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Persona 5/Unused Voice Clips/Main Story/Madarame Arc

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This is a sub-page of Persona 5/Unused Voice Clips/Main Story.


Sound File Line Comments
Ryuji: Hey, don't touch my stuff! Eat your beans! From the Phantom Thieves inaugural buffet scene at the hotel restaurant, before the protagonist and Morgana leave to get their own food. The protagonist does not try to eat from his friends' food in the final game.
Ann: No! This is mine! All mine!
Morgana: You little...


Sound File Line Comments
Ann: Well, if you say so, then I'm in, too! From the scene right before entering Mementos for the first time, possibly indicating removed dialogue choices from Ann asking the protagonist what he thinks they should do.
Morgana: You'll find out if you come along.
Ryuji: You're already here, so just give it up and go along with it!
Ann: Sheesh...


Sound File Line Comments
Morgana: Ow! Skull, no! Don't stretch my opening so much! Unused lines from the scene where Morgana first transforms into a bus.
Morgana: I feel like I've been violated...


Sound File Line Comments
Shadow Nakanohara: Why're you condemning me when the worst scum of all gets away with it? Unused line from meeting Shadow Nakanohara.


Sound File Line Comments
Ann: I'm surrounded by children... Unused line from the scene where Mishima's Confidant is established, after Ryuji and Morgana start arguing.


Sound File Line Comments
Ann: How that name matches the one we heard bothers me. Madarame isn't a last name you hear too often. From the scene where Yusuke and Madarame are introduced, after Ann says she will be going to Madarame's art exhibit.
Ann: Still, that gentleman doesn't seem like the type to be resented by someone...


Sound File Line Comments
Ann: Uhh, why don't you ask him yourself tomorrow? From the scene after exams, when the gang decides to go to the art exhibit. This seems to be a response to a removed dialogue option, but the context remains unknown.
Ryuji: That perv might actually be happy about that.


Sound File Line Comments
Ryuji: Pfft, don't just write it off! From the scene after visiting Madarame's art exhibit. Seems to be a response to an unused dialogue option regarding the Phan-Site post on Madarame.


Sound File Line Comments
Ann: I agree. We're not here to fool around. From the scene upon arriving at Madarame's Museum. Possibly an unused dialogue choice.
Ryuji: I know that! Jeez...


Sound File Line Comments
Ann: WHAT!? From the first scene where Ann models for Yusuke, when Yusuke tells Ann he has no interest in her as a girl. Ann's responses in the final game are "Huh?" and "...No, not really."
Ann: No...
Morgana: Why would I do that? And don't say it like I've done that before! From the same scene, when Morgana leaves the room. Likely an unused dialogue choice, but the context for the response is unknown.


Sound File Line Comments
Ann: That means...June 4th. From the scene where the infiltration of Madarame's Museum is discussed. There are voice lines for Ann saying the deadline of the Palace for the 3rd, 4th, and 5th. The actual deadline is the 5th. There appear to be lines for Morgana saying the last day to secure the infiltration route (June 30th, July 1st, and July 2nd, respectively) but only the used one for the 2nd of July is translated.
Ann: That means...June 3rd.


Sound File Line Comments
Ann: Well, let's do this with style, since we're phantom thieves! From the scene where the infiltration route of Madarame's Museum is secured.
Morgana: Museums are prime targets for phantom thieves, after all.
Morgana: Joker, I'll leave it to you when we carry out the plan. Everyone else fine with that?


Sound File Line Comments
Ann: That's...*laughs* Alternate reactions from Ann when the gang thinks up Yusuke's code name.
Ann: Nuh-uh! It's gonna put our lives at risk during battles and stuff!


Sound File Line Comments
Ryuji: This asshole! What an unbelievable piece of shit! From the scene before the Shadow Madarame boss fight.
Shadow Madarame: And that suspicious-looking one...I bet they're your accomplice, too! These lines from the same scene refer to the black mask intruder, aka Akechi. In the final game, his existence is not hinted at until after the battle.
Yusuke: What are you talking about?


Sound File Line Comments
Ann: You just have the taste buds of a five-year-old. Sweetened ones are too fattening. From the scene after escaping Madarame's palace. The latter is likely connected to a removed dialogue choice.
Yusuke Harsh...but, I'll catch up to all of you soon enough.


Sound File Line Comments
Ann: Uh, no! More alternate reactions from Ann, this time when Yusuke considers staying at Ann's house.
Ann: Don't encourage him!