Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin
Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin |
Developers: Capcom,
Marvelous Inc. This game has unused playable characters. This game has a development article |
This game is still under active development. Be aware that any unused content you find may become used or removed in the future. Please only add things to the article that are unlikely to ever be used, or went unused for some time. If they do get used, please remove them from the page and specify in the edit summary! |
This page is rather stubbly and could use some expansion. Are you a bad enough dude to rescue this article? |
To do:
Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin is the sequel to the original Monster Hunter Stories, an RPG spinoff of the Monster Hunter series. In it, you play as a Rider, an individual that tames monsters and fights alongside them, who is given the egg of a special Rathalos, said to be capable of destroying the world.
Development Info |
Leftovers from Stories 1
To do: Show some images of MHS1-exclusive monsties moved onto MHS2 monsters? |
The model/textures/animations of almost every monster/monstie from Monster Hunter Stories 1 remain in both versions of Stories 2. Each texture is actually higher resolution than its 3DS-counterpart, so it is likely the game began by using Stories 1 as a base.
Most of these monsters/monsties cannot be immediately viewed in-game due to nulled material files, but otherwise work when a proper material file is provided to them.
Stories 1 Glavenus is a particular instance where his material file was not nulled, and can be properly viewed in-game.
To do:
Versa Pietru
Kurenai Goukami
Unused Monsties
To do:
Several monsties were planned at one point, but were eventually cut at one point or another.
Unless otherwise stated, unused monsties cannot be ridden, and will attempt to attack within battles but will fail.
One-eyed Ratha
Monstie ID 69, this is the main character's Rathalos from Monster Hunter Stories 1. When placed onto a Monstie that has the Riding Action "Fly", can be ridden and flown like a regular Rathalos. It is also missing its icon, and instead uses the default "?" icon.
Daimyo Hermitaur
Monstie ID 88, the saddle placement on him looks proper, so it may have been cut later in development
Plum Daimyo Hermitaur
Monstie ID 89, the saddle placement on him looks proper, so it may have been cut later in development
Monstie ID 90
Glacial Agnaktor
Monstie ID 91
Guardian Ratha
Monstie ID 160, is notably smaller than his NPC counterpart. Notably, one of the only unused monsters with battle stats.
To do: Get a picture of him in the field, requires free-cam |
Monstie ID 161, despite using the icon of his final form, the model is that of the tentacles he uses to feed earlier in the story.
buddyPath file
The buddyPath file, located in table.arc, contains the file paths of every Monstie. Included within are many Monsties that cannot be hacked into the game. Many of these Monsties are referred to as BLANK_X, rather than by their real ID. These will include the model ID they reference, if any. Many of the slots relate to data from the 1.3 update from Stories 1, which was never released in the West.
Monsters that exist in game will be bolded.
ID | Key String | Monster Name/Notes |
17 | ID_BUDDY_RES_BLANK_0 | no data |
18 | ID_BUDDY_RES_BLANK_1 | no data |
61 | ID_BUDDY_RES_BLANK_2 | no data |
67 | ID_BUDDY_RES_BLANK_3 | no data |
68 | ID_BUDDY_RES_BLANK_8 | em401, Blighted ST1 Ratha |
69 | ID_BUDDY_RES_SEKIGAN_RIOREUSU_0302_00 | see One-eyed Ratha above |
