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Notes:The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie (GameCube, PlayStation 2, Xbox)

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This page contains notes for the game The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie (GameCube, PlayStation 2, Xbox).

To do:
Find the rest of the filetypes.

The .HIP/.HOP files can be extracted with either Industrial Park Level Editor, Game Extractor, or a QuickBMS script.

Filetypes commonly found in .HOP files

.HOP files contain the assets of each level.

Filetype Openable(?) Program(s) Notes
.anm.ANIM Unknown N/A Animations for the models in that archive.
.WAV.SND Yes (PS2 only) PSound


Sound effects.
.COLL No N/A Collision data for the level map.
.CSN Yes QuickBMS

PSound (Audio, PS2 only)

Script (PS2) (Models)

Contains the models and sounds unique to a cutscene.
.VAG.CSSS Yes Any text editor Empty files.
.CTOC No N/A Unknown. Most likely stands for "cutscene table of contents."
.JSP Yes QuickBMS

Script 1 (intended for BFBB)

Script 2 (intended for movie game)

Level map(s). Based on a common format for RenderWare games, most likely a proprietary modification of .BSP. Neither script will work for all files.
.jaw data.JAW No N/A Unknown
.lod table.LODT No N/A Unknown. Has something to do with level maps, most likely stands for "level of detail table."
.MAPR No N/A Unknown. Has something to do with level maps, commonly found as "env material map."
(.dff).MODL Yes DFF importer and exporter for 3ds Max 2009 - 2022 (Highly recommended, can import bones and UV maps correctly)


3D Object Converter (PS2 preferred) Any DFF model viewer

.DFF models. Common type for RenderWare. When using the listed programs or a DFF model viewer, "(.dff).MODL" must be renamed to ".dff" for the files to work properly.
.pipe info table.PIPT No N/A Object rendering pipeline info, provides additional post effects for certain objects in each level.
(.RW3).RWTX Yes Magic.TXD Textures, correspond with the models found in that archive.
.SHRP No N/A Stands for "shrapnel," and are the multiple parts that make up any model that explodes in the game, usually found prefaced with "frag," standing for "fragment."
.SNDI No N/A Unknown, usually named "sound info."
.WAV.SNDS Yes Industrial Park Used for longer, compressed sounds like character dialogue and music. Empty in GameCube version, can be opened in PS2 and Xbox versions.

Filetypes commonly found in .HIP files

.HIP files contain spawn data, as well as markers (cameras, triggers, ports) and other things that make up the inner working of each level. Note that any files with coordinates in them list them as 4-byte floating point numbers, and are usually on the third line in a hex editor. Use a converter to work with these numbers (the one linked doesn't like spaces, so remove those before converting).

Filetype Openable(?) Program(s) Notes
.ALST No N/A Unknown. Most likely stands for "animation list."
.ATBL.ATBL No N/A Unknown.
.BOUL No N/A Stands for "boulder." Used for objects that hurt SpongeBob or Patrick.
.BUTN No N/A Buttons.
.CAM Yes Hex editor Markers for camera positions. "Startcam" is never used, since the camera immediately goes to the player's position at the start of each level, after any cutscene or NPC interaction automatically triggered.
.CNTR No N/A Unknown. Stands for "counter."
.COND No N/A Unknown. Stands for "conditional."
.CSNM No N/A Unknown. Stands for "cutscene manager."
.DPAT No N/A Unknown. Stands for "dispatcher."
.DYNA Yes Hex editor Game objects. Purposed for a lot of things, like talkboxes, taxi stops and the "widget" that shows you the flythrough at the beginning of each level.
.ENV No N/A Unknown. Stands for "environment."
.FLY No N/A Unknown. Official stands for "fly," but used for flythroughs.
.GRUP No N/A Unknown. Stands for "group," and were most likely used to apply attributes to multiple objects at once when the game was built.
.LKIT No N/A Unknown. Stands for "light kit," and is probably used to light each scene.
.MINF.MINF No N/A Unknown. Corresponds to a model in the corresponding .HOP file.
.MRKR Yes Hex editor Stands for "marker," and contain coordinates to activate things when the player reaches those coordinates.
.MVPT No N/A Unknown. Stands for "move point."
.PARE No N/A Unknown. Stands for "particle emitter."
.PARP No N/A Unknown.
.PARS No N/A Unknown.
.PKUP Yes Hex editor Stands for "pickup," and contains spawn data for the pickups (shiny objects, underwear, golden spatulas) in each level. In reality, there's just one spawn data filetype that's used for pickups, platforms and NPCs.
.PLAT Yes Hex editor Stands for "platform," and contains spawn data for the platforms (bouncy trees, moving platforms) in each level. In reality, there's just one spawn data filetype that's used for pickups, platforms and NPCs.
.PLYR Yes Hex editor Stands for "player," and contains spawn coordinates for the player, although this is really only used in levels where you don't start off automatically talking to someone, or if you die before reaching a checkpoint in a level that you do start off with a conversation. Strangely, it seems to contain other data that, when messed with, causes the player to lose color.
.PORT No N/A Unknown. Stands for "portal."
.RANM No N/A Unknown.
.SCRP No N/A Unknown. Stands for "script."
.SDFX (or .SFX) No N/A Unknown. Officially stands for "SFX," an abbreviation of "sound effects."
.SGRP No N/A Unknown. Stands for "sound group."
.SIMP No N/A Unknown. Stands for "simple object," and contains collision data.
.SURF No N/A Out of bounds triggers. Stands for "surface."
.TIMR No N/A Unknown. Stands for "timer."
.TRIG Yes Hex editor Stands for "trigger," and works the same way as markers.
.UIM No N/A Unknown.
.VIL Yes Hex editor Officially stands for "NPC," and contains spawn data for the NPCs (characters, enemies, tikis) in each level. In reality, there's just one spawn data filetype that's used for pickups, platforms and NPCs.

