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Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle/Unused Textures

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This is a sub-page of Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle.

To do:
There's probably a LOT of unused textures.

Development Capture of Switch Controller Connection UI

To do:
Is this from the early 2017 or 2017 SDK? Check.

The file \moria\baked\art\ui\coliseum\placeholder_joycon_applet.dds in the base game is a texture that has an image of the Nintendo Switch controller connection UI, behind the image is multiple lines of "NX". NX was the codename for Nintendo Switch.

MRKB SwitchControllerConnectionUI Texture.png

Missing Texture Placeholder

The file textures\missing.dds in the base game is a texture to stand in for a missing texture file.

MRKB MissingTexture Texture.png

Unused Bootup Splashes

The file \moria\baked\art\ui\boot\snowdrop.dds in the base game is a texture that is most likely a game bootup splash screen past the main logos, it also has a black background and it's pretty colorful too!

MRKB BootupSplash Texture.png

The file moria\baked\art\ui\boot\nintendo.dds in the base game is a texture of a somewhat poorly drawn Nintendo logo, it also has a white background.

MRKB Unused Nintendo Logo Texture.png

The file moria\baked\art\ui\boot\ubisoft.dds in the base game is a texture of a pretty colorful Ubisoft logo, while a Ubisoft logo was obviously used, this one wasn't, it also has a black background.

MRKB Unused Ubisoft Logo Texture.png

Unused Cursor

The file moria\baked\art\ui\cursors\cursor_default.tga in the base game is a texture of an extremely tiny plunger, most likely a mouse cursor for an internal PC version of the game, the white background is also present!

MRKB Unused Cursor Texture.png

Fake Collision Box

Similar to the missing texture image, there is an icon for a fake collision box present in the file moria/baked/Art/Environments/zPlaceholder/fakecollision_ang_d.dds.

MRKB Fake Collision Box Texture.png


A simple clipart of a slide.

MRKB Slide Texture.png

Tool Icons

A portion of tool icons are mentioned in the fighter settings scripts but they seem to be removed from the final game. Luckily, DLC 4 left a number of them along with five of it's own however the textures are notably extremely small.

MRKB ToolIcon dlc03 opponent spawnpoint bananacage 32.png MRKB ToolIcon opponent spawnpoint boss1 32.png MRKB ToolIcon opponent spawnpoint chomp 32.png MRKB ToolIcon opponent spawnpoint commoner 32.png MRKB ToolIcon opponent spawnpoint dlc03 bananahugger 32.png MRKB ToolIcon opponent spawnpoint dlc03 carrier 32.png MRKB ToolIcon opponent spawnpoint dlc03 midboss1 32.png MRKB ToolIcon opponent spawnpoint dlc03 midboss2 32.png MRKB ToolIcon opponent spawnpoint globetrotter 32.png MRKB ToolIcon opponent spawnpoint hugger 32.png MRKB ToolIcon opponent spawnpoint shielder 32.png MRKB ToolIcon opponent spawnpoint supporter 32.png