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My Singing Monsters (PlayStation Vita)

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Title Screen

My Singing Monsters

Developer: Big Blue Bubble
Publisher: Big Blue Bubble
Platform: PlayStation Vita
Released internationally: August 12, 2014

SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.

The Vita's My Singing Monsters is a fully-offline title with exclusive content: two new monsters of the brand new Mythical class (G'joob and Yawstrich) and four new decorations. Unfortunately, no updates were released for this version of the game, causing it to quickly become outdated compared to the mobile version of MSM.

In September 2019, after the contract for the Vita version's exclusive content expired, the Vita-exclusive monsters and decorations were added to the mobile version of MSM.

Unused Mammott Tracks

For some reason, Mammott has four extra unused tracks on Plant Island and Cold Island in the Vita version. These tracks seem to be early versions of the Castle bass, which are synths here.