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Mario Kart: Double Dash!!/Unused Graphics

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This is a sub-page of Mario Kart: Double Dash!!.

Unused graphics and textures are scattered all across the game; from menu files to deep within course models, you name it!

Menus & UI

Note that every file path with "[XXX]" refers to one of the six language folders (English, French, German, Italian, Japanese and Spanish).

Cup Select & Records

Path: SceneData/[XXX]/courseselect.arc/timg/trophy#.bti & SceneData/[XXX]/record.arc/timg/trophy#.bti
MKDD trophy1.png MKDD trophy2.png MKDD trophy3.png MKDD Bronze Trophy record.png

Early generic thropy models intended to be used in the Select Cup and Records screens, which were still used in the North American kiosk demo. These were all replaced with unique graphics for each model cup. Note that the third place thropies use a different type of bronze color in the North American and Japanese release. In the European release, only the brighter variant is present in both folders.


Path: SceneData/[XXX]/option.arc/timg/mozi_question.bti
MKDD Unused Question Marks Graphic.png

A row of several silver colored question marks. While uncertain, it is possible this has something to do with the scrapped Sound Player, since the North American kiosk demo groups this graphic together with the Sound Player graphics in its menu layout file.

LAN Menu "All Cup Tour"

Path: SceneData/[XXX]/LANMenu.arc/timg/cupname_reverse2_cup.bti
Gamecube-MKDD-cupname reverse2 cup English-1.pngGamecube-MKDD-cupname reverse2 cup French-1.pngGamecube-MKDD-cupname reverse2 cup German-1.png
Gamecube-MKDD-cupname reverse2 cup Italian-1.pngGamecube-MKDD-cupname reverse2 cup Japanese-1.pngGamecube-MKDD-cupname reverse2 cup Spanish-1.png

Text graphics for the All Cup Tour. This particular variant is present among the files for LAN Mode, a mode where the All Cup Tour can't be played, hence these graphics go unused.

Message Boxes

Yes & No Prompts

Path: main.dol/[unnamed arc file].arc/screen/window.arc/timg/commonword_yes.bti & main.dol/[unnamed arc file].arc/screen/window.arc/timg/commonword_no.bti
Gamecube-MKDD-commonword yes-1.png Gamecube-MKDD-commonword no-1.png

Japanese "Yes" and "No" prompts that would've shown up in message box prompts. The final game shows these prompts by using a font and written text file rather than using a graphic. An English variant of this prompt can be seen in the North American kiosk demo, albeit the message boxes themselves only show up in inaccessible menus.

These prompts do still show up in-game whenever a message box appears, though these are placed far off-screen in the message box's .blo file.


Path: main.dol/[unnamed arc file].arc/screen/window.arc/timg/spark1.bti

A small sparkle graphic that would've done sparkly business around the "Yes" and "No" prompts. Much like the graphics mentioned above, this graphic does show up in the North American kiosk demo.


Path: Course/Ending(L).arc/staffroll2d.arc/timg/thank_you.bti
MariokartDD Thank you.png

A message in Japanese that reads "あそんでくれて ありがとう" (thank you for playing with me), present across all releases of the game. The game reads out an English "Thanks for playing!" message between the international and Japanese releases with a .bfn font stored in staffroll2d.arc/font/staffroll.bfn, leaving this unused.

Unused Player 5, 6, 7 and 8 marker variants

Path: MRAMLocale/[XXX]/MRAMLoc.arc/timg/Map_Icon_Player#.bti & MRAMLocale/[XXX]/MRAMLoc.arc/timg/PlayerNumber_#P.bti

Offline markers (Unused for P5-P8) LAN mode markers (Used)
MKDD Unused Offline P5toP8 MapMarkers.png MKDD Used LAN P5toP8 MapMarkers.png
MKDD Unused Offline P5toP8 ViewportMarkers.png MKDD Used LAN P5toP8 ViewportMarkers.png

In a race or battle, there are two types of markers - one that appears on the map , and one that appears on the viewport when a player sees another player. This marker changes depending on whether the race or battle is played through LAN mode or not. Since it's only possible to have up to 4 human players on one console outside of LAN mode, the non-LAN mode variants of the Player 5, 6 7 and 8 go unused, despite the game code being able to support these markers. It is interesting to note that the debug menu in the demos and 2004 Debug build makes it possible to see these markers.

