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Notes:Mega Man: Powered Up

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This page contains notes for the game Mega Man: Powered Up.

Various Addresses

This is just a list of addresses I've stumbled upon while tinkering around with the game. It might be of some use for modifications or general exploration, hopefully.

Various Addresses
Current Stage          Difficulty
0x00ae8950:??          0x00ae8956:??

Character Select (New Game ONLY!!)
0x00a6c400:??          0x00ae8955:??           0x00ae895b:??

Character Attributes

Camera Zoom            Camera Un/Load Range    Camera Offset
0x00ae89c2:????        0x00ae89ca:????         0x00ae89fe:????

Current Weapon Icon    Current Weapon
0x00af3558:??          0x00af6b14:??
Addresses and Values
Current Stage - 0x00ae8950:??
_New Style_
00 = Intro     01 = Cutman     02 = Gutsman    03 = Iceman     04 = Bombman
05 = Fireman   06 = Elecman    07 = Timeman    08 = Oilman
09 = Wily 1    0A = Wily 2     0B = Wily 3     0C = Wily 4
_Old Style_
0D = Cutman    0E = Gutsman    0F = Iceman
10 = Bombman   11 = Fireman    12 = Elecman    
13 = Wily 1    14 = Wily 2     15 = Wily 3     16 = Wily 4
_Challenge Mode Boss Rushes_
17 = Boss Old  18 = Boss Easy  19 = Boss Norm  1A = Boss Hard
1B = Wily Old  1C = Wily Easy  1D = Wily Norm  1E = Wily Hard
1F = All Norm  20 = All Hard
Difficulty - 0x00ae8956:??
00 = Normal    01 = Easy       02 = Hard       03 = Old Style*

(* Only affects MM1 enemies and bosses.  All others use their Normal settings.
   New Style levels have all Easy Retry Flags but not the Easy Blocks.)
Character Select - 0x00a6c400:??, 0x00ae8955:??, 0x00ae895b:??
00 = Megaman   01 = Cutman     02 = Gutsman    03 = Iceman     04 = Bombman
05 = Fireman   06 = Elecman    07 = Timeman    08 = Oilman     09 = MegamanS
0A = MegamanC  0B = Rock/Mega  0C = Roll       0D = Protoman

Character select when starting a NEW GAME.
Changing these DURING a game will result in a game crash!

(NOTE: There are numerous other addresses that use these values,
 but these three seemed like the most relevant ones.)
Character Attributes - 0x00af683b:??
Megaman -      00 = Megaman    01 = Slide      02 = Slide + Charge
Roll    -      00 - 0C = Roll's costumes*
(In-game only, seemingly has no effect?)
Camera Zoom (16-bit) - 0x00ae89c2:????
4311 = New Style
4361 = Old Style
Camera Un/Load Range (16-bit) - 0x00ae89ca:????
43f0 = New Style
43a0 = Old Style
Camera Offset (16-bit) - 0x00ae89fe:????
4220 = New Style
4270 = Old Style
Current Weapon Icon - 0x00af3558:??
08 = M.Buster  09 = R.Cutter   0A = S.Arm      0B = I.Slasher  0C = H.Bomb
0D = F.Storm   0E = T.Beam     0F = T.Slow     10 = O.Slider   11 = M.Beam
(Has no effect on your actual current weapon.)
Current Weapon - 0x00af6b14:??
00 = M.Buster  01 = R.Cutter   02 = S.Arm      03 = I.Slasher  04 = H.Bomb
05 = F.Storm   06 = T.Beam     07 = T.Slow*    08 = O.Slider
(Time Slow becomes Magnet Beam in Old Style game.
 Oil Slider has unlimited usage in Old Style game (but can't damage anything).)

~ Jo Li (U, T, C) 13:36, 7 June 2024 (UTC)