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Notes:Pokémon Gold and Silver/Item List
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# | Name | Description |
01 | MasterBall | The best BALL. It never misses. |
02 | UltraBall | A BALL with a high rate of success. |
03 | Brightpowder | Lowers the foe's accuracy. (HOLD) |
04 | GreatBall | A BALL with a de- cent success rate. |
05 | PokeBall | An item for catch- ing POKéMON. |
06 | Teru-sama | ? |
07 | Bicycle | A collapsible bike for fast movement. |
08 | MoonStone | Evolves certain kinds of POKéMON. |
09 | Antidote | Cures poisoned POKéMON. |
0A | BurnHeal | Heals burned POKéMON. |
0B | IceHeal | Defrosts frozen POKéMON. |
0C | Awakening | Awakens sleeping POKéMON. |
0D | ParlyzHeal | Heals paralyzed POKéMON. |
0E | FullRestore | Fully restores HP & status. |
0F | MaxPotion | Fully restores POKéMON HP. |
10 | HyperPotion | Restores POKéMON HP by 200. |
11 | SuperPotion | Restores POKéMON HP by 50. |
12 | Potion | Restores POKéMON HP by 20. |
13 | EscapeRope | Use for escaping from caves, etc. |
14 | Repel | Repels weak POKéMON for 100 steps. |
15 | MaxElixer | Fully restores the PP of one POKéMON. |
16 | FireStone | Evolves certain kinds of POKéMON. |
17 | ThunderStone | Evolves certain kinds of POKéMON. |
18 | WaterStone | Evolves certain kinds of POKéMON. |
19 | Teru-sama | ? |
1A | HPUp | Raises the HP of one POKéMON. |
1B | Protein | Raises ATTACK of one POKéMON. |
1C | Iron | Raises DEFENSE of one POKéMON. |
1D | Carbos | Raises SPEED of one POKéMON. |
1E | LuckyPunch | Ups critical hit ratio of CHANSEY. |
1F | Calcium | Ups SPECIAL stats of one POKéMON. |
20 | RareCandy | Raises level of a POKéMON by one. |
21 | XAccuracy | Raises accuracy. (1 BTL) |
22 | LeafStone | Evolves certain kinds of POKéMON. |
23 | MetalPowder | Raises DEFENSE of DITTO. (HOLD) |
24 | Nugget | Made of pure gold. Sell high. |
25 | PokeDoll | Use to escape from a wild POKéMON. |
26 | FullHeal | Eliminates all status problems. |
27 | Revive | Restores a fainted POKéMON to 1/2 HP. |
28 | MaxRevive | Fully restores a fainted POKéMON. |
29 | GuardSpec | Prevents stats reduction. (1 BTL) |
2A | SuperRepel | Repels weak POKéMON for 200 steps. |
2B | MaxRepel | Repels weak POKéMON for 250 steps. |
2C | DireHit | Ups critical hit ratio. (1 BTL) |
2D | Teru-sama | ? |
2E | FreshWater | Restores POKéMON HP by 50. |
2F | SodaPop | Restores POKéMON HP by 60. |
30 | Lemonade | Restores POKéMON HP by 80. |
31 | XAttack | Raises ATTACK. (1 BTL) |
32 | Teru-sama | ? |
33 | XDefend | Raises DEFENSE. (1 BTL) |
34 | XSpeed | Raises SPEED. (1 BTL) |
35 | XSpecial | Raises SPECIAL ATTACK. (1 BTL) |
36 | CoinCase | Holds up to 9,999 game coins. |
37 | Itemfinder | Checks for unseen items in the area. |
38 | Teru-sama | ? |
39 | ExpShare | Shares battle EXP. Points. (HOLD) |
3A | OldRod | Use by water to fish for POKéMON. |
3B | GoodRod | A good ROD for catching POKéMON. |
3C | SilverLeaf | A strange, silver- colored leaf. |
3D | SuperRod | The best ROD for catching POKéMON. |