Map_Icon_Player5.bti to Map_Icon_Player8.bti
Language P5 P6 P7 P8
English MKDD Unused Offline P5 Marker.png MKDD Unused Offline P6 Marker.png MKDD Unused Offline P7 Marker.png MKDD Unused Offline P8 Marker.png
French & Spanish MKDD Unused Offline P5 Marker FrenchSpanish.png MKDD Unused Offline P6 Marker FrenchSpanish.png MKDD Unused Offline P7 Marker FrenchSpanish.png MKDD Unused Offline P8 Marker FrenchSpanish.png
German MKDD Unused Offline P5 Marker German.png MKDD Unused Offline P6 Marker German.png MKDD Unused Offline P7 Marker German.png MKDD Unused Offline P8 Marker German.png
Italian MKDD Unused Offline P5 Marker Italian.png MKDD Unused Offline P6 Marker Italian.png MKDD Unused Offline P7 Marker Italian.png MKDD Unused Offline P8 Marker Italian.png
Japanese MKDD Unused Offline P5 Marker Japanese.png MKDD Unused Offline P6 Marker Japanese.png MKDD Unused Offline P7 Marker Japanese.png MKDD Unused Offline P8 Marker Japanese.png

PlayerNumber_5P.bti to PlayerNumber_8P.bti
Language P5 P6 P7 P8
English MKDD Unused Offline P5 Big Marker.png MKDD Unused Offline P6 Big Marker.png MKDD Unused Offline P7 Big Marker.png MKDD Unused Offline P8 Big Marker.png
French & Spanish MKDD Unused Offline P5 Big Marker FrenchSpanish.png MKDD Unused Offline P6 Big Marker FrenchSpanish.png MKDD Unused Offline P7 Big Marker FrenchSpanish.png MKDD Unused Offline P8 Big Marker FrenchSpanish.png
German MKDD Unused Offline P5 Big Marker German.png MKDD Unused Offline P6 Big Marker German.png MKDD Unused Offline P7 Big Marker German.png MKDD Unused Offline P8 Big Marker German.png
Italian MKDD Unused Offline P5 Big Marker Italian.png MKDD Unused Offline P6 Big Marker Italian.png MKDD Unused Offline P7 Big Marker Italian.png MKDD Unused Offline P8 Big Marker Italian.png
Japanese MKDD Unused Offline P5 Big Marker Japanese.png MKDD Unused Offline P6 Big Marker Japanese.png MKDD Unused Offline P7 Big Marker Japanese.png MKDD Unused Offline P8 Big Marker Japanese.png

Unused Player 5, 6, 7 and 8 result graphic

Path: MRAMLocale/[XXX]/MRAMLoc.arc/timg/PlayerNumberSimple_#P.bti
When a versus race or battle is finished offline, the results screen has graphics for Player 1, 2, 3 and 4, under the names PlayerNumberSimple_1P.bti to PlayerNumberSimple_4P.bti. There are also textures from PlayerNumberSimple_5P.bti to PlayerNumberSimple_8P.bti but are never used, nor are the strings even referenced in the main.dol executable since LAN mode does not use the same results sequence. It is safe to assume that these textures would have been coloured in the same way as the colours used for the viewport and map markers in LAN mode.

Language P5 P6 P7 P8
English MKDD Unused Result Graphic P5.png MKDD Unused Result Graphic P6.png MKDD Unused Result Graphic P7.png MKDD Unused Result Graphic P8.png
French & Spanish MKDD Unused Result Graphic P5 FrenchSpanish.png MKDD Unused Result Graphic P6 FrenchSpanish.png.png MKDD Unused Result Graphic P7 FrenchSpanish.png MKDD Unused Result Graphic P8 FrenchSpanish.png
German MKDD Unused Result Graphic P5 German.png MKDD Unused Result Graphic P6 German.png MKDD Unused Result Graphic P7 German.png MKDD Unused Result Graphic P8 German.png
Italian MKDD Unused Result Graphic P5 Italian.png MKDD Unused Result Graphic P6 Italian.png MKDD Unused Result Graphic P7 Italian.png MKDD Unused Result Graphic P8 Italian.png
Japanese MKDD Unused Result Graphic P5 Japanese.png MKDD Unused Result Graphic P6 Japanese.png MKDD Unused Result Graphic P7 Japanese.png MKDD Unused Result Graphic P8 Japanese.png

Race Courses

Luigi Circuit

Path: Course/Luigi(2).arc/luigi_course.bmd/lc_comp4.bti
Gamecube-MKDD-LuigiCircuit lc comp4-1.png

An early, alternate version of the Nintendo cloud sign spotted right next to the finish line. This variant has its Nintendo logo colored yellow.

Peach Beach

Path: Course/Peach.arc/peach_course.bmd/pc_base3_2.bti & Course/Award.arc/award_course.bmd/pc_base3_2.bti
Gamecube-MKDD-PeachBeach pc base3 2-1.png

A pair of object eyes. It's unknown what this would've been used for.

