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Madden NFL Mobile
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Madden NFL Mobile |
Developer: Electronic Arts
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Unused Text
[default] ; GENERAL DummyProperty1 = 1 DummyProperty2 = 2 DummyProperty3 = 3 ; KEYBOARD ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; The Blast virtual key names can be found in header file "Key.h" ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; OS key code to Blast virtual keys. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Maps OS key codes to Blast virtual keys for extra keys not normalized by the OS. ; Some devices provides extra-keys that do not map to any OS virtual key code. For ; example, J2ME only defines few numpad virtual keys. Some J2ME devices has full ; QWERTY keyboards and the letters do not have any OS virtual key mapping. In ; such case, Blast has to provide the correct mapping. ; ; Multiple key codes can map to the same VK. For example if the device sends ; differents key code if the modifier keys are pressed or if the keycode sent ; for the pressed state is different than the keycode sent for the release state. ; ; Format must be: keyCodeValue = virtualKeyName ; ; [devices: HTC544] ; 8234 = kLetterA ; Key code sent when key 'A' is pressed. ; 4328 = kLetterA ; Key code sent when key 'A, is released. ; 3242 = kLetterA ; Key code sent when keys 'Shift' and 'A' are pressed. ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Blast virtual keys meta data for text edition and game help text. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; It is possible to embeds meta data associated with a virtual key. The meta ; data is used for text edition if the OS does not provide proper support. The ; following fields are recongnized. ; ; char: The list of character associated with the key. ; shift: The list of character associated with the key when the shift key is pressed. ; alt: The list of character associated with the key when the alt key is pressed. ; ctrl: The list of character associated with the key when the ctrl key is pressed. ; fn; The list of character associated with the key when the fn key is pressed. ; ; If a value is not defined, the field can be empty, tail values can be ommited. In the ; list, if the key represents a number, it must be first, then letters and finally ; symbols. ; ; Encode any non-ASCII characters using the 16-bits char C++ notation. (\x3AF2) ; ; Format must be: virtualKeyName = char,shift,alt,ctrl,fn ; ; The Blast virtual key names can be found in file "Key.cpp" ; ; [platforms: Win32] ; kDigit2 = 2,",\x010F ; kLetterA = a,A ; ; [devices:VX7000, VX8000, VX8100] ; kNumPad0 = 0 ; kNumpad2 = 2abc,2ABC ; ; [devices:BB8100] ; kLetterQ = qw,QW,! ; kLetterE = 1er,1ER ; kLetterT = 2ty,2TY ; kLetterU = 3ui,3UI ; kLetterO = op,OP,. ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Text referencing to 3 dummy properties.
Debug Mode
package madden.data.debug { import zinc.enum.*; public class DebugCommand extends Object { public var name:String; public var onSetValueCallback:Function; public var onGetValueCallback:Function; public var channel:DebugChannel; public var paramType:ParamType; public var description:String; public var minSliderVal:int; public var maxSliderVal:int; public var refresh:Boolean; public var enum:Class; public function DebugCommand(param1:String, param2:Function, param3:Function, param4:int, param5:int, param6:ParamType = null, param7:DebugChannel = null, param8:String = "", param9:Boolean = false, param10:Class = null) { this.name = param1; this.onGetValueCallback = param2; this.onSetValueCallback = param3; this.paramType = param6; this.channel = param7; this.description = param8; this.minSliderVal = param4; this.maxSliderVal = param5; this.refresh = param9; this.enum = param10; return; }// end function } }
In the swf file, text to a debug mode can be found but cannot be enabled.