3E | PPUp | Raises max PP of a selected move. |
3F | Ether | Restores PP of one move by 10. |
40 | MaxEther | Fully restores PP of one move. |
41 | Elixer | Restores PP of all moves by 10. |
42 | RedScale | A scale from the red GYARADOS. |
43 | SecretPotion | Fully heals any POKéMON. |
44 | SSTicket | A ticket for the S.S.AQUA. |
45 | MysteryEgg | An EGG obtained from MR.POKéMON. |
46 | ClearBell | Makes a gentle ringing. |
47 | SilverWing | A strange, silver- colored feather. |
48 | MoomooMilk | Restores POKéMON HP by 100. |
49 | QuickClaw | Raises 1st strike ratio. (HOLD) |
4A | PsnCureBerry | A self-cure for poison. (HOLD) |
4B | GoldLeaf | A strange, gold- colored leaf. |
4C | SoftSand | Powers up ground- type moves. (HOLD) |
4D | SharpBeak | Powers up flying- type moves. (HOLD) |
4E | PrzCureBerry | A self-cure for paralysis. (HOLD) |
4F | BurntBerry | A self-cure for freezing. (HOLD) |
50 | IceBerry | A self-heal for a burn. (HOLD) |
51 | PoisonBarb | Powers up poison- type moves. (HOLD) |
52 | KingsRock | May make the foe flinch. (HOLD) |
53 | BitterBerry | A self-cure for confusion. (HOLD) |
54 | MintBerry | A self-awakening for sleep. (HOLD) |
55 | RedApricorn | A red APRICORN. |
56 | TinyMushroom | An ordinary mush- room. Sell low. |
57 | BigMushroom | A rare mushroom. Sell high. |
58 | SilverPowder | Powers up bug-type moves. (HOLD) |
59 | BluApricorn | A blue APRICORN. |
5A | Teru-sama | ? |
5B | AmuletCoin | Doubles monetary earnings. (HOLD) |
5C | YlwApricorn | A yellow APRICORN. |
5D | GrnApricorn | A green APRICORN. |
5E | CleanseTag | Helps repel wild POKéMON. (HOLD) |
5F | MysticWater | Powers up water- type moves. (HOLD) |
60 | TwistedSpoon | Powers up psychic- type moves. (HOLD) |
61 | WhtApricorn | A white APRICORN. |
62 | Blackbelt | Boosts fighting- type moves. (HOLD) |
63 | BlkApricorn | A black APRICORN. |
64 | Teru-sama | ? |
65 | PnkApricorn | A pink APRICORN. |
66 | BlackGlasses | Powers up dark- type moves. (HOLD) |
67 | SlowpokeTail | Very tasty. Sell high. |
68 | PinkBow | Powers up normal- type moves. (HOLD) |
69 | Stick | An ordinary stick. Sell low. |
6A | SmokeBall | Escape from wild POKéMON. (HOLD) |
6B | NeverMeltIce | Powers up ice-type moves. (HOLD) |
6C | Magnet | Boosts electric- type moves. (HOLD) |
6D | MiracleBerry | Cures all status problems. (HOLD) |
6E | Pearl | A beautiful pearl. Sell low. |
6F | BigPearl | A big, beautiful pearl. Sell high. |
70 | EverStone | Stops evolution. (HOLD) |
71 | SpellTag | Powers up ghost- type moves. (HOLD) |
72 | RageCandyBar | Restores POKéMON HP by 20. |
73 | GSBall | The mysterious BALL. |
74 | BlueCard | Card to save points. |
75 | MiracleSeed | Powers up grass- type moves. (HOLD) |
76 | ThickClub | A bone of some sort. Sell low. |
77 | FocusBand | May prevent faint- ing. (HOLD) |
78 | Teru-sama | ? |
79 | EnergyPowder | Restores POKéMON HP by 50. Bitter. |
7A | EnergyRoot | Restores POKéMON HP by 200. Bitter. |
7B | HealPowder | Cures all status problems. Bitter. |
7C | RevivalHerb | Revives fainted POKéMON. Bitter. |
