doujin artist who's suspected of plagiarism. Let's meet up at the hideout and go to Mementos!

I've gathered information on the popular doujin artist who's suspected of plagiarism. Let's change the target's heart in Mementos!

I've gathered information on the popular doujin artist who's suspected of plagiarism. Let's return to the real world and see what happens.

I've gathered information on the popular doujin artist who's suspected of plagiarism. She's repented and will work harder to write manga from now on.


MSG_000_0_0 [Yusuke]
This request isn't from the Phan- Site. I'd like to submit it as a personal favor.
It concerns a girl in the same art track as me, with some renown as a high-school doujin artist.
Her recent doujinshi and certain posts online have raised suspicions that her work may be plagiarized.

Is she making bank?

MSG_002_0_0 [Yusuke]
For my part, I've seen some clear evidence of that in my research. I suspect her myself.

MSG_003_0_0 [Yusuke]
Oh—as I understand it, it's a manga one creates and publishes wholly independently.
Based on my own research online, I've begun to suspect her as well.

MSG_004_0_0 [Yusuke]
Inasmuch as a high-schooler can, I suppose, yes.
Based on my own research online, I've begun to suspect her as well.

MSG_005_0_0 [Yusuke]
She's denied the allegations on social media, which only caused further uproar and backlash.
Since then, she's closed her account and withdrawn from public view.

Are you friends with her?
How is she at school?

MSG_007_0_0 [Yusuke]
She's mostly devoted to the manga club, but I personally came to know her through the art club.
Despite our differences, she's a fellow artist making her way in the world. That's worth respecting.
Traditional Japanese painting may be a far cry from manga, but she's still a great talent—and a friend.
I don't know her situation, but if she truly is plagiarizing, perhaps we could change her heart?

Of course.
I'll consider it.

MSG_009_0_0 [Yusuke]
I appreciate it. Though... I would rather solve this nonviolently, if possible.
I called her my friend earlier, and... I'd like to hope I can still act as one.

Got it.
I'll look into it.

MSG_011_0_0 [Yusuke]
My thanks. She styles herself as "CHIYO" online, but her true name is Chiyo Tsumano.
I will try and gather more information at Kosei.
I will leave the investigation of Akihabara to you. Reportedly, she sold her doujinshi there.

MSG_012_0_0 [Morgana]
A request from Yusuke, huh...
Well, we can't ignore this. I guess we'll go to Akihabara and ask around.

When investigating requests, you may find that you can change a target's heart nonviolently by speaking up mid-battle.
For this to succeed, you will need to gather information in the real world.
Speak to the townspeople and collect information that will aid in changing the target's heart.
Clues (Overworld)
MSG_F007_001_00_Q76_OTAK [Haughty Otaku]
CHIYO? You mean the doujin artist being accused of plagiarism?

MSG_F007_001_00_Q76_OTAK2 [Knowledgeable Otaku]
She used to put out new works all the time, but her pace has really slowed since she started getting popular.

Is she out of ideas?
I wonder why?

MSG_F007_001_00_Q76_OTAK3 [Haughty Otaku]
Who knows? She's raking it in, even without the rapid-fire releases. Maybe she's gotten lazy or something?
Or maybe she caved due to the pressure?

You mean she's in a slump?

MSG_F007_001_00_Q76_OTAK4 [Knowledgeable Otaku]
She gained a lot more fans when she put out new works, but she got more negative feedback and criticism too.
Being popular sure seems tough.

MSG_F007_001_00_Q76_KOUS [Female Kosei Student]
Chiyo Tsumano-san? Yes, I know her.
She quit our manga club... It sounded like she had a lot going on though, so I can't blame her.

A lot going on?
Can't blame her for what?

MSG_F007_001_00_Q76_KOUS2 [Female Kosei Student]
She loves manga, you know. She used to have so much fun drawing.
But lately, it seems like it's been hard for her to draw...
It's like she's hit a wall in terms of her artistic skill and her creativity.
That's why she's being suspected of plagiarism now...
I want to help her, but there's only so much you can do when it comes to creative work...

MSG_CHK_Q76_HINT_QUEST_0 [Morgana]
I think we get what's going on now. Now we just need to go over it at the hideout.

Hideout Discussion

MSG_azito_quest_76_01 [Morgana]
Our target is Chiyo Tsumano. She's a "popular manga artist who's being suspected of plagiarism".

MSG_azito_quest_76_02 [Makoto]
She was a coterie manga artist that even Yusuke looked up to, right?

MSG_azito_quest_chk76_01 [Ann]
I wonder why someone of her caliber would stoop to plagiarism...

MSG_azito_quest_chk76_02 [Yusuke]
I wish to persuade her through a change of heart. Please.

Cutscene Dialogue

MSG_QST_076_01 [Morgana]
There she is! That's Chiyo Tsumano! According to what we dug up...
"It's plagiarism if you trace art and publish it as your own," "The popularity was putting pressure on her" and...
"She looked stressed in an interview"! Let's convince her and change of heart!

MSG_QST_076_02 [Morgana]
Are you Chiyo Tsumano?

MSG_QST_076_03 [Tsumano]
Wooow, what an interesting outfit! Maybe I'll use it in my manga!

MSG_QST_076_04 [Yusuke]
Tsumano-san, why are you plagiarizing? Tell me your reasons!

MSG_QST_076_05 [Tsumano]
That voice... Kitagawa!? Now you're accusing me of plagiarism too!?
You guys are the ones coming in here to steal things! That's unforgivable!

MSG_QST_076_06 [Shadow Tsumano]
I got scared when people started saying I was a popular high school manga artist...
The more I tried to write things solely for other people's enjoyment, the harder it became to write...
I thought people wouldn't notice if it was only a little bit, so I plagiarized...

MSG_QST_076_07 [Makoto]
You let the temptation get the better of you when you were under pressure.

MSG_QST_076_08 [Shadow Chiyo]
I wasn't caught, so I did it again and again... But I got carried away, and now I can't turn back.
The undeserved popularity must have gone to my head...

MSG_QST_076_09 [Yusuke]
I'm not familiar with manga. I have no idea if you have what it takes to become a manga artist.

MSG_QST_076_10 [Ryuji]
H-Hey, Yusuke...

MSG_QST_076_11 [Yusuke]
But I could feel the emotions of your characters through your drawings.
Being able to convey emotion through art... Is that not talent?

MSG_QST_076_12 [Shadow Chiyo]
Me, talented...? I don't know...

MSG_QST_076_13 [Ann]
I think you do. You were able to draw without plagiarizing up until you got popular, right?

MSG_QST_076_14 [Shadow Chiyo]
...I love manga. I want to draw it for the rest of my life if I can...

MSG_QST_076_15 [Yusuke]
Then you must atone for your sins. For your own sake, if no one else's.

MSG_QST_076_16 [Shadow Chiyo]
Yeah, you're right... I'll stop plagiarizing. And I'll apologize to everyone, too...
Phantom Thieves, please. Change my weak heart...

Of course.
Let's start over.

MSG_QST_076_18 [Shadow Chiyo]
I'm going to stop running away and do the best I can.

Battle Dialogue

MSG_BTL_START_000 [Shadow Chiyo]
Stop talking about plagiarism! You don't know anything about it!

MSG_BTL_START_001 [Yusuke]
Joker! Let's try and talk her out of this! I'm certain we'll be able to change her heart!

By holding up the enemy, you will be able to have a conversation with the target.
By choosing the correct answers, you will be able to change the target's heart.

MSG_BTL_DIA_BF__000_000 [Shadow Chiyo]
Hmph! A quick retouching and I'll be fine!