private function _setupCommands() : void { this.addCommand("enableCpuBotType", UtilityDebug.setCpuBotType, ParamType.BOOL, DebugChannel.DEFAULT); this.addCommand("enterExhibition", this._enterExhibition, ParamType.NONE, DebugChannel.DEFAULT); this.addCommand("Show Live Events", this._showLiveEvents, ParamType.NONE, DebugChannel.DEFAULT); this.addCommand("dumpMemoryMetrics", UtilityDebug.dumpMemoryMetrics, ParamType.NONE, DebugChannel.DEFAULT); this.addCommand("dumpPerformanceMetrics", UtilityDebug.dumpPerformanceMetrics, ParamType.NONE, DebugChannel.DEFAULT); this.addCommand("toggleMemoryMetricsDisplay", UtilityDebug.toggleMemoryMetricsDisplay, ParamType.BOOL, DebugChannel.DEFAULT, "Enables/disables memory metrics display"); this.addCommand("toggleFPSSnapshot", UtilityDebug.toggleFPSSnapshot, ParamType.BOOL, DebugChannel.DEFAULT, "Begins/stops fps snapshot capture."); this.addCommand("toggleDrawFrameRate", UtilityDebug.toggleDrawFrameRate, ParamType.BOOL, DebugChannel.DEFAULT, "Enables/disables drawing the frame rate"); this.addCommand("deleteCache", UtilityDebug.deleteCache, ParamType.NONE, DebugChannel.DEFAULT, "Deletes all the files from the resource cache"); this.addCommand("addAsVeteran", this._addAsVeteran, ParamType.NONE, DebugChannel.DEFAULT, "Adds this user to the veteran\'s table"); this.addCommand("resetDailyMessageTimestamp", this._resetDailyMessageTimestamp, ParamType.NONE, DebugChannel.DEFAULT, "Clears the timestamp stored for seeing the daily message alert"); this.addCommand("advanceTimeOffset", this._advanceTimeOffset, ParamType.TEXT, DebugChannel.DEFAULT, "Advances server time <n> number of seconds from current offset. Can go backwards, but only if you\'re already in the future."); this.addCommand("advanceUserTimeOffset", this._advanceTimeOffsetForUser, ParamType.TEXT, DebugChannel.DEFAULT, "Advances user time <n> number of seconds from current offset. Can go backwards, but only if you\'re already in the future."); this.addCommand("setTimeOffset", this._setTimeOffset, ParamType.TEXT, DebugChannel.DEFAULT, "Sets the server time offset in seconds to be exactly what you entered. DO NOT enter negative values!"); this.addCommand("setUserTimeOffset", this._setTimeOffsetForUser, ParamType.TEXT, DebugChannel.DEFAULT, "Sets the user time offset in seconds to be exactly what you entered. DO NOT enter negative values!"); this.addCommand("setUserStamina", this._setUserStamina, ParamType.TEXT, DebugChannel.DEFAULT, "Sets the user\'s current stamina. DO NOT enter negative values!"); this.addCommand("setUserLastSeenSystemMessageId", this._setUserLastSeenSystemMessageId, ParamType.TEXT, DebugChannel.DEFAULT, "Sets the user\'s last seen system message id. DO NOT enter negative values!"); this.addCommand("simulateInactiveUser", this._simulateInactiveUser, ParamType.NONE, DebugChannel.DEFAULT, "Simulates an inactive user so that we can recieve an inactive push notification"); this.addCommand("crashActionScript", UtilityDebug.crashActionScript, ParamType.NONE, DebugChannel.DEFAULT, "Simulate a Scaleform Crash"); this.addSliderEntryCommand("Replay Debug Player", GameplayDebug.replayDebugPlayerGet, GameplayDebug.replayDebugPlayerSet, -1, 21, DebugChannel.GAMEPLAY, "The targetted player for debug info (0-10)offense (11-21)defense"); this.addEnumEntryCommand("Replay Debug Mode", GameplayDebug.replayDebugModeGet, GameplayDebug.replayDebugModeSet, DebugMode, DebugChannel.GAMEPLAY); this.addCommand("Allow Game Modifiers", GameplayDebug.toggleAllowGameModifiers, ParamType.BOOL, DebugChannel.GAMEPLAY); this.addCommand("alwaysFumble", GameplayDebug.toggleAlwaysFumble, ParamType.BOOL, DebugChannel.GAMEPLAY, "Enables/disables