Dry Dry Desert

Pipe Signs

Gamecube-MKDD-dezert maptopdown-1.png

Path: Course/Desert.arc/desert_course.bmd/de_ki22.bti & Course/Desert.arc/desert_course.bmd/de_ki777.bti
Gamecube-MKDD-DryDryDesert de ki22-1.png Gamecube-MKDD-DryDryDesert de ki777-1.png

A green pipe sign with the Mario Kart logo on it. Despite being stored in two different textures, the graphic is identical. According to a topdown map given out by Nintendo, these signs would've been placed among the section with broken statues.

Billboard Bezel

Path: Course/Desert.arc/desert_course.bmd/de_ban07.bti
Gamecube-MKDD-DryDryDesert de ban07-6.png

A billboard bezel grouped together with other billboard textures. The game uses the same brick wall texture for its billboards instead.


Path: Course/Desert.arc/desert_course.bmd/de_ban07.bti
Gamecube-MKDD-DryDryDesert de ban07-5.png

A set of pillars meant to support the unused pipe signs. These too can be spotted on the topdown map.

Bumper Rails

Path: Course/Desert.arc/desert_course.bmd/de_ban07.bti
Gamecube-MKDD-DryDryDesert de ban07-1.png Gamecube-MKDD-DryDryDesert de ban07-2.png Gamecube-MKDD-DryDryDesert de ban07-3.png Gamecube-MKDD-DryDryDesert de ban07-4.png Gamecube-MKDD-DryDryDesert de ban07-7.png

A set of bumper rails. These rails (except for Mario Racing) are alternate versions seen in Mario Circuit and Sherbet Land.

Mushroom Bridge

Gamecube-MKDD-MushroomBridge Proto Noclip-3.png

Path: Course/Nokonoko.arc/nokonoko_course.bmd/lc_comp3.bti
Gamecube-MKDD-MushroomBridge lc comp3-1.png

A small Mario Kart banner with stars and wheels. This banner was present in the North American kiosk demo above tunnel entrances and one of the exits, and was replaced with the Mario Kart logo seen at the finish line.

Mario Circuit

Object Eyes

Path: Course/Mario.arc/mario_course.bmd/MA_ie2.bti
Gamecube-MKDD-MarioCircuit MA ie2-1.png

A pair of object eyes. While there are objects in this stage that use eyes, none of them have this particular variant applied.

Blue Wall

Path: Course/Mario.arc/mario_course.bmd/ma_kabe01.bti
Gamecube-MKDD-MarioCircuit ma kabe01-1.png

A blue wall, stored in the same texture with the yellow wall used for the tunnel entrance and exit. The blue variant doesn't appear on either sides of the tunnel.

Sherbet Land

Path: Course/Snow.arc/snow_course.bmd/coolzzz3.bti
Gamecube-MKDD-SherbetLand coolzzz3-1.png

A portion of an early Mario Kart logo that doesn't resemble the one used on the track. Unfortunately, the top half of the logo was overwritten by pillars.

Pipe Sign

Path: Course/Snow.arc/snow_course.bmd/sya_gata01.bti
Gamecube-MKDD-SherbetLand sya gata01-1.png

Another unused pipe sign. Unlike the variant found in Dry Dry Desert, this variant is covered in snow and has the Nintendo logo on it.

Early Bumper Rails

Gamecube-MKDD-August2003 Snow replay1-1.png

Path: Course/Snow.arc/snow_course.bmd/sya_gata01.bti
Gamecube-MKDD-SherbetLand sya gata01-5.png Gamecube-MKDD-SherbetLand sya gata01-6.png Gamecube-MKDD-SherbetLand sya gata01-7.png Gamecube-MKDD-SherbetLand sya gata01-8.png

A set of early bumper rails that were either reworked or changed entirely. The Sherbet and Sherbet Land signs were replaced with Koopa Kart and Super Mushroom bumpers. All of these bumpers can be seen in screenshots from August 2003, with b-roll from Le Catalogue Des Nouveautés GameCube showcasing that these bumpers were replaced soon after.

Mushroom City

Placeholder Course Map

Path: Course/Patapata.arc/patapata_course_map.bti

MKDDpatapata course map.png

A placeholder course map with the text "パタパタコースマップ" (Patapata course map). It's roughly twice the size compared to any final minimaps (128x256 for Mushroom City's minimap, 278x557 for this placeholder map).

Ceiling Plant

Path: Course/Patapata.arc/patapata_course.bmd/pt_romajisen_tougou.bti
Gamecube-MKDD-MushroomCity pt romajisen tougou-2.png

A horizontal plant. Judging from its placement within its texture, this might've been a plant hanging from the ceiling of one of the bridges.

