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This page contains notes for the game LIT.

Corresponding NW4RVL File Locations of Unused Music

The corresponding location in NW4RVL for each unused music file are as follows:

  • SEQ_MARIOKART can be found in a sample folder, in .MID and .AIFF format.
  • SEQ_SE_SUPER_MARIO can be found in a sample RVL SoundMaker Project Folder in .MID format, and in a sample .BRSAR file in .BRSEQ format.
  • SEQ_SE_SUPER_MARIO_TRACK can also be found in a sample RVL SoundMaker Project Folder in .MID format, and in a sample .BRSAR file in .BRSEQ format.

It’s also worth noting that SEQ_SE_SUPER_MARIO and SEQ_SE_SUPER_MARIO_TRACK are both stored in the exact same RVL SoundMaker Project Folder and .BRSAR file as each other.