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Notes:Magic Carpet (DOS)

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This page contains notes for the game Magic Carpet (DOS).

Level.Dat Data Structures

Included with the files of the original CD release of Magic Carpet is a file called GAM00088.DAT. This is an invaluable and interesting file for reverse engineering as it's some kind of internal format used to save the details of an unfinished map. Specifically, this seems to be the raw contents of the map LEV00088.DAT, based on the corresponding .inf file for that cut level (which made it into the game as level 65).

What's so useful is that the map includes headers for the data, therefore naming each attribute. Just as importantly, it also lists the map generator parameters. Magic Carpet is interesting, as while it includes the "MAPHACK" tool to generate height map levels out of user pictures, the game does NOT store height maps in the final levels. In fact they are all procedurally generated on runtime from a set of parameters stored in the level file. Note all levels are of a fixed size (38KB), and pad out any unused space with zero byte entries.

Map Header and Generation Parameters

These begin from the very first byte of each level file up to position 2e. Names are mostly from GAM00088.DAT file, which only begins from the Seed attribute. Note most of the later attributes only seem to work with one byte, higher values seem to crash the game (like rivers).

Variable Offset (hex) Length (hex) Notes
Level Mana Total 0x0 0x4 The level's total mana. Note this works in conjunction with the target percentage set at the end of the file.
Seed 0x4 0x2 Determines the fundamental map landscape shape
Blank 0x6 0x2
Off[set] 0x8 0x2 Offsets the generated landscape horizontally within the map frame
Blank 0xA 0x2
Raise 0xC 0x4 Raises height of landscape peaks
Gnarl 0x10 0x2 Gnarls landscape to create tree root style appearance. Rarely used
Blank 0x12 0x2
River 0x14 0x2 Generates more rivers on the map. Values above 255 seem to crash the game
Blank 0x16 0x2
Sourc 0x18 0x2 Seems to raise sea level/lower base level of terrain. While this seems to use two bytes, going beyond the first byte seems to crash the game
Blank 0x1A 0x2
SnLin 0x1C 0x2 Always C8/200. Not sure what it does
Blank 0x1E 0x2
SnFlt 0x20 0x2 Generally low number below 50. Unknown what this does
Blank 0x22 0x2
BhLin 0x24 0x2 Beach Line? Generally number below 30. This determines how desertified the level is - how much of the terrain is "beach". 255 is pretty much entirely sand.
Blank 0x26 0x2
BhFlt 0x28 0x2 Values generally below 20. Presumably beach related, but not apparent what this actually does
Blank 0x2A 0x2
RkSte 0x2C 0x2 Unknown. Values generally below 40

There is then a lots of zeroed data until position 442. This seems to be fixed across all levels as the start of Thing data.

Thing Definitions

These always begin at position 442 in a level file. These include everything the player can see and interact with in the game, from enemies to collectables to switches. Each entry is 18 bytes long, and there are 1999 entries.

To do:
Fill this out, Michael Howard's work here already collects 99% of it
Variable Offset (hex) Length hex) Notes
Class 0x0 0x2 What type of thing it is - enemy, scenery, etc
Model 0x1 0x2 Sub type. Which enemy type, what kind of scenery, etc
Xpos 0x3 0x2 X coordinate of Thing
Ypos 0x4 0x2 Y coordinate of Thing
DisId 0x6 0x2 Distinct ID? Used by switches, needs more research
SwiSz 0x8 0x2 Switch Size - the size of the area in which the player must enter to trigger the switch
SwiId 0xA 0x2 The switch number that this item is triggered by. Also used as a modifier for other values, for example what kind of spell
Paren 0xC 0x2 Joins together linked items, like segments of path and walls. Also used by teleports to store the X value of the destination. Also used as a modifier to e.g. determine what kind of building to place
Child 0xE 0x2 Joins together linked items, like segments of path and walls. Also used by teleports to store the Y value of the destination

Each entry contains the above variables. Each entry is numbered 1 - 1999, but this is implicit from their order and used for things like the Parent and Child values, it's not explicitly recorded in the entry.

Thing Types

These go in the "Class" field. They define the basic Type of a Thing

Value Type Notes
02 Scenery
03 Player Spawn
05 Creatures
07 Weather
0A Effects
0B Switches
0C Spells

Once a Thing type is set, the Thing Subtype (e.g. if a creature, what kind of creature it is) is then set in the "Model" field:

Scenery Thing SubTypes

Value Thing Subtype Notes
00 Tree There are two types of tree used in the game. It doesn't seem possible to choose which is used where, they are set pseudo-randomly (as they use a seed they will always be the same choice when the level is loaded)
01 Standing Stone
02 Dolmen
03 Bad Stone The weird looking stone with the kind of witch creature statue carved into it
04 Blue Dome A leftover from when the game used 2D billboard textures for buildings. Not used in any final game levels
05 Blue Dome Duplicate of above

