Neopets: Quizara's Curse
Neopets: Quizara's Curse |
Developer: Other Ocean Interactive This game has unused areas. |
A game about an angry tiger woman making magical flying women unable to move, and it's up to you with your radical English skills to put an end to her nefarious plot.
Unused Map
An unused test area fittingly called "testmap" exists. A Warf, Uniocto, Angelpuss, wheel, and Earth Faerie are present as objects according to its map file, but there is currently no known way of loading the map.
Unused Graphics
Early Title Screen
splash512.png is an early, more crude title screen using stock art of a Red Shoyru and Blue Kacheek. This also reveals that the game was subtitled "Quizzard Quest" earlier in development.
NPC Sprites
All of the Neopet and Petpet NPCs have a full set of front, back, and side facing sprites, but only the front facing sprites are ever seen.
Doom Screenshots
doom512.png and doom512_16.png are two copies of a screenshot of Doom, running the fan-made open-source FreeDoom asset set. Both are compressed, with the second being poorly crushed down into a lower number of colors with the wrong palette, and a smiley face drawn on with the transparency color.
Presumably this was used as a test of loading different graphics types... but why Doom? And why FreeDoom specifically?
Test Item
test_item.png is a simple test item of a rainbow-colored wardrobe.
Red Jubjub
dude_0.png is a very low-resolution image of a promotional image of a Red Jubjub used often in the late 2000s.
Text Boxes
bodgebox1.png, bodgebox2.png, and bodgebox3.png are placeholder example text boxes.
test.png is, fittingly, a test image of a pink block with the word "TEST" in the Courier font in the center. Obviously a test graphic.
testmap Tileset
Tiles for the unused test map.
Unused Music
level1.mid is a MIDI of the theme to the first level of Doom. No associated soundfont for it is present.
Unused Text
Unused Player Character References
american.json and british.json contain references to the player character being able to be a Lupe or Shoyru. No graphics remain for either of these, but the names and descriptions are intact.
Lupes are incredibly loyal and like to spend their time prowling around Neopia.
The Shoyru is a fiery little creature. Treat him right and you will have a friend for life, but if you are mean to him, he will never forget it.
Not Used
Some text strings were made by the developers, but became disused and multiple of these textlines in american.json and british.json contain this:
The strings that are filled in with this text are:
- EP_001_DESC
- EP_001_IGIVE
- EP_002_DESC
- EP_003_DESC
- EP_003_IGIVE
- EP_004_DESC
- EP_004_IGIVE
- EP_005_DESC
- EP_005_IGIVE
- EP_006_DESC
- EP_006_IGIVE
- EP_007_DESC
- EP_007_IGIVE
- EP_008_DESC
- EP_008_IGIVE
- EP_009_DESC
- EP_009_IGIVE
- EP_010_DESC
Developer Comments
A number of developer comments are scattered across numerous JSON files containing game text and code.
"COMMENT": "old style level defs go below for testing and larking about", "test": { "ID": "test", "Name": "Testy test map", "MapFile": "examplemappystuff.json", "DLVFile": "grid.dlv", "MapPath": "level/test/", "Width": 1440, "Height": 1440, "BGColour": [255,255,255], "CharPathType": "inverse" }, "fartbubble": { "ID": "fartbubble", "Name": "fartbubble", "MapFile": "map2_1_day.json", "DLVFile": "map2_1_day.dlv", "MapPath": "level/mysteryisland/deepgreen/", "Width": 1280, "Height": 960, "BGColour": [89,136,50], "CharPathType": "inverse" } }
"Comment": "this could be extended to cover the u/d/r animations and possibly an idle", "TODO": "different pet colour data"
"Comment": "Stopframe is the anim frame at which the anim should stop if the char is not moving",
"Comment2":"The array refers to the three directions of motion: CA_WALKUP,CA_WALKDOWN,CA_WALKRIGHT",
"Comment": "Exp and loots for winning gadgets can be set on the trigger which launches them (but loots is ignored now I think?)",
"MagicTypeTextIDs COMMENT": "These are magic type text ids which correspond to the faerie type defines in CFaerie.h",
"Comment": "wouldn't it be nice if you had presets for NPC parameters?",
"Comment": "Used to activate a quest if you pick up an item before you talk to the issuer",
"Comment": "NO OPTIONS YET",
Debug Leftovers
A number of JSON files containing debugging tools are present in the files but are currently inaccessible.
