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Title Screen

NHL 96

Developer: Tiburon Entertainment
Publisher: EA Sports
Platform: SNES
Released in US: September 1995
Released in EU: October 26, 1995

DevMessageIcon.png This game has a hidden developer message.
CopyrightIcon.png This game has hidden developer credits.
DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.

NHL 96 is a typical hockey game with a not at all typical hidden message.

Hidden Job Offering

Found right at the beginning of the ROM is a message directed at hackers and demo coders. Note that in the ROM this message has no line breaks.

Tiburon Entertainment, Inc. developed this product for Electronic Arts.  
Tiburon is a small developer located in Longwood Florida, a suburb of Orlando.  
We develop entertainment software for console systems, and IBM Compatibles. 
If you're a talented programmer or Artist please fax us your resume at 407-862-4077.
Although formal education is a plus, it's not required. This message is directed 
to all you hackers and demo coders out there who might be looking through our ROMs.
We have good benefits, and pay competitive wages. 
We understand that while your resume may not reflect jobs programming, that you 
may still be very talented, and the opportunity may not have been available.
In this case we ask your to mail us you're demos, or examples of work you have done.
Tiburon Entertainment c/o Hey!  I'm good, and I want a job 
900 Fox Valley Drv. Suite #202 Longwood, FL
(Source: Original TCRF research)

Sound Engine Credits

Build information and credits for the game's sound engine are stored at x21D6:

SMSG 3.07w Jason Andersen/John Schappert 7/2/1995