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Mother 3/Unused Graphics/Character Sprites/Party Members

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This is a sub-page of Mother 3/Unused Graphics/Character Sprites.

To do:
  • Check other sprites in the game to check if anything matches up with the sprites for Lucas being picked up, as sprites often have holes in them where other sprites would take up that place. For example, the animation for the Noble Spittoon being thrown has a hole where Wess's hand would be.



An animation of Lucas climbing. It plays if he climbs a ladder, but this can't be done without the use a walk-through-walls cheat.

Lucas pulling on something & falling over. Matches similar animations for Claus and Hinawa. Originally intended for the early version of the "F-F-Fire!" scene.

Lucas playing Stone-Sheet-Clippers while facing east, used in one of the unused Masked Man flashbacks. Note that a similar sprite has him face west, but this one is used in the Naming Screen at the beginning of the game.

Lucas doing... something? Maybe bowing?

Lucas excitedly talking to someone. Claus uses a very similar animation while talking to Lucas on the Naming Screen.

Lucas knocking on something. Similar unused animations exist for Flint and post-timeskip Lucas.

Sprites of Lucas without a shirt on. These sprites as well as most of Lucas's sprites without a shirt are used in the unused Attract Mode.

Lucas walking without a shirt on.

Lucas running without a shirt on. The third frame on the left and right running animations have their top sub-sprites misaligned.

Lucas stepping back without a shirt on.


Lucas jumping into water. The gray background has been added to make the white more visible.


Lucas emerging from water. The gray background has been added to make the white more visible.

Lucas stepping back and blushing.


Lucas putting his arms out. In one frame 2 pixels appear by his leg for some reason.

An alternate ending to Lucas being struck by lightning where he falls to the ground. A similar animation exists for Duster.

Lucas knocking on something. Similar animations exist for Flint and pre-timeskip Lucas.

Lucas sitting. Matches an unused sprite of Claus sitting. Note that, like with Claus's unused sprite, this sprite is found in the pre-timeskip sprite group rather than the post-timeskip one.


Lucas pulling a Needle from the front. In the final game, he always walks around Needles so he's facing the screen. The gray background has been added to make the white more visible.

Lucas flying with his pants pulled down a bit going right instead of left. May have been used when hanging off of the Pigmask Airship at some point in development.

Animations for what seems to be an earlier version of the Sunflower Field scene where Lucas would rub his eyes and look up at Hinawa with a shocked expression and run to the edge to jump off. In the final game the player is in control of Lucas, who has no visible reaction to Hinawa before jumping off, and needs to walk to the edge to make him jump off, which uses the second half of the running and jumping animation.

Unused animations for what seems to be Lucas being picked up, struggling, and either thrown or dropped.


Lucas being struck by lightning in water before sinking into it and coming out again. Seeing how PSI is learned by being struck by lightning twice throughout the game, Lucas may have originally unlocked the ability to use PSI through Ionia making lightning strike him, like she does to teach Kumatora PK Starstorm. The gray background has been added to make the white more visible.



M3 YoungClaus Ladder.gif
An animation of Young Claus climbing. It plays if he climbs a ladder, but this can't be done without the use of the debug room.

M3 YoungClaus Pulling.gif
Young Claus pulling on something & falling over. Originally intended for the early version of the "F-F-Fire!" scene.

M3 YoungClaus SSC Left.gif
Young Claus playing Stone-Sheet-Clippers while facing west, used in the unused Masked Man flashbacks. Note that a similar sprite has him face east, but this one is used in the Naming Screen at the beginning of the game.

M3 YoungClaus FallenDown.pngM3 YoungClaus FallenUp.png
Unused sprites of Young Claus knocked out in different directions.

M3 Claus NoShoes.png
An unused sprite of a fallen Young Claus without his shoes. Although he does lose his shoes in the final game, they still appear on his fallen sprite.


M3 Claus Sitting.png
Unused sprite of post-timeskip Claus just sitting. It matches an unused sprite of post-timeskip Lucas sitting. Note that, just like Lucas's sitting sprite, this is found in his pre-timeskip sprite group rather than his post-timeskip one

Claus2.pngM3 Claus Unmasked2.pngM3 Claus Unmasked3.pngM3 Claus Unmasked4.pngM3 Claus Unmasked5.pngM3 Claus Unmasked6.pngM3 Claus Unmasked7.png
Unused sprites for Claus in his Commander outfit. In the final, only a down-facing one is used.

