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My Singing Monsters: Dawn of Fire/Unused Decorations

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To do:
Replace the Coral Fountain image with a gif of the water animated.

There are many decorations in Dawn of Fire that go unused. Some of these decorations made an appearance in the Starshop and the Colossingum in the first game as part of a later update. Some of these are also either decorations from the first game, or similar ones.

Design Name Tap Sound Cost Unlock Level Notes
MSM DOF Hammock.png Bed (DoF)

Hammock (MSM)

  • Data added in 1.5.0 (Before this only the sprite existed)
  • Reused as a StarShop decoration in My Singing Monsters
MSM DOF Chip Stump.png Chip Stump N/A N/A N/A
  • Added to files in version 1.6.0.
MSM DOF Cloud Swing.png Cloud Swing N/A 110,000 Coins 24
MSM DOF Coconut Bongos.png Coconut Bongos (DoF)

Bingo Bango Bongos (MSM)

100 Diamonds N/A
  • Description from 1.0 to 1.4.2 was "Source: Shop/Workshop"
  • Appeared in a Twitter post made by My Singing Monsters.
  • Reused as a StarShop decoration in My Singing Monsters
MSM DOF Coral Fountain.png Coral Fountain N/A 100 Diamonds N/A
  • Water is animated.
  • Design was changed in version 1.6.0, possibly meaning it was meant to be added in that version. Old design was:

MSM DOF Coral Fountain Old.png

MSM DOF Fluffy Tree.png Fluffy Tree N/A 100 Diamonds N/A
MSM DOF Fossil-osaurus.png Fossil-osaurus N/A N/A N/A
  • Design was changed in version 1.5.1, possibly meaning it was meant to be added in that version. Old design was:

MSM DOF Fossil-osaurus Old.png

MSM DOF Eerie Remains.png Eerie Remains N/A N/A N/A
  • Design was changed in version 1.5.1, possibly meaning it was meant to be added in that version. Old design was:

MSM DOF Eerie Remains Old.png

MSM DOF Giant Fossil.png Giant Fossil N/A 100 Diamonds N/A
  • Design was changed in version 1.5.1, possibly meaning it was meant to be added in that version. Old design was:

MSM DOF Giant Fossil Old.png

MSM DOF Glitter Torch.png Glitter Torch (DoF)

Spatial Sapling (MSM)

N/A 100 Diamonds N/A
  • Description from 1.0 to 1.4.2 was "Source: Shop/Whirlpool"
  • Reused as a StarShop decoration in My Singing Monsters
MSM DOF Gongtree Swing.png Gongtree Swing (DoF)

Gaung Tree (MSM)

N/A 100 Diamonds N/A
  • Description from 1.0 to 1.4.2 was "Source: Shop/Workshop"
  • Design was changed in version 1.5.1, possibly meaning it was meant to be added in that version. Old design was:

MSM DOF Gongtree Swing Old.png

MSM DOF Grassy Stacks.png Grassy Stacks N/A N/A N/A
  • Added to files in version 1.6.0.
MSM DOF Guitar Stump.png Guitar Stump (DoF)

Elmenco Stump (MSM)

100 Diamonds N/A
MSM DOF Ice Slide.png Ice Slide N/A 100 Diamonds N/A
  • Design was changed in version 1.5.1, possibly meaning it was meant to be added in that version. Old design was:

MSM DOF Ice Slide Old.png

MSM DOF Innertube Tuba.png Innertube Tuba (DoF)

Innertuba (MSM)

100 Diamonds N/A
MSM DOF Meldablend.png Meldablend N/A N/A N/A
MSM DOF Log Drum.png Log Drum
100 Diamonds N/A
  • Description from 1.0 to 1.4.2 was "Source: Shop/Workshop"
  • Reused as a Colossingum decoration in My Singing Monsters
MSM DOF Mud Spa.png Mud Spa N/A 100 Diamonds N/A
  • Description from 1.0 to 1.4.2 was "Source: Shop/Whirlpool"
  • Appeared in the loading screen for version 1.6.0, in which a young Stogg was in it.
  • Has animated bubbles. These were added in 1.6.0.
MSM DOF Oak Tree.png Oak Tree N/A 100 Diamonds 35
  • Has a crafting recipe, which is:
    • 3 Seedlings (MSM DOF Seedling.png)
    • 3 Acorns (MSM DOF Acorn.png)
  • Design was changed in version 1.6.0, possibly meaning it was meant to be added in that version. Old design was:

MSM DOF Oak Tree Old.png

MSM DOF Overgrown Tree.png Overgrown Tree N/A 100 Diamonds N/A
  • Design was changed in version 1.5.1, possibly meaning it was meant to be added in that version. Old design was:

MSM DOF Overgrown Tree Old.png

MSM DOF Pepper Shaker.png Pepper Shaker
100 Diamonds N/A
  • Description from 1.0 to 1.4.2 was "Source: Shop/Workshop"
MSM DOF Pumpkin Drum.png Pumpkin Drum
100 Diamonds N/A
MSM DOF Spurrit Statue.png Spurrit Statue N/A N/A N/A
  • This depicts the Spurrit with legs and arms, exactly how it appeared years later when it was re-discovered on Seasonal Shanty in the original game. This may have been the reason why it was scrapped.
  • Data added in 1.5.0 (Before this only the sprite existed)
  • Design was changed in version 1.5.1, possibly meaning it was meant to be added in that version. Old design was:

MSM DOF Spurrit Statue Old.png

MSM DOF Directions to Nowhere.png Directions to Nowhere N/A N/A N/A
  • Design was changed in version 1.5.1, possibly meaning it was meant to be added in that version. Old design was:

MSM DOF Directions to Nowhere Old.png

MSM DOF Spun Tree.png Spun Tree N/A N/A N/A
  • Added to files in 1.5.1.
MSM DOF Islands Statue.png Statue 2 N/A N/A N/A
  • The islands in order from top to bottom are: Plant Island, Air Island, Cold Island, Water Island, Ethereal Island, and Earth Island. This may have been scrapped due to the inclusion of Ethereal Island and the Colossals having not been known to exist during Dawn of Fire at the time.
  • Added to files in 1.6.0.
MSM DOF Thunker.png Statue 3 (DoF)

The Thunker (MSM)

  • Reused as a StarShop decoration in My Singing Monsters
  • Design was changed in version 1.6.0, possibly meaning it was meant to be added in that version. It was originally the Dragoon Statue from MSM and the design was:

MSM DOF Statue 3 Old.png

MSM DOF Stone Drum.png Stone Drum
100 Diamonds N/A
MSM DOF Sugar Tree.png Sugar Tree (DoF)

Swurlee Tree (MSM)

MSM DOF Synth Speakers.png Synth Speakers
100 Diamonds N/A
MSM DOF Telescopic Tower.png Telescopic Tower N/A 100 Diamonds N/A
  • Design was changed in version 1.5.1, possibly meaning it was meant to be added in that version. Old design was:

MSM DoF Telescopic Tower Old.png

MSM DOF Toasty Bonfire.png Toasty Bonfire N/A 100 Diamonds N/A
MSM DOF Trampoline Tambourine.png Trampoline Tambourine (DoF)

Tamborine Trampoline (MSM)

100 Diamonds N/A
  • Description from 1.0 to 1.4.2 was "Source: Shop/Workshop"
  • Reused as a Colossingum decoration in My Singing Monsters
MSM DOF Tropical Tree.png Tree 2 N/A N/A N/A
  • Added to files in 1.6.0.
MSM DOF Ockulo Tree.png Tree 6 (DoF)

Ockulo Tree (MSM)

  • Design was changed in version 1.6.0, possibly meaning it was meant to be added in that version. It was originally the Zuffle Tree from MSM and the design was:

MSM DoF Tree 6 Old.png

MSM DOF Watchtower.png Watchtower N/A N/A N/A
  • Added to files in version 1.6.0.
MSM DOF Tree Forte Tower.png Tree Forte Tower N/A N/A N/A
  • Design was changed in version 1.5.1, possibly meaning it was meant to be added in that version. Old design was:

MSM DOF Tree Forte Tower Old.png