MSG_BTL_ATTACK_NG__000_0 [Yusuke]
She healed by retouching herself!?

MSG_BTL_ATTACK_NG__000_02 [Yusuke]
Joker, let's try speaking to her! It might be easier than fighting her!

By holding up the enemy, you will be able to have a conversation with the target.
By choosing the correct answers, you will be able to change the target's heart.

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP01_000_000 [Yusuke]
Stop playing dumb and tell us the truth! Why did you end up plagiarizing?

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP01_000_001 [Shadow Chiyo]
I am NOT playing dumb! Shut it!

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP01_000_002 [Shadow Chiyo]
They're all trying to find the source of the art online and whatnot, but tracing isn't illegal!

You didn't get permission.
If it's legal, then it's okay?
So it just looks the same?

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP01_001_000 [Makoto]
If you've traced something that's copyrighted without permission, then it is plagiarized work.

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP01_001_001 [Yusuke]
Correct, it is illegal.

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP01_001_002 [Shadow Chiyo]
Wha- But that's...

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP01_002_000 [Shadow Chiyo]
You all need to shut up! You have no right to question me!

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP01_002_001 [Yusuke]
She wasn't convinced by that, Joker! Let's take a different approach!

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP02_000_000 [Shadow Chiyo]
They're just saying it's plagiarism because they're jealous of my popularity! How mean of them!

Stop plagiarizing.
How much did you make?
Your fame added pressure.

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP02_001_000 [Shadow Chiyo]
Wh-What are you talking about, of course I wasn't under any pres—

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP02_001_001 [Yusuke]
You may be happy to have become popular, but that popularity will bring you harsher critics as well.

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP02_001_002 [Yusuke]
Fans start to expect more from you.

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP02_002_000 [Shadow Chiyo]
I'm sick and tired of hearing those shitty comments!

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP02_002_001 [Yusuke]
She wasn't convinced by that, Joker! Let's take a different approach!

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP03_000_000 [Shadow Chiyo]
I even made a new title as an answer to my fans!

What's the new story?
That must've been tough.
So viral marketing.

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP03_001_000 [Shadow Chiyo]
What...! Why would I have trouble making a new story!?

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP03_001_001 [Yusuke]
You were able to draw however you liked in the beginning, but now you're limited to drawing what the fans want to see.

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP03_002_000 [Shadow Chiyo]
Shut up or I'll kill you!

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP03_002_001 [Yusuke]
She wasn't convinced by that, Joker! Let's take a different approach!

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP04_000_000 [Shadow Chiyo]
What's tough about being popular...!? There's nothing tough about it!

Because you're poor?
Lack of skill?
You can be too popular.

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP04_001_000 [Shadow Chiyo]
N-No! I-I'm a genius! A GENIUS!

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP04_001_001 [Yusuke]
You start having sleepless nights. You stay up late thinking to yourself "maybe I don't have what it takes"...

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP04_001_002 [Yusuke]
Plenty of authors have struggled with this in the past, and I'm sure there'll be more as time goes on...

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP04_001_003 [Yusuke]
However, is that not the reason why people continue to work hard?

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP04_001_004 [Shadow Chiyo]

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP04_001_005 [Yusuke]
I understand the feeling of wanting to run away. It takes an incredible amount of skill to create something for others to see.

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP04_001_006 [Yusuke]
But you did something to ruin all the hard work you built up. What were you even trying to protect...?

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP04_001_007 [Yusuke]
I want you to try and recall what was most important to you as an artist.

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP04_001_008 [Shadow Chiyo]
[vp 8 0 2 -14579 1 73]What was most important to me...

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP04_002_000 [Shadow Chiyo]
A-Are you stupid!? All you haters should just go to hell!

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP04_002_001 [Yusuke]
She wasn't convinced by that, Joker! Let's take a different approach!

MSG_BTL_TALK_OFF [Shadow Chiyo]
You can't talk to her!

MSG_BTL_BTLEND_000 [Shadow Chiyo]
Comic books... That's what's most important to me.

Correct Choice Cheat Sheet

You didn't get permission.

If it's legal, then it's okay?

So it just looks the same?


Stop plagiarizing.

How much did you make?

Your fame added pressure.


What's the new story?

That must've been tough.

So viral marketing.


Because you're poor?

Lack of skill?

You can be too popular.


MSG_000_0_0 [Yusuke]
Tsumano-san's reactivated her social media, along with a heartfelt apology for her plagiarism...
Most of her earnings are going back to the artists she plagiarized. The rest, to charity.

What's the response online?
Was she forgiven?

MSG_002_0_0 [Yusuke]
The antagonistic posts have been significantly decreasing. Perhaps this has taken the fun out of it.
As a fellow devotee of the arts, I wish her nothing but success.
In any case, thank you for all your assistance, Joker!

MSG_003_0_0 [Morgana]
We did it! I think she'll be okay from now on, too.
It seems hard to make something original and compelling... I guess if that's your passion, you find ways.

quest77 (Shadow Saburi)

Quest Name

The Miracle Drink
Target Name
Takeo Saburi


奇跡のドリンク の概要

Haru told me about a dishonest businessperson dealing in health foods. Ask around for info in Yongen-Jaya!

I've gathered information on the shady health food business. Let's meet at the hideout and go to Mementos!

I've gathered information on the shady health food business. Let's change the target's heart in Mementos!

I successfully changed the heart of the dishonest health food seller. Let's return to the real world and see what happens.

I successfully changed the heart of the dishonest health foods seller. Now more people will be able to seek proper treatment.


MSG_000_0_0 [Haru]
I found this request on the forum...
Do you know Miracle X? It's this 10,000 yen "miracle drink" that can "cure any disease"...

Does it work?
Sounds fishy.
What a bargain.

MSG_002_0_0 [Haru]
Well, some reports are saying it really does. Though I can't speak to their credibility.
If it can truly cure any sickness, that'd be amazing, of course...

MSG_003_0_0 [Haru]
I agree. But even then, I've found some reports saying it does work.

MSG_004_0_0 [Haru]
Some reports are saying it's had incredible effects. Though I can't speak to their credibility.
Who knows how much of it is true.

MSG_005_0_0 [Haru]
But... this poster said their parent drank it while sick. They only got worse, and soon passed away...
They apparently thought it was an adequate substitute for hospital care. So they stopped going...
...If this is their intended business model, to prey upon the sick and weak... I cannot just stand by.

That's terrible.
Very, very shady.

MSG_007_0_0 [Haru]
I've found the dealer's name on his website. It's Takeo Saburi.
He cannot be allowed to use food and drink in the name of evil! We must see justice served!
...The only problem is... we have no proof that it truly is a scam.

No proof?
Why, does it actually work?

MSG_009_0_0 [Haru]
Well, some people claim online that the drink DID cure them. They may well be shills, but...
If he truly has made some medicinal breakthrough, it would be wrong to change his heart...
...So, rather than act immediately, I think we should gather some information first.

Let's investigate.
Let's ask around.

MSG_011_0_0 [Haru]
Most of Miracle X's supporters seem to be elderly. Perhaps there's someone in Yongen who knows it?
I'll do some more research online, so Yongen is yours to search!

MSG_012_0_0 [Morgana]
If it's really a scam, we can't let this keep happening. Let's go try talking to older folks over in Yongen.

When investigating requests, you may find that you can change a target's heart nonviolently by speaking up mid-battle.
For this to succeed, you will need to gather information in the real world.
Speak to the townspeople and collect information that will aid in changing the target's heart.

