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Long Live The Queen

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Title Screen

Long Live The Queen

Developers: Hanako Games, Spiky Caterpillar
Publisher: Hanako Games
Platforms: Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
Released internationally: June 2, 2012

CodeIcon.png This game has unused code.

So very stubbly.
This page is rather stubbly and could use some expansion.
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Long Live The Queen is a raising sim where you prepare a princess to become queen. And watch her die in the process. And watch her die again. And again. And again. And ag--

Easter Egg

At line #159 in outfit.rpyc is code for some sort of Easter egg, but it seems to be inaccessible without the developer console.

label show_princess_EASTEREGG:
    show expression PrincessSprite(mood,height=600):
        xalign .5
        ypos 600
        yanchor 100
        ease 1.0 yanchor 400
        pause .1
        ease .5 yanchor 50
        pause 3.0
        ease 4.0 yanchor 600
        pause .2
        pause .2
        xpos 512
        linear .5 xpos -200

Unused Outfits

outfit.rpyc also contains some references to two unobtainable outfits that appear to be Homestuck references, of all things! No graphics for them exist in the game's files, though.


(under "princess_outfitpos")


(under "princess_outfitsize")

princess_outfit_overlay = dict(jade='glasses',history='history-glasses',
    princess_outfit_overlaypos = dict(
        "Wide Test Outfit" if 'Tavros' in unlocked_outfits:
            $ current_outfit = 'tavros'
        "Science!" if 'Jade' in unlocked_outfits:
            $ current_outfit = 'jade'

Early Dossier

dossiers.rpyc contains an unused copy of Corisande's dossier code, seemingly an earlier version given the name. It has the same text as the final version, but with a few formatting differences.

screen relationship_Corisande_OLD:
    vbox style style.relportraitbox:
        window style style.relportraitframe left_padding 8:
            add 'corisande_dossier_head'
        text _('Corisande') style style.relportraitname
    null width 15
    vbox style style.relfluffblock xpos 405 ypos 198 yanchor 0.5 xmaximum 484:
        text _('Duchess of Mead') style style.relstat
        text _('Age 36') style style.relstat
        null height 15
        if arisse_alive():
            text _('{b}Mother{/b}: Arisse, Duchess of Lillah') style style.relstat
            text _('{b}Mother{/b}: Arisse, Duchess of Lillah (deceased)') style style.relstat
        text _('{b}Father{/b}: Nalin, Duke of Mead (deceased)') style style.relstat
        text _('{b}Brother{/b}: Kevan, Earl of Io') style style.relstat
        if flags.get('week7_ursul', '') != 'ignatius':
            text _('{b}Husband{/b}: Ignatius, Duke-Consort of Mead') style style.relstat
            text _('{b}Husband{/b}: Ignatius, Duke of Ursul') style style.relstat
        text _('{b}Sister{/b}: Charmion, Duchess-Consort of Kigal') style style.relstat
        text _('{b}Daughter{/b}: Briony, Lady Mead, age 16') style style.relstat
        text _('{b}Son{/b}: Noll, age 8') style style.relstat
        null height 15
        text _('Her elder half-brother Hyacinth was Duke of Mead before her, but Hyacinth died without heirs.') style style.relstat
        if internal_affairs_ >= 30:
            text _("Before his death, Hyacinth was scandalously involved with Paulus, the old Duke of Ursul - Ignatius' father!") style style.relstat
            if internal_affairs_ >= 100:
                text _("Hyacinth's death was under mysterious circumstances and may have been suicide or murder.") style style.relstat
            if internal_affairs_ >= 90:
                text _('Her brother Kevan lives with her.') style style.relstat