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OutRun 2006: Coast 2 Coast (Windows)

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Title Screen

OutRun 2006: Coast 2 Coast

Developer: Sumo Digital
Publisher: Sega
Platform: Windows
Released internationally: July 2, 2007
Released in US: June 23, 2006
Released in EU: June 27, 2006

CharacterIcon.png This game has unused playable characters.
DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
PiracyIcon.png This game has anti-piracy features.

To do:
  • Debug level select was found unused in the game, which can be made functional by OutRun2006Tweaks, need to add mention with screenshots.

OutRun 2006: Coast 2 Coast includes content from the first two arcade editions and Sumo's 2004 Xbox port in addition to further cars, features, and a "Coast 2 Coast" mode and missions.


The game made use of SecuROM DRM (which was quickly cracked by scene groups prior to the games actual release date), but also made use of several "tripwire" checks throughout the code, through calls to a SecuROM-supplied SecuROM_Tripwire inline function.

This function would check for a specific Win32 event that was expected to be created by the SecuROM loader, which if not present would alter the game in several minor ways, such as:

  • Ranking scoreboards would fail to update after a game, leaving them to always display the defaults
  • Ghost cars would fail to save both locally & online
  • Error message title text would subtly change from "OutRun 2006: Coast 2 Coast" to "OutRun 2006 Coast 2 Coast" - with the colon character removed, possibly to let support staff quickly tell from screenshots whether a pirate was playing

While the main DRM was cracked quickly these tripwire checks were left in all cracked versions seen, leading to many online reports of the issues above, arguably making the tripwires a success.

Interestingly while the Steam release seems based on the original game executable pre-SecuROM, it also includes these same tripwire checks too - it's not known if the Steam loader would setup the same Win32 event or if legitimate owners also ran into these issues.

(Source: OutRun2006Tweaks)

Driver Selection Screen

In the final game, Alberto is the only playable character. There exists a character selection screen that would have been used when creating (or editing) a license. Sam, Wolf, Clarissa, Jennifer, and Holly are selectable characters but in-game the models have animation errors.

Hidden character selection screen

This screen can be accessed by manipulating the RAM on ESI+3C.

  • 00 for Enter Name
  • 01 for Character (hidden)
  • 02 for Nationality
  • 03 for Star Sign
  • 04 for Done/Save

They can also be selected by Hex editing the LicenseX.dat file in the SaveGame directory. At 0x0024 the byte is usually fixed on 00, but can be changed to:

  • 00 for Alberto (fixed)
  • 01 for Sam
  • 02 for Wolf
  • 03 for Clarissa
  • 04 for Jennifer
  • 05 for Holly

PSP Missions For Holly

Holly's Mix 2 Course on PC menu

The PSP version has a 2nd different Mix Course layout and requests for Holly's challenge. The file is included in the PC version as Scripts\bin\Req_Course_MIX_PSP.bin but not accessible in-game (which uses Req_Course_MIX_PS2.bin). Before swapping the file names, the Req_Course_MIX_PSP.bin file needs some hex editing: at 0x0200, replace 0xE7 to 0xC9.

The shadow menu can be seen by changing OR2006C2C.EXE+44B7F0 to 7.

Camera views

The Camera View button normally allows toggling through 3 different views, but the game actually has 31 sets of camera parameters built into it (many of which are duplicates), these can be accessed by changing the byte 0x484BAD in RAM to 1E and then cycling through with the Camera View button.

These include the birds eye view that was included in prototype versions of the original OutRun 2, along with side & behind views.

(The current camera number can be set directly by changing 0x0079FE10+0x34A to any value between 0 and 30.)

Multiplayer Settings

The game manual mentions a list of the multiplayer settings that can be changed, oddly this list mentions a Slipstream setting which can't actually be found in the game (while strings are included for this setting no code seems to use them, and the slipstream code itself doesn't appear to include any checks to disable it)

Additionally the strings file mentions two other missing MP settings: Traffic amount (none/low/high), and Laps counter (3/5/10/15), it's unknown how these might have worked since multiplayer contains no traffic or lapping of any kind.

Development Leftovers

Test Beach Stages

Unused earlier revisions of certain stages are included, such as Stage\BEAC\cs_CS_BEAC_pmt_old.sz.

Stage Log Files

Logs for a tool used to build the stage files were included for some stages, eg Stage\BEAC_BT\cs_CS_BEAC_BT_pmt.sz.log:

file Z:\OR2PLUSImages\XBOXImage\Stage\BEAC_BT\cs_CS_BEAC_BT_pmt.sz
Objects: 0 mb 394 k
Textures: 4 mb 532 k
Vertex Buffers: 1 mb 110 k
Total: 6 mb 13 k

File Listing

Inside Common\Common.txt is a file listing made during development

 Volume in drive Z has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 4047-3C03

 Directory of Z:\OR2PLUS\XBOXImage\Common

24/03/2005  11:07            27,721 object_db_bin.sz
24/03/2005  11:06             5,766 obj_common_pmt.sz
24/03/2005  11:07         1,162,157 obj_course_obj_common_pmt.sz
24/03/2005  11:07            17,560 obj_pc_color_pmt.sz
24/03/2005  11:07            52,275 obj_vshadow_pmt.sz
               5 File(s)      1,265,479 bytes
               0 Dir(s)  156,708,626,432 bytes free

Development Oversights

Missing Lens Flare

Sometime during the ~3 month gap between the PS2/PSP/Xbox releases and the PC release the lens_flare_offset.bin file responsible for the lens flare effect had switched location, from the Common folder over to the Media folder, but the game executable was still setup to load it from inside Common.

This led to the PC version missing the lens flare effect entirely - until several years later when a fix was discovered by simply moving the file back to where the game wanted it.

"Rush a Difficulty"

The first 2 seconds of the track "Rush a Difficulty" were accidentally removed from the song in the PC release, likely during the OGG encoding process, though the music track for the song selection menu did still include it.

"DEST" Save Game Corruption

In the vanilla PC release, trying to remap controls while having more than 4 input devices connected would cause your savegame to be overwritten with data taken from the input devices, as the area of RAM for the savegame was located directly after the area related to devices, which only had room for 4 slots, making any further devices write into the savegame area instead.

The effects of the overwrite depended on how many devices were connected, typically with 5 devices only some header data was overwritten, such as the driver name (usually changed to DEST, which came from the GUID used for DirectInput), miles unlocked, and other license stats, luckily leaving single-player progression safe - though this did have the effect of overwriting the driver selection with an invalid value, which would cause the driver model not to display & become invisible.

(Source: OutRun2006Tweaks)



The classic Sega logo intro sound remains unused in the Sound directory.


Partially unused textures:

Drivers selection pictures


Holly's Mix 2 Couse

Text, model sprite, shadow sprite and selection picture.


Alberto's Antics Vol.1 to 5


Alternative Skins

In the sprites file spr_sprani_fight_xst.sz files there are leftovers of a redheaded Jennifer and a brunette Clarissa.

By swapping the texture files obj_driver_rival_pmt, obj_chr_dr_g00_pmt.sz and obj_chr_dr_l00_pmt' they can be used ingame.

Redhead Clarissa
Brunette Jennifer