M3 MM NoMask Walk BL.gifM3 MM NoMask Walk L.gifM3 MM NoMask Walk TL.gifM3 MM NoMask Walk DOWN.gifM3 MM NoMask Walk UP.gifM3 MM NoMask Walk TR.gifM3 MM NoMask Walk R.gifM3 MM NoMask Walk BR.gif
Unused walking animations of Claus in his Commander outfit.

M3 Claus Unmasked Talk1.gifM3 Claus Unmasked Talk2.gifM3 Claus Unmasked Talk3.gifM3 Claus Unmasked Talk4.gifM3 Claus Unmasked Talk5.gifM3 Claus Unmasked Talk6.gifM3 Claus Unmasked Talk7.gifM3 Claus Unmasked Talk8.gif
Unused talking animations for Claus in his Commander outfit.


Flint's second spritegroup in the game has unique sprites in sprite banks 1, 2 and 3, but bank 0 contains a duplicate of all the bank 0 sprites from his first spritegroup, and these duplicates are never used. They will not be shown due to being completely identical to his used ones. This could possibly have once been planned for a post-timeskip design, as Flint had one in the N64 version of MOTHER 3.

M3 Flint RamDownLeft.gifM3 Flint RamTopLeft.gifM3 flintrammin.gifM3 Flint RamTopRight.gifM3 Flint RamRight.gifM3 Flint RamDownRight.gif
Unused directions for Flint ramming. The up and left animations are used in-game.

M3 Flint KO Burned BottomLeft.gifM3 Flint KO Burned Left.gifM3 Flint KO Burned TopLeft.gifM3 Flint KO Burned Down.gifM3 Flint KO Burned Up.gifM3 Flint KO Burned TopRight.gifM3 Flint KO Burned Right.gifM3 Flint KO Burned BottomRight.gif
Unused burnt variants of Flint walking while K.O.'d. In the final game, Flint is the only playable party member during the forest fire, which prevents you from viewing these.

M3 Flint KO Charred BottomLeft.gifM3 Flint KO Charred Left.gifM3 Flint KO Charred TopLeft.gifM3 Flint KO Charred Down.gifM3 Flint KO Charred Up.gifM3 Flint KO Charred TopRight.gifM3 Flint KO Charred Right.gifM3 Flint KO Charred BottomRight.gif
Charred variants also exist, and just like the burned ones, these also go unused.

M3 Flint Talking Burned BottomLeft.gifM3 Flint Talking Burned Left.gifM3 Flint Talking Burned TopLeft.gifM3 Flint Talking Burned Down.gifM3 Flint Talking Burned Up.gifM3 Flint Talking Burned TopRight.gifM3 Flint Talking Burned Right.gifM3 Flint Talking Burned BottomRight.gif
Unused burnt variants of Flint talking. Due to Flint being the sole protagonist while he is covered in soot, he never talks.

M3 Flint Talking DownLeft.gifM3 Flint Talking Side.gifM3 Flint Talking TopLeft.gifM3 Flint Talking Down.gifM3 Flint Talking Top.gifM3 Flint Talking TopRight.gifM3 Flint Talking SideRight.gifM3 Flint Talking DownRight.gif
Unused charred variants of Flint talking. The top-left and top-right animations' second frame is one pixel off-center.

M3 Flint Burnt KneelDiagonalDown.pngM3 Flint Burnt KneelSide.pngM3 Flint Burnt KneelDiagonalUp.pngM3 Flint Burnt KneelDown.pngM3 Flint Burnt KneelUp.pngM3 Flint Burnt KneelDiagonalUp2.pngM3 Flint Burnt KneelSide2.pngM3 Flint Burnt KneelDiagonalDown2.png
Unused sprites of burnt Flint crouching in all manners of directions.

M3 Flint Charred KneelDiagonalDown.pngM3 Flint Charred Kneel Side.pngM3 Flint Charred KneelDiagonalUp.pngM3 Flint Charred KneelDown.pngM3 Flint Charred KneelUp.pngM3 Flint Charred KneelDiagonalUp2.pngM3 Flint Charred Kneel Side2.pngM3 Flint Charred KneelDiagonalDown2.png
Another set of kneeling Flint, but he's only charred this time.

