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Magnetik Tank

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Title Screen

Magnetik Tank

Developer: Loriciels
Publisher: Loriciels
Platform: Amstrad CPC
Released in EU: 1986

DevMessageIcon.png This game has a hidden developer message.
PiracyIcon.png This game has anti-piracy features.

Developer Message

The original French version of the game has a message sarcastically welcoming pirates hidden in 3273.

Bonjour, Pascal Jarry est content de vous interesser par sa protection. Vous avez 
sans doute remarque qu'une copie de MGT marche pendant 1 minute 30 !!! Alors, 
n'hesitez pas, copiez MGT, et offrez ainsi des versions ESSAI a vos connaissances.
-------> Si vous arrivez a me pirater completement, joignez-moi a Loriciels, votre 
cas m'interesse E N O R M E M E N T ! ! ! ! ! Preuve demandee : le point d'entree 
du soft...... Et maintenant, comme vous savez lire et que j'ai un checksum a 
arrondir, voici quelques octets de plus 
Hello, Pascal Jarry is happy to interest you with his (copy) protection. You will 
probably notice that a copy of MGT will run for 1 minute 30 seconds!!! So then, 
do not hesitate, copy MGT, and thus offer some TEST versions to your acquaintances.
-------> If you can completely pirate me, contact me at Loriciels, your case 
interests me A L O T ! ! ! ! ! Requested proof: the entry point of this 
software...... And now, as you can read and as I have a checksum to round, 
here are some more bytes 


As the above message mentions, the game automatically resets after 90 seconds if the copy protection fails.

(Source: CPC Power)