Hideout Discussion

MSG_azito_quest_77_01 [Morgana]
Our target is Takeo Saburi. He's a "crooked businessman within the health foods industry".

MSG_azito_quest_77_02 [Futaba]
Miracle X is supposedly a health drink that can heal all kinds of diseases... Way too sketch.

MSG_azito_quest_chk77_01 [Yusuke]
My guess is that it doesn't actually do anything? He most likely relies on people's self-healing capabilities to do the job for him.

MSG_azito_quest_chk77_02 [Haru]
That's certainly a criminal act, but we don't have any proof. Let's press him for answers and change his heart.

Cutscene Dialogue

MSG_QST_077_01 [Futaba]
There! That's Takeo Saburi!

MSG_QST_077_02 [Morgana]
According to the info we have...
"When submitting a complaint, he just says the effectiveness depends on the individual," "Automatic payments"...
"No scientific evidence" and "people recovered from sickness on their own"...
Those are our four pieces of evidence! Let's change his heart!

MSG_QST_077_03 [Morgana]
Takeo Saburi, yes? We're the Phantom Thieves.

MSG_QST_077_04 [Takeo Saburi]
Where'd you kids come from? You're young and healthy... Bring me your sick relatives.

MSG_QST_077_05 [Haru]
Your product, "Miracle X"... Can you explain to us how it's not a fraud?

MSG_QST_077_06 [Takeo Saburi]
How dare you accuse me of fraud! I won't let you sabotage my business!

MSG_QST_077_07 [Shadow Saburi]
Like you said, I didn't start calling it a miracle until later on...

MSG_QST_077_08 [Haru]
But the products are still healthy, right? Why did you make this mistake?

MSG_QST_077_09 [Shadow Saburi]
My parents were fooled by a scam, so I thought I should do it too.
And when I added materials that were unfamiliar in Japan, everyone believed me...

MSG_QST_077_10 [Haru]
You should have promoted it as normal health drink instead of saying it could "cure anything."
Food isn't just a way to gain nutrition. It can also put a smile on people's faces.
Weren't you happy to hear that people's illnesses got better?

MSG_QST_077_11 [Shadow Saburi]
Yes... I had forgotten the true meaning of selling food products...
Phantom Thieves, please clean my tainted heart...

As you wish.
We'll cure you.

MSG_QST_077_13 [Shadow Saburi]
Thank you... I'm glad I realized my mistake...

Battle Dialogue

MSG_BTL_START_000 [Shadow Saburi]
I am the miracle merchant! The savior of those who are ill!

MSG_BTL_START_001 [Morgana]
Joker, try talking to him! I'm sure he'll change his heart if he hears what we have to say!

By holding up the enemy, you will be able to have a conversation with the target.
By choosing the correct answers, you will be able to change the target's heart.

MSG_BTL_DIA_BF__000_000 [Shadow Saburi]
Time for a miracle! Miracle X!

MSG_BTL_ATTACK_NG__000_0 [Haru]
What!? Did he just heal!?

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP00_000_000 [Haru]
You might call it a miracle, but some people are getting even sicker!

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP00_000_001 [Shadow Saburi]
That's their own damn fault! They need to take better care of themselves!

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP00_000_002 [Shadow Saburi]
I've gotten word from people who had the drink saying that they're all better now!

They're fake.
10,000 yen is too expensive.
The drink didn't heal them.

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP01_001_000 [Haru]
Their illnesses weren't cured by the ingredients in the drink.

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP01_001_001 [Shadow Saburi]
Shut up! They were all cured, right!?

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP01_002_001 [Shadow Saburi]
You have to believe for it to work!

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP01_002_002 [Morgana
Looks like we couldn't convince him! We'll have to try a different approach!

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP02_000_000 [Shadow Saburi]
If it didn't work, then why would people still be buying it!?

You're forcing them to.
It's an automatic renewal.
You're undercharging them.

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP02_001_000 [Haru]
I heard that you have the clients sign a self-renewing contract?

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP02_001_001 [Haru]
If you were confident in the authenticity of your products, you wouldn't have to do something like that.

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP02_001_002 [Shadow Saburi]
Wh-What? That's just so customers don't have to keep ordering them manually!
Why don't they just cancel their subscription if they don't want it?

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP02_002_000 [Shadow Saburi]
I'm gonna sue you for defamation!

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP02_002_001 [Morgana]
Looks like we couldn't convince him! We'll have try a different approach!

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP03_000_000 [Shadow Saburi]
The amount of cancellations made by customers is super low! It's 'cause miracles happen if you keep drinking it!

I read the fine print.
Miracles don't happen.
It's just an excuse.

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP03_001_000 [Haru]
You don't allow them to cancel the renewal because of a loophole, right? People feel like they can't fight back, so they just give up.

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP03_001_001 [Haru]
Do you have any proof that it causes miracles?

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP03_001_002 [Shadow Saburi]
Uh, proof...?

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP03_002_000 [Shadow Saburi]
Ugh! Stop nagging! Just try drinking it, then we'll see who's complaining!

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP03_002_001 [Morgana]
Looks like we couldn't convince him! We'll have to try a different approach!

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP04_000_000 [Shadow Saburi]
I use healthy fruits and vegetables and... There's tons of vitamins in the drink!

There's no scientific proof.
It's just a mixed drink.
It's fake.

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP04_001_000 [Haru]
You trick sick people by only showing them the successful data right?

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP04_001_001 [Haru]
There's nothing wrong with a healthy drink. It's you who needs to be brought to justice!

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP04_001_002 [Shadow Saburi]

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP04_001_003 [Haru]
Food becomes cells, bones, and muscles... In other words, we are what we eat.

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP04_001_004 [Haru]
If you can't show your customers any sincerity, then you have no right to sell them food! You should be ashamed!

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP04_001_005 [Shadow Saburi]

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP04_002_000 [Shadow Saburi]
All you're doing is talking shit!

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP04_002_001 [Morgana]
Looks like we couldn't convince him! We'll have to try a different approach!

MSG_BTL_END [Shadow Saburi]
I'm... sorry.

MSG_BTL_TALK_OFF [Shadow Saburi]
You can't talk to him!
Correct Choice Cheat Sheet

They're fake.

10,000 yen is too expensive.

The drink didn't heal them.


You're forcing them to.

It's an automatic renewal.

You're undercharging them.


I read the fine print.

Miracles don't happen.

It's just an excuse.


There's no scientific proof.

It's just a mixed drink.

It's fake.


MSG_000_0_0 [Haru]
The Miracle X salesman issued an apology. He's admitted the drink has no medicinal properties.
He's refunding anyone who asks, and it sounds like he plans to make truly healthy products now.
Miracle X itself tastes fine, so he plans to sell it as an ordinary refreshment. 1,000 yen a bottle.

Anyone buying?
1,000 yen's not bad.

MSG_002_0_0 [Haru]
You know... Many of the ones buying his stock now are the same ones who claimed to be cured.
I suppose once you experience a "miracle," it's hard to let go. Even if there's no scientific evidence.
Ah, but in any case, the situation is now resolved. Thank you, Joker!

MSG_003_0_0 [Morgana]
I guess sometimes your mind can be tricked into healing your body, huh?
Not like that's reliable, though, so it's best to go to a doctor whenever you need it.

quest79 (Shadow Ushiwata)

Quest Name

Dietman and the Silent Requester
Target Name
Hisashi Ushiwata


代議士と声なき依頼人 の概要

I heard about a false accusation incident that happened on Central Street. I should cooperate with Akechi and gather more information!

I gathered information on the false accusation incident. Let's meet up at the hideout and go to Mementos!