DK Mountain

Smiley Face

Path: Course/Donkey.arc/donkey_course.bmd/dk_tanspearent1.bti
Gamecube-MKDD-DKMountain dk tanspearent1-1.png

A tiny smiley face. Stored within the same texture are two bigger variants used for the volcano and non-animated trees, but this tiny variant isn't used anywhere.

Hanging Leaves

MKDD DK Mountain 1 Prerelease.png

Path: Course/Donkey.arc/donkey_course.bmd/dk_nuki1.bti
Gamecube-MKDD-DKMountain dk nuki1-1.png

A pair of hanging leaves to be used among other plants. These plants can be seen in plenty of prerelease footage between March 2003 up to the E3 demo, hanging around the finish line.

Dino Dino Jungle

Gamecube-MKDD-Nossie Purple-1.png
Gamecube-MKDD-Nossie Blue-1.png

Path: Course/Diddy.arc/objects/swimnossie.bmd/nossie_lake.1 & Course/Diddy.arc/objects/swimnossie.bmd/nossie_lake.2
Gamecube-MKDD-nossie lake-1.png Gamecube-MKDD-nossie lake-2.png

Alternate colors for Nossie's, using purple and light blue textures instead of yellow and red. Since only two Nossie's appear on the course, these two are never used.

Rainbow Road

Metallic Top

Path: Course/Rainbow.arc/rainbow_course.bmd/re_you_usu.bti
Gamecube-MKDD-RainbowRoad re you usu-1.png

Some sort of metallic top. It's purpose is unknown.

Alternate Finish Line

Path: Course/Rainbow.arc/rainbow_course.bmd/re_you_usu.bti
Gamecube-MKDD-RainbowRoad re you usu-2.png

An alternate finish line. Compared to its used variant, the rainbow gradient starts at a different point.

Early Finish Line

Path: Course/Rainbow.arc/rainbow_course.bmd/re_youkan.bti
Gamecube-MKDD-RainbowRoad re youkan-1.png

An early (and very rough) finish line. Instead of a rainbow gradient, there's small figures of a moon, some stars and the Mario Kart logo in gold.


Path: Course/Rainbow.arc/rainbow_course.bmd/re_you.bti
Gamecube-MKDD-RainbowRoad re you-1.png

Some kind of graphic that has some resemblance to the metallic top graphic. Much like that graphic, this graphic's purpose is unknown.

Award Ceremony

Flipped Peach Beach Minimap

Path: Course/Award.arc/award_map.bti
MKDDaward map.png

Since the Award Ceremony takes place on Peach Beach, a copy of Peach Beach's minimap (and banner) exists. Since the Award Ceremony doesn't display this minimap, it goes unused. However, much like Mushroom City's course map, it's twice as large (with a resolution of 256x512), and this time rotated by 180 degrees, which could be a possible leftover of the Reverse Cup.

Path: Course/Award.arc/award_name.bti
MKDDaward name.png

An early version of Peach Beach's logo. Note the different color gradients, thicker outlines, and that Peach's hair is down, as opposed to tied up in a ponytail. Unlike other banner files being stored in CourseName/# (# corresponding to a specific language), this banner is grouped together with the course files.

Battle Maps

Nintendo GameCube

Path: Course/Mini2.arc/mini2_course.bmd/bt_mizo.bti
MKDD cubebt mizo.png

A texture of a GameCube controller. Strangely enough, it only has the B button and C-stick.

Pipe Plaza

Orange Triangle

Path: Course/Mini8.arc/mini8_course.bmd/bt_kabe4.bti
Gamecube-MKDD-PipePlaza bt kabe4-1.png

An orange triangle grouped together with the tiny mushroom house textures. Its purpose is unknown.

Mushroom House Windows

Path: Course/Mini8.arc/mini8_course.bmd/bt_kabe4.bti
Gamecube-MKDD-PipePlaza bt kabe4-2.png

Windows for the tiny mushroom houses. Strangely enough, no houses use this texture.

Miscellaneous Graphics

DK Jumbo's Tire Texture

Path: MRAM.arc/kart/dk_all/d_k_tire#.bmd/donkey_tire_all.bti


The tires for DK Jumbo have a blue question mark written with the Impact font, probably as a means to check if this texture area isn't being displayed in-game.

Lap 9 Sign

MKDD Lap9.png

Path: MRAM_Locale.arc/English/MRAMLoc.arc/jugem/jg_board01.bmd/jg_lap.7

An number for the 9th lap. While LAN Mode and the the "VS. Laps" setting in the Options screen do allow for a maximum of 9 laps, the final lap sign is used instead, leaving the 9th lap graphic unused.