70 | ID_BUDDY_RES_BLANK_9 | em303, Great Poogie |
71 | ID_BUDDY_RES_BLANK_10 | em400, another ST1 Ratha |
72 | ID_BUDDY_RES_BLANK_11 | em325, which is Barioth. (Avinia's?) |
73 | ID_BUDDY_RES_BLANK_12 | em302, One-eyed Ratha again |
74 | ID_BUDDY_RES_BLANK_13 | em302, One-eyed Ratha yet again |
75 | ID_BUDDY_RES_RATHIAN_3 | em001, which is Rathian. (Cheval's?) |
76 | ID_BUDDY_RES_BLANK_14 | em403, (who?) |
77 | ID_BUDDY_RES_BLANK_15 | em402, Great Dracophage Bug? |
78 | ID_BUDDY_RES_BLANK_16 | em500, Kurenai Goukami |
79 | ID_BUDDY_RES_BLANK_17 | em503, Epona |
80 | ID_BUDDY_RES_BLANK_18 | em502, Arzuros Kumashira |
82 | ID_BUDDY_RES_BLANK_19 | em504, Real Kumashira |
83 | ID_BUDDY_RES_BLANK_4 | no data |
87 | ID_BUDDY_RES_BLANK_5 | no data |
88 | ID_BUDDY_RES_DAIMYOZAZAMI_0107_00 | see Daimyo Hermitaur above |
89 | ID_BUDDY_RES_DAIMYOZAZAMI_ASHU_0108_00 | see Plum Daimyo Hermitaur above |
90 | ID_BUDDY_RES_AGUNAKOTORU_0349_00 | see Agnaktor above |
91 | ID_BUDDY_RES_AGUNAKOTORU_ASHU_350_00 | see Glacial Agnaktor above |
92 | ID_BUDDY_RES_BLANK_24 | em505, a Rider's Silver Rathalos from ST1 1.3 |
93 | ID_BUDDY_RES_BLANK_25 | em510, a Rider's Great Baggi from ST1 1.3 |
94 | ID_BUDDY_RES_BLANK_26 | em511, a Rider's Rathian from ST1 1.3 |
95 | ID_BUDDY_RES_BLANK_27 | em512, a Rider's Seregios from ST1 1.3 |
96 | ID_BUDDY_RES_BLANK_28 | em340, Qurupeco? |
97 | ID_BUDDY_RES_BLANK_29 | no data |
98 | ID_BUDDY_RES_BLANK_6 | no data |
99-108 | ID_BUDDY_RES_BLANK_(30-39) | a bunch of blank spaces with no data |
109 | ID_BUDDY_RES_BLANK_7 | no data |
115 | ID_BUDDY_RES_GANOTOTOSU_0366_00 | Plesioth |
116 | ID_BUDDY_RES_GANOTOTOSU_ASHU_0367_00 | Green Plesioth |
120 | ID_BUDDY_RES_IYANGARURUGA_SEKIGAN_1018_04 | Deadeye Yian Garuga |
122 | ID_BUDDY_RES_NARUGAKURUGA_KISHOSHU_1037_02 | Lucent Nargacuga |
124 | ID_BUDDY_RES_URAGANKIN_ASHU_1045_01 | Steel Uragaan |
125 | ID_BUDDY_RES_URAGANKIN_TAKARAMATOI_1045_04 | Crystalbeard Uragaan |
126 | ID_BUDDY_RES_DOBORUBERUKU_1055_00 | Duramboros |
127 | ID_BUDDY_RES_DOBORUBERUKU_ASHU_1055_01 | Rust Duramboros |
129 | ID_BUDDY_RES_AOASHIRA_BENIKABUTO_1060_04 | Redhelm Arzuros |
130 | ID_BUDDY_RES_URUKUSUSU_OYUKINUSHI_1061_04 | Snowbaron Lagombi |
131 | ID_BUDDY_RES_TETSUKABURA_1066_00 | Tetsucabra |
132 | ID_BUDDY_RES_TETSUKABURA_ASHU_1066_01 | Berserk Tetsucabra |
133 | ID_BUDDY_RES_TETSUKABURA_IWAUGACHI_1066_04 | Drilltusk Tetsucabra |
134 | ID_BUDDY_RES_ZABOAZAGIRU_ASHU_1067_01 | Tigerstripe Zamtrios |
135 | ID_BUDDY_RES_DEINOBARUDO_ASHU_1080_01 | Acidic Glavenus |
142 | ID_BUDDY_RES_PUKEPUKE_ASHU_1102_01 | Coral Pukei-Pukei |
143 | ID_BUDDY_RES_NERUGIGANTE_KYOKA_1103_05 | Ruiner Nergigante |
146 | ID_BUDDY_RES_TOBIKAGACHI_ASHU_1109_01 | Viper Tobi-Kadachi |
148 | ID_BUDDY_RES_PAORUMU_ASHU_1110_01 | Nightshade Paolumu |
150 | ID_BUDDY_RES_REIGIENA_KYOKA_1111_05 | Shrieking Legiana |
152 | ID_BUDDY_RES_BAZERUGIUSU_KYOKA_1118_05 | Seething Bazelgeuse |
154 | ID_BUDDY_RES_OKASANGO_KARI_1125_00 | Namielle? ("okasango" refers to Coral Highlands) |
161 | ID_BUDDY_RES_NEW_LAST_BOSS_YOUTAI_0707_00 | see Oltura above. |
Unused Monsters
To do: Double check these, document Amatsu better because he has assets in-game already that will go unused should he appear in DLCs. There also seems to be more data for Coral Pukei-Pukei in archive/sound/mons |
monster_base_info.mbi, the file that defines general monster information (such as class and what icon to use), also includes many unused entries. A large majority of these are given names that match to other monsters within the series.
