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Buscaminas (Windows, 1990)

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This page is a translated version of the page Minesweeper (Windows, 1990) and the translation is 34% complete.
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Pantalla de título


También conocido como: WinMine, Mines, BombSquad (EN), Prato fiorito (IT), Buscaminas (ES), Démineur (FR), Campo Minado (BR)
Desarrolladores: Curt Johnson, Robert Donner
Distribuidor: Microsoft
Plataforma: Windows
Lanzamiento Internacional: 8 de octubre de 1990

GraphicsIcon.png Este juego tiene gráficos sin usar.
DebugIcon.png Este juego contiene funciones o material de depuración.
RegionIcon.png Este juego tiene diferencias entre versiones regionales.
Carts.png Este juego tiene diferencias entre revisiones.

Buscaminas es un de los juegos que fue incluido con Windows, donde tratas aclarar un campo sin disparar una mina. Tiene un gran partidario de modo sorprendente, y hay competiciones que son ocurriendo comúnmente con este juego.

Cosas pendientes:
Compatibilidad de teclado.


Read about prototype versions of this game that have been released or dumped.
Prototype Info (untranslated)

Debug Mode

While the game is open, type in xyzzy then press Shift+Enter. A pixel at the top-left corner of the screen will now tell you what is below the mouse cursor - if it's a mine, the pixel turns black, if it's a safe spot, the pixel turns white. To stop the timer, hold Down and press Esc. Minimizing and maximizing will start it again.

Graficos sin usar

¿Alguien se le olvido prender los contadores? Un digito vacío que serviría para los dos contadores....olvidemos el hecho de que siempre enseñan un numero incluyendo ceros, asi que nunca se usa.

Source Code Oddities

In 2004, a large portion of the Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000 source code was leaked. Despite most of them not being in NT 4.0, the source code for several Microsoft Entertainment Pack games were included as well. These oddities are also present in Rattler Race and TicTactics.

Nombres Alternativos


PROGRAM: WinMine  (a.k.a. Mines, BombSquad, MineSweeper...)


At the start of winmine.c, a couple alternate names for the game are mentioned.



Por favor copia winmine.exe y aboutwep.dll a su máquina y la opera de ahí.

Este mensaje aparecería en versiones tempranas del juego si se ejecutaba desde "X:\\WINGAMES\\WINMINE\\WINMINE.EXE".

LO SENTIMOS Este juego ha expirado. Por favor consigue una copia oficial del Windows Entertainment Package.

Esto apareceria si una version temprana se ejecutaba despues de septiembre de 1990.

Diferencias entre revisiones

To do:
¿Hay diferencias entre la versión original del Entertainment pack y la versión incluida en la 3.1?

Han habido varios cambios al "Buscaminas" desde su introducción en el Windows Entrentainment pack.



Windows 3.1/2000/WEP Windows 95/98/ME Windows XP
Small mine. Bigger mine. Shiny mine.

The game's 32×32 icon was changed for Windows 95, but was reverted (along with the rest of the changed graphics) for Windows 2000...only to change again in Windows XP.

Windows 3.1/NT4/2000/WEP Windows 95/98/ME Windows XP
Shrunk mine. Pointy mine. Shiny shrunk mine.

Minesweeper originally didn't have a unique 16×16 icon. The Windows 95 version added one, which was removed in the Windows 2000 version and added again in the XP version.

It is worth noting that the 16-color icon variant still actually exist in Windows XP version, as a low color depth fallback.


Windows 3.1/NT4/2000/XP/WEP Windows 95/98/ME
Fat numbers. The numbers are on a diet.

The shading of the tiles was changed in Windows 95: the flag was made more square, the question mark became blue and was made thicker, the mines were shrunk, the mine was removed from under the X, the color of the 7 and 8 tiles were changed, and the numbers were made thinner for Windows 95.

All of this was reverted for the Windows 2000 release.


  • The Windows 95 version removed the menu options Contents, Search for Help on... and How to Use Help and added the menu option Help Topics. This was reverted in the Windows 2000 release.
  • The Windows 2000 version had 5 non-graphical changes:
    • The beginner grid size was increased from 8×8 to 9×9.
    • The Timer Jump bug was fixed. In previous versions of the game, the system clock was used as a makeshift timer, which caused the first second to "jump" when the game is started at the middle or near the end of a second. In Windows 2000, a separate timer is used.
    • The Moving Window bug was fixed. Every time the difficulty of the game was changed, the window moved one pixel upwards, which made it possible for the window to leave the screen altogether. This does not occur in the Windows 2000 version.
    • Winmine.ini was removed. Instead, the game stored high scores and other data in the registry.
    • The Sound option was added to the game menu due to the nonexistence of Winmine.ini.

Regional Differences

In 1999, Sergio Chiodo of Italy set up the International Campaign to Ban Winmine, complaining that Minesweeper was offensive to minefield victims and suggesting the mines be changed to flowers. Microsoft took this suggestion and implemented it into the Italian versions bundled with Windows 2000, ME, and XP, renaming the game to Prato fiorito ("Flower Field"). The explosion sound is changed into a melody previously used in the Windows 98 Leonardo Da Vinci desktop theme.

PROGRAM: WinMine (a.k.a. Mines, BombSquad, MineSweeper...) (PROGRAMA: WinMine (alias Mines, BombSquad, MineSweeper...))

                                                                                                                                                        • /

Al principio de winmine.c, se menciona un par de nombres alternativos por el juego.

Minesweeper Prato fiorito (Windows ME/2000) Prato fiorito (Windows XP)
Mines icon. Green flowers icon. Yellow flowers icon.
Minesweeper's explosion Prato fiorito's melody

(Source: minesweeper.info)

Hidden Hide Menu Option


Adding Menu=1 to winmine.ini gets rid of the menu (in the Windows 3.1 and 98 versions at least).