I gathered information on the false accusation incident. Let's change the target's heart in Mementos!

I successfully changed the heart of congressman who pressed false charges against his son. Let's return to the real world and see what happens.

I successfully changed the congressman who pressed false charges against his son. The son was also arrested for extortion.


MSG_000_0_0 [Akechi]
Do you have a moment? I'd like to share something interesting.

I'm listening.
How interesting?

MSG_002_0_0 [Akechi]
There's a certain man in police custody, awaiting trial...
His accuser is a member of the Diet. According to his claims, the man assaulted him.
But I suspect they're false charges. Something about the accusation doesn't ring true.

MSG_003_0_0 [Morgana]
A false charge by a Diet member? Wait, that's just like...

MSG_004_0_0 [Akechi]
Perhaps you can sympathize.
After all, it's not too far removed from your own unfortunate story.

MSG_005_0_0 [Akechi]
With one crucial difference:

MSG_006_0_0 [Akechi]
Why hasn't the accused spoken up in his own defense?
At this rate, a guilty verdict seems inevitable.
There has to be some hidden reason behind all this.

So why tell me?
We can't ignore this.

MSG_008_0_0 [Akechi]
Well, considering what you and your group do, I imagine you could hardly abandon him to his fate...
I simply found the information, and thought you might like to do something about it.

MSG_008_1_0 [Akechi]
I'd expect no less. Indeed, you can be rather predictable sometimes.

MSG_009_0_0 [Morgana]
Still as high-and-mighty as ever...
But he's right. We can't just turn a blind eye to this.
Well, I don't care if Akechi's kind of manipulating us into this. We should help this guy out.

MSG_010_0_0 [Akechi]
The man worked part-time at the Beef Bowl shop on Central Street. The "assault" occurred there too.
I think that might be a good place to start investigating.

What about you, Akechi?
You're helping too.

MSG_012_0_0 [Akechi]
Oh, I'll be helping in my own way. Something about it's been on my mind.
I'll be looking into this alleged victim, the Diet member. If I find anything, you'll be first to know.

MSG_012_1_0 [Akechi]
Naturally. I've had a plan in mind myself.
I'll look into this alleged victim— the Diet member. If I find anything actionable, I'll let you know.

Got it.
No slacking off.

MSG_014_0_0 [Akechi]
I'll be counting on you to find some usable info.

MSG_014_1_0 [Akechi]
Oh, I know. Remember, I am a detective myself.

MSG_015_0_0 [Morgana]
Okay. First order of business is gathering information. Once we loop the team in, we can start investigating.

MSG_000_0_0 [Haru]
Do we have any new information on this false accusation case?

MSG_001_0_0 [Ryuji]
I wanna help, but we got no info on this thing!
Any leads, [NAME]?

His name's Toji Karataki.
The guy's Toji Karataki.

MSG_003_0_0 [Yusuke]

MSG_004_0_0 [Futaba]
Bam, got a hit.
Toji Karataki, goes to Kosei High.

MSG_005_0_0 [Yusuke]
Yes, I believe I know a Karataki in my year.
He's been balancing his reputation as one of our top second-years along with a part-time job.

MSG_006_0_0 [Futaba]
His parents got a divorce when he was really young, and his mom got custody.
He lives by himself, and he's paying his own tuition.

MSG_007_0_0 [Ann]
He lives alone? What about his mom?

MSG_008_0_0 [Futaba]
Looks like she passed. Right before he went to elementary.

MSG_009_0_0 [Sumire]
When he was that young...?

MSG_010_0_0 [佐倉 双葉]
And about his mom...
There's something else.

What's the matter?
Tell us.

MSG_012_0_0 [Futaba]
Toji's mom's death is listed as a suicide.

MSG_013_0_0 [Ann]

MSG_014_0_0 [Futaba]
I don't have anything more specific, though...

MSG_015_0_0 [Yusuke]
A tragic turn for one so young...

MSG_016_0_0 [Ryuji]
Hey, Akechi, you got any info?
If you're gonna contribute, now's the time...

MSG_017_0_0 [Akechi]
I've been investigating.
But I'll need a little more time. It's best I have a grasp of the full picture before I share my findings.

MSG_018_0_0 [Ryuji]
What? Have you seriously found nothing at all?
So much for the big fancy "Detective Prince," huh?

MSG_019_0_0 [Akechi]
I'll reach out once I have more to go on.

MSG_020_0_0 [Ryuji]
Is he even reading this!?

MSG_021_0_0 [Morgana]
An honor student that lost his mom at an early age, huh...?
Well, we're not done yet, but this is probably good intel.
MSG_000_0_0 [Akechi]
Hello, Phantom Thieves.
How goes the investigation in the false accusation case?

Piece of cake.
We got some intel.

MSG_002_0_0 [Yusuke]
The fellow in question is one Toji Karataki. Like me, he's a second-year at Kosei High.

MSG_003_0_0 [Akechi]
Oh? Anything else?

MSG_004_0_0 [Makoto]
After his parents split in a divorce while he was still young, his mother committed suicide.
It sounds like life hasn't really been kind to him...
He's been working a job at the same time as going to school, and even maintaining his grades.

MSG_005_0_0 [Akechi]
I... see.
Impressive indeed, that you could deduce so much with so few clues.
But then again, you are the famed Phantom Thieves, aren't you? I was right to ask you for help.

MSG_006_0_0 [Ryuji]
How about on your end? You dig anything up?

MSG_007_0_0 [Akechi]
Of course.
Well... rudimentary pieces, at least. I'll have to ask a little more patience.
I'd like to doublecheck the facts before I share them with you all.

MSG_008_0_0 [Akechi]
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some investigating to do.
I will let you all know once I'm ready.

MSG_009_0_0 [Morgana]
Heheh... Looks like we're ahead of the game when it comes to getting intel.
Either way, I guess we'll have to wait until Akechi's done with his investigation.
MSG_000_0_0 [Ryuji]
You see the news?

What news?

MSG_002_0_0 [Ann]
Did something happen?

MSG_003_0_0 [Futaba]
You talkin' about the robbery? I'm surprised you already know, Ryuji.

MSG_004_0_0 [Makoto]

MSG_005_0_0 [Futaba]
Yesterday, someone broke into an apartment in Yongen.
Seems like the only victim was this part-timer who lives by himself.

MSG_006_0_0 [Ryuji]
But guess what! The part- timer was...

Toji Karataki?

MSG_008_1_0 [Futaba]
Toji Karataki.

MSG_009_0_0 [Ann]

MSG_010_0_0 [Futaba]
Seriously. I checked on my end too.

MSG_011_0_0 [Haru]
Someone robbed his home while he was in custody? And on a false charge, no less...
How awful...

MSG_012_0_0 [Ryuji]
But there's somethin' weird goin' on.
The robber didn't actually take anything of value.

MSG_013_0_0 [Yusuke]
Nothing? Did he give up partway?

MSG_014_0_0 [Ryuji]
No idea.

MSG_015_0_0 [Akechi]
If I may interject...
I myself have some details to share on this case.

MSG_016_0_0 [Ryuji]
About time. I was getting sick of waiting.

Let's hear it.
Got dirt on the Diet member?

MSG_018_0_0 [Akechi]
The Diet member who brought charges on Toji Karataki...
His name is Hisashi Morozumi.

MSG_019_0_0 [Akechi]
Most of my information on him can be grouped into two parts.
First, regarding Morozumi's past. Before becoming a member of the Diet, he worked as a secretary.
Around then, he married the daughter of the former cabinet minister—a secretary herself.
That's about when he made his grand debut in the political world.

