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Madness Hydraulic

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Title Screen

Madness Hydraulic

Developer: Tom Fulp
Publisher: Newgrounds
Platform: Adobe Flash
Released internationally: September 22, 2010

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.

To do:
  • Unused graphics
  • Unused text

Originally a game mode in Madness Accelerant, Madness Hydraulic is an endless survival game in which Hank must fend off hordes of enemies out to kill him while building up turrets and upgrading his stats.

There are a few leftovers from Madness Regent, but many of those leftovers also exist in Madness Accelerant, so they will not be mentioned here to avoid redundancy. Essentially, if it's a leftover from Accelerant, but not from Regent, then it will be on here.

Unused Graphics


Green Square

MH 801.png

A green square, riveting.

Madness Accelerant Leftovers


MH 170.png MH 176.png

Sprites relating to the chainsaw found in one area in Madness Accelerant, which never appears in this game.


MH 823.png MH 826.png MH 830.png

Graphics relating to advertisements of official Madness Combat merchandise, which surprisingly is nowhere to be found in this game.

Angreh Face

MH 845.png

A classic Newgrounds 'Angreh Face'. This was used in Tricky's health bar in Madness Accelerant, but it isn't used here.

Dented Door

MH 920.png

A dented door, used for when Tricky was breaking through the doors in Madness Accelerant.

Hot Dog

MH HD.png

A hot dog used for healing. As you can heal in between waves via the use of first aid, these go unused.


MA +3.png

Likewise, the +3 graphic that appears when collecting a hot dog also goes unused.

Dancing Grunt

MH dance.png

A dancing grunt.


MA 1269.png MA 1271.png MA 1273.png MH 1275.png

The numbers 1, 2, and 3, as well as a question mark. Used by the agent instructing the grunts in Accelerant.

Grunt Push-Ups

MH pushup.png

A grunt doing push-ups.

Obscured Graphics


MH preload.png

The preloader art is way bigger than what you get to see in-game.


MH area.png

The location the player is in has more details offscreen.

Unused Text

Madness Accelerant Leftovers


This showed up in the previous games after beating the game. As this game has no definitive end, this goes unused.