Key String | English Name |
ID_MONSTER_RAGIAKURUSU_KISHOSHU_0348_00 | Abyssal Lagiacrus |
ID_MONSTER_RAOSHANRON_1012_00 | Lao-Shan Lung |
ID_MONSTER_RAOSHANRON_ASHU_1012_01 | Ashen Lao-Shan Lung |
ID_MONSTER_IYANGARURUGA_SEKIGAN_1018_04 | Deadeye Yian Garuga |
ID_MONSTER_DAIMYOZAZAMI_HOKOKUDAKI_1019_04 | Stonefist Hermitaur |
ID_MONSTER_SHOGUNGIZAMI_1020_00 | Shogun Ceanataur |
ID_MONSTER_SHOGUNGIZAMI_ASHU_1020_01 | Terra Shogun Ceanataur |
ID_MONSTER_SHOGUNGIZAMI_YOROIZAKI_1020_04 | Rustrazor Ceanataur |
ID_MONSTER_ONAZUCHI_1025_00 | Chameleos |
ID_MONSTER_AKAMUTORUMU_1033_00 | Akantor |
ID_MONSTER_UKAMURUBASU_1038_00 | Ukanlos |
ID_MONSTER_URAGANKIN_ASHU_1045_01 | Steel Uragaan |
ID_MONSTER_URAGANKIN_TAKARAMATOI_1045_04 | Crystalbeard Uragaan |
ID_MONSTER_ARUBATORION_1050_00 | Alatreon |
ID_MONSTER_DOBORUBERUKU_ASHU_1055_01 | Rust Duramboros |
ID_MONSTER_HAPURUBOKKA_1056_00 | Nibelsnarf |
ID_MONSTER_AOASHIRA_BENIKABUTO_1060_04 | Redhelm Arzuros |
ID_MONSTER_URUKUSUSU_OYUKINUSHI_1061_04 | Snowbaron Lagombi |
ID_MONSTER_GURAN_MIRAOSU_1064_00 | Dire Miralis |
ID_MONSTER_TETSUKABURA_ASHU_1066_01 | Berserk Tetsucabra |
ID_MONSTER_TETSUKABURA_IWAUGACHI_1066_04 | Drilltusk Tetsucabra |
ID_MONSTER_ZABOAZAGIRU_ASHU_1067_01 | Tigerstripe Zamtrios |
ID_MONSTER_GOA_MAGARA_1071_00 | Gore Magala |
ID_MONSTER_SHAGARUMAGARA_1072_00 | Shagaru Magala |
ID_MONSTER_ARUSERUTASU_ASHU_1076_01 | Desert Seltas |
ID_MONSTER_HOROROHORURU_1079_00 | Malfestio |
ID_MONSTER_HOROROHORURU_OBOROGAKURE_1079_04 | Nightcloak Malfestio |
ID_MONSTER_DEINOBARUDO_ASHU_1080_01 | Acidic Glavenus |
ID_MONSTER_PUKEPUKE_ASHU_1102_01 | Coral Pukei-Pukei |
ID_MONSTER_NERUGIGANTE_KYOKA_1103_05 | Ruiner Nergigante |
ID_MONSTER_TOBIKAGACHI_ASHU_1109_01 | Viper Tobi-Kadachi |
ID_MONSTER_PAORUMU_ASHU_1110_01 | Nightshade Paolumu |
ID_MONSTER_REIGIENA_KYOKA_1111_05 | Shrieking Legiana |
ID_MONSTER_BUARUHAZAKU_1115_00 | Vaal Hazak |
ID_MONSTER_BUARUHAZAKU_KYOKA_1115_05 | Blackveil Vaal Hazak |
Additionally, Coral Pukei-Pukei is present within the English monster names within the game's text.