MSG_020_0_0 [Ryuji]
Man. He already sounds kinda sleazy.

MSG_021_0_0 [Ann]
You're just jealous.

MSG_022_0_0 [Akechi]
However, Morozumi was soon embroiled in a certain scandal.

MSG_023_0_0 [Sumire]
What incident?

MSG_024_0_0 [Akechi]
He was having an affair.
Once the mess with his mistress came to light, he was almost forced to resign from office.

MSG_025_0_0 [Ann]
Wow. So he's trash.

MSG_026_0_0 [Yusuke]
I daresay it served him right.

MSG_027_0_0 [Akechi]
But that incident was abruptly cut short.
Because the mistress ended up committing suicide.

MSG_028_0_0 [Ryuji]

MSG_029_0_0 [Sumire]
She killed herself...?

MSG_030_0_0 [Akechi]
And that's all I found on Morozumi's past.
Now, we move on to his recent behavior—just prior to this latest incident.
He'd reportedly been acting very strange. As if he's been stressed about something.
Moreover, on the day of the incident, he went all the way to see Karataki at his part-time job.
And he wasn't going as a customer.

MSG_031_0_0 [Makoto]
Wait... You mean to say there's some connection between Morozumi and Toji-kun?

MSG_032_0_0 [Akechi]
At the very least, Morozumi seems to know him.

MSG_033_0_0 [Akechi]
That's all I've got so far.
But one aspect of this seems rather suspicious. Perhaps you've already noticed it yourself?

The suicide.
The mistress and Toji's mother...
No. No idea.

MSG_035_0_0 [Akechi]
Right. Toji Karataki said his mother committed suicide, too.
On the surface, both parties had a female figure in their lives commit suicide.
My question is: what if these two women were the same person?

MSG_035_1_0 [Akechi]
Yes. Both dead by their own hand.
On the surface, both parties had a female figure in their lives commit suicide.
My question is: what if these two women were the same person?

MSG_035_2_0 [Sumire]
Toji-san's mother committed suicide too, didn't she...?

MSG_036_2_0 [Akechi]
That's right.
On the surface, both parties had a female figure in their lives commit suicide.
My question is: what if these two women were the same person?

MSG_037_0_0 [Yusuke]
That would make Morozumi and Toji father and son...

MSG_038_0_0 [Haru]
Does that mean Toji-kun was falsely accused by his own father?

MSG_039_0_0 [Akechi]
It's certainly not impossible. Do you know Toji Karataki's original surname?

I believe it was Ushiwata.
It wasn't Morozumi.

MSG_041_0_0 [Yusuke]
Oh... I thought they were actually related. 

MSG_042_0_0 [Futaba]
Actually, there's one other thing that's been bothering me.
When I put Morozumi's name in the Nav, nothing comes up.

MSG_043_0_0 [Ann]
Huh? Does he not have a Shadow?

MSG_044_0_0 [Ryuji]
Like hell! A normal guy wouldn't frame his own son!

There must be another reason.
Are the keywords wrong?
I have absolutely no idea.

MSG_046_0_0 [Akechi]
That's possible.

MSG_046_1_0 [Akechi]
Aha. That's certainly possible.

MSG_046_2_0 [Ann]
Same. I give up.

MSG_047_2_0 [Makoto]
Does he really not have a Shadow...?
There has to be some other reason for this.

MSG_048_2_0 [Akechi]
Aha. That's certainly possible.

MSG_049_0_0 [Akechi]
I think I have a grasp of things now. I'm going to do a little more investigating on my end.

MSG_050_0_0 [Yusuke]
By yourself?

MSG_051_0_0 [Akechi]
I am a detective, aren't I?
Besides, you want to help that poor victim, don't you?

MSG_052_0_0 [Ryuji]
Damn right we do! We can't just abandon that guy!

MSG_053_0_0 [Akechi]
Then be patient, and let me do my job.

MSG_054_0_0 [Morgana]
It sounds like Akechi is onto something.
Let's see what our detective can come up with.
MSG_000_0_0 [Akechi]
About that accusation case... I believe I've discovered the truth behind it.

So, then?
Let's hear it.

MSG_002_0_0 [Akechi]
I'll explain at the hideout.
That's probably the best choice, so we can take our next step immediately.

MSG_003_0_0 [Morgana]
The next step, huh? Sounds like we'll be taking action...
Either way, let's hear him out at the hideout.

Now that you have your target, you need to make sure everyone's on board with the mission. Summon them to the hideout for a vote.
Clues (Overworld)
MSG_Q79_HINT_BENGOSHI_00 [Sharp Lawyer]
Man, I don't know what to do with that assemblyman...

MSG_Q79_HINT_BENGOSHI_01 [Serious-Looking Lawyer]
...You're talking about Morozumi-san? I think you should consider backing out.
This is off the record, but he's got some nasty rumors surrounding him...

MSG_Q79_HINT_MORU_00_00 [Morgana]
Moro...? Hey, isn't this about the false accusation?
Let's stay quiet and listen.

MSG_Q79_HINT_BENGOSHI_02 [Sharp Lawyer]
He seemed rather panicked recently.
He went to the aggressor's workplace for some reason as well...
Man, I hope he doesn't do anything extreme. Although it doesn't seem like he did anything violent...
Still, I might've missed my chance to back out...

MSG_Q79_HINT_BENGOSHI_03 [Serious-Looking Lawyer]
It's good that he takes action, but it sure is giving me a headache.
He was the secretary to the former Prime Minister, but he caused a scandal by getting engaged to the Prime Minister's daughter.
Everyone was talking about her being his lover and all. Didn't expect the scandal to end with her suicide...
He really got lucky. I wouldn't get myself involved.

MSG_Q79_HINT_BENGOSHI_04 [Sharp Lawyer]

MSG_Q79_HINT_MORU_10_00 [Morgana]
...Damn, did they notice us!? Let's sneak away!

MSG_Q79_HINT_MORU_20_00 [Morgana]
*sigh* We managed to avoid being noticed... Let's look over the info we gathered.
Anything in particular you noticed?

That woman's suicide.
Toji's father.

MSG_Q79_HINT_MORU_30_00 [Morgana]
Yeah, that's been bothering me too.
Toji's mother committed suicide, and from what we've heard, the person he caused a scandal with also committed suicide.
That can't be just a coincidence. Could it be that the father...
But the name. It's Ushiwata, not Morozumi, right?

MSG_Q79_HINT_MORU_30_10 [Morgana]
Yeah, that's been bothering me too.
It's hard to believe, but could it be that Toji's father...?
Toji's mother committed suicide, and from what we've heard, the person he caused a scandal with also committed suicide.
But the name. It's Ushiwata, not Morozumi, right?

MSG_Q79_HINT_MORU_40_10 [Morgana]
Hmm, I don't understand... But we don't have any more leads.
Akechi might be done investigating. Let's trade info with him at night.

MSG_Q79_000_00 [Morgana]
You were supposed to talk with Akechi, right? Let's go!

Hideout Discussion

MSG_azito_quest_79_01 [Akechi]
Allow me to brief you on this mission.
This intel is on the young man who was falsely accused by a dietman.

MSG_azito_quest_79_02 [Yusuke]
If I recall correctly, a man named Toji Karataki was detained for a crime he did not commit... Did you learn something more?

MSG_azito_quest_79_03 [Akechi]
The victim, Toji Karataki, and culprit, Hisashi Morozumi... They're father and son.

MSG_azito_quest_79_04 [Ann]
What? But they have different last names...

MSG_azito_quest_79_05 [Akechi]
Dietmen follow special rules where their names are involved.