always fumble modifier"); this.addCommand("alwaysIntercept", GameplayDebug.toggleAlwaysIntercept, ParamType.BOOL, DebugChannel.GAMEPLAY, "Enables/disables always intercept modifier"); this.addTextEntryCommand("Allow Switch Player Button", GameplayDebug.allowSwitchPlayerGet, GameplayDebug.allowSwitchPlayerSet, ParamType.BOOL, DebugChannel.GAMEPLAY, "Allows a button to switch players on defense"); this.addTextEntryCommand("Show Both Team Play Art", GameplayDebug.allPlayArtGet, GameplayDebug.allPlayArtSet, ParamType.BOOL, DebugChannel.GAMEPLAY, "Allows you to see your opponent\'s play when showing playart"); this.addCommand("freezeDefense", GameplayDebug.toggleFreezeDefense, ParamType.BOOL, DebugChannel.GAMEPLAY, "Enables/disables freeze defense system"); this.addCommand("playerNames", GameplayDebug.togglePlayerNames, ParamType.BOOL, DebugChannel.GAMEPLAY, "Enables/disables player name system"); this.addCommand("detReplayRecord", GameplayDebug.toggleDetReplayRecord, ParamType.BOOL, DebugChannel.GAMEPLAY, "Enables deterministic replay recording."); this.addCommand("detReplayPlay", GameplayDebug.toggleDetReplayPlay, ParamType.BOOL, DebugChannel.GAMEPLAY, "Enables deterministic replay playback."); this.addTextEntryCommand("Allow Penalties", GameplayDebug.penaltiesGet, GameplayDebug.penaltiesSet, ParamType.BOOL, DebugChannel.GAMEPLAY, "Enables / Disables penalties"); this.addEnumEntryCommand("Force CPU Difficulty", GameplayDebug.forceCpuDifficultyGet, GameplayDebug.forceCpuDifficultySet, MatchDifficulty, DebugChannel.GAMEPLAY, "Forces cpu difficulty level"); this.addEnumEntryCommand("Force HUMAN Difficulty", GameplayDebug.forceHumanDifficultyGet, GameplayDebug.forceHumanDifficultySet, MatchDifficulty, DebugChannel.GAMEPLAY, "Forces human difficulty level"); this.addCommand("Force Off Play", GameplayDebug.setOffPlay, ParamType.TEXT, DebugChannel.GAMEPLAY); this.addCommand("Force Def Play", GameplayDebug.setDefPlay, ParamType.TEXT, DebugChannel.GAMEPLAY); this.addCommand("Refresh Playbooks", GameplayDebug.refreshPlaybooks, ParamType.NONE, DebugChannel.GAMEPLAY); this.addCommand("Logging", PlayCounterDebug.toggleCounterPlayLogging, ParamType.BOOL, DebugChannel.PLAY_COUNTER, "Generates a results log file"); this.addTextEntryCommand("Opponent Rating", PlayCounterDebug.DefRating_Get, PlayCounterDebug.DefRating_Set, ParamType.TEXT, DebugChannel.PLAY_COUNTER, "Sets the defensive team\'s rating (0-100)"); this.addTextEntryCommand("User Rating", PlayCounterDebug.OffRating_Get, PlayCounterDebug.OffRating_Set, ParamType.TEXT, DebugChannel.PLAY_COUNTER, "Sets the offensive team\'s rating (0-100)"); this.addTextEntryCommand("Opponent Level", PlayCounterDebug.DefLevel_Get, PlayCounterDebug.DefLevel_Set, ParamType.TEXT, DebugChannel.PLAY_COUNTER, "Sets the deffensive team\'s level"); this.addTextEntryCommand("User Level", PlayCounterDebug.OffLevel_Get, PlayCounterDebug.OffLevel_Set, ParamType.TEXT, DebugChannel.PLAY_COUNTER, "Sets the offensive team\'s level"); this.addCommand("Bot Mode", PlayCounterDebug.toggleBotMode, ParamType.BOOL, DebugChannel.PLAY_COUNTER, "Player is a human or false for bot"); this.addCommand("Always Counter", PlayCounterDebug.toggleAlwaysCounter, ParamType.BOOL, DebugChannel.PLAY_COUNTER, "Always call the counter play"); this.addCommand("Enable CP Debug Mode", PlayCounterDebug.togglePlayCounterDebug, ParamType.BOOL, DebugChannel.PLAY_COUNTER, "Enables/Disables play countering debugging"); this.addCommand("Enable Counter