EB64 FlintLook2.gif

M3 Flint Looking Up.gif
Unused animation of Flint looking up. The final game has Flint angled to look at the top-right during the cliff scene. Note this animation matches the N64 version of the cliff scene.

Flint hopping & stabbing downwards with the Drago Fang. This could be a number of things, but it's most likely connected to the Mecha-Drago.

EB64 ThunderTower2.png

M3 Flint HangFull.gif
An animation exists of Flint clinging to the airship at the end of Chapter 5 who, according to the Mother 3 (EarthBound 64) trailer at Spaceworld 1999, would have replaced Kumatora in the party at this point in the game.

M3 Flint Crouch Talk.gif
Unused animation of Flint talking while crouched.

M3 Flint Hat Low.gif
Unused animation of Flint tipping his hat lower than usual, almost taking it off.

M3 Flint Knocking.gif
Unused animation of Flint knocking.

M3 Flint Pushing.gif
Unused animation of Flint doing... something. It almost looks like the pushing sprites Lighter & Isaac have in Chapter 1.

M3 Flint BobbingHead.gif
Another weird unused Flint animation of him talking while doing some weird pose. A very similar animation exists for Duster.

M3 Flint Sleep.gif
Unused animation of Flint sleeping.

M3 Flint Train Dodge.png
Unused sprite of Flint dodging the train. This is actually fully functional by putting him in the second party-member slot using debug and bringing him to the train in Chapter 4.

M3 Flint Walk Wood.gif
Unused animation of Flint walking to the right while holding a piece of wood. Found with the sprites for the campfire scene before Ollie being hit, it suggests Flint would've walked to Ollie in order to attack him.

M3 Flint Uppercut.gif
Unused animation of Flint doing either an uppercut or jumping. There is some speculation that this animation and the 3 below were meant to be used if he was in the Sunflower Field, but the sprites would need flipped equivalents for that to work due to the way Mother 3's sprites work, and those equivalents don't exist. It's more likely that they were meant for an early version of the scene where the party jumps onto the airship, as he jumps onto it in the EarthBound 64 trailer.

M3 Flint Looking Up Walk.gif
Unused animation of Flint looking up & walking.

M3 Flint Looking Up Alt.gif
Unused animation of Flint looking up & just... floating up? The final two sprites are moved up a pixel.

M3 Flint Looking Up Talk.gif
Unused animation of Flint talking while looking up.

M3 Flint Unconscious.png
Apparently an unused sprite of an unconscious Flint, very similar to its hatless counterpart.

M3 HFlint Idle BL.pngM3 HFlint Idle L.pngM3 HFlint Idle TL.pngM3 HFlint Idle U.png
Unused sprites of a hatless Flint standing, with angles never seen in-game.

M3 HFlint Walk BL.gifM3 HFlint Walk L.gifM3 HFlint Walk TL.gifM3 HFlint Walk D.gifM3 HFlint Walk U.gifM3 HFlint Walk TR.gifM3 HFlint Walk R.gifM3 HFlint Walk BR.gif
Unused animations of a hatless Flint walking in multiple directions. In the final, Flint never walks while hatless.

M3 HFlint Talk BL.gifM3 HFlint Talk L.gifM3 HFlint Talk TL.gifM3 HFlint Talk U.gifM3 HFlint Talk TR.gifM3 HFlint Talk R.gifM3 HFlint Talk BR.gif
Unused animations of a hatless Flint talking in multiple different directions. In the final, he only talks facing down.

M3 Flint NoHat Kneel Down.png
Unused sprite of a hatless Flint crouching. He kneels similarly in Chapter 8, but never in this direction.

M3 Flint NoHat Unconscious.png
Unused sprite of an unconscious Flint without his hat. Probably intended for the aftermath of an attack by the Masked Man.


Boney's sprite group for the Sunflower Field seems to have been quickly copied and pasted from Bank 0 of his normal sprite group and edited from there, leaving many duplicates from his normal sprite groups. This sloppy job and the fact that the name ID associated with the sprite group is Flint's name could potentially indicate that Boney being in the Sunflower Field scene was a late change in development.