MSG_azito_quest_79_06 [Akechi]
They are allowed to use an alias that's different from their real name.
"Hisashi Morozumi" has been his alias since he began running for the Diet.

MSG_azito_quest_79_07 [Akechi]
But once I throughly investigated his real name, I found it was the same as Toji-kun's former last name...
Hisashi Morozumi's real name... is "Hisashi Ushiwata."

MSG_azito_quest_79_08 [Yusuke]
So Toji Karataki's former last name is Ushiwata... and Morozumi isn't a real name.

MSG_azito_quest_79_09 [Sumire]
I guess it's like the Diet members who come from the entertainment industry and continue using their stage name...

MSG_azito_quest_79_10 [Akechi]
I did confirm with Karataki himself that Hisashi Ushiwata is indeed his divorced father.

MSG_azito_quest_79_11 [Haru]
So Toji-kun's real father is the cause of all of this...

MSG_azito_quest_79_12 [Ryuji]
Goddammit! What kinda asshole dumps all his crimes onto his own son to put him in jail...!?

MSG_azito_quest_79_13 [Akechi]
...There is one more unfortunate truth that I discovered about him.

MSG_azito_quest_79_14 [Morgana]
There's more...?

MSG_azito_quest_79_15 [Akechi]
Toji Karataki's house was robbed immediately following the incident.
No money or valuables were stolen, only one item.
A teddy bear went missing from his home.

MSG_azito_quest_79_16 [Sumire]
A teddy bear...?

MSG_azito_quest_79_17 [Akechi]
It was apparently the only present that he received from his deceased mother...

MSG_azito_quest_79_18 [Futaba]

MSG_azito_quest_79_19 [Akechi]
I hear he seemed quite shaken once he heard the news.
Since then, he's returned to remaining silent.

MSG_azito_quest_79_20 [Futaba]
I don't blame him... considering what was stolen from him...

MSG_azito_quest_79_21 [Yusuke]
I'm not certain that the Dietman stole it... But considering the timing, I'd say he's somehow connected.

MSG_azito_quest_79_22 [Makoto]
Upon realizing that he's related to Toji-kun by blood, Ushiwata fears a scandal and has his son detained...
In order to keep the connection under wraps, he steals the one thing that relates him to the woman from his son's home...
...It's only a guess, but it would be a terrible situation if true.

MSG_azito_quest_79_23 [Futaba]
I hope he isn't being threatened to stay silent, too...

MSG_azito_quest_79_24 [Ryuji]
I know there's still a ton we don't know yet, but the one thing that's certain is that he's tryna put a false charge on his son, right?
We've got their names, so let's help him out already!

Let's help Toji.
Let's change Ushiwata's heart.
No more false charges.

MSG_azito_quest_79_26_0 [Ann]
I agree. This is way too sad...

MSG_azito_quest_79_26_2 [Yusuke]
[NAME] would understand more than anyone else how painful it is to be accused of a crime he didn't commit.

MSG_azito_quest_79_27 [Haru]
Agreed. We must change his heart.

MSG_azito_quest_79_28 [Futaba]
Hisashi Ushiwata... Bingo! Got a hit!

MSG_azito_quest_79_29 [Morgana]
Alright, let's go save Toji!

MSG_azito_quest_79_30 [Akechi]
As expected, it would seem everyone's on board.

MSG_azito_quest_79_31 [Ryuji]
What, something you're not happy with here?

MSG_azito_quest_79_32 [Akechi]
Not at all.
I've already sent out the calling card. Let's go.

Cutscene Dialogue

MSG_QST_079_01 [Futaba]
There he is! That's Ushiwata! Let's get him!

MSG_QST_079_02 [明智 吾郎]
Hisashi Morozumi... Formerly known as Hisashi Ushiwata.

MSG_QST_079_03 [Hisashi Ushiwata]
What? What do you kids want?
Could it be... you're plotting against me too!? I won't fall for it, you brats!

MSG_QST_079_04 [Morgana]
We are "too"...?
What do you mean by that?

MSG_QST_079_05 [Akechi]

MSG_QST_079_06 [Haru]

MSG_QST_079_07 [Hisashi Ushiwata]
Would you just shut up!? Brats like you should just do as you're told!

MSG_QST_079_08 [Hisashi Ushiwata]
Using my power to make people bow to me... It was so immature of me.

MSG_QST_079_09 [Futaba]
Not just immature. You framed your own child...

MSG_QST_079_10 [Ryuji]
Let Toji go now. Turning your own son into a criminal is sick...

MSG_QST_079_11 [Hisashi Ushiwata]
My son... But he...

MSG_QST_079_12 [Makoto]

MSG_QST_079_13 [Hisashi Ushiwata]
No, never mind...
I was in the wrong. And I must pay for my crimes...

MSG_QST_079_14 [Yusuke]
Is this... a key?

MSG_QST_079_15 [明智 吾郎]
May I have that key?

All right.
What will you do with it?

MSG_QST_079_17 [Akechi]
Something came to mind, that's all. I don't intend to do anything bad with it.
To make up for it, please take this.

MSG_QST_079_18 [Akechi]
You can have it as thanks for accepting my request.

MSG_QST_079_19 [Ryuji]
All right! Now they'll release Toji, right?

MSG_QST_079_20 [Futaba]
I don't sense a presence anymore, so the change of heart should have worked.

MSG_QST_079_21 [Akechi]
...I'll let you all know what becomes of Karataki. No matter what happens.

Battle Dialogue

MSG_BTL_START_000 [Shadow Ushiwata]
I won't lose to some damn brats! I have more power than they ever will!

MSG_BTL_TALK_END [Shadow Ushiwata]
I... lost to brats again...


MSG_000_0_0 [Akechi]
We have some developments in that case with the falsely accused.
It sounds like the charge against Toji Karataki is being dropped.

MSG_001_0_0 [Morgana]
Wow! You did it, [NAME]!

MSG_002_0_0 [Ann]
That's great!
Looks like the change of heart worked!

MSG_003_0_0 [Ryuji]
Yeah! And now Toji's gonna get released!

MSG_004_0_0 [Akechi]
I suggest you let me finish before you start celebrating.

MSG_005_0_0 [Yusuke]

What's the catch?
There's more?

MSG_007_0_0 [Akechi]
The charge for assault has been dropped, as I said.
Which leaves Toji Karataki open for an entirely different charge:

MSG_008_0_0 [Haru]

MSG_009_0_0 [Ryuji]
Hey, what the hell happened? Are you behind this shit!?

MSG_010_0_0 [Akechi]
Don't misunderstand me.
The truth of the matter is that he is not the poor, innocent victim you saw him as.
And that, really, is the point.

MSG_011_0_0 [Akechi]
Allow me to clarify...
First, the key that Ushiwata's Shadow left behind was the key to a safe deposit box at a bank.

MSG_012_0_0 [Akechi]
Inside said box was crucial data proving him guilty of tax evasion.
It seems this went on for several years during his tenure as the cabinet minister's secretary.

MSG_013_0_0 [Makoto]
Ushiwata was committing tax evasion? Wait, so you mean the extortion was...?

MSG_014_0_0 [Akechi]
Yes. Toji Karataki was using that information to threaten Ushiwata.
All in an attempt to take revenge against his own flesh and blood, most likely.
It seems that the real key to the safe was hidden in the teddy bear.

MSG_015_0_0 [Futaba]
So... he wasn't panicking cause he was worried about losing his memories of his mom...?

MSG_016_0_0 [Akechi]
I imagine the continued threats eventually pushed Ushiwata to his limit. Thus, the assault charge.