7D | HardStone | Powers up rock- type moves. (HOLD) |
7E | LuckyEgg | Earns extra EXP. points. (HOLD) |
7F | CardKey | Opens shutters in the RADIO TOWER. |
80 | MachinePart | A machine part for the POWER PLANT. |
81 | EggTicket | May use at Golden- rod trade corner. |
82 | LostItem | The # DOLL lost by the COPYCAT. |
83 | Stardust | Pretty, red sand. Sell high. |
84 | StarPiece | A hunk of red gem. Sell very high. |
85 | BasementKey | Opens doors. |
86 | Pass | A ticket for the MAGNET TRAIN. |
87 | Teru-sama | ? |
88 | Teru-sama | ? |
89 | Teru-sama | ? |
8A | Charcoal | Powers up fire- type moves. (HOLD) |
8B | BerryJuice | Restores POKéMON HP by 20. |
8C | ScopeLens | Raises critical hit ratio. (HOLD) |
8D | Teru-sama | ? |
8E | Teru-sama | ? |
8F | MetalCoat | Powers up steel- type moves. (HOLD) |
90 | DragonFang | Powers up dragon- type moves. (HOLD) |
91 | Teru-sama | ? |
92 | Leftovers | Restores HP during battle. (HOLD) |
93 | Teru-sama | ? |
94 | Teru-sama | ? |
95 | Teru-sama | ? |
96 | MysteryBerry | A self-restore for PP. (HOLD) |
97 | DragonScale | A rare dragon-type item. |
98 | BerserkGene | Boosts ATTACK but causes confusion. |
99 | Teru-sama | ? |
9A | Teru-sama | ? |
9B | Teru-sama | ? |
9C | SacredAsh | Fully revives all fainted POKéMON. |
9D | HeavyBall | A BALL for catch- ing heavy POKéMON. |
9E | FlowerMail | Flower-print MAIL. (HOLD) |
9F | LevelBall | A BALL for lower- level POKéMON. |
A0 | LureBall | A BALL for POKéMON hooked by a ROD. |
A1 | FastBall | A BALL for catch- ing fast POKéMON. |
A2 | Teru-sama | ? |
A3 | LightBall | An odd, electrical orb. (HOLD) |
A4 | FriendBall | A BALL that makes POKéMON friendly. |
A5 | MoonBall | A BALL for MOON STONE evolvers. |
A6 | LoveBall | For catching the opposite gender. |
A7 | NormalBox | Open it and see what's inside. |
A8 | GorgeousBox | Open it and see what's inside. |
A9 | SunStone | Evolves certain kinds of POKéMON. |
AA | PolkadotBow | Powers up normal- type moves. (HOLD) |
AB | Teru-sama | ? |
AC | UpGrade | A mysterious box made by SILPH CO. |
AD | Berry | A self-restore item. (10HP, HOLD) |
AE | GoldBerry | A self-restore item. (30HP, HOLD) |
AF | SquirtBottle | A bottle used for watering plants. |
B0 | Teru-sama | ? |
B1 | ParkBall | The Bug-Catching Contest BALL. |
B2 | RainbowWing | A mystical feather of rainbow colors. |
B3 | Teru-sama | ? |
B4 | BrickPiece | A rare chunk of tile. |
B5 | SurfMail | LAPRAS-print MAIL. (HOLD) |
B6 | LiteBlueMail | DRATINI-print MAIL. (HOLD) |
B7 | PortraitMail | MAIL featuring the holder's likeness. |
B8 | LovelyMail | Heart-print MAIL. (HOLD) |
B9 | EonMail | EEVEE-print MAIL. (HOLD) |
BA | MorphMail | DITTO-print MAIL. (HOLD) |
BB | BlueSkyMail | Sky-print MAIL. (HOLD) |
BC | MusicMail | NATU-print MAIL. (HOLD) |
BD | MewMail | MEW-print MAIL. (HOLD) |
BE | Teru-sama | ? |
BF | Teru-sama | ? |
C0 | Teru-sama | ? |
C1 | Teru-sama | ? |
C2 | Teru-sama | ? |
C3 | Teru-sama | ? |
C4 | Teru-sama | ? |
C5 | Teru-sama | ? |
C6 | Teru-sama | ? |
(Source: pret's PokéCrystal)