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Penguin-Kun Wars (Arcade)

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Title Screen

Penguin-Kun Wars

Developer: UPL
Publisher: UPL
Platform: Arcade (UPL Nova 2001 Hardware)
Released in JP: June 1985
Released in US: 1985

DevMessageIcon.png This game has a hidden developer message.
CopyrightIcon.png This game has hidden developer credits.
EnemyIcon.png This game has unused enemies.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

To do:
MAME lists two Japan sets. Investigate the differences.

In the far-off year of 1999, war has been abolished in favor of a new type of violent competition. Sixteen small animals fight in the UPL Memorial Dome, hurling large pink spheroids at each other. Each animal starts with five spheroids; Whoever ends up with the most at the end of sixty seconds (Or the player who ends up with all ten spheroids on their side) loses the match. If an animal loses twice in one match, they are banished from society, left to fend for themselves in the lands beyond, the mutant realms.

Begun, the Penguin-Kun Wars have.

Unused Graphics

Who? It's too tiny Who made these graphics again?
Oh, NOW I see
Tsutomu Fuzisawa, the game's designer (and probably artist), hid his name in the graphics ROM three times. The second one is only in the JP set.
Rolling around at the speed of soundToo expensive for this game Two missing title screen graphics: A parrot, and a frame of Penguin curled up in a ball (US version only).
What, no mint flavor?
A purple version of the thrown balls, with every appropriate frame. Perhaps at one point, one side would be pink, and the other purple.
It's coming right for you LOOK OUT
A fireball or explosion that uses the same frame setup as the pink and purple balls.
Hi I'm from a completely different game A small graphic of Penguin that doesn't match the game's graphical style, and there's a good reason for that: it's nearly identical to the downward facing penguin graphic included with Family BASIC (and by extension Binary Land), which released the year before Penguin-Kun Wars. It's presumably just a placeholder.
Pengo, did you fall into a vat of blue dye? Here's a small unused graphic of Penguin that does match the game's style. It's similar to, and the same size as, the opponent graphics.
Penguin-Chan WarsMohawked out There's a pink version of the tinier Penguin as well, possibly meant to be used for Player 2.
Get on upGet on upGet on up and danceYou're not dancing right! Penguin has three different dance animations, none of which were used. The Pink Penguin only has one dancing frame left in the ROM.
HelloonI'm the racoonBlown to smitheroonsI'm doon A completely cut opponent, this raccoon has most of the required animations and frames. All he's missing are victory and bombed animations.
Medusa what are you doing here
Several one-frame characters, which include a mantis, a bunny, a monkey, Medusa (??), a dinosaur, and a centipede.
aaAAAAAAAAAAAUGHCommand?Bananas or rocks? It's your decision These all look like board obstacles. The Frog could have devoured anything that got too close, while the ooze and rocks would have just got in the way.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Hidden Text

Two of the developers' names are hidden in the main CPU at 0x0040:

I.ogata M.komeda

This apropos text is at the end of the main CPU at 0xFD61:

* End of Program *

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Regional Differences

Japan USA
Noot noot The horror of it all...noot

For some reason, Penguin-Kun's "bombed" frame was redrawn a bit in the US version.

(Source: Original TCRF research)