Plays", GameplayDebug.toggleCounterPlays, ParamType.BOOL, DebugChannel.PLAY_COUNTER, "Enables/Disables play countering system"); this.addSliderEntryCommand("Play Clock (seconds)", GameScenarioDebug.playClockGet, GameScenarioDebug.playClockSet, 1, 100, DebugChannel.GAME_SCENARIO); this.addSliderEntryCommand("Game Clock (seconds)", GameScenarioDebug.gameClockGet, GameScenarioDebug.gameClockSet, 1, 600, DebugChannel.GAME_SCENARIO); this.addEnumEntryCommand("Quarter", GameScenarioDebug.quarterGet, GameScenarioDebug.quarterSet, QuarterEnum, DebugChannel.GAME_SCENARIO); this.addSliderEntryCommand("Away Score", GameScenarioDebug.awayScoreGet, GameScenarioDebug.awayScoreSet, 0, 200, DebugChannel.GAME_SCENARIO); this.addSliderEntryCommand("Home Score", GameScenarioDebug.homeScoreGet, GameScenarioDebug.homeScoreSet, 0, 200, DebugChannel.GAME_SCENARIO); this.addSliderEntryCommand("Yards To 1st Down", GameScenarioDebug.firstDownGet, GameScenarioDebug.firstDownSet, 1, 100, DebugChannel.GAME_SCENARIO); this.addSliderEntryCommand("LOS", GameScenarioDebug.losGet, GameScenarioDebug.losSet, -50, 50, DebugChannel.GAME_SCENARIO); this.addEnumEntryCommand("Down", GameScenarioDebug.downGet, GameScenarioDebug.downSet, DownEnum, DebugChannel.GAME_SCENARIO); this.addTextEntryCommand("User On Defense", GameScenarioDebug.defenseGet, GameScenarioDebug.defenseSet, ParamType.BOOL, DebugChannel.GAME_SCENARIO, "Should the user be on defense?"); this.addTextEntryCommand("Repeat", GameScenarioDebug.repeatGet, GameScenarioDebug.repeatSet, ParamType.BOOL, DebugChannel.GAME_SCENARIO, "Repeat current scenario"); this.addCommand("Reset Scenario", GameScenarioDebug.reset, ParamType.NONE, DebugChannel.GAME_SCENARIO, "Resets the scenario to the current in game conditions", true); this.addTextEntryCommand("Enable", GameScenarioDebug.enabledGet, GameScenarioDebug.enabledSet, ParamType.BOOL, DebugChannel.GAME_SCENARIO, "Enables the below scenario next play"); this.addTextEntryCommand("setGameSpeedAllMadden", GameConfigDebug.getGameSpeedAllMadden, GameConfigDebug.setGameSpeedAllMadden, ParamType.TEXT, DebugChannel.GAME_CONFIG); this.addTextEntryCommand("setGameSpeedAllPro", GameConfigDebug.getGameSpeedAllPro, GameConfigDebug.setGameSpeedAllPro, ParamType.TEXT, DebugChannel.GAME_CONFIG); this.addTextEntryCommand("setGameSpeedPro", GameConfigDebug.getGameSpeedPro, GameConfigDebug.setGameSpeedPro, ParamType.TEXT, DebugChannel.GAME_CONFIG); this.addTextEntryCommand("setGameSpeedRookie", GameConfigDebug.getGameSpeedRookie, GameConfigDebug.setGameSpeedRookie, ParamType.TEXT, DebugChannel.GAME_CONFIG); this.addTextEntryCommand("setMaxMoveTurnSpeed", GameConfigDebug.getMaxMoveTurnSpeed, GameConfigDebug.setMaxMoveTurnSpeed, ParamType.TEXT, DebugChannel.GAME_CONFIG); this.addTextEntryCommand("setMaxFaceTurnSpeed", GameConfigDebug.getMaxFaceTurnSpeed, GameConfigDebug.setMaxFaceTurnSpeed, ParamType.TEXT, DebugChannel.GAME_CONFIG); this.addTextEntryCommand("setMaxSprintAngle", GameConfigDebug.getMaxSprintAngle, GameConfigDebug.setMaxSprintAngle, ParamType.TEXT, DebugChannel.GAME_CONFIG); this.addTextEntryCommand("snapTimeVariation", GameConfigDebug.getSnapTimeVariation, GameConfigDebug.setSnapTimeVariation, ParamType.TEXT, DebugChannel.GAME_CONFIG); this.addTextEntryCommand("motionSnapTimeBase", GameConfigDebug.getMotionSnapTimeBase, GameConfigDebug.setMotionSnapTimeBase, ParamType.TEXT, DebugChannel.GAME_CONFIG); this.addTextEntryCommand("normalSnapTimeBase", GameConfigDebug.getNormalSnapTimeBase, GameConfigDebug.setNormalSnapTimeBase, ParamType.TEXT, DebugChannel.GAME_CONFIG); this.addCommand("resetAllGameConfigs", GameConfigDebug.resetAllGameConfigs, ParamType.NONE, DebugChannel.GAME_CONFIG); this.addCommand("Crash