{ "DefaultBox": { "ID": "DefaultBox", "Path": "DialogueBox/", "Text": { "Message": "" }, "Icons": [ { "Output": "None", "Text":"UI_PAUSEMENU_000" }, { "Output": "SaveBox_CurricCheats", "Text":"Curriculum Cheats" }, { "Output": "Unblock", "Text":"Unblock All" }, { "Output": "AllItems", "Text":"Gain All Items" }, { "Output": "SaveBox_TestNIS", "Text": "Cut Scenes" }, { "Output": "WarpMenu", "Text": "Area Jump" }, { "Output": "StatsMenu", "Text": "Adjust Neopets Stats" }, { "Output": "GameMenu", "Text": "In Game Menu" } ] }, "Curriculum": { "ID": "Curriculum", "Path": "DialogueBox/", "Text": { "Message": "" }, "Icons": [ { "Output": "SaveBox_CLUP", "Text": "sublevel up" }, { "Output": "SaveBox_CLDWN", "Text": "sublevel down" }, { "Output": "SaveBox_levelling", "Text": "Sublevelling: On/Off" }, { "Output": "SaveBox_QUP", "Text": "Question Up" }, { "Output": "SaveBox_QDWN", "Text": "Question Down" }, { "Output": "None", "Text": "Back" } ] }, "NIS": { "ID": "NIS", "Path": "DialogueBox/", "Text": { "Message": "" }, "Icons": [ { "Output": "Intro", "Text": "Intro" }, { "Output": "Earth", "Text": "Earth" }, { "Output": "Water", "Text": "Water" }, { "Output": "Light", "Text": "Light" }, { "Output": "SaveBox_MoreNIS", "Text": "More" }, { "Output": "None", "Text": "Back" } ] }, "NIS2": { "ID": "NIS2", "Path": "DialogueBox/", "Text": { "Message": "" }, "Icons": [ { "Output": "Fire", "Text": "Fire" }, { "Output": "Air", "Text": "Air" }, { "Output": "Dark", "Text": "Dark" }, { "Output": "Coda", "Text": "Ending" }, { "Output": "Splash", "Text": "Splash Screens" }, { "Output": "None", "Text": "Back" } ] }, "WarpMenu": { "ID": "WarpMenu", "Path": "DialogueBox/", "Text": { "Message": "" }, "Icons": [ { "Output": "WarpMeridell", "Text": "Meridell" }, { "Output": "WarpTerrorMountain", "Text": "Terror Mountain" }, { "Output": "WarpMysteryIsland", "Text": "Mystery Island" }, { "Output": "WarpFaerieCity", "Text": "Faerie City" }, { "Output": "warpto_faeriecity_throneroom_a", "Text": "Quizara's Throneroom" }, { "Output": "warpto_sanctuary", "Text": "Faerie Haven" }, { "Output": "None", "Text": "Back" } ] }, "WarpMeridell": { "ID": "WarpMeridell", "Path": "DialogueBox/", "Text": { "Message": "" }, "Icons": [ { "Output": "warpto_meridell_greenfield_a", "Text": "meridell_greenfield_a" }, { "Output": "warpto_meridell_greenfield_b", "Text": "meridell_greenfield_b" }, { "Output": "warpto_meridell_greenfield_c", "Text": "meridell_greenfield_c" }, { "Output": "warpto_meridell_stonewatchroad_a", "Text": "meridell_stonewatchroad_a" }, { "Output": "warpto_meridell_stonewatchroad_b", "Text": "meridell_stonewatchroad_b" }, { "Output": "warpto_meridell_stonewatchroad_c", "Text": "meridell_stonewatchroad_c" }, { "Output": "warpto_meridell_mysticgrove_a", "Text": "meridell_mysticgrove_a" }, { "Output": "warpto_meridell_mysticgrove_b", "Text": "meridell_mysticgrove_b" }, { "Output": "warpto_meridell_mysticgrove_c", "Text": "meridell_mysticgrove_c" }, { "Output": "WarpMenu", "Text": "Back" } ] }, "WarpTerrorMountain": { "ID": "WarpTerrorMountain", "Path": "DialogueBox/", "Text": { "Message": "" }, "Icons": [ { "Output": "warpto_terrormountain_snowywindvale_a", "Text": "terrormountain_snowywindvale_a" }, { "Output": "warpto_terrormountain_snowywindvale_b", "Text": "terrormountain_snowywindvale_b" }, { "Output": "warpto_terrormountain_snowywindvale_c", "Text": "terrormountain_snowywindvale_c" }, { "Output": "warpto_terrormountain_frozenmaze_a", "Text": "terrormountain_frozenmaze_a" }, { "Output": "warpto_terrormountain_frozenmaze_b", "Text": "terrormountain_frozenmaze_b" }, { "Output": "warpto_terrormountain_frozenmaze_c", "Text": "terrormountain_frozenmaze_c" }, { "Output": "warpto_terrormountain_icypeak_a", "Text": "terrormountain_icypeak_a" }, { "Output": "warpto_terrormountain_icypeak_b", "Text": "terrormountain_icypeak_b" }, { "Output": "warpto_terrormountain_icypeak_c", "Text": "terrormountain_icypeak_c" }, { "Output": "WarpMenu", "Text": "Back" } ] }, "WarpMysteryIsland": { "ID": "WarpMysteryIsland", "Path": "DialogueBox/", "Text": { "Message": "" }, "Icons": [ { "Output": "warpto_mysteryisland_goldsandshore_a", "Text": "mysteryisland_goldsandshore_a" }, { "Output": "warpto_mysteryisland_goldsandshore_b", "Text": "mysteryisland_goldsandshore_b" }, { "Output": "warpto_mysteryisland_goldsandshore_c", "Text": "mysteryisland_goldsandshore_c" }, { "Output": "warpto_mysteryisland_rockriverpass_a", "Text": "mysteryisland_rockriverpass_a" }, { "Output": "warpto_mysteryisland_rockriverpass_b", "Text": "mysteryisland_rockriverpass_b" }, { "Output": "warpto_mysteryisland_rockriverpass_c", "Text": "mysteryisland_rockriverpass_c" }, { "Output": "warpto_mysteryisland_deepgreen_a", "Text": "mysteryisland_deepgreen_a" }, { "Output": "warpto_mysteryisland_deepgreen_b", "Text": "mysteryisland_deepgreen_b" }, { "Output": "warpto_mysteryisland_deepgreen_c", "Text": "mysteryisland_deepgreen_c" }, { "Output": "WarpMenu", "Text": "Back" } ] }, "WarpFaerieCity": { "ID": "WarpFaerieCity", "Path": "DialogueBox/", "Text": { "Message": "" }, "Icons": [ { "Output": "warpto_faeriecity_courtyard_a", "Text": "faeriecity_courtyard_a" }, { "Output": "warpto_faeriecity_courtyard_b", "Text": "faeriecity_courtyard_b" }, { "Output": "warpto_faeriecity_courtyard_c", "Text": "faeriecity_courtyard_c" }, { "Output": "WarpMenu", "Text": "Back" } ] }, "StatsMenu": { "ID": "StatsMenu", "Path": "DialogueBox/", "Text": { "Message": "" }, "Icons": [ { "Output": "levelup", "Text": "Level Up" }, { "Output": "leveldown", "Text": "Level Down" }, { "Output": "DefaultBox", "Text": "Back" } ] } }
{ "DefaultBox": { "ID": "DefaultBox", "Path": "DialogueBox/", "Text": { "Message": "" }, "Icons": [ { "Output": "None", "Text":"UI_PAUSEMENU_000" }, { "Output": "SaveBox_CurricCheats", "Text":"Curriculum Cheats" }, { "Output": "StatsMenu", "Text": "Adjust Neopets Stats" }, { "Output": "GameFCMenu", "Text": "In Game Menu" } ] } }
{ "DefaultBox": { "ID": "DefaultBox", "Path": "DialogueBox/", "Icons": [ { "Output": "Haven", "Text": "UI_PAUSEMENU_002" }, { "Output": "None", "Text": "UI_PAUSEMENU_000" }, { "Output": "Confirm_Map", "Text": "UI_PAUSEMENU_009" }, { "Output": "Confirm_MainMenu", "Text": "UI_PAUSEMENU_003" }, { "Output": "SFX", "Text": "soond" }, { "Output": "Music", "Text": "moosac" }, { "Output": "InventoryStyles", "Text": "UI_INVENTORYSTYLE_TITLE" } ] }, "InventorySkins": { "ID": "InventorySkins", "Path": "DialogueBox/", "Icons": [ { "Output": "InvD", "Text": "UI_INVENTORYSTYLE_005" }, { "Output": "Inv1", "Text": "UI_INVENTORYSTYLE_000" }, { "Output": "Inv2", "Text": "UI_INVENTORYSTYLE_001" }, { "Output": "Inv3", "Text": "UI_INVENTORYSTYLE_002" }, { "Output": "Inv4", "Text": "UI_INVENTORYSTYLE_003" }, { "Output": "Inv5", "Text": "UI_INVENTORYSTYLE_004" } ] } }
