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Octodad: Dadliest Catch/Unused Models

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This is a sub-page of Octodad: Dadliest Catch.

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Original Chef Fujimoto Leftover

OctodadDadliestCatch ChefFujimotoOld.png

The model of Chef Fujimoto from the original Octodad can be found in the files of this game. Most likely a leftover.



OctodadDadliestCatch Pick.png

The pick on the table of junk appears in the teaser trailer, but it remains absent in the game afterwards. However, the model and the collision file for it both still appear in the files.


OctodadDadliestCatch Flower001.png OctodadDadliestCatch Flower002.png

It is unknown what purpose these flowers are used for in the level.


OctodadDadliestCatch Lever.png OctodadDadliestCatch LeverHolder.png OctodadDadliestCatch LeverPlate.png

In the PAX Prime 2012 extended gameplay preview video, you are supposed to turn the lever to open the gate in this level, but in the final game, the lever is absent and therefore replaced with a handle on the gate that you grab on it to open up. The parts for the lever plus its collision files (except for its plate) can still be found in the files.


OctodadDadliestCatch Pacifier.png

Considering its texture name "RingsFakes.dds", this pacifier would've appeared in the ring box in the chapel room of the level. This model also has its own collision file separately.


Toaster Handle

OctodadDadliestCatch ToasterHandle.png

Strangely, a model for the toaster's handle exist, but it remains absent from the final game however.


Unused Soda Box

OctodadDadliestCatch SodaBox.png

This model is very likely a placeholder version of the soda box. It is packaged in blue and contains the Coca-Cola® logo.


Large Quarter

OctodadDadliestCatch LargeQuarter.png

A quarter model located in the "Aquarium" folder, with an unknown purpose too. This model has its own collision file.

Kelp Token

OctodadDadliestCatch KelpToken.png

A kelp token model that is not used anywhere in the World of Kelp level in the final game. Just like the large quarter model, it has its own collision file.

This model was used in a prototype version of "World of Kelp", being used as the coins on the globe.

Science Door

OctodadDadliestCatch ScienceDoor.png

This door model has the text "World of Kelp" in it, which refers to the level name. It most likely was intended to be either in said level or it could've been an early version of the door that leads to the level.


Crane Game (World of Kelp version)

OctodadDadliestCatch CraneGame Exterior.png OctodadDadliestCatch CraneGame Claw.png

The crane game for the level was most likely intended to be in the game, but at one time, it went cut in the final version. However, parts for this along with the collision file for the body can still be located in the files.

Big Elevator

OctodadDadliestCatch BigElevatorFloor.png

A big elevator was most likely intended to be in the level.

Blockouts and Size References

Entire Yard Blockout


Amazon Arcade Blockout

ODC-AmazonArcadeBlockout1.png ODC-AmazonArcadeBlockout2.png

Birdhouse Size Reference=