MSG_017_0_0 [Morgana]
So while Toji was in custody, he stole the key to the safe deposit box...
That must mean he planned to steal the evidence in the safe too...

MSG_018_0_0 [Sumire]
So he wasn't keeping silent out of fear...

MSG_019_0_0 [Akechi]
It was out of self-preservation. To expose Ushiwata would have been to expose his own extortion.
A couple months of silence, doing his time? He could simply wait that out and begin his extortion anew.
But after the change of heart, Morozumi confessed everything.
All guilty parties have been arrested, including Karataki. And that is how this case ends.

MSG_020_0_0 [Ryuji]
What the hell...

MSG_021_0_0 [Makoto]
Akechi... Did you know all this would come out? Have you known from the beginning?

MSG_022_0_0 [Akechi]
Should I have?

MSG_023_0_0 [Makoto]
You were the one who brought this case up in the first place, right?
I could see you gathering all the necessary information and coming to this conclusion on your own.

MSG_024_0_0 [Yusuke]
Are you suggesting he brought this case to us knowing all of them would be punished?

MSG_025_0_0 [Akechi]
While I'm flattered that you view my deductive skills so highly... I didn't know everything for sure.
I have to say, though...
It was astounding to see you all so ready to accept the victim as some blameless paragon of virtue.

MSG_026_0_0 [Ryuji]
You bastard!

So this was all a trick?
Why did you do it?

MSG_028_0_0 [Akechi]
This is my wake-up call to the rest of you.
Not everyone has the luxury of being heroes of their own story.
If you let yourself trust other people that easily, that blindly, it's going to get you hurt someday.

MSG_029_0_0 [Morgana]
But, you're just like...

MSG_030_0_0 [Akechi]
These things happen all the time. It really shouldn't be that surprising. That's just the world we live in.

You didn't believe in him?
Is that really true?

MSG_032_0_0 [Akechi]
Didn't I just tell you? Nothing good can come of keeping faith in people who haven't earned it.

MSG_033_0_0 [Akechi]
I've said all I wanted to say on the matter, anyway.
Sorry for taking so much of your time.

MSG_034_0_0 [Morgana]
Do you think we're too trusting of other people...?
I know what Akechi's trying to say, but... I think I still want to believe in humanity...

quest83 (Shadow Tamako)

Quest Name

In Between Dreams and Reality
Target Name
Tamako Takuno


理想と現実の狭間で の概要

Sumire told you about a table tennis player who's been accused of playing fixed matches. Ask around for info in Shibuya!

I've gathered information on the table tennis player who's been accused of playing fixed matches. Let's meet up at the hideout and go to Mementos!

I've gathered information on the table tennis player who's been accused of playing fixed matches. Let's change the target's heart in Mementos!

I successfully changed the heart of the table tennis player who's been accused of playing fixed matches. Let's return to the real world and see what happens.

I successfully changed the heart of the table tennis player who's been accused of playing fixed matches. Let's hope that she can shine once more.


Clues (Overworld)
MSG_Q83_HINT_TEREBIKAMER [Aggressive Reporter]
That nasty rumor about the table tennis player is apparently all true. They're gathering evidence on it right now.

MSG_Q83_HINT_TEREBIKAMER2 [Young Cameraman]
I mean, even pros need extra cash unless they're winning constantly. But still... She messed up big time.

MSG_Q83_HINT_TEREBIKAMER3 [Aggressive Reporter]
It's only a matter of time before this information goes public.
Once it's reported on, her career is over.

MSG_Q83_HINT_TEREBIKAMER4 [Young Cameraman]
I wish she'd at least confess to it... At least then she'd get a little sympathy...

Looks like we have enough information now. Let's head to the hideout and discuss a plan!

MSG_Q83_HINT_HOMELESS_00 [Homeless Man]
Hm? Did you need something?
A fixed match that's linked to sports gambling? Yeah... I've heard about it.
They're apparently ran by a dangerous organization that often deals with foreign mafia groups.
And I hear that they make cruel threats to the players, especially female ones.

For example?

MSG_Q83_HINT_HOMELESS_02 [Homeless Man]
Like death threats if they lose, though I doubt that they'll actually kill them.
Well since it's a fixed match deal, they can't go to the police. They have to go by their own rules instead.

MSG_Q83_HINT_NANPASI_000 [Novice Pick-Up Artist]
Hear me out, Senpai. That girl I tried to hit on the other day was that table tennis player, Takuno-chan.

MSG_Q83_HINT_NANPASI_010 [Veteran Pick-Up Artist]
Ooh... Yeah, she's been hanging around this area lately.
...Wait, don't tell me you actually got her number!?

MSG_Q83_HINT_NANPASI_020 [Novice Pick-Up Artist]
I didn't, but I did see a guy approach her... and he turned out to be a former member of the Kaneshiro mafia group.

MSG_Q83_HINT_NANPASI_030 [Novice Pick-Up Artist]
What, are you curious about Takuno-chan?

I want more details.
Did you say Kaneshiro?

MSG_Q83_HINT_NANPASI_050 [Novice Pick-Up Artist]
I don't know the details of what they were discussing though. The whole thing felt sketchy, so I left the area right away.
But hey, what do you think of Takuno-chan?

I'm a fan.
I dig her.

MSG_Q83_HINT_NANPASI_070 [Novice Pick-Up Artist]
Then have you heard the rumors about her rigged matches? People think she lost her last match on purpose.
I used to be in a table tennis club and I'm still an enthusiast, so I can tell when people miss their shots on purpose...
If her matches are rigged, that would make me sad as her fan.

Hideout Discussion

MSG_azito_quest_chk83_01 [Sumire]
Um, I have a favor to ask.
I'm sure this could quickly be solved by just stealing her Treasure...
But I'd like to avoid ruining all the hard work she's put in up to this point...

MSG_azito_quest_chk83_02 [Futaba]
Mm... So what do you think we should do?

MSG_azito_quest_chk83_03 [Sumire]
I was hoping we could speak with her and understand her situation. Then maybe she can change her own heart...

MSG_azito_quest_chk83_04 [Morgana]
So you want to try and persuade her without stealing her Treasure...

MSG_azito_quest_chk83_05 [Yusuke]
I'm for it. She may have planned a rigged match, but I'm sure she's also devoted the majority of her life to table tennis.

MSG_azito_quest_chk83_06 [Ryuji]
Yup. If she still has some love for table tennis left in her heart, I'm not against betting on it.

MSG_azito_quest_chk83_07 [Akechi]
But we must also remember that we don't have much time left. I expect us to take suitable countermeasures where necessary.

MSG_azito_quest_chk83_08 [Sumire]
Yes, I understand.

MSG_azito_quest_chk83_09 [Morgana]
If there are no objections, let's go for it. I'll let you decide when we head out, [NAME].

Cutscene Dialogue

MSG_QST_083_01 [Futaba]
There! That's Tamako Takuno!

MSG_QST_083_02 [Morgana]
According to the info we have...
The fans know that she lost on purpose.
It would be a problem if the media found out.
She's gotten threats, saying that if she doesn't cooperate with the rigged games, they'll kill her.
She hit a wall when she became a pro.
It's even hard for a pro to make money if they don't win.
This is our evidence! Let's convince her and change her heart!

MSG_QST_083_03 [Morgana]
Are you Tamako Takuno? We're the Phantom Thieves.

MSG_QST_083_04 [Tamako]
What? Do you want an autograph? Then form a line, please.

MSG_QST_083_05 [Sumire]
No! We want to talk about the rigged games and sport bettings!
Why did you make that mistake!?