{ "DefaultBox": { "ID": "DefaultBox", "Path": "DialogueBox/", "Icons": [ { "Output": "None", "Text": "UI_PAUSEMENU_000" }, { "Output": "SFX", "Text": "soond" }, { "Output": "Music", "Text": "moosac" }, { "Output": "InventoryStyles", "Text": "UI_INVENTORYSTYLE_TITLE" } ] } }
Several of the sound menu JSONs, such as SoundMenu.json, mention a piece of music titled "NothingElseMatters.mid" that is intended to play in the background of the sound menu. However, this song is not in the game files.
Compile Date
All of the game's files are dated September 18th, 2008 at 2:04PM, nearly four months prior to release.
The Neopets series
| |
Adobe Flash | Techo Says • Extreme Potato Counter • Ice Caves • Word Poker • Turmac Roll • Sutek's Tomb • Kass Basher • Black Pawkeet Slots • Carnival of Terror • Mynci Beach Volleyball • Ice Cream Machine • Pepsi Surf Football • Super Shopping Spree • Hannah and the Kreludor Caves • Build Your Neobot |
Adobe Shockwave | Hannah and the Pirate Caves • Hannah and the Ice Caves • The Last Smiley |
PlayStation 2 | The Darkest Faerie |
Wii | Puzzle Adventure |
Windows | Puzzle Adventure |
LeapFrog Didj | Quizara's Curse |
iOS, Android | Legends and Letters • Island Builders • Neopia Studio |
Advertisements | |
Adobe Flash | Alvin and the Chipmunks • Create-n-Send a Donkey Kong Country Family Portrait • Sonic and the Black Knight: Knight in Training • Spyro: A Hero's Tail • Crash and Spyro • The Batman: Batcave Training • The Chronicles of Narnia: Aslan's Warriors |
- Pages missing developer references
- Games developed by Other Ocean Interactive
- Pages missing publisher references
- Games published by LeapFrog Enterprises
- LeapFrog Didj games
- Pages missing date references
- Games released in 2009
- Games released in January
- Games released on January 10
- Games with unused areas
- Games with hidden development-related text
- Games with unused graphics
- Games with unused text
- Games with debugging functions
- Neopets series
Cleanup > Pages missing date references
Cleanup > Pages missing developer references
Cleanup > Pages missing publisher references
Games > Games by content > Games with debugging functions
Games > Games by content > Games with hidden development-related text
Games > Games by content > Games with unused areas
Games > Games by content > Games with unused graphics
Games > Games by content > Games with unused text
Games > Games by developer > Games developed by Other Ocean Interactive
Games > Games by platform > LeapFrog Didj games
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by VTech > Games published by LeapFrog Enterprises
Games > Games by release date > Games released in 2009
Games > Games by release date > Games released in January
Games > Games by release date > Games released in January > Games released on January 10
Games > Games by series > Neopets series