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Minesweeper (Windows, 2007)

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Title Screen


Developers: Oberon Media, Microsoft
Publisher: Microsoft
Platform: Windows
Released internationally: January 30, 2007

DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

The 2007 version of Minesweeper included with Windows Vista and 7 is a reworked version of the original with better graphics and some new features. Other than that, though, it plays exactly the same.

Debug Menu

By setting the internal g_bDebugEnabled variable to a nonzero value, various aids to debugging are enabled. This value isn't written to by the game, so it must be set manually.


The options included in this menu are:

  • Toggle Cheat Keys - Doesn't seem to do anything.
  • Toggle Show Mines - Shows all the mines on the field, but only after you have begun playing the game.
  • Test Text - Doesn't seem to do anything.
  • Win - Does exactly as it says; you automatically win the game.

In addition, the game will also allow the player to change the tile and background setting directly through the Game menu.

Regional Differences

Depending on the user's locale, the default is set to mines or flowers. However, this can be changed in the Appearance menu.

XInput Support

An interesting feature that isn't documented anywhere (Help Menu-wise) is XInput (gamepad) support – if the game detects an Xbox 360 controller plugged into a USB port, the P1 corner on the controller will light up, signifying the controller can be used. Possibly undocumented because Microsoft thought people were too used to the traditional controls, and a gamepad would seem odd to use. It's a neat little feature, nonetheless. Something of interest to note, the controller rumbles if the player uncovers a mine.


Button Effect
Left analog stick/D-Pad/Shoulder Buttons/Triggers Moves the cursor. Oddly, they can also be used to navigate the menu bar.
X Puts a flag on wherever the cursor is. When pressing X on a blank space, an error sound plays and the space has a blinking X on it for a second. Oddly, a blank tile that is adjacent to a flagged tile that is a bomb will reveal a blank safe space. Neither of these can be done with a mouse.
A Reveals the space the cursor is on. Does nothing on a blank space.
Y/Start Opens the Game Menu.