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Parasite Eve II/Unused Backgrounds/Area 4a

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This is a sub-page of Parasite Eve II/Unused Backgrounds.

Area 4 (Abandoned Mine and Shelter, B1)

Image Info
Parasiteeve2 42512.png Room #1 (Mesa), Screen #1

File #42512
An overhead view of the entire room.

Parasiteeve2 42535.png Room #1 (Mesa), Screen #3

File #42535
An unused angle of the room.

Parasiteeve2 42980.png Room #2 (Cavern), Screen #1

File #42980
An overhead view of the entire room.

Parasiteeve2 43234.png Room #3 (Tunnel Entrance), Screen #1

File #43234
An overhead view of the entire room.

Parasiteeve2 43262.png Room #3 (Tunnel Entrance), Screen #5

File #43262
An unused angle of the room.

Parasiteeve2 43311.png Room #4 (Tunnel), Screen #1

File #43311
An overhead view of the entire room.

Parasiteeve2 43443.png Room #5 (Gorge), Screen #1

File #43443
An overhead view of the entire room.

Parasiteeve2 43475.png Room #5 (Gorge), Screen #5

File #43475
An unused angle of the room. It is not possible to see this screen under normal circumstances since a board is required to cross the chasm and reach that part of the room.

Parasiteeve2 43611.png Room #6 (Refuge), Screen #1

File #43611
An overhead view of the entire room.

Parasiteeve2 43635.png Room #6 (Refuge), Screen #5

File #43635
A (possible) prototype of the circuit board (puzzle). The power switch is flipped on, light is on, GATE 1 and GATE 2 are labeled as DOOR 1 and DOOR 2 and the visual design of the circuit path is different.

Parasiteeve2 43730.png Room #7 (Forked Tunnel), Screen #1

File #43730
An overhead view of the entire room.

Parasiteeve2 43836.png Room #8 (Secret Passage), Screen #1

File #43836
An (incomplete) overhead view of the entire room.

Parasiteeve2 43992.png Room #9 (Elevator Hall, B1), Screen #1

File #43992
An overhead view of the entire room.

Parasiteeve2 44054.png Room #10 (South Maintenance Walkway, B1), Screen #1

File #44054
An overhead view of the entire room.

Parasiteeve2 44116.png Room #11 (Storage Room), Screen #1

File #44116
An overhead view of the entire room.

Parasiteeve2 44245.png Room #12 (North Maintenance Walkway, B1), Screen #1

File #44245
An overhead view of the entire room.

Parasiteeve2 44259.png Room #12 (North Maintenance Walkway, B1), Screen #6

File #44259
An unused prototype of Screen #4, after the Bowman Brain Stinger escapes to this room. Note the damage done to and under the floor.

Parasiteeve2 44326.png Room #13 (Armory), Screen #1

File #44326
An overhead view of the entire room.

Parasiteeve2 44442.png Room #14 (Sleeping Quarters), Screen #1

File #44442
An overhead view of the entire room.

Parasiteeve2 44538.png Room #14 (Sleeping Quarters), Screen #11

File #44538
An unused and incomplete view of the shower room.

Parasiteeve2 93362.png Room #15 (Main Corridor, B1), Screen #1

File #44586
An overhead view of the entire room.

Parasiteeve2 44760.png Room #16 (Sterilization Room), Screen #1

File #44760
An overhead view of the entire room.

Parasiteeve2 44780.png Room #16 (Sterilization Room), Screen #12

File #44780
A view of the west sterilization room after the fumigation system is turned on. Since the incident only occurs in the east room, this screen is unused.

Parasiteeve2 44781.png Room #16 (Sterilization Room), Screen #13

File #44781
A view of the west sterilization room after the fumigation system is turned on. Since the incident only occurs in the east room, this screen is unused.

Parasiteeve2 44867.png Room #17 (Pod Access Tunnel, B1), Screen #1

File #44867
An overhead view of the entire room.

Parasiteeve2 46873.png Room #18 (Control Rool), Screen #1

File #46873
An overhead view of the entire room.

Parasiteeve2 46908.png Room #18 (Control Rool), Screen #8

File #46908
This close-up of what is on the other side of the glass after the GOLEMs are released is unused. Instead, Aya comments that there is nothing there.

Parasiteeve2 47899.png Room #19 (Access tunnel), Screen #1

File #47899
An overhead view of the entire room.

Parasiteeve2 48076.png Room #20 (Underground Parking), Screen #1

File #48076
An overhead view of the entire room.

Parasiteeve2 48094.png Room #20 (Underground Parking), Screen #6

File #48094
A close-up shot of the garage. This angle is only used when the garage door is open and can be investigated.

Parasiteeve2 48109.png Room #20 (Underground Parking), Screen #8

File #48109
The shutter can only be opened if a vehicle is on the turntable, leaving this background unused.

Parasiteeve2 48169.png Room #20 (Underground Parking), Screen #23

File #48169
A close-up of the ammo boxes after the army parks in the garage. Aya can collect ammo without the close-up shot being used.

Parasiteeve2 48208.png Room #21 (Golem Freezer 1), Screen #1

File #48208
An overhead view of the entire room.

Parasiteeve2 48219.png Room #21 (Golem Freezer 1), Screen #4

File #48219
This angle is shown from outside the freezer, in the Control Room. It is unused.

Parasiteeve2 48351.png Room #22 (Pod Bottom), Screen #1

File #48351
An overhead view of the entire room. This room is for the 2nd final boss fight.

Room #23 (Pod Service Gantry), Screen #'s 6 and 35
File #'s 74033 and 74165
The Pod Service Gantry is used for Room #'s 23 and 47. Both rooms use a complete, but duplicate set of background images. Each room only uses part of their full set. None of the backgrounds are used by both rooms.
Room #23 does not use #'s: 2-5, 7-19, 36-40 and 43.

Image Info
Parasiteeve2 67380.png Room #24 (Transfer Tunnel), Screen #1

File #67380
An overhead view of the entire room.

Parasiteeve2 67427.png Room #25 (Control Room Access Tunnel), Screen #1

File #67427
An overhead view of the entire room.

Parasiteeve2 67487.png Room #26 (Elevator *), Screen #1

File #67487
An overhead view of the entire room.


Rooms marked with a * are speculation; They are not given a proper name within the game.

(Source: Orin(Images) & Kuro-chan(Research))