This is a sub-page of Parasite Eve II/Unused Backgrounds.
| Oh dear, I do believe I have the vapors. This page contains content that is not safe for work or other locations with the potential for personal embarrassment. Such as: Gruesome corpses. |
Area 2 (Dryfield, daytime)
Room #1 (Gas Station), Screen #1
File #71789
An overhead view of the entire room.
Room #2 (Main Street), Screen #1
File #72445
An overhead view of the entire room.
Room #3 (General Store), Screen #1
File #72634
An overhead view of the entire room.
Room #3 (General Store), Screen #15
File #72871
A close-up of a toolbox with an obvious wrench inside. It is possible the General Store was the original location for the Monkey Wrench Aya has to obtain and was re-located to the Garage for the final version.
Room #4 (???), Screen #1 & 2
File #72885 & 72886
Unused (and rather pointless) room BGs for a room that is not used.
Room #5 (Back Street), Screen #1
File #72939
An overhead view of the entire room.
Room #6 (Souvenir Shop), Screen #1
File #72996
An overhead view of the entire room.
Room #7 (Warehouse), Screen #1
File #73094
An overhead view of the entire room.
Room #7 (Warehouse), Screen #8
File #73127
The dresser is missing from the wall.
Room #7 (Warehouse), Screen #9
File #73128
The dresser is missing from the wall.
Room #8 (Operating Room), Screen #1
File #73162
An overhead view of the entire room. This room's background images come from the Operating Room in the Shelter.
Room #9 (Dilapidated House), Screen #1
File #75176
An overhead view of the entire room. There are a number of corpses that appear in the overhead map, but do not appear in the final version of the game.
Room #11 (Room 1), Screen #1
File #78567
An overhead view of the entire room.
Room #11 (Room 1), Screen #2
File #78568
The beds are covered in blankets and a pillow. In the final version, they appear only as mattresses.
Room #11 (Room 1), Screen #3
File #78569
The beds are covered in blankets and a pillow. In the final version, they appear only as mattresses.
Room #12 (Room 2), Screen #1
File #78726
An overhead view of the entire room.
Room #13 (Room 3), File #'s 78884, 78885, 78886, 78887, 78888, 78889, 78890, 78891,
Room #3 is locked during the daytime. It is accessible later on, during nighttime.
Room #14 (Room 4), File #'s 78923, 78924, 78925, 78926, 78927, 78928
Room #4 is locked during the daytime. It is accessible later on, during nighttime.
Room #15 (Parking Lot), Screen #1
File #78979
An overhead view of the entire room.
Room #16 (Toilet), Screen #1
File #79101
An overhead view of the entire room. Thankfully, this view appears far more sanitary than the final version.
Room #16 (Toilet), Screen #9
File #79172
This camera angle is not used in-game.
Room #17 (Motel Lobby), File #'s 79491, 79497, 79503, 79512, 79513
Motel Lobby is locked during the daytime. It is accessible later on, during nighttime.
Room #18 (Saloon G & R), Screen #1
File #79568
An overhead view of the entire room.
Room #18 (Saloon G & R), Screen #9
File #79652
This close-up of the jukebox is never used during the daytime. This use of the jukebox machine is accessible during nighttime.
Room #18 (Saloon G & R), Screen #10, 11 and 12
File #79653, 79654 and 79655
A prototype angle of the pinball machine close-up. The camera angle is slightly different and there are some changes to the pinball machine (Adding a scorebox, additional wood paneling, etc.).
Room #19 (G & R Kitchen), Screen #1
File #79693
An overhead view of the entire room.
Room #20 (Water Tower), Screen #'s 1, 2, 10, 15, 16, 17, 21
File #'s 79788, 79789, 79882, 79919, 79920, 79921, 79940
A collection of unused (and incomplete) camera angles, plus the usual overhead view. It is likely the close-up of the "DANGER" sign was removed since Aya cannot be harmed by the fence during gameplay.
(Source: Orin(Images) & Kuro-chan(Research))
Room #4 'technically' exists, but is not one you can enter or exit in Dryfield under normal circumstances.
Room #10 does not exist. Attempting to access it will crash the game.