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Persona 5/Unused Voice Clips/Main Story/Kaneshiro Arc

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This is a sub-page of Persona 5/Unused Voice Clips/Main Story.


Sound File Line Comments
Akechi: Ah...*chuckles* I wasn't expecting that. From the interview with Akechi at the TV station. Going by the file ordering, it seems to be an alternate reaction to the protagonist saying "They do more than the cops." In the final game, he just laughs.


Sound File Line Comments
Ann: But...someone did. They made Kamoshida confess everything he had done. From the scene where Makoto confronts the group at school.
Ann: What's so wrong with that?!?


Sound File Line Comments
Yusuke: Oh, I almost forgot. From the scene after Yusuke leaves the dorms and before the gang heads to Leblanc.
Yusuke: I noticed earlier that your face looks a bit puffy. I hope it's just because you're not telegenic.
Yusuke: Hmm...your eyes seem swollen as well. Have you increased your sodium intake? You need to watch your-
Ann: Let's stay on topic here.
Yusuke: Oh, right, sorry.


Sound File Line Comments
Ann: Ummmm.... From the scene when the gang first visit Leblanc, while Sojiro talks to Ann after everyone else has gone upstairs. The last two lines are in response to Ann saying she's never had a boyfriend.
Sojiro: If you had to choose between a younger guy or an older guy...which would you go with?
Ann: Hmm, I guess it would have to be older...
Sojiro: Then, what are your thoughts on men who can cook?
Ann: Well, better that than not being able to...
Sojiro: Really?
Ann: It's just...I'm not really good at that kinda stuff.


Sound File Line Comments
Ann's voice: But...someone did. They made Kamoshida confess everything he had done. From the scene with Makoto and Sae at dinner, when Makoto remembers what the others said at school. Obviously removed because the original line was also removed.


Sound File Line Comments
Caroline: Every one of them is garbage, same as you. From the Velvet Room scene the night of the welcoming party for Yusuke. Removing these two lines, made in reference to the friends the protagonist has made, creates a noticeable gap in the conversation. They are intended to come after Igor's first line in the scene.
Justine: They could be called "social failures", as well.


Sound File Line Comments
Yusuke: Beauty masks all flaws. From the scene in the cafe after being confronted by Makoto, said in response to Ryuji claiming that Ann got caught on the recording as well.


Sound File Line Comments
Makoto: Supposedly...they're being forced into prostitution. From the scene on the school roof where Makoto discusses the scamming mafia group known to prey on students. This particular tidbit was implied in parts but never explicitly stated in the final game, and there are quite a few cut lines referencing it.


Sound File Line Comments
Yusuke: I'm sure she won't make us wait long. She did come to you first, after all. From the scene in the karaoke bar when the gang decide to contact Ohya for information.


Sound File Line Comments
Ann: I hope nobody else got dragged in here with us... From the scene when the gang first arrive at the site of Kaneshiro's Bank.
Yusuke: Everyone in this city is a target. It would be inefficient to find and rescue all of them.


Sound File Line Comments
Kaneshiro: I don't have a thing for teens, you know. An unused scene with Makoto and Kaneshiro. In the final game, the scene of the gang arriving happens directly after the gang get in a taxi to follow her.
Henchman: She no good, then?
Kaneshiro: Well, prudish ones do sell at a high price...
Kaneshiro: So, what're you after?
Kaneshiro: Where'd you find out about me?
Makoto: Does it matter?
Kaneshiro: *chuckles* Typical of the young ones.
Kaneshiro: They're so worth breaking down...*chuckles*


Sound File Line Comments
Kaneshiro: Hey! Make sure you don't damage the goods. From the scene where the gang first confront Kaneshiro. "The goods" likely refers to Makoto.


Sound File Line Comments
Yusuke: Such a bold yet flexible idea and reasoning. Impressive. From the scene where the gang first take Makoto to the Metaverse. In the final game, Yusuke says the simpler "Ah, that makes sense" instead.
Ann: But Makoto-san can't use a Persona... From the same scene.


Sound File Line Comments
Shadow Kaneshiro: I'll have you work at an affiliate store with us starting tomorrow. You'll pay it off with your body. From the scene when the gang first meet Shadow Kaneshiro. (The last line is a bit unclear.)
Shadow Kaneshiro: Don't worry, we only take VIP customers from society.
Shadow Kaneshiro: We have many VIPs who desire sister action, you know. (?)


Sound File Line Comments
Makoto: Plus, I can understand what the cat's saying now, too. From the scene after the gang escape Kaneshiro's Bank following Makoto's Persona awakening.
Morgana: I'm not a cat, you know.


Sound File Line Comments
Morgana: Yes, we found it! This is it! The scene that plays when the gang secure the infiltration route to the Treasure in Kaneshiro's Bank is not voiced in the final game. Some of the lines differ as well.
Makoto: There's...nothing here, though.
Ryuji: Once we get this far, we need this thing called a calling card.
Makoto: A calling card....huh. I see.
Makoto: The Treasure will materialize once the target is cognizant that it's in danger.
Makoto: That is quite an impressive trick.
Ann: Y-yeah, th-that's right! Impressive, huh?
Yusuke: Joker, we'll defer to you regarding its timing.
Morgana: Let's prepare ourselves until then.


Sound File Line Comments
Morgana: Hoohoo! Amazing! Incredible! Gold is the best! Why didn't we target this place from the start? An alternate reaction from Morgana about the giant gold bars after defeating Shadow Kaneshiro.


Sound File Line Comments
Makoto: It's nothing. There's just....*sigh*...something on my mind. From the phone call with Makoto regarding Kaneshiro's confession.
Makoto: It's about those breakdowns that Kaneshiro mentioned.
Makoto: *sigh* I'm sorry. We have no way to verify what he said. Bringing it up now will only worry us further.
Makoto: Well, thank you for listening. See you around.
Makoto: Thank you.
Makoto: I see...


Sound File Line Comments
Makoto: Ah, sorry! I didn't mean to stray off-topic. From the scene where the gang talk about Kaneshiro's confession and discuss future plans.