Player Spawn Subtypes

These are wizard (player) start positions. If the wizard (other than the player) has a castle level set above zero, they will build their castle here on level start

Value Thing Subtype Notes
04 Flyer1 The player
05 Flyer2
06 Flyer3
07 Flyer4
08 Flyer5
09 Flyer6
0A Flyer7
0B Flyer8

Creature Thing Subtypes

Creatures with a SwiId value are spawned by triggering the switch with the corresponding SwiId value

Value Thing Subtype Notes
00 Dragon
01 Vulture
02 Bee
03 Worm
04 Archer
05 Crab
06 Kraken
07 Troll/Ape It turns out there is a random chance for either of these enemies to appear using this Creature ID.
08 Griffin
09 Skeleton
0A Emu
0B Genie
0C Builder
0D Townie
0E Trader
10 Wyvern

Weather Thing Subtypes

The weather code seems to be totally removed from the game, and none of the values do anything.

Value Thing Subtype Notes
0 Tornado
1 Rain Cloud
2 Thunder Cloud
3 Thermals
4 Wind This remains in a few multiplayer levels but does nothing

Effect Thing Subtypes

"Effects" range from all objects that are not creatures or scenery (buildings, Craters, walls, etc) to one-off effects like explosions and traps usually triggered by switches

Value Thing Subtype Notes
0 Explosion
1 Big explosion
2 Dust
3 Blood
4 Spark
5 Splash
6 Fire
7 Freeze
8 Mini Volcano
9 Volcano
0A Mini crater
0B Crater
0C Possession
0D White smoke
0E Black smoke
0F Earthquake
11 Meteor
15 Steal Mana Trap
17 Lightning
18 Rain of Fire
19 Unknown
1C Wall Always have a DisID of 65535 and SwiId of 1. They work by having a minimum of two points (Things) defined in the level and linked via the Parent and Child values (based on their Thing number in the list) to draw the wall to fit between the points.
1D Path Works exactly the same as Walls above
1F Canyon Again, works exactly the same as Walls do
22 Teleport Uses the Parent field to store the X coordinate of its destination, and the Child field for its destination's Y coordinate
27 Mana Ball These start as a single small ball with a value of 512 mana. To get bigger values, more small balls are placed on the same point, and they will auto-merge into a larger size on level start.
2D Villager Building The Parent field value determines building type. 1 = Tent, various other values determine other building types
31 Unknown
32 Ridge Node Again, works exactly the same as Walls do
34 Crab Egg

Switch Thing Subtypes

Switches cause either Effects to trigger, or Creatures/spells to spawn. The SwiId (Switch ID) field is used to give each switch a unique ID, and also to assign Effects and Creature spawns to trigger by giving them the same ID. However, there is more at play, the DisId field is also used to trigger switches in sequence (so they will only trigger after the previously linked switch in that attribute has been fired). Switch areas are always circular, and the SwiSz (Switch Size) field determines the radius of this circle. Things that are to be triggered by a switch need the SwiId and DisId set to that of the switch. If both are not set, the object will start the level already spawned.

Value Type Notes
0 Hidden Inside A hidden switch activated once by the player moving inside its area
1 Hidden outside A hidden switch activated once by the player moving outside its area
2 Hidden Inside re A recurring/repeatable hidden switch activated by the player moving inside its area.
3 Hidden outside re A recurring/repeatable hidden switch activated by the player moving outside its area.
4 On victory This switch type triggers when the player completes the level (i.e. hit mana target). Levels 20 and 22 use this.
5 Death Inside The "Death" switch types don't actually do anything special. They work exactly the same as regular hidden switches. The intention is that these are two be used when the outcome of the switch will be bad for the player (i.e. can make them dead!) so that it is obvious that is what the switch is for in the editor. An example of this is LEV00025 - lots of Death traps that trigger lethal meteor storms.
6 Death Outside
7 Death inside re
8 Death Outside re
9 Obvious Inside A visible switch that triggers by the player moving inside its area. Note, this and all obvious type switches shows a small X at its centre
0A Obvious outside A visible switch that triggers by the player moving outside its area
0B Obvious Inside re A repeatable visible switch that triggers by the player moving inside its area
0C Obvious outside re A repeatable visible switch that triggers by the player moving outside its area
0D Dragon These "creature" switches trigger once all creatures of their respective type on the map have been killed.
0E Vulture
0F Bee
10 Worm
11 Archer
12 Crab
13 Kraken
14 Troll
15 Griffon
18 Genie
1D Wyvern
1E Creature all Triggers once all creatures of all types on the map have been killed
1F Exit Level LEV000049 Uses this switch type, it marks the final level of the game

Spell Thing SubTypes

Spell jars. Note that these MUST have the SwiId value populated to tell the game which type of spell it is, or the player cannot pick up the item. There seem to be two accepted values: 1 for normal spell jar (red) and 5 for the non-mana-limited (blue) variety. If a spell jar is spawned by a switch, the DisId field is used to mark which one it is, NOT the SwiId field (which still marks what kind of jar it is).