Unused Music
The two credits themes from Monster Hunter Stories 1, Bonding Winds (風の絆) and Proof of a Hero (英雄の証) are still present within the game's files, despite Stories 2 using an entirely different set of credits themes.
Revisional Differences
Version 1.0.3 (Day 1 Patch)
- Access to the content from the Deluxe Kit
- Reduced loading times
- Minor bug fixes
Version 1.1.0
- New Monstie: Palamute
- New quests:
- Palamute Den
- Palamute Home
- Minor bug fixes
- Text revisions
Version 1.2.0
- New Monster: Kulve Taroth
- New Monsties:
- Hellblade Glavenus
- Boltreaver Astalos
- New quests:
- The Goddess of Gold
- Fire Eggs
- Thunder Eggs
- Dealin' for Dunkers
- Bug fixes:
- When out in the field only, a Monstie that has been given a gene that boosts attack power of one of the elements would change color depending on the Monstie's elemental values. This has been fixed
- Minor bug fixes
Version 1.3.0
- New Monsties:
- Oroshi Kirin
- Soulseer Mizutsune
- Elderfrost Gammoth
- New quests:
- (Explore) Water Eggs
- (Explore) Ice Eggs
- (Slay) Soulseer Mizutsune
- (Slay) Elderfrost Gammoth
- (Turn) Mizutsune
- (Turn) Gammoth
- (Explore) Fated Four Den
- Ice Phantom
- (Special) Bag Me Some Bugs
- Heavenly Eye
- Unconquerable Mountain
- (Special) Pluck Me Some Shrooms
- Bug fixes:
- Adjusted some monster voices.
- Fixed an issue where a Lv. 99 Battle Buddy and their Lv. 99 Monstie revert to Lv. 1 because of a certain condition.
- Fixed an issue where an error message appears when accessing multiplayer functions as a result of choosing certain Skin Tones.
- Improved stability to address an issue where the story's final cutscene stopped playing for some players. If you continue to encounter this issue, we recommend restarting the game periodically.
- Fixed an issue where some sound settings do not carry over upon rebooting the game under certain conditions.
- Fixed an issue where a change is not reflected in Red's appearance after altering your Rider's appearance with a Character Edit Ticket.
- Fixed an issue where Palamute's scarf looks extended after entering a battle and returning to the field because of a certain condition.
- Fixed an issue where Kulve Taroth's icon and name disappear from the quest description, after completing a certain battle.
- Other minor bug fixes
Version 1.4.0
- New Monsties:
- Dreadking Rathalos
- Molten Tigrex
- New Monsters:
- (High Difficulty) Kulve Taroth
- New quests:
- (Time) Fury of the Earth
- (Slay) Oroshi Kirin
- (Explore) Dragon Eggs
- (Explore) Elder Dragon Den
- (Turn) Dreadking & Molten
- (Slay) Dreadking Rathalos
- (Slay) Molten Tigrex
- (Special) Go Nuts for Donuts
- Sky-Rending Roar
- King Among Kings
- (Special) A Meaty Proposition
- Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug that prevents the Tenacity Skill from activating when switching in another Monstie during battle.
- Fixed a bug that occurs after selling trade-in items via "Sell Trade-in Items" that prevents a player's funds from increasing if the total amount reaches 10,000,000 or more zenny while also causing their sold items to disappear.
- Fixed a bug that occurs when a player enters a battle while using Lava Dive, causing them to become immobile once the battle is finished and they return to the field.
- Fixed a bug that prevents the game from finishing loading after a player presses buttons repeatedly when changing the time of day at a Catavan Stand or taking a Catavan to another location (during a loading screen).
- There was a bug that occurs during a specific Subquest when the player is carrying an egg in a Monster Den and enters a battle. When the battle finishes, the eggs in the nest have regenerated, but when the player picks up one of these eggs, they cannot exit the den. This bug has been fixed.
- Fixed a bug that occurs when four players are engaged in a Pair Battle in Versus Battles and both sides lose simultaneously, but rather than enter into sudden death, the game stops functioning properly.
- Minor bug fixes .
The Monster Hunter series
| |
PlayStation 2 | Monster Hunter • Monster Hunter G |
PlayStation Portable | Monster Hunter Portable 3rd |
Nintendo 3DS | Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Data Transfer Program • Monster Hunter Stories |
Nintendo Switch | Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin |
Windows | Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin |
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- Games released on July 9
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- Monster Hunter series
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