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Midnight Club: Street Racing

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Title Screen

Midnight Club: Street Racing

Developer: Angel Studios
Publishers: Rockstar Games (EU/US), Syscom (JP)
Platform: PlayStation 2
Released in JP: March 1, 2001
Released in US: October 26, 2000
Released in EU: November 24, 2000

CodeIcon.png This game has unused code.
ItemsIcon.png This game has unused items.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

ProtoIcon.png This game has a prototype article

Midnight Club: Street Racing is a racing game focusing on competitive street racing and the import scene. It was inspired by the real life hashiriya gang, known as the Mid Night Club, and is the first game of the Midnight Club series.

It uses the same game engine as Midtown Madness 2, which was developed by a different team within Angel Studios, while the team that worked on the first Midtown Madness went on to work on this game. As a result, a lot of unused features and files are shared between both games.


Read about prototype versions of this game that have been released or dumped.
Prototype Info

Unused Cheat System

MCSR-cheats1.png MCSR-cheats2.png

Present in the game is a stubbed cheat system where the user would input a password for a desired effect. The only cheats accepted by this menu are NODAMAGE (no damage will be done to your car), ALLCARS (unlocks all cars) and ALLRACES (unlocks all races). For the cheats to actually take effect after the user has input a password, they must enter a game mode then exit back to the main menu, with the exception of the NODAMAGE cheat. The below code also fixes the wrong op codes responsible for toggling the "on" states of the cheats.

Apply the below code then enter Extras > Game Options > Arcade Data for this to appear.

USA code:

Put "Cheats" In Extras > Game Options > Arcade Data
0013B927 00000034
0013B953 00000034
0013B97F 00000034
E00D6843 01162FA6
11162FA2 00000A0D
11162FBE 00000A0D
11162FEA 00000D0A
11162FEC 0000090A
1116300E 00000A0D
1116304A 00000A0D
1116306E 00000D0A
11163070 0000090A
11163094 00000A0D
11163208 00000D0A
1116320A 0000090A
01165DA5 00000033
01165FB8 00000033

Additionally, there is a cheat called "testraces", however this is not a valid password. You can enable this with the below code. This makes the player automatically win a race.

USA code:

Enable Test Races (automatically win race)
202C1F7C 00000001
(Source: Original TCRF research)

Unused Files

In the anim folder are 9 unused peds: pedmodel_tokyoldm, pedmodel_tokyoldf, pedmodel_tokyom1,pedmodel_tokyom2, pedmodel_tokyom3, pedmodel_tokyof1, pedmodel_tokyof2, pedmodel_tokyof3 (beta Tokyo peds), and pedmodel_wolf (from Smuggler's Run).

as1 folder and its contents in spchdata folder are unused from Midtown Madness 2.

j01 has an unused j01.cinfo and leftover race files. j01 in itself consists of a section of m01 (New York) and is also present in an early beta version of Midtown Madness 2:


Version Differences

The following changes were introduced in the European version and apply to subsequent versions and re-releases. The files in CARS.DAT, MUSIC and SYSTEM remain unchanged across all region versions.

  • London Waypoint Race 5 "Shortcut in SOHO" has different starting positions:
NA EU 1.30 onwards
MCSR-l01 race7 NTSC.png MCSR-l01 race7 PAL.png
  • A texture on the pathway between Big Ben and the River Thames has been fixed:
NA EU 1.30 onwards
MCSR-l01 bigben NTSC.png MCSR-l01 bigben PAL.png
  • Missing sections along the River Thames as well as transparency issues have been fixed:
NA EU 1.30 onwards
MCSR-l01 thames NTSC.png MCSR-l01 thames PAL.png
MCSR-l01 thames2 NTSC.png MCSR-l01 thames2 PAL.png

While European build SLES_50054 is built on 10th November and SLES_50071 is built on 28th November, their SYSTEM.CNF files suggest SLES_50054 is version 1.30 and SLES_50071 is version 1.20, which seems odd considering SLES_50071 is a newer build that has some bugfixes and additional files added to the unused Japanese localization in the files. Fonts have differences between both builds and there are some minor texture changes such as sign_midnight which has the 湾岸 kanji erased - this is also reflected in the Japanese version:

NA & EU 1.30 EU 1.20 & JP
MCSR-sign midnight SLES 50054.png MCSR-sign midnight SLES 50071.png

Japanese version

  • A video of the SYSCOM logo appears before the Rockstar Logo.
  • The 湾岸 (Wangan) kanji is removed from the logo in order to avoid legal conflict with 湾岸MIDNIGHT (Wangan Midnight) rights owners Kodansha. This change was also found in the Japanese language files that are hidden in the European version. Furthermore, the European language files are left unused and remain unchanged with the 湾岸 kanji on them in the Japanese version.
  • There are also minor differences, such as an edited Audio Options screen, the requisite swapping of X and Circle, and the code of a few of the pages, such as the credits page, missing an audio variable.
  • The title screen for the Japanese version adds additional copyright information for SYSCOM. "Press the START button!" has been changed to "PRESS START button" and English menu text uses a different font.
MCSR-title NTSC.gif MCSR-title NTSC-J.gif