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Oggy's Fries

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Title Screen

Oggy's Fries

Developer: Xilam
Publisher: Xilam
Platform: Adobe Flash

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

A cat prevents an infestation of cockroaches from committing french fry theft.

Hidden Graphics


Hidden at the top-left beyond the game's intended view is a white square with an unknown purpose.


There are also more hidden squares during gameplay, this time at the left side. The squares (specifically the small olive, yellow, blue, green and red squares) act as "managers" that control parts of the game (it is worth noting that their labels are unseen as they conflict with the color of the background):

  • The olive square, "Cafard Manager", controls the cockroaches' behavior.
  • The yellow square, "Frite Manager", controls the fries.
  • The blue square, "Oggy Manager", controls Oggy.
  • The green square, "Collision Manager", controls collisions caused by Oggy's arm.
  • The red square, "Game Manager", controls the total score earned by the player.

Alongside these managers are smaller yellow and green squares that control the sounds of the fries and Oggy's arm's collisions, respectively. There is also a bigger olive square storing the cockroaches labeled "Trajectoires" (French for "Trajectories") that has a developer note saying "NE PAS BOUGER" (DO NOT MOVE). The side is also the starting place for Oggy's arm once the game starts, going on-screen when a part of the table is clicked.