Filetypes commonly found in (country code).hip files

Filetype Openable(?) Program(s) Notes
.TEXT Yes Notepad++ Contains text for dialogue boxes, as well as markers to tell the game certain things, like change the camera position or color a word a certain color.

Characters & Costumes

Most "costume" names were taken from sb04.ini.

Name Used? File
Sliding Bathtub Yes PLD0.HIP
Sliding Shell PLD1.HIP
Sliding Crown PLD2.HIP
Driving PLY2.HIP
SpongeBall PLY4.HIP
Manager Yes PLS1.HIP
Goober Hungover PLS2.HIP
Normal PLS3.HIP
Tuff Tug PLS4.HIP
Trench Moustache PLS5.HIP
Goober Dream No PLS6.HIP
Neptune Boss Yes PLS7.HIP
Cave SpongeBob Cheatable PLSA.HIP
Mermaid Man SpongeBob Yes PLSB.HIP
Ripped Pants SpongeBob Cheatable PLSC.HIP
Plain Sponge SpongeBob Yes PLSD.HIP
Manager Dream Yes PLP1.HIP
Goober Hungover PLP2.HIP
Normal PLP3.HIP
Tuff Tug PLP4.HIP
Trench Moustache PLP5.HIP
Goober Dream Cheatable PLP6.HIP
Neptune Boss No PLP7.HIP
Cave Patrick Cheatable PLPA.HIP
Disco Patrick Yes PLPB.HIP
No Clothes Patrick PLPC.HIP

Folder Abbreviations

To do:
Get the rest of the missions and add them to this table.
Folder Name Abbreviation of Mission(s) / Contaminants
AM Ambush Combat Arenas (am01) (am02) (am03) (am04)
B1 Boss #1 I'll Let You Pet Mr. Whiskers (b101)
B2 Boss #2 Name's Dennis (b201)
B3 Boss #3 Dennis Strikes Back (b301)
B4 Boss #4 Turn the Tables on Plankton (b401)

100% Cutscene (b402)

BB Bikini Bottom No Cheese! (bb02)

Sandwich Driving 101 (bb01)
I'm Ready... Depression (bb03)

BL Bonus Levels SpongeBall Arenas (bl01) (bl02) (bl03) (bl04)
DE Desert Three... Thousand Miles to Shell City (de01)

Rub a Dub, Slip Slide in the Tub (de02)

FB Floating Blocks Floating Block Arenas (fb01) (fb02) (fb03)
FMV Full Motion Videos Cutscenes, upgrades, logos, etc.
GG Goofy Goober Sundae Driving (gg02)
JK Junkyard Shell City, Dead Ahead (jk01) (jk02)
MN Menus Menus (mnus)
PL Players Player Variants
PT Planktopolis Welcome To Planktopolis...Minions (pt01) (pt02) (pt03)
SC Shell City Google Eyes and Smelly Knick Knacks (sc02)
TR Trench Rock Slide (tr01)

Now That We're Men (tr02) (tr03)

TT Thug Tug Bubble Blowing Baby Hunt (tt01)

No Weenie Parking Anytime (tt02)