Native Code", BugSentryDebug.crashInNativeCode, ParamType.NONE, DebugChannel.BUG_SENTRY, "Causes a crash in C++ code to test crash reporting"); this.addCommand("Crash AS3 Code", BugSentryDebug.crashInActionScript, ParamType.NONE, DebugChannel.BUG_SENTRY, "Causes a crash in AS code to test crash reporting"); this.addCommand("Stackoverflow AS3 Code", BugSentryDebug.stackOverflowActionScript, ParamType.NONE, DebugChannel.BUG_SENTRY, "Causes a stack overflow in AS code to test crash reporting"); this.addCommand("Send OS Low Mem Rpt", BugSentryDebug.sendOSLowMemoryReport, ParamType.NONE, DebugChannel.BUG_SENTRY, "Simulates an OS Low Memory alert"); this.addCommand("Send Det Replay Report", BugSentryDebug.sendDetReplayDesyncReport, ParamType.NONE, DebugChannel.BUG_SENTRY, "Sends a det replay desync report"); this.addCommand("Send Heap Overrun Report", BugSentryDebug.sendHeapOverrunReport, ParamType.NONE, DebugChannel.BUG_SENTRY, "Sends a heap overrun report"); this.addCommand("Send Server Session Error", BugSentryDebug.sendServerSessionError, ParamType.NONE, DebugChannel.BUG_SENTRY, "Sends a server session error report"); this.addCommand("Send Boot Session Start", BugSentryDebug.sendBootSessionStart, ParamType.NONE, DebugChannel.BUG_SENTRY, "Sends a boot session start event"); this.addCommand("Send Server Session Start", BugSentryDebug.sendServerSessionStart, ParamType.NONE, DebugChannel.BUG_SENTRY, "Sends a server session start event"); this.addCommand("Send Game Session Start", BugSentryDebug.sendGameSessionStart, ParamType.NONE, DebugChannel.BUG_SENTRY, "Sends a game session start event"); UtilityDebug.addCustomCommands(this); return; }// end function
The Madden series
| |
Genesis | John Madden Football '92 • Madden NFL '94 • Madden NFL '95 • Madden NFL '96 • Madden NFL '97 • Madden NFL '98 |
SNES | John Madden Football • John Madden Football '93 • Madden NFL '94 • Madden NFL '95 • Madden NFL '96 • Madden NFL '97 • Madden NFL '98 |
Nintendo 64 | Madden Football 64 (Prototype) • Madden NFL 99 (Prototype) • Madden NFL 2000 • Madden NFL 2001 • Madden NFL 2002 |
Game Boy (Color) | John Madden Football • Madden '95 • Madden '96 • Madden '97 • Madden NFL 2001 • Madden NFL 2002 |
PlayStation | Madden NFL '96 • Madden NFL '99 • Madden NFL 2000 • Madden NFL 2001 |
Game Boy Advance | Madden NFL 2002 • Madden NFL 2003 • Madden NFL 2004 • Madden NFL '07 |
PlayStation 2, Xbox, GameCube | Madden NFL '08 |
iOS, Android | Madden NFL Mobile |
Windows, PlayStation 4, Xbox One | Madden NFL '19 • Madden NFL '20 |
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- Games released on August 26
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- Games with debugging functions
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- Madden series
Cleanup > Pages missing date references
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Games > Games by content > Games with debugging functions
Games > Games by content > Games with hidden development-related text
Games > Games by content > Games with unused text
Games > Games by developer > Games developed by Electronic Arts
Games > Games by platform > Android games
Games > Games by platform > IOS games
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Electronic Arts > Games published by EA Games
Games > Games by release date > Games released in 2014
Games > Games by release date > Games released in August
Games > Games by release date > Games released in August > Games released on August 26
Games > Games by series > Madden series