M3 Duster PullStaples NoStaple.gifM3 Duster ClimbStaple NoStaple.gif
Animations of Duster using the wall staples... without the staples.

M3 Duster Talking Angry.gif
A weird animation of Duster talking while doing some weird pose, which matches the unused Flint one mentioned previously.

M3 Duster Electrocuted.gif
Animation of Duster getting electrocuted & collapsing onto the ground. Originally intended for Chapter 5, as a frame of it can still be seen in the credits.

M3 Duster Sleeping Attract.gif
Duster sleeping. The first half is used in the second unused attract animation and his naming screen.

M3 Duster Sleeping Alt.gif
Alternate animation of Duster sleeping.

M3 DiagSnake.gif
Unused diagonal variant of the Rope Snake animation. Seems to be layered incorrectly as even though he uses his left hand to swing the snake, it appears behind his head.

Duster whip gif.gifM3 Duster Rope Ch7.gif
Two animations of Duster holding onto a rope, which both match up to animations Rope Snake also has, used in Chapters 5 & 7. This animations are found in an earlier sprite bank (Bank 0, Character 1E7) than all the Rope Snake graphics (Bank 0, Character 1F9). This suggests that Rope Snake might not have existed at one point, & instead Duster used rope.

M3 Lucky2 DownLeft.pngM3 Lucky2 Side.pngM3 Lucky2 TopLeft.pngM3 Lucky2 Down.pngM3 Lucky2 Top.pngM3 Lucky2 TopRight.pngM3 Lucky2 Side2.pngM3 Lucky2 DownRight.png
Sprites for Duster in his DCMC outfit with the second, black wig.

M3 Lucky2 DownLeftTalk.gifM3 Lucky2 SideTalk.gifM3 Lucky2 TopLeftTalk.gifM3 Lucky2 TopRightTalk.gifM3 Lucky2 Side2Talk.gifM3 Lucky2 DownRightTalk.gif
Animations for Duster talking in the same outfit.

Duster Magic.gif
An unused animation of Duster seemingly being teleported. Matches Kumatora's.


M3 Violet Kneel Down.pngM3 Violet Kneel Up.png
Unused sprites of Violet kneeling.

M3 EarlyPTSKumatora Teleport.gif
Unused animation of Kumatora teleporting. Unused Memo text mentions PSI being able to assist with transportation, which possibly relates to these sprites. Kumatora is also using an unused design, possibly her early post-timeskip design.

M3 EarlyPTSKumatora Yell.gif
Unused animation of older Kumatora yelling with her early design.

M3 EarlyPTSKumatora PSi.gif
Another unused animation with older Kumatora in her early design, yet again. This graphic shows her throwing something or probably using some sort of PSI power in a cutscene.


Tiny sprites of Salsa. Since they're in the same style as the small player sprites during the refrigerator scene, it's possible that Salsa would have originally been in the party during Snowcap Mountain or might have had more of a longer role somewhere in Chapter 7.


M3 Fuel Burnt Cry1.pngM3 Fuel Burnt Cry2.gifM3 Fuel Burnt Trapped.gif
Unused burnt variations of sprites for Fuel stuck in his burning house.

M3 Fuel Eyes Closed.png
Unused sprite of post-timeskip Fuel closing his eyes. Other NPCs do blink, but they have multiple directional sprites for it. Fuel only has a down-facing one.


M3 Alec Unknown.gif
A weird animation of Alec picking something up? Maybe Claus' shoe?


MOTHER 3 Wess Unconscious Sprites.png
These sprites would be used in the overworld if Wess were to be unconscious. As this can never happen (due to him being a non-playable party member), this set of sprites go unused. By editing a save file to set his HP to 0, these sprites can be seen. Note that his animation for being unconscious seems to be unfinished, as when when not moving he uses his normal sprites for being stationary. Interestingly, Wess seems to be the only non-playable party member with such sprites. This might be a remnant of Wess' original playable party member role, as seen in the N64 version.

We gonna rock all night
Wess does have a rocking chair in his house, but he never sits in it.

More bubble action!
At the end of Chapter 2, there is a graphic that closely resembles to this unused one, but it lacks the bubble. This animation is used in the second unused attract mode cutscene.