Value Type Notes
0 Fireball
1 Heal
2 Speed Up
3 Possession
4 Shield
5 Beyond Sight
6 Earthquake
7 Meteor
8 Volcano
9 Crater
0A Teleport
0B Duel Called "Rubber band" internally
0C Invisible
0D Steal Mana
0E Rebound
0F Lightning
10 Castle
11 Skeleton
12 Thunderbolt
13 Mana Magnet
14 Fire Wall
15 Reverse Speed
16 Global Death Called "Smart Bomb" internally
17 Rapid Fireball Called "Mini Fireball" internally

Wizard Stats Block

These are always in the same place in the file, starting at position 90D4. The first 12 bytes are actually the APR stats for the player... Which unless you're some kind of robot, don't have any effect.

Player Spells

Player spells are defined at 90E0. There are 24 bytes, each one simply a boolean value for a spell. There does seem to be some logic involved in which spells are unlocked, however (some seem to need e.g. castle unlocked first).

Spell Offset (hex) Length hex) Notes
Fireball 0x0 0x1 All are booleans, 1 = character has this spell
Shield 0x1 0x1
Accelerate 0x2 0x1
Possession 0x3 0x1
Health 0x4 0x1
Beyond Sight 0x5 0x1
Earthquake 0x6 0x1
Meteor 0x7 0x1
Volcano 0x8 0x1
Crater 0x9 0x1
Teleport 0xA 0x1
Duel 0xB 0x1
Invisible 0xC 0x1
Steal Mana 0xD 0x1
Rebound 0xE 0x1
Lightning 0xF 0x1
Castle 0x10 0x1
Undead Army 0x11 0x1
Lightning Storm 0x12 0x1
Mana Magnet 0x13 0x1
Wall of Fire 0x14 0x1
Reverse Acceleration 0x15 0x1
Global Death 0x16 0x1
Rapid Fireball 0x17 0x1

Enemy Wizard Definitions

After the above, there is a block of 100 bytes of what is usually 01 for each wizard. These actually seem to be Boolean values for what appears to be which tactics this particular wizard will use in the level. Most of the time these are all enabled, but on some earlier levels some are set to 00, which seems to be how to dumb down the AI in how it fights the player. It's not known what each specific value does.

Five Bytes after this are the definitions for that wizard's Aggression, Perception, and Reflexes stats, as explained in the Official Strategy Guide. While they can range from 0 - 255 as explained in the guide, the baseline default for all is actually 128.

The fourth byte after the Reflex value is the start of the spell loadout for the wizard, which works exactly as per the player's spells, listed above.

Attribute Offset (hex) Length (hex) Notes
Aggression 0x0 0x1
Blank 0x1 0x4
Perception 0x5 0x1
Blank 0x6 0x4
Reflexes 0xA 0x1
Blank 0xB 0x4
Spell Loadout 0xE 0x18

Some levels have wizards defined beyond the default stats even though they are not present in the level, suggesting they may have been cut (e.g. the first level has a very low level Vodor defined despite it not featuring any enemy wizards).

Misc Level Setup

This is always found after the wizard definitions at 9790. These define the target amount of mana for the player to collect on the level, the number of wizards in the level, and starting castle levels of each wizard (from 0 to 7).

Attribute Offset (hex) Length (hex) Notes
Mana Target (%) 0x0 0x1 The percentage of the total mana defined in the first four bytes of the file needed to beat the level
Blank 0x1 0x1
Number of Wizards in level 0x2 0x1 Only the player is 1. Therefore 2 would be the player and one enemy wizard (Vodor). Max is 8
Blank 0x3 0x1
Player Castle Level 0x4 0x1 Always set to 0
Vodor Castle Level 0x5 0x1 Determines what level this wizard's castle starts at, and therefore their mana state
Gryshnak Castle Level 0x6 0x1 Determines what level this wizard's castle starts at, and therefore their mana state
Mahmoud Castle Level 0x7 0x1 Determines what level this wizard's castle starts at, and therefore their mana state
Syed Castle Level 0x8 0x1 Determines what level this wizard's castle starts at, and therefore their mana state
Raschid Castle Level 0x9 0x1 Determines what level this wizard's castle starts at, and therefore their mana state
Alhabbal Castle Level 0xA 0x1 Determines what level this wizard's castle starts at, and therefore their mana state
Scheherazade Castle Level 0xB 0x1 Determines what level this wizard's castle starts at, and therefore their mana state

Spell Loadouts

Keep in mind that the final game only respects spell loadouts on certain levels. Early on the game ignores what is set in the level to use the inventory the player has built up so far in the game. If a different level is played in one of these slots (most obviously level one), the player will start with no spells at all.