MSG_QST_083_06 [Tamako]
What... I don't want to talk about that!

MSG_QST_083_07 [Shadow Tamako]
I was overjoyed when I became a pro.
The idea that I could fight the whole world, that's what got me through all that rough training.
But the professional world is tough... As you'd expect, everyone is talented.
I had decent win rates, but I could never win a tournament.
Sponsors didn't endorse me... Life was getting rough, so I had to go overseas.
I wouldn't be able to remain a pro due to financial issues. That's when I was told there was another way to make money...

MSG_QST_083_08 [Sumire]
And you went with it.

MSG_QST_083_09 [Shadow Tamako]
I think I lost myself.
And once I fell, I fell deep...
I couldn't even feel truly happy when I won the tournament...
But I still couldn't quit table tennis... I'm nothing without it...

MSG_QST_083_10 [Ann]
I think I know the feeling...

MSG_QST_083_11 [Makoto]
But a crime is a crime. You can't just act like it didn't happen.

MSG_QST_083_12 [Shadow Tamako]
I know.
I'll probably be trialed, and both the media and the public will attack me...
But I need to end this... I have to make things right.

MSG_QST_083_13 [Sumire]
You have to confess.
Do it while there are still people who are worried about you and who care about you.

MSG_QST_083_14 [Shadow Tamako]
Thieves. Please steal my weak heart...

Build up your strength.
Atone for your crime.

MSG_QST_083_16 [Shadow Tamako]
Thank you...

Battle Dialogue

MSG_BTL_START_000 [Shadow Mariko]
I'll smash a service ace right into your face! Come on! Let the death match begin!

MSG_BTL_START_001 [Sumire]
Let's try to have a conversation! Perhaps she will think it over!

By holding up the enemy, you will be able to have a conversation with the target.
By choosing the correct answers, you will be able to change the target's heart.

MSG_BTL_DIA_BF__000_000 [Shadow Mariko]
I won't give up yet! I'll show you the guts I've got from playing table tennis!

MSG_BTL_ATTACK_NG__000_0 [Sumire]
What...!? She healed herself with her spirits alone!

MSG_BTL_ATTACK_NG__000_02 [Sumire]
Let's try to have a conversation! Perhaps she will think it over!

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP01_000_000 [Sumire]
Just so we're clear... That match was fixed, was it not?

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP01_000_001 [Shadow Mariko]
Hmph! What're you talking about?

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP01_000_002 [Shadow Mariko]
Fixed? Perhaps it's just the imagination of the crooked people who are jealous of my popularity.

How much did you gain?
Tell the truth.
The media will catch on.

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP01_001_000 [Sumire]
It's only a matter of time before the public finds out the truth. Please, just come clean.

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP01_001_001 [Shadow Mariko]
Hmph! The media writes whatever the hell they want, true or not!

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP01_001_002 [Shadow Mariko]
I had a problem in the past where they circulated a rumor saying I had a boyfriend, which I didn't.

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP01_002_000 [Shadow Mariko]
Fault! I'm suing you for defamation!

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP01_002_001 [Sumire]
Looks like that didn't work. Perhaps we should try saying something different.

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP02_000_000 [Shadow Mariko]
You can't trust the media. Or do you have proof that it was a scheme?

The media will tell the world.
The fans noticed.
We can't trust you.

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP02_001_000 [Sumire]
Apparently, you made this mistake on purpose. Everyone already knows this.

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP02_001_001 [Sumire]
And, the client is a long time fan.

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP02_001_002 [Shadow Mariko]
Hahah. Wouldn't you expect a fan to believe what I say?

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP02_002_000 [Shadow Mariko]
Let! Bring me proof that will actually convince me!

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP02_002_001 [Sumire]
Seems like we couldn't convince her. Perhaps we should try again.

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP03_000_000 [Shadow Mariko]
I may not look it, but I'm a world famous professional table tennis player.

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP03_000_001 [Shadow Mariko]
Why in the world would I need a fixed match?

The prize money is low.
Because you're weak.
You used it up on gambling?

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP03_001_000 [Sumire]
I heard even if you're pro it's pretty hard to live on, unless you continue to win.

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP03_001_001 [Sumire]
Did you perhaps stop aiming up, and let yourself give in to money?

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP03_001_002 [Shadow Mariko]
W-Well yes, the prize money was rather low...

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP03_001_003 [Shadow Mariko]
But I'm a pro! I have all the talent in the world!

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP03_002_000 [Shadow Mariko]
Will you stop, already!? I'll hit a smash right into your vitals!

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP03_002_001 [Sumire]
Seems like we couldn't convince her. Perhaps we should try again.

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP04_000_000 [Shadow Mariko]
I was representing Japan in high school. Overseas I was even called "Dragon Girl."

I don't care.
You hit a wall, didn't you...
Stop talking about the past.

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP04_001_000 [Shadow Mariko]
Th-That's not—!

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP04_001_001 [Sumire]
You became a pro, but then it became harder for you to survive... And that's why you took on this deed?

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP04_001_002 [Sumire]
So... You went through all that difficult training and became pro, just to willingly lose!?

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP04_001_003 [Sumire]
There're people who gave up their dreams because they lost to you!

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP04_001_004 [Shadow Mariko]
Just shut up won't you!? Brats like you can't possibly understand what it's like!

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP04_001_005 [Sumire]
No, I know exactly what you mean! We live in a world where working hard doesn't guarantee you anything.

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP04_001_006 [Sumire]
And that's why I understand. The thoughts you must have had when this alluring offer was given to you...

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP04_001_007 [Sumire]
But there are things you can and cannot do! You are only making a mockery of the sport you love!

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP04_001_008 [Shadow Mariko]

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP04_002_000 [Shadow Mariko]
Ugh! Disqualified for cheating! Just get out of here!

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP04_002_001 [Sumire]
Seems like we couldn't convince her. Perhaps we should try again.

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP05_000_000 [Shadow Mariko]
Just leave me alone! I can do whatever I want! Besides, it's not like I wanted to lose!

Losers protest the loudest.
Fine, do whatever you want.
You were being threatened.

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP05_001_000 [Sumire]
Were you told something like, "If you don't lose, you're dead" ?

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP05_001_001 [Shadow Mariko]

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP05_001_002 [Sumire]
Please, stop this nonsense! They're only bluffing!

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP05_001_003 [Sumire]
If you continue to do these fixed matches, you'll lose everything! You'll be kicked out!

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP05_001_004 [Shadow Mariko]

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP05_001_005 [Sumire]
You have to stop this... Otherwise, one day, they're going to find out.

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP05_001_006 [Sumire]
Please, stop betraying people and disgracing yourself!

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP05_001_007 [Sumire]
Try and remember how you felt in your heart, when you were practicing with passion and integrity!

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP05_001_008 [Shadow Mariko]

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP05_002_000 [Shadow Mariko]
I'm going to finish you, and this set!

MSG_BTL_HOLDUP05_002_001 [Sumire]
Seems like we couldn't convince her. Perhaps we should try again.

MSG_BTL_TALK_OFF [Shadow Mariko]
You can't talk to her!

MSG_BTL_BTLEND_000 [Shadow Mariko]
Game set...
Correct Choice Cheat Sheet

How much did you gain?

Tell the truth.

The media will catch on.


The media will tell the world.

The fans noticed.

We can't trust you.


The prize money is low.

Because you're weak.

You used it up on gambling?


I don't care.

You hit a wall, didn't you...

Stop talking about the past.


Losers protest the loudest.

Fine, do whatever you want.

You were being threatened.